openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: Sage Intacct REST API description: Combined schema file for all Early Adopter objects. version: '1.0' servers: - url: description: Early Adopter tags: - name: Accounts_Payable_Account labels description: >- Account labels give accounts more descriptive names that are displayed anywhere the accounts are referenced in the product and in reports. Account labels is an optional feature that must be enabled when configuring Accounts Payable. x-displayName: Account labels - name: Accounts_Payable_Adjustment lines description: >- Line items in an adjustment represent transactions captured in that adjustment.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Adjustment lines - name: Accounts_Payable_Adjustment summaries description: >- Adjustment summaries are collections of similar transactions grouped together for streamlined processing in Accounts Payable.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Adjustment summaries - name: Accounts_Payable_Adjustment tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, adjustment line items will have tax entries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Adjustment tax entries - name: Accounts_Payable_Adjustments description: >- Adjustments allow you to modify the amount owed to a vendor, either increasing or decreasing it as necessary.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Adjustments - name: Accounts_Payable_Advance lines description: >- Line items in an advance represent transactions such as down payments or deposits.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Advance lines - name: Accounts_Payable_Advances description: >- Advances allow you to make a payment to a vendor in advance of receiving a bill. For example, if a vendor requires an up-front deposit, create an advance payment and post it to an established prepayment account.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Advances - name: Accounts_Payable_Bill lines description: >- Line items in a bill represent charges for purchased items or services.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bill lines - name: Accounts_Payable_Bill summaries description: >- Bill summaries are collections of the same type of transactions, grouped together for processing.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bill summaries - name: Accounts_Payable_Bill tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, bill line items will have tax entries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bill tax entries - name: Accounts_Payable_Bills description: >- An AP bill is a statement of charges for money owed to a vendor for goods or services. After creating a bill, you can move it along the normal Accounts Payable (AP) workflow. For example, that might mean approving the bill, creating a payment request for the bill, and paying the bill. For more information about bills, see [Bill basics]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bills - name: Accounts_Payable_Joint payees description: >- The joint payee object tracks AP bills and joint payees to allow for joint check payments. Construction subscription is needed. See [Joint check basics]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Joint payees - name: Accounts_Payable_Payment details description: >- A payment detail object includes a bill or adjustment credit memo to pay and optional transactions to apply as credits. AP payment detail is an owned object of [AP payment](/openapi/ap/accounts-payable.payment/tag/Payments).
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Payment details - name: Accounts_Payable_Payment lines description: >- Payment line items represent entries in a payment object. AP payment line is an owned object of [AP payment](/openapi/ap/accounts-payable.payment/tag/Payments).
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Payment lines - name: Accounts_Payable_Payments description: >- A payment is a transaction that records a payment against a bill or adjustment. The payment object gives you access to payment details for each payment entry. For example, you can apply line level credits/discounts to a payment entry through one or more [payment detail objects](/openapi/ap/accounts-payable.payment-detail/tag/Payment-details).
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Payments - name: Accounts_Payable_Summaries description: >- Summaries are collections of the same type of transactions grouped together for processing. To learn more, see [Accounts Payable summary overview]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center. x-displayName: Summaries - name: Accounts_Payable_Terms description: >- An Accounts Payable term is a rule that a vendor establishes for extending credit to your company. Terms can be associated with transactions or with specific vendors. x-displayName: Terms - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendor account groups description: >- Account groups are the basis of financial reports. Every account must be part of an account group so that its data is included in balance sheets, income statements, and other financial reports.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Vendor account groups - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendor account numbers description: >- The account number a vendor assigns to you. For example, a telephone company might assign your phone number as your vendor account number. This helps the vendor to match the payment information with the bill being paid.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Vendor account numbers - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendor bank file setups description: >- A bank file enables electronic payments to be made to vendors using a local bank file format. Bank files are standard files used by banks to make multiple payments.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Vendor bank file setups - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendor contacts description: >- Contact information for a vendor.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Vendor contacts - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendor email templates description: >- Vendor email templates are an efficient way to automate sending document attachments with a standard message to multiple vendors.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Vendor email templates - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendor payment providers description: > Models a payment provider associated with a vendor. You can link a vendor with a payment provider using the create and update operations for this object. Payment provider services, like Vendor Payments powered by CSI, are only for US vendors accepting USD. See [Compare payment methods]( for more information. x-displayName: Vendor payment providers - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendor types description: > Vendor types organize vendors into categories that are used for reporting. To share vendor types across entities, create vendor types at the top level. Creating vendor types in an entity restricts them to that entity. For more information, see [Vendor types]( x-displayName: Vendor types - name: Accounts_Payable_Vendors description: > Vendors are individuals or companies that you pay for goods and services. When you create a vendor, you provide a name and a unique identifier (unless the company is configured to auto-generate identifiers). You can also designate a credit limit, set a payment priority, establish the payment method for this vendor, and so forth. x-displayName: Vendors - name: Accounts_Receivable_Account labels description: > Account labels give accounts more descriptive names that are displayed anywhere the accounts are referenced in the product and in reports. Account labels is an optional feature that must be turned on in Accounts Receivable. See [Enable functionality]( for more information. x-displayName: Account labels - name: Accounts_Receivable_Adjustment lines description: >- Line items in an adjustment represent debits or credits to modify the amount owed by a customer. x-displayName: Adjustment lines - name: Accounts_Receivable_Adjustment tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, adjustment line items will have tax entries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Adjustment tax entries - name: Accounts_Receivable_Adjustments description: >- An adjustment is a transaction that applies a credit or debit in order to modify the amount owed by a customer. x-displayName: Adjustments - name: Accounts_Receivable_Advance lines description: >- An advance line item is associated with a particular advance. Each advance can have any number of line items.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Advance lines - name: Accounts_Receivable_Advances description: >- Advances record an advance payment from a customer before creating an invoice, for example, when a customer provides a retainer.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Advances - name: Accounts_Receivable_Billback template lines description: >- Line items for a bill back template.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Billback template lines - name: Accounts_Receivable_Billback templates description: >- Create a bill back template for each recurring bill back transaction. The template provides line item information needed in the bill back transaction, including invoice line items and corresponding line items in the system-generated bill.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Billback templates - name: Accounts_Receivable_Customer account groups description: >- Organize customers into account groups to simplify reporting.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Customer account groups - name: Accounts_Receivable_Customer contacts description: >- Contact information for a customer.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Customer contacts - name: Accounts_Receivable_Customer email templates description: >- Customer email templates can be used to standardize messages sent to multiple customers.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Customer email templates - name: Accounts_Receivable_Customer item cross references description: >- Customer item cross references match the customer identifier for an item to the item ID your company uses, which makes transaction entry easier and more robust.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Customer item cross references - name: Accounts_Receivable_Customer messages description: >- This object represents a message associated with a customer.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Customer messages - name: Accounts_Receivable_Customer types description: >- Customer types provide a way to group customers into categories, such as reseller and end user. Setting up meaningful customer types streamlines management and analysis of customer information. x-displayName: Customer types - name: Accounts_Receivable_Customers description: > A customer is any company to which you sell goods and services. Sage Intacct applications use the customer information for record-keeping purposes, printing the names and addresses on forms, such as invoices, and for determining the ship-to contact so tax can be computed. x-displayName: Customers - name: Accounts_Receivable_Invoice lines description: Line items in an invoice represent transactions captured in that invoice. x-displayName: Invoice lines - name: Accounts_Receivable_Invoice summaries description: >- Invoice summaries are collections of the same type of transactions grouped together for processing. AR invoice summaries can be either open or closed. Invoices can be added to open summaries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Invoice summaries - name: Accounts_Receivable_Invoice tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, invoice line items will have tax entries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Invoice tax entries - name: Accounts_Receivable_Invoices description: >- An invoice object represents an invoice sent to a customer for goods or services provided. x-displayName: Invoices - name: Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoice lines description: >- Line items in a recurring invoice represent transactions captured in that recurring invoice. x-displayName: Recurring invoice lines - name: Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoice tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, recurring invoice line items will have tax entries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Recurring invoice tax entries - name: Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoices description: >- Recurring invoices are invoices that repeat at periods and durations that you define in the recurrence schedule. x-displayName: Recurring invoices - name: Accounts_Receivable_Revenue recognition templates description: >- Revenue recognition templates define how to amortize deferred revenue. Each template is associated with an Accounts Receivable label or Order Entry Item GL group.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Revenue recognition templates - name: Accounts_Receivable_Shipping methods description: >- A shipping method is a specific way to transport goods, such as UPS or FedEx.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Shipping methods - name: Accounts_Receivable_Summaries description: >- Summaries are collections of the same type of transactions, grouped together for processing. Summaries can be either opened or closed. Invoices, adjustments, and deposits can be added to open summaries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Summaries - name: Accounts_Receivable_Terms description: >- Accounts Receivable (AR) terms are the rules a company establishes for extending credit to customers. Terms can be associated with AR transactions and with customers.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Terms - name: Accounts_Receivable_Territories description: >- Territories are optionally included in customer records and are used with Accounts Receivable reports. They can be useful for filtering and categorizing data, assuming your company has multiple territories.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Territories - name: Cash_Management_Bank accounts description: >- This object provides information about a bank account, which can be a checking, savings, or a credit card account.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bank accounts - name: Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule filter attributes description: >- This object contains filter attributes used in bank transaction rules.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bank transaction rule filter attributes - name: Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule group attributes description: >- This object contains group attributes used in bank transaction rules.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bank transaction rule group attributes - name: Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule maps description: >- A bank transaction rule map is used to map a bank transaction rule to a rule set.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bank transaction rule maps - name: Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule match attributes description: >- Matching rules determine how to automatically match transactions from a bank feed or import file for reconciliation.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bank transaction rule match attributes - name: Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule sets description: >- A rule set acts as a container for matching and creating rules. The rules determine how to match incoming bank transactions or create new transactions for reconciliation in Sage Intacct. x-displayName: Bank transaction rule sets - name: Cash_Management_Bank transaction rules description: >- Bank transaction rules define whether to match or create Sage Intacct transactions when processing incoming bank transactions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Bank transaction rules - name: Cash_Management_Checking accounts description: >- A checking account object models a real-world checking account at a bank and supports checking account reconciliation.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Checking accounts - name: Cash_Management_Credit card accounts description: > Sage Intacct defines credit card accounts as including both credit cards and debit cards. In Accounts Payable, there's a difference between the two. * A credit card is a cash account that's related to a credit card vendor. The credit card account in Sage Intacct represents the actual credit card in the real world. Record charges made on this card in the Cash Management application. * A debit card is associated with a checking account and is another way to debit that account. When a debit card charge is recorded, the bank account is debited and the transaction is final. Although treated differently in Accounts Payable, credit and debit cards are treated the same way in Accounts Receivable. A customer payment made with either type of credit card debits that customer account and deposits the payment into your account. x-displayName: Credit card accounts - name: Cash_Management_Credit card transaction line templates description: >- Template for credit card transaction lines.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Credit card transaction line templates - name: Cash_Management_Credit card transaction tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, the credit card transaction line item will have tax entries. Providing multiple entries is allowed if the tax solution supports it (AU, GB, FR). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Credit card transaction tax entries - name: Cash_Management_Credit card transaction templates description: >- If using a creation rule for reconciliation, the rule needs to have a transaction template. Transaction templates define how to create new transactions in Sage Intacct based on bank data from an import file or bank feed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Credit card transaction templates - name: Cash_Management_Credit card transactions description: >- Transaction record for charges against credit and debit cards.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Credit card transactions - name: Cash_Management_Deposit details description: >- Line items in a deposit represent payments received from customers.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Deposit details - name: Cash_Management_Deposit lines description: Line items in a deposit represent payments received from customers. x-displayName: Deposit lines - name: Cash_Management_Deposits description: > Transaction record for a deposit. A deposit captures the transfer of funds from a company's undeposited funds account to a bank account when collected and held payments are moved to a bank. To record a deposit, the payment must already be received against an undeposited funds account. For more information, see [About deposits]( x-displayName: Deposits - name: Cash_Management_Financial institutions description: >- A financial institution serves as an umbrella object for bank accounts that use the same sign-in process to connect to bank feeds.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Financial institutions - name: Cash_Management_Journal entry line templates description: >- Template for journal entry lines.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Journal entry line templates - name: Cash_Management_Journal entry templates description: >- If using a creation rule for reconciliation, the rule needs to have a transaction template. Transaction templates define how to create new transactions in Sage Intacct based on bank data from an import file or bank feed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Journal entry templates - name: Cash_Management_Other receipts lines description: >- Line items in an other receipts object represent transactions that are not associated with a customer or invoice.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Other receipts lines - name: Cash_Management_Other receipt tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, other receipt line items will have tax entries. Providing multiple entries is allowed if the tax solution supports it (AU, GB, FR). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Other receipt tax entries - name: Cash_Management_Other receipts description: >- Other receipts are receipts that are not associated with a customer or invoice. Other receipts can include cash, a card charge, a cash transfer, or a check payment.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Other receipts - name: Cash_Management_Payment provider bank accounts description: >- Models the bank accounts associated with a payment provider for electronic payments. After the subscription status for a payment provider is Subscribed, you can add bank accounts for that payment provider. Subscribed status is set after your company's application has been received by the payment provider and all required paperwork has been signed. Payment provider services, like Vendor Payments powered by CSI, are only for US vendors accepting USD. See [Compare payment methods]( for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Payment provider bank accounts - name: Cash_Management_Payment providers description: > Provides information about subscribed payment providers. For example, if an account includes a subscription to Vendor Payments powered by CSI, you can use these operations to retrieve information for that payment provider. Payment provider services, like Vendor Payments powered by CSI, are only for US vendors accepting USD. See [Compare payment methods]( for more information. x-displayName: Payment providers - name: Cash_Management_Provider payment methods description: >- Provides relevant information for a subscribed payment provider's supported payment methods. After confirming a payment provider's information, you can associate a vendor and a bank account with that payment provider. See [Payment provider bank accounts](/openapi/cm/payment-provider-bank-account/tag/Payment-provider-bank-accounts/#tag/Payment-provider-bank-accounts) and [Vendor payment providers](/openapi/ap/vendor-payment-provider/tag/Vendor-payment-providers/#tag/Vendor-payment-providers) to learn more. Payment provider services, like Vendor Payments powered by CSI, are only for US vendors accepting USD. See [Compare payment methods]( for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Provider payment methods - name: Cash_Management_Savings accounts description: >- Provides the relevant information for a savings account, including account ID, number, and so on.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Savings accounts - name: Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entity groups description: >- A collection of associated entities that form a reporting group. For example, entities E200 and E500 may be associated with the parent entity E100.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Affiliate entity groups - name: Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entities description: >- Affiliate entities are associated entities defined within your Sage Intacct company. Use an affiliate entity to tag the related entity in a transaction. Tagging affiliate entities in transactions enables more detailed reporting. Affiliate entity is a standard dimension based on the list of entities in your Sage Intacct company. Because it's based on the entities in your company, the affiliate entity dimension is read-only.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Affiliate entities - name: Company_and_Configuration_Attachments description: >- An attachment object contains an array of one more or more files that are stored in Sage Intacct. You can attach multiple files of any type to a transaction using an attachment, such as scanned images, spreadsheets, and word-processor documents. For example, you might add ten scanned images to a single attachment for a bill. It's important to note that each transaction or record can only have one attachment assigned to it. After you add an attachment, you can add or delete individual files to and from the attachment, ensuring your supporting documents are always up-to-date. All attachments are stored in attachment [folders](/openapi/co/company-config.folder/tag/Attachment-folders).
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Attachments - name: Company_and_Configuration_Classes description: >- [Class]( is a flexible [dimension]( that can be defined in a company and used to track just about anything. You can rename the class dimension and add custom fields if needed, and then select a class and provide values for the fields in applicable transactions. You can use the data to create custom reports that provide important business insights. Note that renaming the class dimension in the UI does not change the name of this object in the API. You still use `class` in API requests. x-displayName: Classes - name: Company_and_Configuration_Contacts description: >- Contacts serve as a common, shared address book that's used across a company by many people for a variety of purposes. Contacts hold all the information needed to contact an individual or business, including name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and more. Contacts are almost always used with other Sage Intacct objects, such as vendors, customers, or locations. For example, you specify a contact in Order Entry and Purchasing transactions to set a ship-to, bill-to, pay-to, or return-to addresses, and to determine tax on transactions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Contacts - name: Company_and_Configuration_Departments description: >- Department is an optional [dimension]( that can be used for tagging, filtering, and categorizing data in many areas of Sage Intacct. The list of departments is shared by all entities in a company. Users can be restricted to only work with and see specific departments, which might affect what data they can see in reports, transactions, and other data records. You can create a hierarchy of departments to reflect how departments are organized within a company. To set up a hierarchy, create the parent departments first and then specify a parent department when adding child departments. x-displayName: Departments - name: Company_and_Configuration_Document sequence rollovers description: >- The document sequence rollover configuration holds the next number or alpha values used to generate sequences for each fiscal year. When rollover is enabled for a document sequence, a restart of the document sequence is initiated for each fiscal year. If the configuration for a fiscal year is missing, it is automatically generated by the system when the first sequence is generated. When the system generates a configuration, the next number or alpha values from the base start values are used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document sequence rollovers - name: Company_and_Configuration_Document sequences description: >- Use document sequencing to generate new IDs automatically for common transactions and records, such as new customers, vendors, invoices, and more. For example, you can create a document sequence for invoices. This new sequence automatically creates a new ID, such as 'INV-0100' and increments the number each time a new invoice is created. x-displayName: Document sequences - name: Company_and_Configuration_Earning types description: >- Earning types are a key component in configuring the system to post project labor costs to one or more General Ledger journals. After creating earning types, they must be assigned to employees before the system can begin posting labor costs to a General Ledger journal.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Earning types - name: Company_and_Configuration_Email templates description: >- Use email templates to organize email content and add style to make emails stand out to your customers and vendors. Create a variety of email templates to use for different types of transactions, different vendors, or different customers. You can add merge fields to populate emails with dynamic data from Sage Intacct, such as the vendor name, contact information, and so on.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Email templates - name: Company_and_Configuration_Employee bank file setups description: >- A bank file enables electronic payments to be made to employees using a local bank file format. Bank files are standard files used by banks to make multiple payments.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Employee bank file setups - name: Company_and_Configuration_Employee rates description: >- The employee rate object provides information about compensation for a specified employee and date range. The rate can be either hourly or annual. x-displayName: Employee rates - name: Company_and_Configuration_Employee types description: > An employee type is a user-defined or default type for an employee, usually related to payroll requirements. Examples include full time, part time, intern, and so forth. x-displayName: Employee types - name: Company_and_Configuration_Employees description: >- An employee is a resource that executes work for a company and is associated with a financial transaction such as a timesheet entry or expense transaction. If the employee is also a user in Sage Intacct (which is required if they will be entering Time & Expenses), the employee and user must be associated with the same Sage Intacct contact. x-displayName: Employees - name: Company_and_Configuration_Entities description: >- In a multi-entity shared company, entities represent a separate tax identification or a separately secured, fully balancing set of books. Entities typically represent divisions, franchises, affiliates, associations, locations, chapters, self-balancing funds or subsidiaries, with a shared chart of accounts.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Entities - name: Company_and_Configuration_Exchange rate lines description: >- Exchange rate line items represent entries in an exchange rate object.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Exchange rate lines - name: Company_and_Configuration_Exchange rate types description: >- An exchange rate type enables your organization to process foreign currency transactions, such as foreign currency invoices and bills, using exchange rates specific to your business requirements. You can use a custom exchange rate type for global consolidation, or to override the standard Intacct daily rate type. See [Exchange rate types]( for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Exchange rate types - name: Company_and_Configuration_Exchange rates description: >- Exchange Rate.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Exchange rates - name: Company_and_Configuration_Files description: >- A file object represents a digital file in an attachment. All file operations are done through `POST` and `PATCH` requests to the containing attachment objects.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Files - name: Company_and_Configuration_Attachment folders description: >- Folders are used to store [attachments](/openapi/co/company-config.attachment/tag/Attachments) for easy grouping. For example, you can create an attachment folder for a project and store every supporting document for the project in that folder. Attachment folders can be nested. The folder hierarchy can be as broad or deep as needed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Attachment folders - name: Company_and_Configuration_Locations description: > Location is a [dimension]( that is used to represent the geographic locations of offices or facilities, or to represent divisions in a company. Once you have defined some locations, you can set locations on transactions, and that information can be used to provide new insights in reports. You can create a hierarchy of locations to reflect how locations are organized within your company. x-displayName: Locations - name: Company_and_Configuration_Permissions description: >- Each specific role is associated with particular modules, and each module contains multiple permissions. When assigning a permission to a specific role, there is validation that ensures that the specified permissions are allowed for the role.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Permissions - name: Company_and_Configuration_Role permission assignments description: >- This object shows permission-to-role relationships and access rights for each specific permission.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Role permission assignments - name: Company_and_Configuration_Role user group maps description: >- This object provides information about the roles assigned to user groups.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Role user group maps - name: Company_and_Configuration_Role user maps description: >- This object provides information about the roles assigned to users.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Role user maps - name: Company_and_Configuration_Roles description: >- Roles can be defined for various job functions. Permissions to perform certain tasks can be assigned to specific roles, and roles can then be assigned to users or user groups.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Roles - name: Company_and_Configuration_User groups description: >- User groups help you manage the permissions and access of users that have the same roles or responsibilities. After you add a user to a user group, they automatically inherit all permissions and access assigned to that user group.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: User groups - name: Company_and_Configuration_Users description: >- Users are individuals who have access to some part of Sage Intacct. Most users are employees, but users might also be outside the company, such as accountants, attorneys, bankers, vendors, customers, or auditors.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Users - name: Construction_Accumulation types description: >- Accumulation types let construction companies report on transaction costs across cost types. An accumulation type is typically specified at the level of the standard cost type, but it can also be provided when creating an individual cost type.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Accumulation types - name: Construction_Change request lines description: >- Change request lines describe the specific changes in a change request. Change request lines can only be added, updated, and deleted through the owning change-request object. x-displayName: Change request lines - name: Construction_Change request statuses description: >- Construction companies can create their own user-defined statuses for change requests. A change request status is mapped to a workflow type, which controls whether change request lines post to the primary project estimate. A workflow type of none (the default) prevents change request lines from posting. Other workflow types, such as pending change, approved change, and so forth, result in posting. x-displayName: Change request statuses - name: Construction_Change request types description: >- Construction companies can create custom change request types to categorize and organize change request information for reporting purposes. For example, an `internal` change request type might be used for changes that incur costs to the contractor but are not billed to the customer. x-displayName: Change request types - name: Construction_Change requests description: >- Change Requests provide construction companies a way to keep track of changes to their projects in terms of cost, price and markup. A change request may consist of one or more lines of changes that are captured using the construction work breakdown structure (Project + Task + Cost Type) along with cost and price information. Information about other dimensions may also be captured when relevant. In some instances only the cost is captured, when the change is not billed to the customer. Sometimes the cost and price on a change request are the same amount, such as when the cost of a change is simply passed on to the customer. Sometimes, in the early stages of a change request, you may not have all the information at a line item level. In such cases, you may want to create a change request without any line items, and later go back to it to add line item along with cost and/or price information. Once a change request is approved, the user would want to update the primary estimate of the project by posting the change request. When the primary estimate is posted to GL budgets, those line items generated by the posting of the change request would also be part of the posting of the project estimate to GL budgets.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Change requests - name: Construction_Cost types description: >- A cost type is a standard dimension used to capture and categorize project cost details in construction projects. Each project typically has different cost types related to labor, materials, rented equipment, and other operational costs. Standard cost types serve as templates for creating new cost types. Each cost type is associated with a task, which is in turn associated with a project. A cost type record is uniquely identified by the standard cost type used to create it, as well as the specific project and task it applies to. Note: In the construction industry, the cost type corresponds with the category in the work breakdown structure (WBS).
