This topic provides information about how you can integrate your solution using the Connected Cloud API

Domain information

The domain name that should be used to register an application using this solution is: comp-nominalv1.

Download JSON schemas

Data Contracts


Company setting Sage data delivery

Property Type Required Description
companyId string Yes Unique identifier of the company
name string No Company name
address1 string No Company street address 1
address2 string No Company street address 2
city string No Company town address
state string No Company county address
postCode string No Company post code address
country string Yes Company country code
telephone string No Company telephone
vatRegistrationNumber string No Company VAT registration number
lastBackupDate string No Date of when last backup was taken
lastRestoreDate string No Date of when last restore was taken
lastCheckDataDate string No Date of when last check data was run
lastCheckDataErrors integer No Number of errors from last check data run
lastCheckDataWarnings integer No Number of warnings from last check data run
lastCheckDataComments integer No Number of comments from last check data run
variant string Yes Program type
gocardlessState boolean Yes Enabled state of the GoCardless feature
invoicePaymentsState boolean Yes Enabled state of the Invoice Payments feature
sagePaymentsState boolean Yes Enabled state of the Sage Payments feature
sagePayState boolean Yes Enabled state of the Sage Pay feature
bankFeedsState boolean Yes If the company has at least one bank with Bank Feeds enabled
cisState boolean Yes If the company CIS V1 or V2 enabled
charityState boolean Yes If the company has charity settings enabled
eBankingState boolean Yes If the company has E-Banking enabled
mtdForVATState boolean Yes If the company has MTD for VAT enabled
office365State boolean Yes If the company has Office 365 integration enabled
timestamp string Yes Timestamp of the last update of the company setting (UTC format)


Company financial setting Sage data delivery

Property Type Required Description
companyId string Yes Unique identifier of the customer
financialYearStartMonth string Yes Financial year start month of company
financialYear string Yes Financial year of company
lockDate string No Lock date set for company
vatScheme string Yes VAT scheme set for company
lastMonthEndDate string No Date of last month end run
lastClearAuditTrailDate string No Date of last clear audit trail run
numberOfTransactions integer No Number of transactions
lastTransactionDate string No The date of the latest transaction
lastTransactionNumber integer No The unique number of the last transaction
lastVATSubmissionDate string No Date of last VAT submission
lastCISSubmissionDate string No Date of last CIS submission
timestamp string Yes Timestamp of the last update of the financial setting (UTC format)


COA category Sage data delivery

Property Type Required Description
id string Yes Unique identifier for category
category string No Category description
description string No Sub category description
lowNominal string Yes Low nominal range
highNominal string Yes High nominal range
timestamp string Yes Timestamp of the last update of the COA category (UTC format)


Control account Sage data delivery

Property Type Required Description
id string Yes Unique identifier for control account
name string Yes Name for control account
nominalCode string Yes Nominal code of control account
timestamp string Yes Timestamp of the last update of the control account (UTC format)


Monthly balances and budgets for a nominal account Sage data delivery

Property Type Required Description
id string Yes Unique identifier of the nominal account
nominalCode string Yes Code of the nominal account
description string No Name of the nominal account
balance number Yes Balance of the nominal account
broughtForwardBalance number Yes Brought forward nominal account balance
month1Balance number Yes Month 1 nominal account balance
month2Balance number Yes Month 2 nominal account balance
month3Balance number Yes Month 3 nominal account balance
month4Balance number Yes Month 4 nominal account balance
month5Balance number Yes Month 5 nominal account balance
month6Balance number Yes Month 6 nominal account balance
month7Balance number Yes Month 7 nominal account balance
month8Balance number Yes Month 8 nominal account balance
month9Balance number Yes Month 9 nominal account balance
month10Balance number Yes Month 10 nominal account balance
month11Balance number Yes Month 11 nominal account balance
month12Balance number Yes Month 12 nominal account balance
futureBalance number Yes Future nominal account balance
month1Budget number Yes Month 1 nominal account budget
month2Budget number Yes Month 2 nominal account budget
month3Budget number Yes Month 3 nominal account budget
month4Budget number Yes Month 4 nominal account budget
month5Budget number Yes Month 5 nominal account budget
month6Budget number Yes Month 6 nominal account budget
month7Budget number Yes Month 7 nominal account budget
month8Budget number Yes Month 8 nominal account budget
month9Budget number Yes Month 9 nominal account budget
month10Budget number Yes Month 10 nominal account budget
month11Budget number Yes Month 11 nominal account budget
month12Budget number Yes Month 12 nominal account budget
priorYearMonth1Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 1 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth2Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 2 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth3Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 3 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth4Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 4 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth5Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 5 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth6Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 6 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth7Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 7 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth8Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 8 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth9Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 9 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth10Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 10 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth11Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 11 nominal account balance
priorYearMonth12Balance number Yes Prior Year Month 12 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month1Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 1 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month2Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 2 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month3Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 3 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month4Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 4 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month5Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 5 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month6Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 6 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month7Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 7 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month8Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 8 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month9Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 9 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month10Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 10 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month11Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 11 nominal account balance
priorYear2Month12Balance number Yes Prior Year 2 Month 12 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month1Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 1 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month2Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 2 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month3Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 3 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month4Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 4 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month5Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 5 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month6Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 6 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month7Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 7 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month8Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 8 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month9Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 9 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month10Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 10 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month11Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 11 nominal account balance
priorYear3Month12Balance number Yes Prior Year 3 Month 12 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month1Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 1 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month2Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 2 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month3Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 3 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month4Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 4 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month5Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 5 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month6Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 6 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month7Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 7 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month8Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 8 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month9Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 9 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month10Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 10 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month11Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 11 nominal account balance
priorYear4Month12Balance number Yes Prior Year 4 Month 12 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month1Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 1 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month2Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 2 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month3Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 3 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month4Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 4 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month5Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 5 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month6Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 6 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month7Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 7 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month8Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 8 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month9Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 9 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month10Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 10 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month11Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 11 nominal account balance
priorYear5Month12Balance number Yes Prior Year 5 Month 12 nominal account balance
timestamp string Yes Timestamp of the last update of the nominal account (UTC format)

Supported Regions