Status codes

Each time any error occurs, as part of the response you’ll find a error code (in addition to the corresponding HTTP status code). Find below the list of error codes and descriptions:

Domain and scope error codes

Error code Status code Message
2000 400 Domain not valid
2010 400 Scope not valid

API key error codes

Error code Status code Message
2100 401 The API key is expired. Please, refresh the API key and try the operation again
2105 401 The API key is not valid
2110 403 The API key is not allowed for this operation
2115 401 The API key was revoked
2120 401 The API key was soft locked temporarily. Please, renew the secret to unlock the API key
2125 401 The API key was hard locked. Please, contact with support to unlock the API key

Developer error codes

Error code Status code Message
2200 400 A developer with the specified email already exists
2205 404 Developer not found
2210 400 An application with the specified name already exists
2215 404 Application not found
2220 400 Unable to update the application. At least a passcode was found

Passcode error codes

Error code Status code Message
2300 404 Passcode not found
2305 400 The passcode has expired
2310 400 The passcode has been revoked
2315 400 The passcode has not been yet consented
2320 400 Given passcode has already been consented

File error codes

Error code Status code Message
2400 423 Unable to post a new file. A previous file with the same domain and scope is being processed
2405 423 Unable to post a new file. A previous file with the same domain and scope is in quarantine
2410 404 The file was not found
2415 400 Unable to process the operation in the current file state
2420 410 The file has not been uploaded yet or the content is empty
2425 413 The file size exceeds the size allowed by the server
2430 400 Unable to complete file upload. File format not allowed
2435 404 No available or in-process file was found for the specified domain and scope

Server error codes

Error code Status code Message
2500 500 An unexpected error has occurred while sending the confirmation email
2505 408 The server didn’t receive a timely response from the licensing server
2510 429 Too many requests

Tracking error codes

Error code Status code Message
2700 404 Tracking not found

Refresh Secret error codes

Error code Status code Message
2800 400 Unable to update the secret. The initial API key is not valid
2805 400 Unable to update the secret. The specified context is not valid
2810 400 Unable to update the secret. The secret is not valid, the API key was hard locked. Please, contact with support to unlock the API key
2815 401 The API key was hard locked
2820 401 The API key was revoked

Refresh API key error codes

Error code Status code Message
2900 400 Unable to refresh the API key. The initial API key is not valid
2905 400 Unable to refresh the API key. The secret is not valid
2910 409 The API key was soft locked temporarily. Please, renew the secret to unlock the API key
2915 401 The API key was hard locked. Please contact with support to unlock the API key
2920 401 The API key was revoked

Security error codes

Error code Status code Message
4000 400 The token ‘XXX’ is not valid
4005 500 There was an error trying to validate the captcha
4010 400 Captcha value not valid

Generic error codes

Error code Status code Message
5000 500 An unexpected error has occurred while processing the request
5001 400 The HTTP header ‘XXX’ was not found
5002 400 The message received may vary. Anyway, a descriptive message with the result of the validation of the body will be given
5003 403 SSL required
5004 400 The query parameter ‘XXX’ was not found
5005 400 Invalid query parameter (XXX). Allowed values are: A,B,C
5006 400 Invalid HTTP header (XXX). Allowed values are: A,B,C

Cache error codes

Error code Status code Message
6000 400 The key ‘XXX’was not found in the cache

Other error codes

Error code Status code Message
9999 501 The operation is not implemented

Notification information

Some operations described in the API reference section that end with a notification that the platform will send to the other side. All notifications are given following the format below:

    "type": "NOTIFICATION TYPE",

In this section, you could find the payload and details that will come with each notification.

Passcode revoke operations

Tracking file operations

File upload operations