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Cost types - name: Construction_Employee positions description: >- You can define a set of employee positions and use those positions in timesheets and rate tables to bill employee labor out at different rates, depending on the work that an employee does at various times during the day. For example, you may want to bill a customer at one rate for the time that an employee spends unloading a truck, but then bill at a different rate when the same employee does work as an electrical apprentice. You can define a set of employee positions to use on [timesheets](/openapi/time/time.timesheet/tag/Timesheets) and in [rate table timesheet entries](/openapi/cre/construction.rate-table-timesheet-line/tag/Rate-table-timesheet-lines) to accomplish this. **NOTE**: The `employee-position` object is used for billing labor, and is different from the [position-skill](/openapi/pa/projects.position-skill/tag/Position-skills) object, which is used to track, categorize, and search for resources according to skills and expertise.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Employee positions - name: Construction_Labor classes description: >- You can define labor class objects that can be applied to timesheets and used to determine billing rates and markups for employees. x-displayName: Labor classes - name: Construction_Labor shifts description: >- You can define labor shift objects that can be applied to timesheets and used to determine billing rates and markups for employees. x-displayName: Labor shifts - name: Construction_Labor unions description: >- You can define labor union objects that can be applied to timesheets and used to determine billing rates and markups for employees. x-displayName: Labor unions - name: Construction_Project change orders description: >- Project change orders provide project managers or contract administrators at construction companies a mechanism to group several change requests together, for the purpose of presenting them to the customer for approval, and ultimately, for billing.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project change orders - name: Construction_Project contract line entries description: >- Use project contract line entries to add pricing to the project contract line at the appropriate workflow type. x-displayName: Project contract line entries - name: Construction_Project contract lines description: >- A project contract line can be added to a project contract. Multiple lines on a contract allow for different types of billing (lump sum, progress, cost plus, T&M) for each line.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project contract lines - name: Construction_Project contract types description: >- Use project contract types to group or categorize project contract information for reporting purposes.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project contract types - name: Construction_Project contracts description: >- Associate a project contract and its corresponding project contract lines with a project to capture a mix of billable details and include those details into your construction project billing.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project contracts - name: Construction_Project estimate lines description: >- Project estimate line is an amount that can be tied to cost types (categories in the work breakdown structure), tasks, items, or other aspects of your project. Project estimate lines can only be added and updated through the owning `project-estimate` object.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project estimate lines - name: Construction_Project estimate types description: >- Project estimate types categorize project estimates for reporting purposes and for filtering which project estimate entries post to the GL.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project estimate types - name: Construction_Project estimates description: >- A project estimate enables you to approximate how much a project might cost to complete. You can compare the actual costs against your estimate to determine if the project is progressing as expected.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project estimates - name: Construction_Rate table accounts payable lines description: >- Rate table accounts payable lines contain criteria for applying a default markup % to matching accounts payable transactions during invoicing. * Each line requires only 1 value be provided. * Lines with the exact same values (excluding description and markup %) are considered duplicates and are not allowed. * If no value is given for a property then the line will match on any transaction, otherwise it will only match on transactions with that property. * Lines with the most matches will be used as the invoice default markup %. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches then the one with the most recent start date will be used. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches and the same start date (or none at all) then the line with the lowest line number will be used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Rate table accounts payable lines - name: Construction_Rate table credit card lines description: >- Rate table credit card lines contain criteria for applying a default markup % to matching credit card transactions during invoicing. * Each line requires only 1 value be provided. * Lines with the exact same values (excluding description and markup %) are considered duplicates and are not allowed. * If no value is given for a property then the line will match on any transaction, otherwise it will only match on transactions with that property. * Lines with the most matches will be used as the invoice default markup %. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches then the one with the most recent start date will be used. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches and the same start date (or none at all) then the line with the lowest line number will be used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Rate table credit card lines - name: Construction_Rate table employee expense lines description: >- Rate table accounts payable lines contain criteria for applying a default markup % to matching employee expense transactions during invoicing. * Each line requires only 1 value be provided. * Lines with the exact same values (excluding description and markup %) are considered duplicates and are not allowed. * If no value is given for a property then the line will match on any transaction, otherwise it will only match on transactions with that property. * Lines with the most matches will be used as the invoice default markup %. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches then the one with the most recent start date will be used. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches and the same start date (or none at all) then the line with the lowest line number will be used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Rate table employee expense lines - name: Construction_Rate table journal lines description: >- Rate table accounts payable lines contain criteria for applying a default markup % to matching general ledger transactions during invoicing. * Each line requires only 1 value be provided. * Lines with the exact same values (excluding description and markup %) are considered duplicates and are not allowed. * If no value is given for a property then the line will match on any transaction, otherwise it will only match on transactions with that property. * Lines with the most matches will be used as the invoice default markup %. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches then the one with the most recent start date will be used. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches and the same start date (or none at all) then the line with the lowest line number will be used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Rate table journal lines - name: Construction_Rate table purchasing lines description: >- Rate table accounts payable lines contain criteria for applying a default markup % or unit price to matching purchasing transactions during invoicing. * Each line requires only 1 value be provided. * Lines with the exact same values (excluding description and markup %) are considered duplicates and are not allowed. * If no value is given for a property then the line will match on any transaction, otherwise it will only match on transactions with that property. * Lines with the most matches will be used as the invoice default markup %. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches then the one with the most recent start date will be used. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches and the same start date (or none at all) then the line with the lowest line number will be used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Rate table purchasing lines - name: Construction_Rate table timesheet lines description: >- Rate table accounts payable lines contain criteria for applying a default markup % or labor rate to matching timesheet transactions during invoicing. * Each line requires only 1 value be provided. * Lines with the exact same values (excluding description and markup %) are considered duplicates and are not allowed. * If no value is given for a property then the line will match on any transaction, otherwise it will only match on transactions with that property. * Lines with the most matches will be used as the invoice default markup %. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches then the one with the most recent start date will be used. * If multiple lines have the same number of matches and the same start date (or none at all) then the line with the lowest line number will be used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Rate table timesheet lines - name: Construction_Rate tables description: >- A project contract rate table provides markup and pricing information to be used for generating Project Generated Invoices. Every rate table can have lines for each transaction type that identify the criteria to use when applying markup and pricing for that transaction type. The transaction types include timesheets, purchase orders, accounts payable, general ledger, credit cards, and employee expenses.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Rate tables - name: Construction_Standard cost types description: >- Define standard cost types to create a catalog of definitions that can be used to create new cost types pre-populated with specific values, such as for labor, materials, and subcontracts. Note: Construction companies record expenses using the work breakdown structure (WBS). In the industry, the WBS is traditionally defined as job/cost code/category. Sage Intacct uses project/task/cost type to reflect this structure. x-displayName: Standard cost types - name: Construction_Standard tasks description: >- Use standard tasks to create a catalog (library) of definitions that customers can use to populate new project tasks with specific values, improving consistency across their organization.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Standard tasks - name: Construction_WIP periods description: >- Use WIP schedule periods to monitor profitability and revenue recognition for ongoing projects. The WIP schedule periods are based on the reporting periods in your entity. See [Work in progress (WIP) management]( for details.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: WIP periods - name: Construction_WIP projects description: >- Ongoing projects that may be included in a [WIP schedule](/openapi/cf/construction-forecasting.wip-period/tag/WIP-periods), that provide: - Project manager and CFO forecasts of project costs, profits, and completion percentage - Actual costs and earned revenue - Overbilling and underbilling amounts
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: WIP projects - name: Construction_WIP setup accounts description: >- Set up accounts for the [WIP setup](/openapi/cf/construction-forecasting.wip-setup/tag/WIP-setups) object.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: WIP setup accounts - name: Construction_WIP setups description: >- Use WIP setup to configure accounts used for your WIP schedules, and a reconciliation method for overbilling and underbilling amounts. You cannot delete a WIP setup object.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: WIP setups - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Billing price lists description: > Use billing price lists to create pricing strategies for items with prices that are determined based on a fixed fee, the quantity used, or the contracted quantity. Billing price lists support several pricing models, including prices per thousands, discount tiers, minimum flat fees, and more. A company can have multiple billing price lists. The `billing-price-list` object is a header for `billing-price-list-entry` objects. You create the list and then reference the list when creating the billing price list entries that you want to associate with the list. x-displayName: Billing price lists - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Billing template lines description: >- Use billing template lines to specify the percentages complete at which you want to invoice.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Billing template lines - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Billing templates description: >- A billing template defines the rules to use to invoice the flat or fixed amount of a contract line item.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Billing templates - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Contract types description: > Contract types let you group contracts in meaningful ways to provide additional insight into your business. After creating a contract type, you can apply it to a contract by setting the `contractType` when creating or updating the contract. x-displayName: Contract types - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Contracts description: >- The contract is the container for the products or services that are provided to a specified customer. It can control settings such as renewals and terms, capture compliance information, and record the transaction history for all contract lines and expenses.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Contracts - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Contract expense template lines description: >- Contract expense template line.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Contract expense template lines - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Contract expense templates description: >- An expense template defines the schedule to recognize an expense amount for a contract or contract line over the contract term. You can create any number of expense templates and reuse them across contracts.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Contract expense templates - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_MEA categories description: >- MEA fair value category
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: MEA categories - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_MEA price list entry lines description: >- MEA price list entry line defines the standalone selling price for an item in a multi-element arrangement.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: MEA price list entry lines - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_MEA price list entries description: >- An MEA price list entry defines the standalone selling price for an item in a multi-element arrangement.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: MEA price list entries - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_MEA price lists description: >- MEA price lists contain standalone selling prices for items sold in multiple-element arrangements. A company that provides multiple products and/or services to customers as part of a single arrangement needs to create one or more MEA price lists. A contract that contains multiple-element arrangements can be linked to an MEA price list. x-displayName: MEA price lists - name: Contracts_and_Revenue_Management_Revenue templates description: >- A contract revenue template defines the revenue recognition schedule for the flat/fixed amount associated with a contract line.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Revenue templates - name: Core_Intacct_REST_API_Services_Composite requests description: >- Composite request service for submitting multiple "subrequests" in a single POST request. x-displayName: Composite requests - name: Core_Intacct_REST_API_Services_Models description: >- Use the model service to find all of an object's queryable fields, their data types, valid values (for enums) and relationships to other objects. You can use any of those within the select and/or filter elements of a query. The model service works with both standard and custom objects. x-displayName: Models - name: Core_Intacct_REST_API_Services_Query description: >- The query service lets you query the data in a Sage Intacct company to return a list of objects that match given conditions. You can specify complex filter expressions and define the list of fields that you want included for each object in the results. x-displayName: Query - name: Fixed_Assets_Asset classifications description: >- Asset classifications contain information about General Ledger (GL) accounts and depreciation rules. Use asset classifications to ensure consistent treatment of similar assets.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Asset classifications - name: Fixed_Assets_Asset depreciation rules description: >- Depreciation rules contain information about the depreciation method, convention, and useful life for an asset, which are used to calculate depreciation for an asset. When you assign a classification to an asset, the classification's depreciation rules are copied over to the asset. You can then create, update, or delete the depreciation rules on the asset to customize them as needed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Asset depreciation rules - name: Fixed_Assets_Assets description: >- Assets are resources used in the operations of a business, such as buildings, manufacturing equipment, office equipment, furniture, fixtures, and vehicles. The asset object holds information about the asset, including the in-service date, asset cost, and dimensions required to post to the GL. These properties are used to automatically generate depreciation schedules. From period to period, post your depreciation schedule entries until the asset is fully depreciated or disposed. The Fixed Assets Management application supports both depreciable and non-depreciable assets. Assets that are not depreciable do not have depreciation schedules.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Assets - name: Fixed_Assets_Classification depreciation rules description: >- Depreciation rules contain information about the depreciation method, convention, and useful life for an asset. Depreciation rules in a classification serve as a standard default for how assets in that classification are treated. However, you can override the depreciation rules at the asset level.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Classification depreciation rules - name: Fixed_Assets_Depreciation methods description: >- Depreciation methods determine how an asset's depreciation expense is computed into periods over its useful life. The following depreciation methods are supported: Straight line, Daily, 150% declining balance, 200% declining balance, Custom declining balance with true-up, and Custom declining balance without true-up.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Depreciation methods - name: Fixed_Assets_Depreciation schedule entries description: >- Line items in a [depreciation schedule](/openapi/fa/fixed-assets.depreciation-schedule/tag/Depreciation-schedules), which denote the amount and posting date of depreciation entries for an asset.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Depreciation schedule entries - name: Fixed_Assets_Depreciation schedules description: >- Depreciation schedule tracks the loss in value of an asset over the period of its useful life using a specified [depreciation rule](/openapi/fa/fixed-assets.asset-depreciation-rule/tag/Asset-depreciation-rules).
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Depreciation schedules - name: Fixed_Assets_Setup posting rules description: >- Use setup posting rules to identify the journal, useful life term, convention, and so forth, for fixed asset transactions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Setup posting rules - name: Fixed_Assets_Setups description: >- Set up configuration details for the Fixed Assets Management application. Settings apply to all entities.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Setups - name: General_Ledger_Account allocation basis description: >- Allocation definition basis parameters for dynamic allocations.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocation basis - name: General_Ledger_Account allocation group members description: >- An account allocation group member contains the reference to the GL account allocation that is run as part of the GL account allocation group. Account allocation group member objects can only be created and updated through the owning gl-account-allocation-group object.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocation group members - name: General_Ledger_Account allocation groups description: >- Account allocation groups support generation of multiple account allocation entries, which is useful for organizations with many allocations that must run on the same interval and/or with dependencies. You can also use account allocation groups to set up the order for sequential processing, where one allocation is dependent on the results of a prior one.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocation groups - name: General_Ledger_Account allocation reverses description: >- Allocation definition reversal parameters for dynamic allocations.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocation reverses - name: General_Ledger_Account allocation runs description: >- This object provides information about account allocations that have been processed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocation runs - name: General_Ledger_Account allocation sources description: >- Allocation source parameters for dynamic allocations.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocation sources - name: General_Ledger_Account allocation targets description: >- Allocation target parameters for dynamic allocations.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocation targets - name: General_Ledger_Account allocations description: >- Account allocations let you automatically distribute amounts across multiple dimensions such as departments, locations, projects, or classes. An account allocation definition is a template for allocations. After it's created, you can generate the allocation as often as needed using the same definition to streamline the overall allocation process. For example, you can create an allocation definition that distributes expenses across revenue-earning departments, then run an allocation using that definition for the dates you want. Note that only intra-entity (not inter-entity) revenue and expense allocations are supported at this time.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account allocations - name: General_Ledger_Account categories description: >- Sage Intacct offers premade account groups based on account categories for companies who use the QuickStart template to help your company use Intacct and meet your industry needs.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account categories - name: General_Ledger_Chart of account category members description: >- The comprehensive list of a company's General Ledger accounts is called its Chart of Accounts. This object provides information about the accounts that are included in a company's Chart of Accounts.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Chart of account category members - name: General_Ledger_Computation account groups description: >- Computation account groups consist of other account groups or individual accounts that you use as components in a mathematical equation; results of the equation display in financial reports. For more information, see [Account group types]( in the Sage Intacct help center. This object provides information about General Ledger computation account groups.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Computation account groups - name: General_Ledger_Account group members description: >- Account group member description -- explain what it's for and how it's used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account group members - name: General_Ledger_Account group purposes description: >- Account group purposes let you filter account groups according to why you might use them, which is particularly useful in financial reporting. You create account group purposes, which you can then specify when creating or updating your account groups. x-displayName: Account group purposes - name: General_Ledger_Account groups description: >- Account groups are the fundamental building blocks of financial reporting. Every account must be part of an account group if its data is to be used in a balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, or other report. The most basic types of account groups contain either individual accounts or other account groups.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account groups - name: General_Ledger_Account ranges description: >- Account groups can include individual named accounts or ranges of accounts. Create a range of accounts to facilitate account group creation and management.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account ranges - name: General_Ledger_Accounts description: >- Companies post balance sheet, income statement, and statistical transactions to General Ledger accounts. Accounts make it easy to keep track of the transaction type, such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, and the various sub-accounts for those transaction types. The comprehensive list of a company's General Ledger accounts is called its Chart of Accounts. x-displayName: Accounts - name: General_Ledger_Budget details description: > A budget detail is a unique combination of account, department, location, and reporting period. (Department and location are optional.) If you want to track travel expenses for 3 locations, you would need 3 budget detail objects _per reporting period_: 1. Travel Expenses account, Location A 2. Travel Expenses account, Location B 3. Travel Expenses account, Location C A `budget-detail` object corresponds to what is seen on the Budget amount details page for a specific reporting period in Sage Intacct. Note: `budget-detail` objects can only be created and updated through the owning `budget` object. x-displayName: Budget details - name: General_Ledger_Budgets description: >- A budget is a plan to help estimate revenue and expenses for operations. The `budget` object is essentially a header that contains an array of `budget-detail` objects. Before you can create or import a budget, [several items in Sage Intacct must be set up]( * Budgetable reporting periods: Reporting periods must exist and must be marked as Budgetable. Most often, budgetable periods are monthly. * Accounts: Each account for which you want to create a budget must exist in the Chart of Accounts. * Dimensions: Although using dimensions in budgets isn't required, dimensions such as Location, Department, or Employee can be included in a budget if they've been created in Intacct.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Budgets - name: General_Ledger_Journal entry lines description: >- Journal entry lines represent transactions. They can be posted right away, submitted for approval if Approvals are enabled, or saved as a draft. You create and update journal entry lines by creating or updating the [journal-entry objects](/openapi/gl/general-ledger.journal-entry/tag/Journal-entries) that contain those lines. x-displayName: Journal entry lines - name: General_Ledger_Journal entry tax entries description: >- For VAT enabled transactions, journal entries will have tax entries. Providing multiple tax entries is allowed if the tax solution supports it (AU, GB, FR). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Journal entry tax entries - name: General_Ledger_Journal entries description: >- Use journal entries to add, edit, or reverse transactions to a journal. When writing journal entries, be sure to balance the general ledger by posting offsetting entries. Note: If GL Outlier Detection is enabled for a company, information about outliers is included in journal entries and allocation splits when you get a journal entry object. x-displayName: Journal entries - name: General_Ledger_Journals description: >- Journals serve to categorize transactions that are directly entered in the General Ledger and the transactions that are posted from subledgers such as Accounts Payable. For more information see [What journals do you need?]( x-displayName: Journals - name: General_Ledger_Reporting periods description: >- Reporting periods are used when creating reports and budgets, and when opening and closing books. They limit the information in a report to specific time ranges.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Reporting periods - name: General_Ledger_Statistical accounts description: >- Statistical accounts are used to track non-financial data, such as employee headcount, number of members, or even the number of rooms in a hotel. x-displayName: Statistical accounts - name: General_Ledger_Statistical journals description: > Statistical journals hold all non-monetary journal entries and do not have a debit or credit as a transaction. Instead, statistical journals simply increase or decrease a value. x-displayName: Statistical journals - name: General_Ledger_Transaction allocation template lines description: >- Transaction allocation template lines define how allocations are distributed. Allocation template lines can only be added, updated, and deleted through the owning txn-allocation-template object. x-displayName: Transaction allocation template lines - name: General_Ledger_Transaction allocation templates description: >- Transaction allocation templates (definitions) provide a way to save standard allocation combinations that are used routinely. You can define an allocation transaction to distribute amounts across multiple dimensions—such as departments, locations, projects, or classes—automatically. You can allocate a percentage, a set (absolute) value, or a fixed amount with over/under logic. Each of these methods takes the transaction line amount and allocates it across the dimensions specified in the transaction allocation template. Transaction allocations are intended for use on single line items, allowing you to distribute amounts during entry of a transaction, usually a one-time action. Transaction allocations are only available for distribution across eight of the standard dimensions and have other restrictions as well. If you want to automatically pull updated source balances and distribute them across dimensions according to defined basis calculations, you should use the Dynamic Allocations subscription. See Account Allocations for more info.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction allocation templates - name: Inventory_Control_Aisles description: >- An aisle is one of four optional attributes (zone, aisle, row, and bin face) you can assign to a bin to make it easier to find in the warehouse. x-displayName: Aisles - name: Inventory_Control_Bin faces description: >- A bin face is one of four optional attributes (zone, aisle, row, and bin face) you can assign to a bin to make it easier to find within the warehouse. x-displayName: Bin faces - name: Inventory_Control_Bin sizes description: >- A bin size in an attribute you can assign to a bin to help determine whether the bin is suitable for storing certain items. x-displayName: Bin sizes - name: Inventory_Control_Bins description: >- A bin identifies a specific location within a warehouse where items are or can be stored. Bins make it easier to find items during transaction processing. x-displayName: Bins - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory cycles description: >- Create and use inventory cycles to keep track of when to take physical inventory.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory cycles - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory document histories description: >- This object contains one entry for each existing transaction in the workflow associated with the selected transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory document histories - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory document line details description: >- This object contains warehouse inventory details for all or part of a document line, including serial number, aisle, bin, and row per item.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory document line details - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory document lines description: >- Line information for inventory transactions including opening balances and adjustments.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory document lines - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory document subtotals description: >- Details of subtotals, taxes, discounts, charges, and more for the transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory document subtotals - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory documents description: >- An Inventory Control document contains information about inventory transactions. An inventory transaction is usually an adjustment or a transfer. When you create a new document, it represents the first transaction in a workflow and it can only be converted to the next transaction in a workflow. For more information, see [Define transactions]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory documents - name: Inventory_Control_Item cross references description: > An item cross reference associates an inventory item with a specific customer or vendor, or with another inventory item. When an inventory item is associated with a customer or vendor (known as an external cross-reference), the customer or vendor can provide their own identifiers for inventory items that can be used in transactions. When an inventory item is associated with another inventory item (known as an internal cross-reference), you can provide an alternate item to substitute, upgrade, downgrade, or complement that item in Order Entry transactions in Sage Intacct. For more information, see [Item cross references]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center. x-displayName: Item cross references - name: Inventory_Control_Item GL groups description: >- Item GL groups are used to organize transaction definitions for posting to the general ledger. x-displayName: Item GL groups - name: Inventory_Control_Item group members description: >- An item group categorizes item dimension records, mainly for the purpose of structuring financial reporting. This object contains member items of an item group.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Item group members - name: Inventory_Control_Item groups description: >- An item group categorizes item dimension records, mainly for the purpose of structuring financial reporting.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Item groups - name: Inventory_Control_Item landed costs description: > A landed cost item is a non-inventory item that represents a landed cost expense, such as freight, insurance, customs duties, or handling fees. This object is valid when Inventory Control is configured to enable landed costs. For more information, see [Landed costs overview]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center. x-displayName: Item landed costs - name: Inventory_Control_Item tax group item maps description: >- An item tax group item map associates a tax schedule with items and item tax groups, which drive the taxes that are applied to a line item. Applicable when using Advanced Tax without the Taxes module. For more information see [Tax Schedule Maps](
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Item tax group item maps - name: Inventory_Control_Item vendors description: >- This object provides details about an item that can be purchased from a particular vendor. x-displayName: Item vendors - name: Inventory_Control_Item warehouse inventory information description: >- Warehouse inventory information is used with Inventory and Stockable Kit items. Sage Intacct uses the information from these records in the Inventory Reorders report. x-displayName: Item warehouse inventory information - name: Inventory_Control_Item warehouse standard costs description: >- This object allows you to record different standard costs for different date ranges for item and warehouse combinations.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Item warehouse standard costs - name: Inventory_Control_Item warehouse vendors description: >- Use this object to specify the vendor information you want to use in the replenishment calculations for the item in this warehouse.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Item warehouse vendors - name: Inventory_Control_Items description: > Items are goods, services, or kits that you purchase from vendors or sell to customers. Items are used in Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchasing. The type of an item (`itemType`) affects other item parameters. Possible item types are: * `inventory` - Items that will be available in inventory, sales, and purchasing transactions. * `nonInventory` - Items that will be available in both sales and purchasing transactions or contracts. * `purchaseOnlyNonInventory` - Items that will only be available in purchasing transactions or contract expenses. * `salesOnlyNonInventory` - Items that will only be available in sales transactions or contracts. * `kit` - The parent item of a (non-stockable) kit (which is assembled from other items at the time of the order). This type is only available if Kits is enabled in either Order Entry or Inventory Control. * `stockableKit` - The parent item of a stockable kit (which is assembled from other items and stored before order). This type is only available if Stockable kits is enabled in Inventory Control. x-displayName: Items - name: Inventory_Control_Kit components description: >- Components are items included in a kit. Kits are common combinations of items that can be ordered and invoiced as a single item to simplify data entry. Kits can include inventory items, non-inventory items, and other kits.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Kit components - name: Inventory_Control_Posting summaries description: >- This object provides information about a transaction definition after it posts to the general ledger, including the journal entry record number.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Posting summaries - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory price lists description: >- An inventory price list is a container for price list entries.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory price lists - name: Inventory_Control_Product lines description: >- Product lines are groups of related products. Using product lines makes it easier to update prices and track inventory movement. See [Product lines]( for more information. x-displayName: Product lines - name: Inventory_Control_Rows description: >- A row is one of four optional attributes (zone, aisle, row, and bin face) you can assign to a bin to make it easier to find in the warehouse. x-displayName: Rows - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory totals description: > Use inventory totals to keep track of the items on hand that are available for sale. Sage Intacct is preconfigured with nine inventory totals for tracking inventory that's damaged, in transit, on hand, on hold, on order, requisitioned, or is scrap and spoilage. You can also create your own inventory totals as needed. An inventory total can be assigned to a transaction definition so that the specified total is affected when a transaction with that definition template is saved. For more information and a detailed example, see [Inventory totals]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center. x-displayName: Inventory totals - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory transaction definition COGS GL details description: >- This object holds the inventory account mapping for inventory transaction definitions that are configured to post cost of goods (COGS) adjustments to the General Ledger. For example, if a transaction definition is for a cost of goods (COG) adjustment that accounts for spoilage, you might debit the spoilage account and credit the Inventory account.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory transaction definition COGS GL details - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory transaction definition entity details description: >- This object contains details about which entities can create transactions and also includes settings for each entity, such as numbering sequences and document templates. These details and settings are applicable to transaction definitions that are configured to create transactions at the "Top level or entity" or "Entity only" level.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory transaction definition entity details - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory transaction definition sources description: >- This object provides document conversion details for inventory transactions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory transaction definition sources - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory transaction definition subtotal details description: >- This object provides details about the type of subtotals that are supported by each inventory transaction definition.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory transaction definition subtotal details - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory transaction definition total details description: >- This object allow users to track the inventory running total, such as ONHAND and ONORDER, that will be affected by the inventory transaction definition.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory transaction definition total details - name: Inventory_Control_Inventory transaction definitions description: >- An inventory transaction definition includes the accounting rules, workflow settings, security settings, and other characteristics for a transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Inventory transaction definitions - name: Inventory_Control_Unit of measure groups description: > Unit of measure group are provided for items handled under Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchasing. Intacct places related units of measure into groups. For example, the Count group includes related units of each, pair, and dozen. The unit of measure (UOM) groups that are provided with Sage Intacct cannot be deleted. Use the Sage Intacct UOM groups as is and create custom UOM groups. For more information, see [About unit of measure groups]( x-displayName: Unit of measure groups - name: Inventory_Control_Units of measure description: > Details for a unit of measure included in a unit of measure group. Sage Intacct places related units of measure into groups. For example, the Count group includes related units of measure such as each, pair, and dozen. For more information, see [About unit of measure groups]( x-displayName: Units of measure - name: Inventory_Control_Warehouses description: > A warehouse can be an actual warehouse, a store, or any type of stocking location or site that requires inventory tracking and management. Warehouse also serves as a dimension that can be set on transactions to expand report functionality and insight. See [Define warehouses]( for more information. x-displayName: Warehouses - name: Inventory_Control_Zones description: >- A zone is one of four optional attributes (zone, aisle, row, and bin face) you can assign to a bin to make it easier to find in the warehouse. x-displayName: Zones - name: Order_Entry_Document histories description: >- An Order Entry document history contains one entry for each existing transaction in the workflow associated with the selected transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document histories - name: Order_Entry_Document line details description: >- List of warehouse inventory details including serial number, aisle, bin, and row per line item.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document line details - name: Order_Entry_Document lines description: >- Line items in an order entry document represent order entry transactions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document lines - name: Order_Entry_Document subtotals description: >- Details of subtotals, taxes, discounts, charges, and more for the transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document subtotals - name: Order_Entry_Documents description: >- An order entry document contains information about sales transactions. An order entry transaction can be a quote, order, shipper, invoice, or adjustment. When you create a new document, it represents the first transaction in a workflow, and it can only be converted to the next transaction in a workflow.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Documents - name: Order_Entry_Price lists description: >- Order entry price lists contain the sales prices for products or services used in sales transactions. Create a price list and then create the price list entries associated with the list. See [Price lists — Order Entry]( for more information. x-displayName: Price lists - name: Order_Entry_Renewal templates description: >- A renewal template defines a set of actions Sage Intacct will perform when a contract reaches its end date.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Renewal templates - name: Order_Entry_Subtotal template lines description: >- This object contains detailed information for Order Entry subtotal template lines.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Subtotal template lines - name: Order_Entry_Subtotal templates description: >- In a multi-entity organization, subtotal templates enable you to create different sets of subtotals and then refer to them by name within a transaction definition. They simplify setting up and managing transactions definitions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Subtotal templates - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definition additional GL posting account details description: >- Use this object for additional General Ledger entry account mapping. When additional posting is enabled for a transaction definition, additional GL posting account mapping is available for the posting configuration of that definition.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition additional GL posting account details - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definition account details description: >- If an order entry transaction is posting to either Accounts Receivable or the General Ledger, the applicable account mapping is defined using this object.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition account details - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definition COGS account details description: >- This object holds the inventory account mapping for order entry transaction definitions that are configured to post cost of goods (COGS) adjustments to the General Ledger. For example, if a transaction definition is for a cost of goods (COG) adjustment that accounts for spoilage, you might debit the spoilage account and credit the order entry account.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition COGS account details - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definition entity details description: >- Specify which entities can create transactions. Also use this object to define different settings for each desired entity; numbering sequences, document templates, and so on.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition entity details - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definition inventory total details description: >- Use this object to specify the inventory running total that will be affected by the transaction, whether to track the quantity, value, or both, and whether that amount will increase or decrease when the user saves the transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition inventory total details - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definition document conversion details description: >- Specify the transaction definitions from which this transaction can be converted.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition document conversion details - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definition subtotal details description: >- This object provides details about the type of subtotals that are supported by each order entry transaction definition.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition subtotal details - name: Order_Entry_Transaction definitions description: >- An order entry transaction definition includes the accounting rules, workflow settings, security settings, and other characteristics for a transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definitions - name: Project_and_Resource_Management_Position skills description: >- Position skill description -- explain what it's for and how it's used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Position skills - name: Project_and_Resource_Management_Project resources description: >- Project resource description -- explain what it's for and how it's used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project resources - name: Project_and_Resource_Management_Project statuses description: >- Project statuses let you track the progress of projects through different states. You can also disable (prevent) certain types of transactions from occurring in specific states, such as not allowing timesheet entries when a project is in a "Not Started" state.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project statuses - name: Project_and_Resource_Management_Project types description: >- Project types let you group projects into categories for reporting (such as, consulting, internal, or training). After defining project types, you can set each project to one of the types and then group and query based on the type.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Project types - name: Project_and_Resource_Management_Projects description: >- Use projects to manage, track, and report on work performed by or for your company.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Projects - name: Project_and_Resource_Management_Tasks description: >- A unit of work to be performed for a project. Use tasks to: - Track project work by task and assigned resources. - Identify which tasks are billable to the customer. - Enter estimated and planned hours, track percent completed as the task progresses, and create recurring schedules. - Create task dependencies so one task doesn't start until another finishes. - Set other optional information, such as the priority or status of the task.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Tasks - name: Purchasing_Document histories description: >- A purchasing document history contains one entry for each existing transaction in the workflow associated with the selected transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document histories - name: Purchasing_Document line details description: >- List of warehouse inventory details including serial number, aisle, bin, and row per item.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document line details - name: Purchasing_Document lines description: >- Line items in a purchasing document represent purchasing transactions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document lines - name: Purchasing_Document subtotals description: >- Details of subtotals, taxes, discounts, charges, and more for the transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Document subtotals - name: Purchasing_Documents description: >- A purchasing document contains information about purchasing transactions. A purchasing transaction can be a purchase requisition, purchase order, receipt, vendor invoice, or adjustment. When you create a new document, it represents the first transaction in a workflow, and it can only be converted to the next transaction in a workflow. See [Add a purchase transaction]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Documents - name: Purchasing_Price lists description: > A purchasing price list is a container for price list entries. First create the price list and then the price list entries associated with the list. Price lists contain the prices for products or services purchased from vendors. Typically there is one price list per vendor, but multiple lists can be created as needed. See [Price lists — Purchasing]( for more information. x-displayName: Price lists - name: Purchasing_Price schedules description: >- Purchasing price schedules are pricing groups that you can assign to one or more vendors. Discount items by assigning a vendor to a price schedule associated with a price list that contains different discounts for various items. Or define a price schedule with a 10% discount off all items and assign that price schedule to the vendor. See [Price schedules — Purchasing]( for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Price schedules - name: Purchasing_Subtotal template lines description: >- A transaction definition includes a subtotals section. You can enter the subtotal details directly in the subtotals table within the transaction definition. Or, if advanced workflow is enabled, you can use subtotal templates to define the subtotals once and then simply refer to them by template name within the transaction definition.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Subtotal template lines - name: Purchasing_Subtotal templates description: >- In a multi-entity organization, subtotal templates enable you to create different sets of subtotals and then refer to them by name within a transaction definition. They simplify setting up and managing transactions definitions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Subtotal templates - name: Purchasing_Transaction definition additional GL account details description: >- This object provides the GL account mapping for purchasing transaction definitions that are configured to post cost of goods (COGS) adjustments to the General Ledger. The additional GL account detail is relevant when reversing or posting Cost of Goods for a purchasing transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition additional GL account details - name: Purchasing_Transaction definition account details description: >- This object defines the account mapping for purchasing transactions that post to either Accounts Payable or the General Ledger. It provides the necessary details for managing the financial transactions associated with purchasing.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition account details - name: Purchasing_Transaction definition entity setting details description: >- This object provides details about the entities that can create transactions, and also includes settings for each entity, such as numbering sequences and document templates. These details and settings are applicable to transaction definitions that are configured to create transactions at the `Top level or entity` or `Entity only` level.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition entity setting details - name: Purchasing_Transaction definition inventory total details description: >- This object provides details about the inventory running total that will be affected by the transaction. Details include information about whether to track the quantity, value, or both, affected by the transaction and whether that amount will increase or decrease when the user saves the transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition inventory total details - name: Purchasing_Transaction definition source document details description: >- This object provides document conversion details for purchasing transactions.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition source document details - name: Purchasing_Transaction definition subtotal details description: >- This object provides details about the type of subtotals that are supported by each purchasing transaction definition.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definition subtotal details - name: Purchasing_Transaction definitions description: >- A purchasing transaction definition includes the accounting rules, workflow settings, security settings, and other characteristics for a transaction.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Transaction definitions - name: Tax_Account label tax groups description: >- Account label tax groups organize account labels under one tax category. Along with tax schedule maps, they associate tax schedules with one or more combinations of contact tax groups and account label tax groups. Applicable when using Advanced Tax with the Accounts Receivable application without the Taxes application. For more information see [Item Tax Groups-Advanced Tax](
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Account label tax groups - name: Tax_Contact tax groups description: >- Contact tax groups enable taxes to be applied to customers, vendors, and their contacts, according to their jurisdictions. Applicable only with Advanced Tax, for more information see [Contact Tax Groups-Advanced Tax]( x-displayName: Contact tax groups - name: Tax_Item tax groups description: >- Item tax groups enable taxes to be applied to items. Applicable only with Advanced Tax, for more information see [Item Tax Groups-Advanced Tax]( x-displayName: Item tax groups - name: Tax_Order Entry tax details description: > Order Entry tax details describe a specific type of tax that applies to lines in Accounts Receivable and Order Entry transactions. When Sage Intacct calculates taxes, the tax schedule map applies the tax details to the taxable lines. See [Tax details—Taxes application]( for more information. x-displayName: Order Entry tax details - name: Tax_Order Entry tax schedule details description: >- Use Order Entry tax schedule detail to associate a tax detail to the date when it becomes effective.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Order Entry tax schedule details - name: Tax_Order Entry tax schedules description: >- An Order Entry tax schedule identifies the tax details that are applied when the schedule is referenced by an Order Entry tax schedule map. See [Tax schedules—Taxes application]( for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Order Entry tax schedules - name: Tax_Purchasing tax details description: > Purchasing tax details describe a specific type of tax that applies to lines in Accounts Payable and Purchasing transactions. When Sage Intacct calculates taxes, the tax schedule map applies the tax details to the taxable lines. See [Tax details—Taxes application]( for more information. x-displayName: Purchasing tax details - name: Tax_Purchasing tax schedule details description: >- Use Purchasing tax schedule detail to associate a tax detail to the date when it becomes effective.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Purchasing tax schedule details - name: Tax_Purchasing tax schedules description: >- A Purchasing tax schedule identifies the tax details that are applied when the schedule is referenced by a Purchasing tax schedule map. See [Tax schedules—Taxes application]( for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Purchasing tax schedules - name: Tax_Tax authorities description: > Tax authorities are agencies for whom you collect sales tax or other taxes. For example, in the United States, you might report and pay any tax you owe to city, county, and state agencies. Tax authorities are shared across Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Order Entry, and Purchasing. See [Tax authorities—Taxes application]( for more information. x-displayName: Tax authorities - name: Tax_Tax details description: >- Tax details describe a specific type of tax that applies to lines in a transaction. When Sage Intacct calculates taxes, the tax schedule map applies the tax details to the taxable lines. See [Tax details—Taxes application]( for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Tax details - name: Tax_Tax returns description: >- You can submit a tax return through Sage Regulatory Reporting for Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Multi-entity companies typically submit taxes from the top level. You can submit taxes for an individual entity only if the entity has a unique tax ID. For more information, see [Submit taxes]( x-displayName: Tax returns - name: Tax_Tax solutions description: >- A tax solution provides the underlying mechanism (tax engine) for capturing and reporting taxes. A tax solution also includes information about the GL accounts for input and output taxes as well as the start date of the first tax submission period. Pre-configured tax solutions are only available for AU, CAN, FR, GB, and ZA. x-displayName: Tax solutions - name: Time_and_Expenses_Employee expense lines description: >- Details for each expense line on the employee expense report. Employees create and submit expense reports, consisting of individual line items, to receive reimbursement for approved out-of-pocket costs related to their jobs.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Employee expense lines - name: Time_and_Expenses_Employee expense payment types description: >- Employee expense payment types track how expenses are paid. Expense payment types can be created for both non-reimbursable and reimbursable expenses. The most common use case is to create expense payment types for company credit cards or checks for non-reimbursable expenses. Expense payment types are applied to the line items in an employee expense report or an expense adjustment.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Employee expense payment types - name: Time_and_Expenses_Employee expense summaries description: >- Expense summaries are collections of the same type of transactions, grouped together for processing. Expense summaries are referenced by [employee expense](/openapi/ee/expenses.employee-expense/tag/Employee-expenses) objects.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Employee expense summaries - name: Time_and_Expenses_Employee expense types description: >- Expense types give recognizable names to GL accounts and are applied to line items in expense reports or expense adjustments. Expense types also act to restrict employee access to GL accounts to those defined in the expense types. Expense types can be created for expenses such as Mileage, Relocation, Entertainment, and so on. Expense types are the same for all users company wide. Any GL account can be assigned one or more expense types. A specific offsetting account can be assigned to an expense type as well. If no offsetting account is assigned, the default GL Account for Employee Liabilities is used.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Employee expense types - name: Time_and_Expenses_Employee expenses description: >- Expense report header for employee expense lines. Employees create and submit expense reports, consisting of individual line items, to receive reimbursement for approved out-of-pocket costs related to their jobs. The employees' managers must then approve the expenses. After approval, the expense reports become reimbursement request candidates for the accounting department to process into pending reimbursements, from which checks are printed.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Employee expenses - name: Time_and_Expenses_Time types description: >- Time types capture and track categories of time, such as salary, contract hours, overtime, vacation, and travel time.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Time types - name: Time_and_Expenses_Timesheet lines description: >- A timesheet line is an entry on a timesheet that represents work done by one employee on a single day. Each timesheet line should reflect the dimensions used by the company. That is, work done for one customer or project should be recorded in a separate timesheet line from work done for another customer or project, etc. Reports and invoices use the dimension values to group timesheet lines for billing.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Timesheet lines - name: Time_and_Expenses_Timesheets description: >- Timesheets ensure that workers are paid appropriately. They also help project managers invoice clients and track overall project costs and expenses over time. Timesheets are used in both Projects and Time & Expenses. A subscription to Projects is required to approve timesheets and save timesheets as drafts. Each time a timesheet entry is submitted, a timesheet approval history object is created for tracking purposes. Many settings that impact required timesheet information are configured in Projects. See [Configure Projects]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Timesheets - name: Time_and_Expenses_Unit rates description: >- When an employee enters a quantity for reimbursement, it's multiplied by the unit rate to produce the reimbursement amount. An employee start date determines when the unit rate takes effect. The rate applies only to the expense line items that have an expense date on or after the start date. See [Field description, Create expense reports]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center for more information.
Please be aware that this object is currently "Uncertified", signifying that it has not undergone the complete review process and the design may change during ongoing refinement. Users are advised to exercise discretion in using this object and are encouraged to provide feedback.
x-displayName: Unit rates paths: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label: get: summary: List account labels description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each label. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList account labels
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Account labels responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of account-label objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List account labels: value: ia::result: - key: '32' id: Ref Matls href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/32 - key: '33' id: Rent href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/33 - key: '34' id: Repairs and Maintenance href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/34 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-accounts-payable-account-label security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an account label description: |+ Creates a new account label.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsAdd account labels
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Account labels operationId: create-accounts-payable-account-label responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New account-label properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create an account label: value: ia::result: key: '37' id: Sales href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/37 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-account-label' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-account-labelRequiredProperties' examples: Create an account label: value: id: Sales description: Sales team expenses status: active glAccount: id: 4000--Sales offsetGLAccount: id: 4001--Miscellaneous - Sales security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the account label. get: summary: Get an account label description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified account label.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Edit account labels
operationId: get-accounts-payable-account-label-key tags: - Accounts_Payable_Account labels responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the account-label properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-account-label' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an account label: value: ia::result: key: '8' id: Accounting Fees description: Accounting Fees glAccount: id: 6600.01--Accounting Fees key: '318' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/318 status: active offsetGLAccount: id: null key: null form1099Type: DIV form1099Box: 1B href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/8 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an account label operationId: update-accounts-payable-account-label-key description: >+ Updates an existing account label by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Edit account labels
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Account labels responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated account-label properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update an account label: value: ia::result: key: '37' id: Sales href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/37 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-account-label' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an account label: value: description: This is Sales Account label status: active offsetGLAccount: id: 4000.03--Sales-Others security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an account label description: >+ Deletes an account label.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Delete account labels
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Account labels operationId: delete-accounts-payable-account-label-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line: get: summary: List adjustment lines description: Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each adjustment-line. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustment lines operationId: list-accounts-payable-adjustment-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of adjustment-line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List adjustment lines: value: ia::result: - key: '5336' id: '5336' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/5336 - key: '5348' id: '5348' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/5348 - key: '5296' id: '5296' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/5296 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the adjustment line. get: summary: Get an adjustment line description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified adjustment line.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustment lines responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the adjustment-line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-adjustment-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an adjustment: value: ia::result: id: '146' key: '146' apAdjustment: id: '24' key: '24' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/24 glAccount: key: '246' id: '6000' name: G&A Salaries href: /objects/general-ledger/account/246 overrideOffsetGLAccount: key: '109' id: '2000' name: Accounts Payable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/109 accountLabel: key: null id: null baseAmount: '-318.23' txnAmount: '-210.00' dimensions: department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: '8' id: '8' name: Client Services - Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/projects/project/8 customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: '43' id: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 employee: key: '1' id: '1' name: Reser href: /objects/company-config/employee/1 item: key: '1' id: '1' name: PC Computer href: /objects/inventory-control/item/1 class: key: '1' id: '3' name: Heath Care href: /objects/company-config/class/1 memo: Adj for Bil -001 currency: exchangeRate: date: '2024-03-08' typeId: '-1' rate: '1.5154' txnCurrency: USD baseCurrency: AUD lineNumber: '1' paymentInformation: totalBaseAmountPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' totalBaseAmountSelected: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' adjustmentType: pa audit: modifiedBy: '1' createdDateTime: '2024-03-09T07:42:01Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-09T07:52:39Z' createdBy: '1' hasForm1099: 'false' form1099: type: null box: null href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/146 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: get-accounts-payable-adjustment-line-key security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-summary: get: summary: List adjustment summaries description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each adjustment summary. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View Adjustment summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustment summaries operationId: list-accounts-payable-adjustment-summary responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: accounts-payable-adjustment-summary Collection properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List adjustment summaries: value: ia::result: - key: '13' id: '13' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-summary/13 - key: '26' id: '26' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-summary/26 - key: '20' id: '20' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-summary/20 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-summary/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the adjustment summary. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an adjustment summary description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified adjustment summary.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View Adjustment summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustment summaries operationId: get-accounts-payable-adjustment-summary-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the adjustment-summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-adjustment-summary' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an adjustment summary: value: ia::result: key: '13' id: '13' name: 'Adjustments: 2019/01/18 Batch' glPostingDate: '2019-01-18' status: active recordType: apAdjustments totalAmount: '43.00' state: open parent: key: 'null' id: 'null' preventGLPosting: false bankAccountId: key: 'null' id: 'null' summaryCreationType: system isQuickPaymentSummary: false href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-summary/13 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-tax-entry: get: summary: List adjustment tax entries description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each adjustment tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustment tax entries operationId: list-accounts-payable-adjustment-tax-entry responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of adjustment-tax-entry objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List adjustment tax entries: value: ia::result: - key: '8' id: '8' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-tax-entry/8 - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-tax-entry/9 - key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-tax-entry/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-tax-entry/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the adjustment tax entry. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an adjustment tax entry description: Returns detailed information for a specified adjustment tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustment tax entries operationId: get-accounts-payable-adjustment-tax-entry-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the adjustment-tax-entry properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-adjustment-tax-entry' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an adjustment tax entry: value: ia::result: key: '300' id: '300' baseTaxAmount: '100' txnTaxAmount: '100' taxRate: 5.5 purchasingTaxDetail: id: UK Export Reduced Rate key: '24' href: /objects/tax/purchasing-tax-detail/24 adjustmentLine: id: '148' key: '148' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/148 href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-tax-entry/300 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment: get: summary: List adjustments description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each adjustment. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustments operationId: list-accounts-payable-adjustment responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of adjustment objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List adjustments: value: ia::result: - key: '186' id: '186' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/186 - key: '187' id: '187' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/187 - key: '319' id: '319' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/319 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an adjustment description: |+ Creates a new adjustment.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsAdd Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustments operationId: create-accounts-payable-adjustment responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New adjustment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new adjustment: value: ia::result: key: '26' id: '26' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/26 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-adjustment' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-adjustmentRequiredProperties' examples: Create an adjustment: value: adjustmentNumber: credit-001 vendor: id: 1099 Int description: Adj for Bil -001 referenceNumber: Bill-001-02 adjustmentSummary: glPostingDate: '2024-03-05' createdDate: '2024-03-05' contacts: payTo: id: 1099 Int returnTo: id: 1099 Int isTaxInclusive: false currency: baseCurrency: AUD txnCurrency: USD exchangeRateDate: '2024-03-08' exchangeRateTypeId: Intacct Daily Rate exchangeRate: 1.5154 attachment: id: Adj_Bill_001 lines: - glAccount: id: '6000' txnAmount: '5.00' totalTxnAmount: '25.00' dimensions: department: id: '11' location: id: '4' project: id: '8' customer: id: '1' vendor: id: 1099 Int employee: id: '1' item: id: '1' class: id: '3' memo: Adj for Bil -001 security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the adjustment. get: summary: Get an adjustment description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified adjustment.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustments operationId: get-accounts-payable-adjustment-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the adjustment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-adjustment' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an adjustment: value: ia::result: id: '67' key: '67' recordType: pa adjustmentNumber: credit-001 state: posted vendor: id: 1099 Int key: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int totalDue: '28.94' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/1099 Int referenceNumber: Bill-001-02 description: Adj for Bil -001 createdDate: '2024-03-05' audit: createdDateTime: '2024-03-05T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-20T09:29:02Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' adjustmentSummary: glPostingDate: '2024-03-05' name: 'Adjustments: 2024/03/05 Batch' id: '45' key: '45' state: open preventGLPosting: false href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-summary/45 currency: baseCurrency: AUD txnCurrency: USD exchangeRateDate: '2024-03-08' exchangeRateTypeId: Intacct Daily Rate exchangeRate: 1.5154 totalEntered: '7.58' totalBaseAmountDue: '7.58' txnTotalEntered: '5.00' txnTotalDue: '5.00' contacts: payTo: id: 1099 Int key: '299' href: /objects/company-config/contact/299 returnTo: id: 1099 Int key: '299' href: /objects/company-config/contact/299 attachment: id: Adj_Bill_001 key: '8' href: /objects/company-config/attachment/8 moduleKey: 3.AP isTaxInclusive: false lines: - id: '700' key: '700' apAdjustment: id: '67' key: '67' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/67 glAccount: key: '246' id: '6000' name: G&A Salaries href: /objects/general-ledger/account/246 overrideOffsetGLAccount: key: '109' id: '2000' name: Accounts Payable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/109 accountLabel: key: null id: null baseAmount: '7.58' txnAmount: '5.00' dimensions: department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: '8' id: '8' name: Client Services - Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/projects/project/8 customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: '43' id: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 employee: key: '1' id: '1' name: Reser href: /objects/company-config/employee/1 item: key: '1' id: '1' name: PC Computer href: /objects/inventory-control/item/1 class: key: '1' id: '3' name: Heath Care href: /objects/company-config/class/1 memo: Adj for Bil -001 currency: exchangeRate: date: '2024-03-08' typeId: '-1' rate: '1.5154' txnCurrency: USD baseCurrency: AUD lineNumber: '1' paymentInformation: totalBaseAmountPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' totalBaseAmountSelected: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' adjustmentType: pa audit: modifiedBy: '1' createdDateTime: '2024-03-20T09:29:02Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-20T09:29:02Z' createdBy: '1' hasForm1099: 'false' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/700 href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/67 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an adjustment operationId: update-accounts-payable-adjustment-key description: >+ Updates an adjustment by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Note: - Adjustment must be in a Posted state. - Books must not be closed. - Requires `Edit` Accounts Payable permission for Adjustments. Special Cases: - Type cannot be edited after posting. Delete or reverse and create a new adjustment to change type. - For project-associated adjustments, changing the date has specific requirements, especially for paid adjustments. - To change GL account for paid adjustments, reclassify if reclassification is allowed and permissions are met. - To change amount after applying to a bill, create a new debit or credit memo.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsAdd Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustments responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated adjustment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated adjustment: value: description: Bill -001 adjustment-1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-adjustment' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true adjustmentType: readOnly: true state: readOnly: true examples: Update an adjustment: value: ia::result: key: '26' id: '26' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/625459 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an adjustment description: |+ Deletes an adjustment. Adjustments not applied to a bill can be deleted.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Delete Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Adjustments operationId: delete-accounts-payable-adjustment-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line: get: summary: List advance lines description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each advance line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AP advances
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Advance lines operationId: list-accounts-payable-advance-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of advance line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List advance lines: value: ia::result: - key: '1103722' id: '1103722' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/1103722 - key: '5145328' id: '5145328' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/5145328 - key: '5145339' id: '5145339' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/5145339 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the advance line. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an advance line description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified advance line.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AP advances
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Advance lines operationId: get-accounts-payable-advance-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the advance line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-advance-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an advance line: value: ia::result: id: '39' key: '39' apAdvance: id: '20' key: '20' recordType: pr href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/20 glAccount: key: '81' id: '1304' name: Vendor Advances href: /objects/general-ledger/account/81 accountLabel: id: null baseAmount: '120.00' txnAmount: '120.00' dimensions: department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 project: key: '8' id: '8' name: Client Services - Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/projects/project/8 customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: '43' id: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 employee: key: '1' id: '1' name: Reser href: /objects/company-config/employee/1 item: key: '1' id: '1' name: PC Computer href: /objects/inventory-control/item/1 class: key: '1' id: '3' name: Heath Care href: /objects/company-config/class/1 nsp::refcode_gl: key: '10004' href: /objects/platform-apps/nsp::refcode_gl/10004 nsp::vssn: key: '10008' href: /objects/platform-apps/nsp::vssn/10008 nsp::restriction: key: null baseLocation: name: United States of America key: '1' href: /objects/company-config/location/1 memo: Invc-001 currency: exchangeRate: date: '2024-05-20' typeId: null rate: '1' baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD lineNumber: 1 paymentInformation: totalPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' totalSelected: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' audit: createdDateTime: '2024-05-20T08:39:24Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-05-20T08:39:25Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/39 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/advance: get: summary: List advances description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each advance. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AP advances
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Advances operationId: list-accounts-payable-advance responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of advance objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List advances: value: ia::result: - key: '625510' id: '625510' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/625510 - key: '558105' id: '558105' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/558105 - key: '558543' id: '558543' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/558543 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an advance description: >+ Creates a new advance.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
ConfigurationCompanies with multiple base currencies must create advances at the entity level.
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add AP advances
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Advances operationId: create-accounts-payable-advance requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-advance' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-advanceRequiredProperties' examples: Create an advance: value: description: Advance for new equipment paymentMethod: cash financialEntity: id: BOA advanceDate: '2023-07-23' vendor: id: 1099 Int lines: - baseAmount: '12.34' memo: >- Advance payment to vendor for retainer fee - to be applied against future invoices. txnAmount: '1.23' dimensions: department: id: '11' location: id: '1' project: id: '8' customer: id: '1' vendor: id: 1099 Int employee: id: '1' item: id: '1' class: id: '3' glAccount: id: '6000' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New advance properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new advance: value: ia::result: key: '625530' id: '625530' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/625530 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/advance/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the advance. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an advance description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified advance.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AP advances
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Advances operationId: get-accounts-payable-advance-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the advance properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-advance' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an advance: value: ia::result: id: '20' key: '20' recordType: pr paymentMethod: eft description: null vendor: name: 1099 Int id: 1099 Int key: '43' totalDue: '-120.00' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 totalEntered: '120.00' paymentInformation: totalPaid: '0.00' totalSelected: '0.00' paidDate: '2024-05-20' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' totalDue: '120.00' state: advancePaid audit: createdDateTime: '2024-05-20T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-05-20T08:39:25Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' entity: id: '1' key: '1' name: United States of America dueDate: '2024-05-20' referenceNumber: Advace for 1099 Int reconciliationGroup: cleared: 'false' clearingDate: null isSystemGenerated: 'false' currency: txnCurrency: USD baseCurrency: USD exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null txnTotalEntered: '120.00' txnTotalDue: '120.00' location: key: '1' financialEntity: id: BOA advanceDate: '2024-05-20' attachment: id: Invc-001 key: '2' href: /objects/company-config/attachment/2 lines: - id: '39' key: '39' apAdvance: id: '20' key: '20' recordType: pr href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/20 glAccount: key: '81' id: '1304' name: Vendor Advances href: /objects/general-ledger/account/81 accountLabel: id: null baseAmount: '120.00' txnAmount: '120.00' dimensions: department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 project: key: '8' id: '8' name: Client Services - Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/projects/project/8 customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: '43' id: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 employee: key: '1' id: '1' name: Reser href: /objects/company-config/employee/1 item: key: '1' id: '1' name: PC Computer href: /objects/inventory-control/item/1 class: key: '1' id: '3' name: Heath Care href: /objects/company-config/class/1 nsp::refcode_gl: key: '10004' href: /objects/platform-apps/nsp::refcode_gl/10004 nsp::vssn: key: '10008' href: /objects/platform-apps/nsp::vssn/10008 nsp::restriction: key: null baseLocation: name: United States of America key: '1' href: /objects/company-config/location/1 memo: Invc-001 currency: exchangeRate: date: '2024-05-20' typeId: null rate: '1' baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD lineNumber: 1 paymentInformation: totalPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' totalSelected: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' audit: createdDateTime: '2024-05-20T08:39:24Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-05-20T08:39:25Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/39 href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/20 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an advance description: >+ Updates an existing advance by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. You can only update advances in a draft state or advances that were declined during the approval process.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit AP advances
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Advances operationId: update-accounts-payable-advance-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-advance' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an advance: value: description: Updated description of advance responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated advance properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated advance: value: ia::result: key: '625529' id: '625529' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/625529 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an advance description: >+ Deletes an advance. Only draft advances can be deleted.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete AP advances
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Advances operationId: delete-accounts-payable-advance-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line: get: summary: List bill lines description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each bill line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness user
PermissionsList, View Bills
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bill lines operationId: list-accounts-payable-bill-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of bill-line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bill lines: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/1 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/3 - key: '5' id: '5' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned unique key for the bill line. get: summary: Get a bill line description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified line item in a bill.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness user
PermissionsList, View Bills
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bill lines operationId: get-accounts-payable-bill-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bill-line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-bill-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bill line: value: ia::result: id: '94' key: '94' bill: id: '18' key: '18' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/18 glAccount: key: '246' id: '6000' name: G&A Salaries href: /objects/general-ledger/account/246 overrideOffsetGLAccount: key: '109' id: '2000' name: Accounts Payable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/109 accountLabel: key: null id: null createdDate: 20224-02-21 baseAmount: '48550.00' txnAmount: '48550.00' dimensions: department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: '8' id: '8' name: Client Services - Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/projects/project/8 customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: '43' id: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 employee: key: '1' id: '1' name: Reser href: /objects/company-config/employee/1 item: key: '1' id: '1' name: PC Computer href: /objects/inventory-control/item/1 class: key: '1' id: '3' name: Health Care href: /objects/company-config/class/1 warehouse: key: 2 id: Distribution name: Distribution center href: /objects/inventory-control/warehouse/2 contract: key: null id: null name: null task: key: null id: null name: null baseLocation: name: Australia key: '4' href: /objects/company-config/location/4 memo: bill - 001 - vendor 1099 currency: exchangeRate: date: '2024-02-21' typeId: '-99' rate: 1.0679 txnCurrency: USD baseCurrency: AUD allocation: name: null id: null key: null hasForm1099: 'false' lineNumber: '1' paymentInformation: totalBaseAmountPaid: 0 totalTxnAmountPaid: 0 totalBaseAmountSelectedForPayment: 48550 totalTxnAmountSelectedForPayment: 48550 project: isBillable: false isBilled: false releaseToPay: false form1099: type: null box: null retainage: percentage: null txnAmountRetained: null baseAmountRetained: null hasRetainage: null txnAmountReleased: null release: null isSubTotal: null purchasing: document: key: null id: null documentLine: key: null id: null fixedAsset: nameOfAcquiredAsset: null includeTaxInAssetCost: false href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/94 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill-summary: get: summary: List bill summaries description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each bill summary. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View Bill summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bill summaries operationId: list-accounts-payable-bill-summary responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of bill summary objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bill summaries: value: ia::result: - key: '94' id: '94' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-summary/94 - key: '96' id: '96' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-summary/96 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill-summary/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the bill summary. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a bill summary description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified bill summary.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View Bill summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bill summaries operationId: get-accounts-payable-bill-summary-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bill summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-bill-summary' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bill summary: value: ia::result: id: '98' key: '98' name: 'Bills: 2022/08/02 Batch' glPostingDate: '2022-08-02' status: active recordType: apBill totalAmount: '100.23' state: open parent: id: null key: null preventGLPosting: false bankAccountId: id: null key: null summaryCreationType: Auto-Summary isQuickPaymentSummary: false href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-summary/98 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill-tax-entry: get: summary: List bill tax entries description: Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each bill tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bill tax entries operationId: list-accounts-payable-bill-tax-entry responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of bill-tax-entry objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bill tax entries: value: ia::result: - key: '8' id: '8' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-tax-entry/8 - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-tax-entry/9 - key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-tax-entry/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill-tax-entry/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the bill tax entry. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a bill tax entry description: Returns detailed information for a specified bill tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bill tax entries operationId: get-accounts-payable-bill-tax-entry-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bill-tax-entry properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-bill-tax-entry' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bill tax entry: value: ia::result: key: '300' id: '300' baseTaxAmount: '100' txnTaxAmount: '100' taxRate: 5.5 purchasingTaxDetail: id: UK Export Reduced Rate key: '24' href: /objects/tax/purchasing-tax-detail/24 billLine: id: '148' key: '148' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/148 href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-tax-entry/300 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill: get: summary: List bills description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each bill. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Bills
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bills operationId: list-accounts-payable-bill responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of bill objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bills: value: ia::result: - key: '299' id: '299' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/299 - key: '294' id: '294' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/294 - key: '295' id: '295' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/295 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a bill description: >+ Creates a new bill. After you create a bill, it can be moved through the normal Accounts Payable workflow.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add Bills
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bills operationId: create-accounts-payable-bill requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-bill' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-billRequiredProperties' examples: Create a bill: value: billNumber: Bill-001-06 vendor: id: 1099 Int referenceNumber: Ref-123 description: bill - 001 - vendor 1099 createdDate: '2024-02-21' postingDate: '2024-02-21' discountCutOffDate: '2024-03-01' dueDate: '2024-03-08' recommendedPaymentDate: '2024-02-26' paymentPriority: normal isOnHold: false currency: baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD exchangeRate: date: '2022-02-21' typeId: Intacct Daily Rate rate: 1.0679 contacts: payTo: id: 1099 Int returnTo: id: 1099 Int attachment: id: atch1 isTaxInclusive: false lines: - glAccount: id: '6000' txnAmount: '5' totalTxnAmount: '15.00' dimensions: location: id: '4' department: id: '11' project: id: '8' customer: id: '1' vendor: id: 1099 Int employee: id: '15' item: id: '12' class: id: '3' memo: bill - 001 - vendor 1099 hasForm1099: 'false' project: isBillable: false responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New bill properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new bill: value: ia::result: key: '299' id: '299' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/299 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/bill/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned unique key for the bill. get: summary: Get a bill description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified bill.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Bills
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bills operationId: get-accounts-payable-bill-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bill properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-bill' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bill: value: ia::result: id: '60' key: '60' recordType: pi billNumber: Bill-001-06 state: posted vendor: id: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int key: '43' form1099: type: null box: null vendorTypeForm1099Type: null vendorDue: '21.36' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 referenceNumber: Ref-123 description: bill - 001 - vendor 1099 purchasing: id: Vendor Invoice-VI0031-doc key: '416' href: /objects/purchasing/document/416 term: id: NET-30 key: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/3 createdDate: '2022-02-21' audit: createdDateTime: '2024-02-21T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-20T08:31:41Z' createdBy: '95' modifiedBy: '95' postingDate: '2024-02-21' discountCutOffDate: '2024-02-21' dueDate: '2024-03-08' paymentInformation: fullyPaidDate: null totalBaseAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' totalBaseAmountPaid: '0.00' totalTxnAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' totalTxnAmountPaid: '0.00' recommendedPaymentDate: '2024-02-26' paymentPriority: normal isOnHold: false currency: baseCurrency: AUD txnCurrency: USD exchangeRate: date: '2024-02-21' typeId: Custom rate: 1.0679 totalBaseAmount: '100.68' totalBaseAmountDue: '100.68' totalTxnAmount: '100.00' totalTxnAmountDue: '100.00' contacts: payTo: id: 1099 Int key: '299' tax: group: id: null key: null taxId: null href: /objects/company-config/contact/299 returnTo: id: 1099 Int key: '299' href: /objects/company-config/contact/299 billSummary: name: 'Bills: 2022/02/21 Batch' id: '37' key: '37' isSummaryOpen: open isSummaryPosted: 'false' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-summary/37 recurringSchedule: id: '20' key: '20' href: /objects/core/schedule/20 isSystemGenerated: false dueInDays: '23' isTaxInclusive: false taxSolution: key: null id: null showMultiLineTax: null method: null retainage: defaultPercentage: null totalTxnAmountRetained: '0.00' totalTxnAmountReleased: '0.00' totalBaseAmountRetained: '0.00' attachment: id: atch1 key: '6' href: /objects/company-config/attachment/6 sourceModule: accountsPayable entity: key: null id: null name: null location: key: '1' lines: - id: '440' key: '440' bill: id: '60' key: '60' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/60 glAccount: key: '246' id: '6000' name: G&A Salaries href: /objects/general-ledger/account/246 overrideOffsetGLAccount: key: '109' id: '2000' name: Accounts Payable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/109 accountLabel: key: null id: null createdDate: '2022-02-21' baseAmount: '5.34' txnAmount: '5.00' dimensions: department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: '8' id: '8' name: Client Services - Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/projects/project/8 customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: '43' id: 1099 Int name: 1099 Int href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43 employee: key: '1' id: '1' name: Reser href: /objects/company-config/employee/1 item: key: '1' id: '1' name: PC Computer href: /objects/inventory-control/item/1 class: key: '1' id: '3' name: Health Care href: /objects/company-config/class/1 warehouse: key: null id: null name: null contract: key: null id: null name: null task: key: null id: null name: null baseLocation: name: Australia key: '4' href: /objects/company-config/location/4 memo: bill - 001 - vendor 1099 currency: exchangeRate: date: '2022-02-21' typeId: '-99' rate: 1.0679 txnCurrency: USD baseCurrency: AUD allocation: id: null key: null hasForm1099: 'false' lineNumber: '1' paymentInformation: totalBaseAmountPaid: '0.00' totalTxnAmountPaid: '0.00' totalBaseAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' totalTxnAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' project: isBillable: false isBilled: false releaseToPay: false form1099: type: null box: null retainage: percentage: '10' txnAmountRetained: '100' baseAmountRetained: '50' hasRetainage: false txmAmountReleased: '50' release: false isSubtotal: false purchasing: document: key: '23' id: '23' documentLine: key: '23' id: '23' fixedAsset: nameOfAcquiredAsset: null includeTaxInAssetCost: false href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/440 href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/60 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a bill description: >+ Updates an existing bill by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Several factors, such as a bill's workflow state, determine whether a bill can be updated and, if so, which fields can be edited. For more information, see [Edit bills]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable, Purchasing
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Bills
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bills operationId: update-accounts-payable-bill-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-bill' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: billNumber: bill10 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated bill properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated bill: value: ia::result: key: '63' id: '198376' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/63 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a bill description: >+ Deletes a bill. You can only delete unpaid bills that are in a Posted, Draft, or Declined state. For partially paid bills, first cancel the payment request, which changes the bill's state to Posted. Bills in an Approved state can only be deleted if no payment has been made against them.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness user
PermissionsList, Delete Bills
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Bills operationId: delete-accounts-payable-bill-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee: get: summary: List joint payees description: Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each joint payee. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Joint payees operationId: list-accounts-payable-joint-payee responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of joint payee objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List joint payees: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a joint payee description: Creates a new joint payee. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Joint payees operationId: create-accounts-payable-joint-payee requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-joint-payee' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-joint-payeeRequiredProperties' examples: Create a joint payee: value: name: John Smith printAs: Orchard Supply Hardware & John Smith bill: key: '1' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New joint-payee properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new joint payee: value: ia::result: key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the joint payee. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a joint payee description: Returns detailed information for a specified joint payee. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Joint payees operationId: get-accounts-payable-joint-payee-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the joint payee properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-joint-payee' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a joint payee: value: ia::result: id: '3' key: '3' name: John Smith printAs: Orchard Supply Hardware & John Smith bill: key: '1' id: INV1258 href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/1 href: /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a joint payee description: >- Updates an existing joint payee by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. The `printAs` value cannot be updated if it has been used on an AP Payment. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Joint payees operationId: update-accounts-payable-joint-payee requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-joint-payee' - type: object properties: bill: type: object properties: id: readOnly: true key: readOnly: true examples: Update a joint payee: value: printAs: Orchard Wholesale Co. & John Smith Jr. responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated joint payee properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated joint payee: value: ia::result: key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/joint-payee/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a joint payee description: >- Deletes a joint payee. A joint payee object cannot be deleted if it has been used on an AP payment. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Joint payees operationId: delete-accounts-payable-joint-payee-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/payment-detail: get: summary: List payment details description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each payment detail. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payment details operationId: list-accounts-payable-payment-detail responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of payment detail objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List payment details: value: ia::result: - key: '367' id: '367' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-detail/367 - key: '1043' id: '1043' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-detail/1043 - key: '1203' id: '1203' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-detail/1203 ia::meta: totalCount: 509 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 101 previous: null '201': description: Created '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' '401': description: Unauthorized security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/payment-detail/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the payment detail. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get payment details description: Returns detailed information for a specified payment detail object. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payment details operationId: get-accounts-payable-payment-detail-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the payment detail properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-payment-detail' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a payment detail object: value: ia::result: id: '1133' key: '1133' bill: id: '2570' key: '2570' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/2570 billLine: id: '25392' key: '25392' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/25392 apCreditAdjustment: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/25394 apCreditAdjustmentLine: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/25394 apPayment: id: '3346' key: '3346' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/3346 apPaymentLine: id: '31060' key: '31060' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line/31060 paymentDate: '2023-04-12' baseCurrency: paymentAmount: '100.00' inlineAmount: null discountAmount: null adjustmentAmount: null postedAdvanceAmount: null txnCurrency: paymentAmount: '100.00' inlineAmount: '10.00' discountAmount: '10.00' adjustmentAmount: '10.00' postedAdvanceAmount: '10.00' currency: USD inlineBill: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/25394 inlineBillLine: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/25394 discountDate: '2023-04-12' apDebitAdjustment: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment/25394 apDebitAdjustmentLine: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/adjustment-line/25394 apAdvance: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/25394 apAdvanceLine: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/25394 apPostedAdvance: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance/25394 apPostedAdvanceLine: id: '25394' key: '25394' href: /objects/accounts-payable/advance-line/25394 state: confirmed moduleKey: 3.AP audit: createdDateTime: '2023-04-12T07:05:13Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-04-12T07:05:13Z' createdBy: '71' modifiedBy: '71' jointPayee: id: null key: null printAs: null href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-detail/1133 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line: get: summary: List payment lines description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each payment line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payment lines operationId: list-accounts-payable-payment-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of payment line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get payment lines: value: ia::result: - key: '3936' id: '3936' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line/3936 - key: '3938' id: '3938' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line/3938 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 0 pageSize: 1 next: 0 previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the payment line. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a payment line description: Returns detailed information for a specified payment line. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payment lines operationId: get-accounts-payable-payment-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the payment line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-payment-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get payment line: value: ia::result: id: '3936' key: '3936' apPayment: id: '267' key: '267' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/267 glAccount: key: '109' id: '2000' name: Accounts Payable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/109 baseCurrency: amount: '100.00' currency: USD totalPaid: '0.00' totalSelected: '100.00' txnCurrency: amount: '100' currency: USD totalPaid: '0.00' totalSelected: '100.00' dimensions: department: id: null name: null location: id: '1' name: United States of America customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: '17' id: VEN-0019 name: EC href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/17 employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null description: Invoice for development in March 2022 exchangeRate: date: '2022-07-21' typeId: null rate: '1' lineNumber: 1 paymentLineRecord: pp baseLocation: '1' audit: createdDateTime: '2022-07-21T10:00:13Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-07-21T10:00:13Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxDetail: id: null key: null isTax: false href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line/3936 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/payment: get: summary: List payments description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each payment. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payments operationId: list-accounts-payable-payment responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of payment objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List payments: value: ia::result: - key: '1718' id: '1718' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/1718 - key: '1717' id: '1717' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/1717 - key: '3228' id: '3228' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/3228 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a payment description: Creates a new payment. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payments operationId: create-accounts-payable-payment requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-payment' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-paymentRequiredProperties' examples: Create a payment submit action: value: financialEntity: id: BOA paymentDate: '2023-04-04' action: draft description: description documentNumber: '123' documentId: '123' paymentRequestMethod: useVendorPreference baseCurrency: currency: USD txnCurrency: currency: USD paymentMethod: creditCard vendor: id: '201' details: - txnCurrency: paymentAmount: '10.00' inlineAmount: '10.00' adjustmentAmount: '10.00' postedAdvanceAmount: '10.00' bill: key: '3318' apDebitAdjustment: key: '3319' apDebitAdjustmentLine: key: '30854' apAdvance: key: '3320' apAdvanceLine: key: '30856' inlineBill: key: '3321' inlineBillLine: key: '30866' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New payment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a payment: value: ia::result: id: '3323' key: '3323' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/3323 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/payment/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the payment. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '3323' get: summary: Get a payment description: Returns detailed information for a specified payment. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payments operationId: get-accounts-payable-payment-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the payment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-payment' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a payment: value: ia::result: id: '3302' key: '3302' paymentSummary: id: '1843' key: '1843' name: 'Payments: 2023/03/30 04:08:58:5637 Batch' postingDate: '2023-03-21' href: /objects/accounts-payable/summary/1843 recordType: pp financialEntity: id: BOA state: submitted paymentMethod: creditCard vendor: entity: V201 id: '201' name: PG & E documentNumber: '123' description: Payment for 2023-03-21 documentId: Paid For PrjUS_InvWParent_4 txnDate: '2023-03-21' txnPaidDate: '2023-03-21' baseCurrency: currency: USD totalAmount: '10.00' totalSelected: '0.00' totalPaid: '10.00' totalDue: '0.00' txnCurrency: currency: USD totalAmount: '10.00' totalSelected: '0.00' totalPaid: '10.00' totalDue: '0.00' exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null payTo: id: PG & E(V201) key: '6886' href: /objects/company-config/contact/6886 audit: createdDateTime: '2023-03-29T18:08:57Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-03-29T18:08:59Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' cleared: false clearedDate: null isInclusiveTax: false taxSolution: key: null id: null taxCalculationMethod: null paymentRequestMethod: useVendorPreference jointPayee: id: null key: null lines: - id: '30762' key: '30762' apPayment: id: '3302' key: '3302' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/3302 glAccount: key: '376' id: '2000.02' name: Accounts Payable2 href: /objects/general-ledger/account/376 baseCurrency: amount: '10.00' currency: USD totalPaid: '10.00' totalSelected: '0.00' txnCurrency: amount: '10.00' currency: USD totalPaid: '10.00' totalSelected: '0.00' department: id: null name: null location: id: '2' name: India description: Create_MP_02 exchangeRate: date: '2023-03-21' typeId: null rate: '1' lineNumber: 1 paymentLineRecord: pp bankLocation: '2' audit: createdDateTime: '2023-03-29T18:08:57Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-03-29T18:08:59Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxDetail: id: null key: null isTax: false dimensions: nsp::rgldim43731355_10015: key: '' id: '' nsp::rgldim43731355_10074: key: '' id: '' nsp::rgldim43731355_10127: key: '' id: '' nsp::rgldim44774013_10178: key: '' id: '' nsp::rgldim44774013_10232: key: '' id: '' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line/30762 details: - id: '1059' key: '1059' bill: id: '3289' key: '3289' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill/3289 billLine: id: '30724' key: '30724' href: /objects/accounts-payable/bill-line/30724 apCreditAdjustment: id: null key: null apCreditAdjustmentLine: id: null key: null apPayment: id: '3302' key: '3302' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/3302 apPaymentLine: id: '30762' key: '30762' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-line/30762 paymentDate: '2023-03-21' baseCurrency: paymentAmount: '10.00' inlineAmount: null discountAmount: null adjustmentAmount: null postedAdvanceAmount: null txnCurrency: paymentAmount: '10.00' inlineAmount: null discountAmount: null adjustmentAmount: null postedAdvanceAmount: null currency: USD inlineBill: id: null key: null inlineBillLine: id: null key: null apDiscount: id: null key: null apDiscountLine: id: null key: null discountDate: null apDebitAdjustment: id: null key: null apDebitAdjustmentLine: id: null key: null apAdvance: id: null key: null apAdvanceLine: id: null key: null apPostedAdvance: id: null key: null apPostedAdvanceLine: id: null key: null state: confirmed moduleKey: 3.AP audit: createdDateTime: '2023-03-29T18:08:58Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-03-29T18:08:58Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' jointPayee: id: null key: null href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment-detail/1059 href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/3302 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a payment description: >- Updates an existing payment by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payments operationId: update-accounts-payable-payment-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-payment' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a payment: value: description: 'Payment for DOC Number: 22345' paymentDate: '2023-04-05' documentNumber: '22345' documentId: '22345' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated payment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a payment: value: ia::result: id: '3325' key: '3325' href: /objects/accounts-payable/payment/3325 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a payment description: Deletes a payment. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Payments operationId: delete-accounts-payable-payment-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/summary: get: summary: List summaries description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each summary. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View Summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Summaries operationId: list-accounts-payable-summary responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of summary objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List summaries: value: ia::result: - key: '36' id: '36' href: /objects/accounts-payable/summary/36 - key: '43' id: '43' href: /objects/accounts-payable/summary/43 - key: '55' id: '55' href: /objects/accounts-payable/summary/55 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a summary description: |+ Creates a new summary.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Add Summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Summaries operationId: create-accounts-payable-summary requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-summary' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-summaryRequiredProperties' examples: Create a new summary: value: name: Jan Summary 2024 glPostingDate: '2024-02-01' status: active recordType: apBill responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new summary: value: ia::result: key: '56' id: '56' href: /objects/accounts-payable/summary/56 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/summary/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the summary. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a summary description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified summary.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View Summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Summaries operationId: get-accounts-payable-summary-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-summary' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a summary: value: ia::result: id: '36' key: '36' name: 'Bills: Jan Summary 2024' glPostingDate: '2024-02-01' status: active recordType: apBill totalAmount: '4000.23' state: open parent: id: null key: null preventGLPosting: false summaryCreationType: manual isQuickPaymentSummary: false entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 href: /objects/accounts-payable/summary/36 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a summary description: >+ Updates an existing summary by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. You can change the name, GL posting date, and status of manual summaries. Summaries that are created by Sage Intacct (system summaries) cannot be edited.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Summaries operationId: update-accounts-payable-summary-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-summary' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Updates a summary: value: name: Sep To Oct 2024 Summary glPostingDate: '2024-11-01' status: active description: '' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated summary: value: ia::result: id: '50' key: '50' href: /objects/accounts-payable/summary/50 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a summary description: >+ Deletes a summary. Only summaries with an open status that do not contain any transactions can be deleted.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View, Delete Summaries
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Summaries operationId: delete-accounts-payable-summary-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/term: get: summary: List terms operationId: list-accounts-payable-term description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each term. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View terms
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Terms responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List term objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List terms: value: ia::result: - key: '15' id: Net40 href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/15 - key: '17' id: N40_G href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/17 - key: '9' id: N30 href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a term description: |+ Creates a new term.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsAdd terms
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Terms operationId: create-accounts-payable-term responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New term properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a term: value: ia::result: key: '27' id: N500 href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/27 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-term' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-termRequiredProperties' examples: Create a term: value: id: N500 description: 60 Days term status: active due: days: 2 from: of5thMonthFromBillDate discount: days: 1 from: of3rdMonthFromBillDate amount: 10 unit: amount graceDays: 15 calculateOn: billTotal penalty: cycle: quarterly amount: 101 unit: amount graceDays: 16 security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/term/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the term. get: summary: Get a term description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified term.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View terms
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Terms operationId: get-accounts-payable-term-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the term properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-term' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a term: value: ia::result: id: N500 description: 60 Days term status: active key: '27' audit: modifiedDateTime: '2023-04-19T17:05:02Z' createdDateTime: '2023-04-19T16:53:48Z' modifiedBy: '39' createdBy: '39' due: days: 2 from: of5thMonthFromBillDate discount: days: 1 from: of3rdMonthFromBillDate amount: 10 unit: percentage graceDays: 15 calculateOn: billTotal penalty: cycle: quarterly amount: 10.5 unit: percentage graceDays: 16 href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/27 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a term operationId: update-accounts-payable-term-key description: >+ Updates an existing term by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Updating a term already applied to bills may affect payment scheduling for those bills. Existing bills are not updated with edited term information. To update term information for an existing bill, reverse and resubmit the bill.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit terms
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Terms responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated term properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a term: value: ia::result: key: '27' id: N500 href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/27 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-term' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: penalty: amount: 10.5 security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a term description: |+ Deletes a term.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete terms
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Terms operationId: delete-accounts-payable-term-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the vendor account group. example: 1 get: summary: Get a vendor account group description: Returns detailed information for a specified vendor account group. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account groups responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the vendor account group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-group' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a vendor account group: value: ia::result: id: HW VGL Group key: '1' groupType: vendor status: inactive href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '404': description: vendor-account-group Not Found operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-account-group-key security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a vendor account group description: Deletes a vendor account group. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account groups operationId: delete-accounts-payable-vendor-account-group-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a vendor account group operationId: update-accounts-payable-vendor-account-group-key description: >- Updates an existing vendor account group by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account groups responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated vendor-account-group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a vendor account group: value: ia::result: key: '18' id: 1099 Vendor Group href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/18 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-group' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a vendor account group: value: status: inactive security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group: get: summary: List vendor account groups tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account groups responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of vendor-account-group objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendor account groups: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: HW VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/1 - key: '2' id: OS VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/2 - key: '3' id: Stationary VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor-account-group description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor account group. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a vendor account group tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account groups operationId: create-accounts-payable-vendor-account-group responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New vendor-account-group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a vendor account group: value: ia::result: key: '18' id: 1099 Vendor Group href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/18 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' description: Creates a new vendor account group. requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-group' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/vendorAccountGroupRequiredProperties' examples: example-create-vendor-account-group: value: id: 1099 Vendor Group groupType: vendor status: active security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number: get: summary: List vendor account numbers description: >- Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor account number. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account numbers operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor-account-number responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List vendor-account-number objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-number' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendor account numbers: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a vendor account number operationId: create-accounts-payable-vendor-account-number description: Creates a new vendor account number. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account numbers requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-number' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-numberRequiredProperties' examples: Create a vendor account number: value: location: key: '2' vendor: key: '127' vendorAccountNumber: '1234567555' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New vendor account number properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-number' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New vendor account number: value: ia::result: key: '7' id: '7' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the vendor account number. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '1' get: summary: Get a vendor account number description: Returns detailed information for a specified vendor account number. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account numbers operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-account-number-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the vendor-account-number properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-number' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a vendor account number: value: ia::result: key: '7' id: '7' location: key: '11' id: '11' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 vendorAccountNumber: VAN-5134986722 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number/1 vendor: key: '33' id: '33' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a vendor account number description: >- Updates an existing vendor account number by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. operationId: update-accounts-payable-vendor-account-number tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account numbers requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-number' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update vendor account number: value: vendorAccountNumber: '1234567888' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated vendor-account-number properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-account-number' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update vendor account number: value: ia::result: key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-number/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a vendor account number description: Deletes a vendor account number. operationId: delete-accounts-payable-vendor-account-number tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor account numbers responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup: get: summary: List vendor bank file setup objects description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor bank file setup object. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to fnd objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor bank file setups operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor-bank-file-setup responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of vendor-bank-file-setup objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendor bank file setup objects: value: ia::result: - key: '25' id: '25' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/25 - key: '85' id: '85' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/85 - key: '60' id: '60' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/60 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the vendor bank file setup object. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a vendor bank file setup object description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified vendor bank file setup object. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor bank file setups operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-bank-file-setup-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the vendor-bank-file-setup properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-bank-file-setup' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bank file setup object for South Africa (ZA): value: ia::result: key: '25' id: '25' vendor: key: '202' id: SAVendor href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/202 bsbNumber: null paymentReference: Supplier Inc sortCode: null branchCode: '123433' bankAccountType: '1' bankAccountCode: '345678' proofOfPayment: true bankAccountNumber: '87402896' bankAccountName: Jane Blogs Corp businessIdCode: null href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/25 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 Get a bank file setup object for Australia (AU): value: ia::result: key: '2' id: '2' vendor: key: '162' id: AUVendor href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/162 bsbNumber: 163-821 paymentReference: Supplier Inc sortCode: null branchCode: null bankAccountType: null bankAccountCode: null proofOfPayment: null bankAccountNumber: '87402896' bankAccountName: Au Bank Corp businessIdCode: null href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 Get a bank file setup object for United Kingdom (GB): value: ia::result: key: '26' id: '26' vendor: key: '203' id: UKVendor href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/203 bsbNumber: null paymentReference: BACS HSBC corp sortCode: '849571' branchCode: null bankAccountType: null bankAccountCode: null proofOfPayment: null bankAccountNumber: '87402896' bankAccountName: UK Bank Corp. businessIdCode: null href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/26 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-contact: get: summary: List vendor contacts description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor contact. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor-contact tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor contacts responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of vendor-contact objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-contact' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendor contacts: value: ia::result: - key: '17' id: '17' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-contact/17 - key: '18' id: '18' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-contact/18 - key: '19' id: '19' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-contact/19 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 101 previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a vendor contact operationId: create-accounts-payable-vendor-contact-key description: Creates a new vendor contact. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor contacts requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-contact' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-contactRequiredProperties' examples: Create a vendor contact: value: categoryName: home8 vendor: key: '43' contact: key: '202' id: BusinessLim responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New vendor contact properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-contact' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New vendor contact: value: ia::result: id: '1' key: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-contact/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-contact/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the vendor contact. example: '1' get: summary: Get a vendor contact description: Returns detailed information for a specified vendor contact. operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-contact-key tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor contacts responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the vendor-contact properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-contact' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a vendor contact: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '1' categoryName: Main Office contact: key: '197' id: Jeffrey Palms audit: createdDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' vendor: key: '15' id: VPACBELL ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a vendor contact operationId: update-accounts-payable-vendor-contact-key description: >- Updates an existing vendor contact by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Changing a vendor contact only affects future transactions. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor contacts requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-contact' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update vendor contact: value: contact: key: '202' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated vendor contact properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-contact' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a vendor contact: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-contact/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a vendor contact operationId: delete-accounts-payable-vendor-contact-key description: Deletes a vendor contact. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor contacts responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template: get: summary: List vendor email templates description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor email template. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor-email-template tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor email templates responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of vendor-email-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-email-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendor email templates: value: ia::result: - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/3 - key: '4' id: '4' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a vendor email template operationId: create-accounts-payable-vendor-email-template description: Creates a vendor email template. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor email templates requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-email-template' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-email-templateRequiredProperties' examples: Create a vendor-email-template: value: vendor: key: '127' txnDefinitionName: Vendor Invoice emailTemplate: key: '1' name: Vendor Trial responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Creates a new vendor email template. properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-email-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a vendor-email-template: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: V0504 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned unique key for the vendor email template. example: '2' get: summary: Get a vendor email template description: Returns detailed information for a specified vendor email template. operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-email-template-key tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor email templates responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the vendor-email-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-email-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a vendor email template: value: ia::result: id: '1' key: '1' vendor: key: '127' id: '014' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/127 txnDefinitionName: Vendor Invoice emailTemplate: id: '1' key: '1' name: Vendor Trial href: /objects/company-config/email-template/1 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a vendor email template operationId: update-accounts-payable-vendor-email-template-key description: >- Updates an existing vendor email template by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor email templates requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-email-template' examples: Update a vendor-email-template: value: vendor: key: '127' txnDefinitionName: PO Return emailTemplate: key: '2' name: Purchasing Trial responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updates a vendor email template. properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-email-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a vendor-email-template: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '014' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a vendor email template operationId: delete-accounts-payable-vendor-email-template-key description: Deletes a vendor email template. tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor email templates responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider: get: summary: List vendor payment providers description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor payment provider. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Accounts Payable, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Application Subscriptions and Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor payment providers operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor-payment-provider responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List vendor payment providers properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendor payment providers: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a vendor payment provider description: >+ Creates a new vendor payment provider.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Accounts Payable, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View, Subscribe, Configure Application Subscriptions
List, View, Edit Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor payment providers operationId: create-accounts-payable-vendor-payment-provider requestBody: description: Create a vendor payment provider required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-payment-provider' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-payment-providerRequiredProperties' examples: Create a vendor payment provider: value: paymentProvider: id: CSI vendor: id: PV001 status: active responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New vendor payment provider properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a vendor payment provider: value: ia::result: key: '111' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider/111 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the vendor payment provider. in: path required: true example: '1' schema: type: string get: summary: Get a vendor payment provider description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified vendor payment provider.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Accounts Payable, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Application Subscriptions and Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor payment providers operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-payment-provider-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of a vendor payment provider properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-payment-provider' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a vendor payment provider: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '1' paymentProvider: key: '3' id: CSI name: CSI href: /objects/cash-management/payment-provider/3 vendor: key: '111' id: VEND-00010 name: Design Works href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/111 state: subscribed message: 44299680-351-1628136894 status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2021-08-05T04:14:56Z' modifiedDateTime: '2021-09-29T06:43:06Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' preferredPaymentMethod: key: '454' id: '454' name: Check href: /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/454 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a vendor payment provider description: >+ Updates an existing vendor payment provider by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Accounts Payable, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View, Subscribe, Configure Application Subscriptions
List, View, Edit Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor payment providers operationId: update-accounts-payable-vendor-payment-provider-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-payment-provider' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: status: inactive responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Update a vendor payment provider properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a single value: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type: get: summary: List vendor types description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor type. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Vendor types
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor types operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor-type responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of vendor-type objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendor types: value: ia::result: - key: '14' id: WholeSale href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/14 - key: '2' id: Supplier href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/2 - key: '4' id: VType-1099INT href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a vendor type description: |+ Creates a new vendor type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Add Vendor types
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor types operationId: create-accounts-payable-vendor-type responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New vendor-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a vendor type: value: ia::result: key: '23' id: WholeSaleDistributor href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/23 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-type' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-typeRequiredProperties' examples: Create a vendor type: value: id: WholeSaleDistributor form1099: type: DIV box: 1B security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key description: System-assigned key for the vendor type. in: path required: true example: '4' get: summary: Get a vendor type description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified vendor type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Vendor types
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor types operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-type-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the vendor-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-type' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a vendor type: value: ia::result: id: Wholesaler parent: id: WholeSaleDistributor key: '23' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/23 status: active form1099: type: DIV box: 1B key: '5' audit: createdDateTime: '2018-07-28T19:29:46Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-04-11T06:53:27Z' createdBy: '68' modifiedBy: '68' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a vendor type operationId: update-accounts-payable-vendor-type-key description: >+ Updates an existing vendor type by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Edit Vendor types
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor types responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated vendor-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a vendor type: value: ia::result: key: '5' id: Wholesaler href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-type' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a vendor type: value: status: inactive Update a parent vendor type: value: parent: id: WholeSaleDistributor status: inactive security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a vendor type description: >+ Deletes a vendor type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete Vendor types
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendor types operationId: delete-accounts-payable-vendor-type-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor: get: summary: List vendors description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each vendor. This operation is mostly for use in testing. Use query to fnd objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse users
PermissionsList, View Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendors responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of vendor objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List vendors: value: ia::result: - key: '84' id: Vend-00001 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/84 - key: '85' id: Vend-00002 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/85 - key: '60' id: Vend-00003 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/60 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-accounts-payable-vendor security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a vendor description: >+ Creates a new vendor. When you add a new vendor, you can provide key descriptive information about that vendor and establish how you want to pay them.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness user
PermissionsList, View, Add, Edit Vendors (Bank Details permissions required to access vendor bank account.)
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendors operationId: create-accounts-payable-vendor requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendorRequiredProperties' examples: Create a vendor: value: id: Vend-00010 name: Design Works taxId: 12-3456789 form1099: is1099Eligible: true nameOn1099: Design Works Inc type: MISC box: '3' creditLimit: 40000 isOnHold: false doNotPay: false billingType: openItem paymentPriority: normal billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none enableACHPayments: false Create an unrestricted vendor: value: id: Vendor_A0000003 name: Global Networks form1099: is1099Eligible: true nameOn1099: ISC 1099 type: MISC box: '3' parent: id: '201' contacts: default: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 300 Park Avenue addressLine2: Suite 1400 addressLine3: Western industrial area city: San Jose country: United States postCode: '95110' state: California tax: isTaxable: true URL1: URL2: companyName: Ecology Corporation email1: email2: fax: '14085555309' firstName: Cooper lastName: Alice middleName: Mary mobile: '14085554420' pager: '14085559987' phone1: '14085551212' printAs: Cooper.Alice hideContactList: false primary: id: 1099 IntCA payTo: id: 1099 Int returnTo: id: 111(V111) recipient1099: id: 123515(V123515) term: id: Net 60 vendorAccountNumber: '123456789' taxId: 111-22-1111 creditLimit: 1000 billingType: openItem vendorType: id: Retailer accountGroup: id: Stationary VGL Group priceSchedule: id: PO Price S discountPercent: 20 priceList: id: PO Price List notes: Comments of IN202 defaultExpenseGLAccount: id: '6700.04' paymentPriority: normal status: active state: a isOneTimeUse: true isOnHold: true doNotPay: true ach: enablePayments: true routingNumber: '123456789' accountNumber: '987654321' accountType: checkingAccount remittanceType: businessCTX displayTermDiscountOnCheckStub: false displayVendorAccountOnCheckStub: false sendPaymentNotification: true preferredPaymentMethod: printedCheck mergePaymentRequests: true overrideOffsetGLAccount: id: '1000.00' attachment: id: Attach-12574 contactList: - name: primary contact: id: 1099 IntCA - name: pay to contact: id: 1099 Int - name: return to contact: id: 111(V111) - name: '1099' contact: id: 123515(V123515) vendorAccountNumberList: - locationId: 1--United States of America accountNo: '111111111' vendorEmailTemplates: - vendor: id: Vendor_A0000003 txnDefinitionName: Purchase Order emailTemplate: id: '5' name: AP billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none Create a restricted vendor: value: id: Vend-00100 name: Regulatory Filing Group parent: id: '202' contacts: default: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 9500 Arboretum Blvd addressLine2: Suite 310 addressLine3: Western industrial area city: Austin country: United States postCode: '78759' state: TX tax: isTaxable: true URL1: companyName: Jack Henry email1: email2: fax: '14085555522' firstName: Jack lastName: Henry middleName: Inc mobile: '14085554420' pager: '14085554400' phone1: '14085551212' printAs: Jack Henry & Associates hideContactList: true term: id: Net 60 vendorAccountNumber: '203' taxId: 192-35-4308 creditLimit: 350000 billingType: balanceForward notes: None defaultExpenseGLAccount: id: '1500' paymentPriority: normal status: active state: a isOneTimeUse: false isOnHold: false doNotPay: false displayTermDiscountOnCheckStub: false displayVendorAccountOnCheckStub: false sendPaymentNotification: false mergePaymentRequests: true billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none Create a vendor in a PO-match enabled company: value: id: VEND-0001 name: Office Supplies taxId: 12-3456788 creditLimit: 50000 isOnHold: false doNotPay: false alwaysCreateBill: true billingType: openItem paymentPriority: normal billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New vendor properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a vendor: value: ia::result: key: '111' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/111 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string example: '111' name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the vendor. example: '111' get: summary: Get a vendor description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified vendor.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse users
PermissionsList, View Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendors operationId: get-accounts-payable-vendor-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the vendor properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a vendor: value: ia::result: key: '111' id: VEND-00010 name: Design Works status: active state: a taxId: 12-3456789 form1099: nameOn1099: Design Works Inc type: MISC box: '3' creditLimit: 40000 isOnHold: true doNotPay: true alwaysCreateBill: false currency: USD contacts: primary: id: Doe, John key: '271' href: /objects/company-config/contact/271 payTo: id: Ho, Amy key: '298' href: /objects/company-config/contact/298 returnTo: id: Doe, John key: '271' href: /objects/company-config/contact/271 recipient1099: id: Ho, Amy key: '298' href: /objects/company-config/contact/298 mergePaymentRequests: true sendPaymentNotification: true billingType: openItem paymentPriority: normal displayTermDiscountOnCheckStub: true billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none displayVendorAccountOnCheckStub: true ach: enablePayments: false routingNumber: null accountNumber: null accountType: null remittanceType: null audit: modifiedDateTime: '2021-03-24T21:16:54Z' createdDateTime: '2021-03-24T21:16:54Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' entity: id: '1' key: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/111 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 Get an unrestricted vendor: value: ia::result: key: '69' id: Vendor_A0000001 name: Vendor_A0000001 form1099: nameOn1099: ISC 1099 type: MISC box: '3' parent: key: '47' id: '201' name: PG & E href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/47 contacts: default: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 300 Park Avenue addressLine2: Suite 1400 addressLine3: Western industrial area city: San Jose country: United States postCode: '95110' state: California tax: isTaxable: true URL1: URL2: companyName: Ecology Corp email1: email2: fax: '14085555309' firstName: Alice id: Vendor_A0000001 lastName: Cooper middleName: Mary mobile: '14085554420' pager: '14085559987' phone1: '14085551212' phone2: '14085559876' prefix: Ms. printAs: Alice.Cooper key: '237' hideContactList: false href: /objects/company-config/contact/237 primary: id: 1099 IntCA key: '206' href: /objects/company-config/contact/206 payTo: id: 1099 Int key: '211' href: /objects/company-config/contact/211 returnTo: id: 111(V111) key: '748' href: /objects/company-config/contact/748 recipient1099: id: 123515(V123515) key: '341' href: /objects/company-config/contact/341 term: id: Net 60 key: '11' href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/11 vendorAccountNumber: '123456789' taxId: 111-22-1111 creditLimit: 1000 totalDue: '0' billingType: openItem vendorType: id: Retailer key: '14' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-type/14 accountGroup: id: Stationary VGL Group key: '14' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-account-group/14 priceSchedule: id: PO Price S discountPercent: 20 priceList: id: PO Price List key: '2' href: /objects/purchasing/price-list/2 notes: Comments of IN202 accountlabel: id: Equipment key: '10' defaultExpenseGLAccount: id: '6700.04' name: CC Other Charges & Fees key: '326' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/326 paymentPriority: normal status: active state: a isOneTimeUse: true isOnHold: true audit: modifiedDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdDateTime: '2018-07-28T19:35:16Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' doNotPay: true alwaysCreateBill: false currency: USD ach: enablePayments: true routingNumber: '123456789' accountNumber: '987654321' accountType: checkingAccount remittanceType: businessCTX displayTermDiscountOnCheckStub: false displayVendorAccountOnCheckStub: false sendPaymentNotification: true preferredPaymentMethod: printedCheck mergePaymentRequests: true overrideOffsetGLAccount: id: '1000.00' key: '1000.00' name: '10000' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/1000.00--10000 attachment: id: Attach-12574 key: Attach-12574 href: /objects/company-config/attachment/Attach-12574 defaultLeadTime: 5 retainagePercentage: 10 lastBillCreatedDate: null lastPaymentMadeDate: null tpar: isTparEnabled: true name: 4IMPRINT INC t5018: isT5018Enabled: true t5018Number: 123OOR652 contactList: - id: '215' key: '215' name: primary contact: id: 1099 IntCA audit: modifiedDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' - id: '216' key: '216' name: pay to contact: id: 1099 Int audit: modifiedDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' - id: '217' key: '217' name: return to contact: id: 111(V111) audit: modifiedDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' - id: '218' key: '218' name: '1099' contact: id: 123515(V123515) audit: modifiedDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdDateTime: '2022-05-26T04:49:44Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' vendorAccountNumberList: - locationId: 1--United States of America accountNo: '111111111' vendorEmailTemplates: - id: '11' key: '11' vendor: key: '69' id: Vendor_A0000001 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/69 txnDefinitionName: Purchase Order emailTemplate: id: '5' key: '5' name: AP href: /objects/company-config/email-template/5 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-email-template/11 vendorPaymentProviders: [] billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/69 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 Get a restricted vendor: value: ia::result: key: '49' id: '203' name: NCS, Inc. form1099: nameOn1099: null type: null box: null parent: key: '48' id: '202' name: Pac Bell href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/48 contacts: default: mailingAddress: addressLine1: '9500' addressLine2: Arboretum Blvd, Suite 310 addressLine3: Western industrial area city: Austin country: United States postCode: '78759' state: TX tax: isTaxable: true URL1: URL2: companyName: NCS, Inc. email1: email2: fax: '14085555522' firstName: Jack1 id: NCS, Inc. lastName: Henry1 middleName: Inc1 mobile: '14085554420' pager: '14085554400' phone1: '14085551212' phone2: '14085559876' prefix: Mr. printAs: Jack Henry & Associates1 key: '217' hideContactList: true href: /objects/company-config/contact/217 primary: id: null key: null payTo: id: null key: null returnTo: id: null key: null recipient1099: id: null key: null term: id: Net 60 key: '11' href: /objects/accounts-payable/term/11 vendorAccountNumber: '203' taxId: 192-35-4308 creditLimit: 350000 totalDue: '0' billingType: balanceForward vendorType: id: Wholesaler key: '12' accountGroup: id: Midwest key: '5' priceSchedule: id: null discountPercent: null priceList: id: null key: null notes: None accountlabel: id: null key: null defaultExpenseGLAccount: id: '1500' name: Equipment key: '93' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/93 paymentPriority: normal status: active state: a isOneTimeUse: false isOnHold: false audit: modifiedDateTime: '2022-05-26T05:28:54Z' createdDateTime: '2018-07-28T19:35:15Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' doNotPay: false alwaysCreateBill: false currency: USD ach: enablePayments: false routingNumber: null accountNumber: null accountType: null remittanceType: null displayTermDiscountOnCheckStub: false displayVendorAccountOnCheckStub: false sendPaymentNotification: false preferredPaymentMethod: null mergePaymentRequests: true overrideOffsetGLAccount: id: null key: null name: null attachment: id: null key: null defaultLeadTime: null retainagePercentage: null lastBillCreatedDate: null lastPaymentMadeDate: null tpar: isTparEnabled: true name: 4IMPRINT INC t5018: isT5018Enabled: true t5018Number: 123OOR652 contactList: [] vendorAccountNumberList: [] vendorEmailTemplates: [] vendorPaymentProviders: [] billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/49 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 Get a vendor enabled for United Kingdom (GB) bank files: value: ia::result: key: '203' id: UKVendor name: UKVendor form1099: nameOn1099: null type: null box: null parent: key: null id: null name: null contacts: default: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 300 Park Avenue addressLine2: Suite 1400 addressLine3: Western industrial area city: San Jose country: United Kingdom postCode: '95110' state: California tax: isTaxable: true URL1: URL2: companyName: AlcoSoft Inc email1: email2: fax: '14085555309' firstName: Alice id: UKVendor(VUKVendor) lastName: Cooper middleName: Alice mobile: '14085554420' pager: '14085559987' phone1: '14085551212' phone2: '14085559876' prefix: Mr. printAs: UKVendor key: '442' hideContactList: false href: /objects/company-config/contact/237 primary: id: null key: null payTo: id: null key: null returnTo: id: null key: null recipient1099: id: null key: null term: id: null key: null vendorAccountNumber: null taxId: null creditLimit: 1000 totalDue: '507.40' billingType: openItem vendorType: id: null key: null accountGroup: id: null key: null priceSchedule: id: null discountPercent: null priceList: id: null key: null notes: null accountlabel: id: null key: null defaultExpenseGLAccount: id: null name: null key: null paymentPriority: normal status: active state: a isOneTimeUse: false isOnHold: false audit: modifiedDateTime: '2024-01-03T06:43:34Z' createdDateTime: '2024-01-03T06:39:33Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' doNotPay: false alwaysCreateBill: false currency: USD ach: enablePayments: false routingNumber: null accountNumber: null accountType: null remittanceType: null bankFiles: paymentCountryCode: gb paymentCurrency: GBP displayTermDiscountOnCheckStub: false displayVendorAccountOnCheckStub: false sendPaymentNotification: false preferredPaymentMethod: null mergePaymentRequests: true overrideOffsetGLAccount: id: null key: null name: null attachment: id: null key: null defaultLeadTime: null retainagePercentage: null lastBillCreatedDate: null lastPaymentMadeDate: null tpar: isTparEnabled: true name: 4IMPRINT INC t5018: isT5018Enabled: true t5018Number: 123OOR652 vendorBankFileSetup: - id: '26' key: '26' vendor: key: '203' id: UKVendor href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/203 bsbNumber: 047-359 paymentReference: BACS HSBC corp sortCode: '849571' branchCode: '213456' bankAccountType: '4' bankAccountCode: '345624' proofOfPayment: true bankAccountNumber: '87402896' bankAccountName: UK Bank Corp. businessIdCode: AIBKIE2D491 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup/26 vendorEmailTemplates: null vendorPaymentProviders: [] billPayment: defaultDateOptions: none href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/203 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a vendor description: >+ Updates an existing vendor by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness user
PermissionsList, View, Edit Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendors operationId: update-accounts-payable-vendor-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: billingType: balanceForward Update multiple values: value: defaultLeadTime: 5 taxId: '192354308' form1099: nameOn1099: NCS type: MISC box: '3' isOnHold: true doNotPay: true alwaysCreateBill: true creditLimit: 10000 retainagePercentage: 20 notes: Make sure to include on 1099 discountPercent: 20 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated vendor properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a vendor: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: RituDate11-21-2015 href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a vendor description: >+ Deletes a vendor. You can only delete vendors that aren't tied to any transactions or payments.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Payable
User typeBusiness user
PermissionsList, View, Delete Vendors
tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendors operationId: delete-accounts-payable-vendor-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /workflows/accounts-payable/vendor/approve: post: summary: Approve a vendor description: Approve a vendor tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendors operationId: approve-accounts-payable-vendor requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-actions-approve-request' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-actions-approve-response' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /workflows/accounts-payable/vendor/decline: post: summary: Decline a vendor description: Decline a vendor tags: - Accounts_Payable_Vendors operationId: decline-accounts-payable-vendor requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-actions-decline-request' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-payable-vendor-actions-decline-response' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label: get: summary: List account labels description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each label. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AR Account Labels
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Account labels operationId: list-accounts-receivable-account-label responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of ar-account-label objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List account labels: value: ia::result: - key: '9' id: Retail Sales href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/9 - key: '41' id: Retail Sales 2 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/41 - key: '10' id: Sales href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an account label description: >+ Creates a new AR account label.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add AR Account Labels
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Account labels operationId: create-accounts-receivable-account-label requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-account-label' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-account-labelRequiredProperties' examples: Create an account label: value: id: Wholesale Sales description: Wholesale sales north america glAccount: id: '2050' status: active offsetGLAccount: id: '1200.01' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New ar-account-label properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create an account label: value: ia::result: key: '110' id: Wholesale Sales href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/110 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the account label. in: path required: true schema: type: integer example: 110 get: summary: Get an account label description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified AR account label.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AR Account Labels
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Account labels operationId: get-accounts-receivable-account-label-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the ar-account-label properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-account-label' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an account label: value: ia::result: key: '68' id: Wholesale Sales description: Wholesale Sales north America glAccount: id: 000007.10.90--Check_Petty Cash key: '445' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/445 status: active offsetGLAccount: id: 000007.10.90--Check_Petty Cash key: '445' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/445 isTaxable: false isTax: true isSubtotal: true taxGroup: id: Auto Account Label Tax key: '14' href: /objects/tax/account-label-tax-group/14 taxCode: CST deferredRevenueGLAccount: id: 000007.10.90 key: '445' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/445 revenueRecognitionTemplate: id: Straight Line templateTitle: Straight Line key: '28' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/revenue-recognition-template/28' audit: modifiedDateTime: '2024-08-02T00:00:00Z' createdDateTime: '2024-08-02T00:00:00Z' modifiedBy: '1' createdBy: '1' entity: key: null id: null name: null href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/68 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an account label description: >+ Updates an existing AR account label by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit AR Account Labels
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Account labels operationId: update-accounts-receivable-account-label-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-account-label' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: status: inactive responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated account label properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated label: value: ia::result: key: '68' id: Wholesale Sales href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/68 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an account label description: >+ Deletes an AR account label.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete AR Account Labels
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Account labels operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-account-label-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line: get: summary: List adjustment lines description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each adjustment line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustment lines operationId: list-accounts-receivable-adjustment-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of adjustment-line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get adjustments: value: ia::result: - key: '2651' id: '2651' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/2651 - key: '2563' id: '2563' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/2563 - key: '3481' id: '3481' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/3481 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 ageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the adjustment line. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an adjustment line description: Returns detailed information for a specified adjustment line. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustment lines operationId: get-accounts-receivable-adjustment-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the adjustment-line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-adjustment-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an adjustment line: value: ia::result: id: '2686' key: '2686' arAdjustment: id: '288' key: '288' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/288 glAccount: key: '254' id: '6103' name: Bonuses href: /objects/general-ledger/account/254 accountLabel: key: '35' id: Bonuses href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 baseCurrency: amount: '-125.00' currency: AUD txnCurrency: amount: '-125.00' currency: AUD dimensions: department: key: null id: null name: null location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null warehouse: key: null id: null name: null memo: adjustment one exchangeRate: date: '2024-09-24' typeId: Intacct Daily Rate rate: '1' lineNumber: '1' adjustmentType: ra isTax: false audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T13:19:27Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:01:12Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxEntries: - id: '2688' key: '2688' adjustmentLine: id: '2686' key: '2686' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/2686 baseTaxAmount: '-25.00' txnTaxAmount: '-25.00' taxRate: 20 orderEntryTaxDetail: id: AUS Standard1 key: '89' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/89 href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry/2688' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/2686 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry: get: summary: List adjustment tax entries description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each adjustment tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustment tax entries operationId: list-accounts-receivable-adjustment-tax-entry responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of adjustment-tax-entry objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List adjustment tax entries: value: ia::result: - key: '8' id: '8' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry/8 - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry/9 - key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the adjustment tax entry. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an adjustment tax entry description: Returns detailed information for a specified adjustment tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustment tax entries operationId: get-accounts-receivable-adjustment-tax-entry-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the adjustment-tax-entry properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-adjustment-tax-entry' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an adjustment tax entry: value: ia::result: id: '2688' key: '2688' adjustmentLine: id: '2686' key: '2686' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/2686 baseTaxAmount: '-25.00' txnTaxAmount: '-25.00' taxRate: 20 orderEntryTaxDetail: id: AUS Standard1 key: '89' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/89 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry/2688 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment: get: summary: List adjustments description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each adjustment. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse users
PermissionsList, View Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustments operationId: list-accounts-receivable-adjustment responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of adjustment objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List adjustments: value: ia::result: - key: '259' id: '259' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/259 - key: '295' id: '295' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/295 - key: '296' id: '296' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/296 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an adjustment description: >+ Creates a new adjustment.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, and Add Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustments operationId: create-accounts-receivable-adjustment requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-adjustment' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-adjustmentRequiredProperties' examples: Create an adjustment: value: customer: id: C-00005 createdDate: '2023-06-28' description: Lyon USD Adj adjustmentSummary: id: 'AR Summary: 2022/01/01 Batch' baseCurrency: paidDate: '2022-11-15' currency: USD txnCurrency: currency: USD lines: - txnCurrency: amount: '120.03' currency: USD glAccount: id: '2990' dimensions: location: id: CA responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New adjustment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new adjustment: value: ia::result: id: '270' key: '270' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/270 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the adjustment. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an adjustment description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified adjustment.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse users
PermissionsList, View Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustments operationId: get-accounts-receivable-adjustment-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the adjustment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-adjustment' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an adjustment: value: ia::result: id: '288' key: '288' txnType: ra adjustmentNumber: adj-1 state: posted customer: id: '1' key: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials totalDue: '-17909.55' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 documentNumber: ADJ008567 description: Adjustment 3 createdDate: '2024-09-24' entity: key: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/entity/1 glPostingDate: '2024-09-24' adjustmentSummary: id: 'AR Summary: 2022/01/01 Batch' key: 280 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/280 baseCurrency: paidDate: '2024-07-19' currency: AUD totalAmountEntered: '-150.00' totalSelected: '0.00' totalPaid: '0.00' totalDue: '-150.00' txnCurrency: currency: AUD totalEntered: '-150.00' totalSelected: '0.00' totalPaid: '0.00' totalDue: '-150.00' exchangeRate: date: '2024-07-17' typeId: Intacct Daily Rate rate: '1' contacts: billTo: id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) key: '152' href: /objects/company-config/contact/152 shipTo: id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) key: '152' tax: group: id: null key: null taxId: null href: /objects/company-config/contact/152 moduleKey: 4.AR audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T13:19:27Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:01:12Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxSolution: key: '1' id: Australia - GST href: /objects/tax/tax-solution/1 attachment: id: null key: null lines: - id: '2686' key: '2686' arAdjustment: id: '288' key: '288' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/288 glAccount: key: '254' id: '6103' name: Bonuses href: /objects/general-ledger/account/254 accountLabel: key: '35' id: Bonuses href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 baseCurrency: amount: '-125' currency: AUD txnCurrency: amount: '-125' currency: AUD dimensions: department: key: null id: null name: null location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: '1' id: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null warehouse: key: null id: null name: null memo: null exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: '1' lineNumber: '1' adjustmentType: ra isTax: false audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T13:19:27Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:01:12Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxEntries: - txnTaxAmount: '-25.00' baseTaxAmount: '-25.00' orderEntryTaxDetail: id: AUS Standard1 key: '89' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/89 id: '2688' key: '2688' taxRate: 20 adjustmentLine: id: '2686' key: '2686' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/2686' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-tax-entry/2688' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment-line/2686 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/288 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an adjustment description: >+ Updates an existing adjustment by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustments operationId: update-accounts-receivable-adjustment-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-adjustment' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an adjustment: value: description: May 2023 Refund responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated adjustment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated adjustment: value: ia::result: id: '16855' key: '16855' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/adjustment/16855 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an adjustment description: >+ Deletes an adjustment. An adjustment can be deleted if it has not yet been applied to an invoice.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse users
PermissionsList, View, Delete Adjustments
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Adjustments operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-adjustment-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line: get: summary: List advance lines description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each advance line item. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Advance lines operationId: list-accounts-receivable-advance-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List advance lines properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List advance lines: value: ia::result: - key: '2031' id: '2031' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/2031 - key: '2067' id: '2067' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/2067 - key: '856' id: '856' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/856 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the advance line. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an advance line description: Returns detailed information for a specified advance line. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Advance lines operationId: get-accounts-receivable-advance-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the advance line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-advance-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an advance line: value: ia::result: key: '2067' id: '2067' advance: id: '799' key: '799' recordType: rr href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance/799 glAccount: key: '156' id: '2200' name: Customer Advances href: /objects/general-ledger/account/156 accountLabel: name: Customer Advances id: '' baseAmount: '100.00' txnAmount: '100.00' dimensions: department: key: '' id: '' name: '' location: key: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 project: key: '' id: '' name: '' customer: key: '36' id: C-00045 name: MetroArtic, Inc. href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/36 vendor: key: '' id: '' name: '' employee: key: '' id: '' name: '' item: key: '' id: '' name: '' class: key: '' id: '' name: '' baseLocation: name: United States of America key: '1' href: /objects/company-config/location/1 createdDate: '2023-04-25' memo: New contract down payment currency: exchangeRate: date: '2023-04-25' typeId: '' rate: 1 baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD lineNumber: 1 paymentInformation: totalPaid: '100.00' txnTotalPaid: '100.00' totalSelected: '100.00' txnTotalSelected: '100.00' audit: createdDateTime: '2023-06-13T06:42:36Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-06-13T07:31:51Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/2067 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/advance: get: summary: List advances description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each advance.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Advances
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Advances operationId: list-accounts-receivable-advance responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of advance objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List of advances: value: ia::result: - key: '621' id: '621' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance/621 - key: '777' id: '777' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/777 - key: '802' id: '802' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/802 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an advance description: >+ Creates a new advance. If `accountType` is set to or defaults to `bank`, `financialEntity` is required to create an advance. If `accountType` is set to `undepositedFundsAccount`, a `glAccount` with an `undepositedGLAccountNumber` is required to create an advance.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness (with all admin privileges), Employee, CRM
PermissionsList, View, Add Advances
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Advances operationId: create-accounts-receivable-advance requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-advance' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-advanceRequiredProperties' examples: Create an advance: value: customer: id: C-00019 paymentInformation: paymentDate: '2024-06-13' receiptDate: '2024-06-13' paymentMethod: cash advanceSummary: id: AR Advance Summary items: - glAccount: id: '2200' txnAmount: '10' dimensions: location: id: CA responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New advance properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new advance: value: ia::result: key: '799' id: '799' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance/799 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/advance/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the advance. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an advance description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified advance.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse users
PermissionsList, View Advances
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Advances operationId: get-accounts-receivable-advance-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the advance properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-advance' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an advance: value: ia::result: id: '1169' key: '1169' advanceSummary: id: '300' key: '300' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/300 paymentInformation: financialEntity: id: SBME paymentMethod: cash currency: baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD exchangeRateDate: '2024-01-10' exchangeRateTypeId: Standard rate exchangeRate: 1 receiptDate: '2024-06-13' paymentDate: '2024-06-13' totalSelected: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' totalPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' totalDue: '10.00' totalTxnAmountDue: '10.00' glAccount: undepositedGLAccountNumber: '1070' customer: id: Cust_ForInvoice_0021 name: Cust_ForInvoice_0021 referenceNumber: Number10 description: Advance 10 recordType: rr state: posted totalEntered: '10.00' txnTotalEntered: '10.00' audit: modifiedDateTime: '2024-06-26T05:51:05Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' createdDateTime: '2024-06-13T00:00:00Z' createdDate: '2024-06-13' reconciliationGroup: cleared: 'false' clearingDate: '2024-06-13' isSystemGenerated: false attachment: id: '10' deposit: id: '234' key: '234' items: - id: '2596' key: '2596' arAdvance: id: '1169' key: '1169' recordType: rr href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance/1169 glAccount: key: '259' id: '6254' name: Travel href: /objects/general-ledger/account/259 accountLabel: name: Travel id: '10' baseAmount: '10.00' txnAmount: '10.00' dimensions: department: key: '14' id: '77' name: Quality Assurance href: /objects/company-config/department/14 location: key: '42' id: WDH name: West Delhi href: /objects/company-config/location/42 project: key: null id: null name: 'null' nsp::jurisdiction: key: null baseLocation: name: West Delhi key: '42' href: /objects/company-config/location/42 memo: 'null' currency: exchangeRate: date: '2024-06-13' typeId: 'null' rate: 1 baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD lineNumber: 1 paymentInformation: totalPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' totalSelected: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' audit: createdDateTime: '2024-06-26T05:51:05Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-06-26T05:51:05Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance-line/2596" href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance/1169 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an advance description: >+ Updates an existing advance by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Advances that have not yet been applied to an invoice can be updated. The General Ledger account book for the advance must also be open. If an advance was applied to an invoice and later unapplied, it cannot be updated.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse users
PermissionsList, View, Edit Advances
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Advances operationId: update-accounts-receivable-advance-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-advance' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an advance: value: referenceNumber: DOC1234 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated advance properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated advance: value: ia::result: key: '799' id: '799' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/advance/799 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template-line: get: summary: List billback template lines description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each billback template line. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Billback template lines operationId: list-accounts-receivable-billback-template-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of billback-template-line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List billback template lines: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template-line/1 - key: '8' id: '8' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template-line/8 - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template-line/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the billback template line. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a billback template line description: Returns detailed information for a particular billback template line. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Billback template lines operationId: get-accounts-receivable-billback-template-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the billback-template-line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-billback-template-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a billback template line: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '1' billbackTemplate: id: '1' key: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/1 lineNumber: '0' invoiceGLAccount: key: '194' id: '4000' name: Sales href: /objects/general-ledger/account/194 billGLAccount: key: '207' id: '5001' name: Construction href: /objects/general-ledger/account/207 department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 memo: line 1 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template-line/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template: get: summary: List billback templates description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each billback template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Billback templates operationId: list-accounts-receivable-billback-template responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of billback-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List of billback templates: value: ia::result: - key: '11' id: BBT-NextGen-2 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/11 - key: '14' id: BBT-NextGen-5 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/14 - key: '25' id: BBT-NextGen-8 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/25 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a billback template description: Creates a new billback template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Billback templates operationId: create-accounts-receivable-billback-template requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-billback-template' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-billback-templateRequiredProperties' examples: Creates a billback template: value: id: BBT-NextGen-9 description: BBT Next Gen template-9 enableInterEntityPostings: true lines: - invoiceGLAccount: key: '194' billGLAccount: key: '109' department: key: '9' memo: line 1 responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New billback-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New billback template: value: ia::result: key: '26' id: BBT-NextGen-9 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/26 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the billback template. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a billback template description: Returns detailed information for a particular billback template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Billback templates operationId: get-accounts-receivable-billback-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the billback-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-billback-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Details of the billback template: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: bbt1 description: Billback template 2 status: active enableInterEntityPostings: true lines: - key: '1' id: '1' billbackTemplate: id: '1' key: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/1 lineNumber: '0' invoiceGLAccount: key: '194' id: '4000' name: Sales href: /objects/general-ledger/account/194 billGLAccount: key: '207' id: '5001' name: Construction href: /objects/general-ledger/account/207 department: key: '9' id: '11' name: Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 memo: line 1 href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template-line/1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a billback template description: >- Updates an existing billback template by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Billback templates operationId: update-accounts-receivable-billback-template-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-billback-template' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Updates a billback template: value: status: active lines: - invoiceGLAccount: key: '194' billGLAccount: key: '109' department: key: '9' memo: line 1-1 - invoiceGLAccount: key: '194' billGLAccount: key: '109' department: key: '9' memo: line 1-2 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated billback-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated billback template: value: ia::result: key: '5' id: BBT-NextGen-1 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/billback-template/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a billback template description: Deletes a billback template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Billback templates operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-billback-template-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group: get: summary: List customer account groups tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer account groups responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of customer-account-group objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List customer account groups: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: HW VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/1 - key: '2' id: OS VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/2 - key: '3' id: Stationary VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/3 - key: '4' id: Electronic VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/4 - key: '5' id: Gardening VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/5 - key: '6' id: Auto VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/6 - key: '7' id: Inactive VGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/7 ia::meta: totalCount: 7 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-accounts-receivable-customer-account-group description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each customer account group. security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a customer account group tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer account groups operationId: create-accounts-receivable-customer-account-group responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New customer-account-group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new customer account group: value: ia::result: key: '18' id: 1099 Customer Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/18 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' description: Creates a new customer account group. requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-account-group' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/customerAccountGroupRequiredProperties' examples: Create a customer account group: value: id: 1099 Customer Group groupType: customer status: active security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned unique key for the customer account group. get: summary: Get a customer account group tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer account groups responses: '200': description: customer-account-group Found content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the customer account group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-account-group' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a customer account group: value: ia::result: id: HW VGL Group key: '1' groupType: customer status: inactive href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '404': description: customer-account-group Not Found operationId: get-accounts-receivable-customer-account-group-key description: Returns detailed information for a specified customer account group. security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a customer account group operationId: update-accounts-receivable-customer-account-group-key description: >- Updates an existing customer account group by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer account groups responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated customer-account-group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated customer account group: value: ia::result: key: '18' id: 1099 Customer Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/18 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-account-group' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a customer account group: value: status: inactive description: '' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a customer account group description: Deletes a customer account group. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer account groups operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-customer-account-group-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-contact: get: summary: List customer contacts description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each customer contact. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. operationId: list-accounts-receivable-customer-contact tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer contacts responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of customer contact objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Example 1: value: ia::result: - key: '17' id: ALEX href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-contact/17 - key: '18' id: Ashly href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-contact/18 - key: '19' id: Lisa href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-contact/19 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-contact/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the customer contact. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '1' get: summary: Get a customer contact description: Returns detailed information for a specified customer contact. operationId: get-accounts-receivable-customer-contact-key tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer contacts responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the customer contact properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-contact' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Example 1: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '1' categoryName: Main Office contact: key: '197' id: Jeffrey Palms audit: createdDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' customer: key: '15' id: CPACBELL ia::meta: totalCount: 1 security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template: get: summary: List customer email templates description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each customer email template. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer email templates operationId: list-accounts-receivable-customer-email-template responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of customer-email-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List customer email templates: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/1 - key: '6' id: '6' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/6 - key: '8' id: '8' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/8 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a customer email template description: Creates a new customer email template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer email templates operationId: create-accounts-receivable-customer-email-template requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-email-template' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-email-templateRequiredProperties' examples: Example 1: value: customer: key: '127' emailTemplate: key: '4' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New customer-email-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a customer email template: value: ia::result: key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the customer email template. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '2' get: summary: Get a customer email template description: Returns detailed information for a specified customer email template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer email templates operationId: get-accounts-receivable-customer-email-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the customer-email-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-email-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a customer email template: value: ia::result: key: '10' id: '10' customer: key: '127' id: Cust_Dif_Con_PnEtmp href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/127 txnDefinition: key: '12' id: Customer Sales Invoice emailTemplate: id: '4' key: '4' name: SimpleARInvTemp templateType: arInvoice href: /objects/company-config/email-template/4 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a customer email template description: >- Updates an existing customer email template by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer email templates operationId: update-accounts-receivable-customer-email-template-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-email-template' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Change email template: value: emailTemplate: key: '10' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated customer-email-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a customer email template: value: ia::result: key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a customer email template description: Deletes a customer email template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer email templates operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-customer-email-template-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-item-cross-reference: get: summary: List customer item cross references description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each customer item cross reference. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer item cross references operationId: list-accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of customer-item-cross-reference objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List customer item cross references: {} '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a customer item cross reference description: Creates a new customer item cross reference. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer item cross references operationId: create-accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-referenceRequiredProperties' examples: Create a customer item cross reference: {} responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New customer-item-cross-reference properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New customer item cross reference: {} '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-item-cross-reference/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the customer item cross reference. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a customer item cross reference description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified customer item cross reference. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer item cross references operationId: get-accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the customer-item-cross-reference properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a customer item cross reference: {} '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a customer item cross reference description: >- Updates an existing customer item cross reference by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer item cross references operationId: update-accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a customer item cross reference: {} responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated customer-item-cross-reference properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated customer item cross reference: {} '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a customer item cross reference description: Deletes a customer item cross reference. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer item cross references operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-customer-item-cross-reference-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message: get: summary: List customer messages description: Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each customer message. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer messages operationId: list-accounts-receivable-customer-message responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of customer-message objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List customer messages: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: Active Message href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/1 - key: '2' id: Inactive Message href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/2 - key: '3' id: Message Balance href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a customer message description: Creates a new customer message. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer messages operationId: create-accounts-receivable-customer-message requestBody: description: Creates a new customer message. required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-message' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-messageRequiredProperties' examples: Create a customer message: value: id: New Customer Message message: We look forward to doing business together! status: active responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New customer-message properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new Customer Message: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: New Customer Message href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the customer message. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a customer message description: Returns detailed information for a specified customer message. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer messages operationId: get-accounts-receivable-customer-message-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the customer-message properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-message' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a customer message: value: ia::result: key: '15' id: WelcomeMessage message: Welcome to the company status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2023-08-16T13:26:56Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-08-16T13:26:56Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/15 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a customer message description: >- Updates an existing customer message by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer messages operationId: update-accounts-receivable-customer-message-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-message' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a customer message: value: message: Hello and welcome! responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated customer-message properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated customer message: value: ia::result: key: '15' id: WelcomeMessage href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/15 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type: get: summary: List customer types description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each customer type. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Customer Types
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer types responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of customer-type objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List customer types: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: Account Manager href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/1 - key: '2' id: Auto ACH href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/2 - key: '3' id: Auto CC Payment href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/3 - key: '4' id: Credit Card href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 4 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-accounts-receivable-customer-type security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a customer type description: >+ Creates a new customer type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add Customer Types
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer types operationId: create-accounts-receivable-customer-type responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New customer-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a customer type: value: ia::result: key: '9' id: Client Start Trial href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-type' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-typeRequiredProperties' examples: Create a customer type: value: id: Top Level Customer status: active security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the customer type. example: '4' get: summary: Get a customer type description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified customer type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Customer Types
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer types responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the customer-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-type' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a customer type: value: ia::result: id: Client Start Trial parent: key: '1' id: Account Manager status: active key: '9' audit: createdDateTime: '2022-01-07T06:18:51Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-01-07T06:18:51Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' entity: key: null id: null name: null href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: get-accounts-receivable-customer-type-key security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a customer type description: >+ Updates an existing customer type by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Customer Types
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer types operationId: update-accounts-receivable-customer-type-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated customer-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a customer type: value: ia::result: key: '2' id: Auto ACH href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer-type' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a customer type: value: status: inactive Update a parent customer type: value: parent: id: Top Level Customer status: inactive security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a customer type description: >+ Deletes a customer type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete Customer Types
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customer types operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-customer-type-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer: get: summary: List customers description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each customer. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Customers
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customers operationId: list-accounts-receivable-customer responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of customer objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List customers: value: ia::result: - key: '68' id: CUST-100 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/68 - key: '69' id: CUST-200 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/69 - key: '73' id: CUST-300 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/73 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a customer description: >+ Creates a new customer.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add Customers
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customers operationId: create-accounts-receivable-customer requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customerRequiredProperties' examples: Create a customer: value: id: CUST-002 name: Starluck taxId: 12-3456789 creditLimit: 50000 status: active responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: examples: Create a customer: value: ia::result: key: '32' id: CUST-200 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/32 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 schema: type: object title: New customer properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string example: '81' name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the customer. get: summary: Get a customer description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified customer.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Customers
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customers operationId: get-accounts-receivable-customer-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the customer properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a customer: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: PAMats name: Power Aerospace Materials parent: key: '2055' id: '12' name: '12' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/2055 contacts: default: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 1120 Harbor Bay Pkwy addressLine2: St John's street addressLine3: Double cross road city: Sacramento country: United States postCode: 95119-1208 state: CA tax: isTaxable: true URL1: URL2: companyName: Logic Solutions email1: email2: fax: (925) 123-4567 firstName: Sandy id: Customer 1(CCust1) lastName: Tieber middleName: E mobile: (925) 123-4567 pager: (925) 123-4567 phone1: (408) 395-2539 phone2: (408) 395-2540 printAs: Mr. Sandy Tieber key: '394' showInContactList: true href: /objects/company-config/contact/394 primary: id: Aron key: '106' href: /objects/company-config/contact/106 shipTo: id: Alex key: '107' href: /objects/company-config/contact/107 billTo: id: Ben key: '108' href: /objects/company-config/contact/108 term: id: 15DaysExtToEOM key: '26' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/26 salesRepresentative: id: EM M name: Aaron key: '89' href: /objects/company-config/employee/89 resaleNumber: 123456789 taxId: '123456803' creditLimit: 20000 totalDue: '99999.99' notes: Sample Notes accountLabel: id: Pledges key: '9' defaultRevenueGLAccount: id: '2080.06' name: Germany(France) - Inter Entity Payable key: '136' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/136 lastInvoiceCreatedDate: '2021-10-12' lastStatementGeneratedDate: '2023-02-28' deliveryOptions: print territory: id: '23456' name: North East key: '23' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/23 shippingMethod: id: Fedex key: '3' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/3 customerType: id: DOCS key: '13' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-type/13 accountGroup: key: '10' id: Auto CGL Group href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-account-group/10 priceSchedule: id: '101' key: '101' href: /objects/purchasing/price-schedule/101 discountPercent: '10' priceList: id: Base Price List key: '1' href: /objects/order-entry/price-list/1 currency: USD status: active isOneTimeUse: false customerMessage: key: '10' id: welcome message, message: Welcome to Power Aerospace Materials href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-message/10 isOnHold: false overridePriceList: customer enableOnlineCardPayment: true enableOnlineACHPayment: true audit: modifiedDateTime: '2023-12-14T11:31:06Z' createdDateTime: '2018-07-28T19:22:31Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' overrideOffsetGLAccount: id: '1120' name: Pledges Receivable emailOptIn: false contactList: - id: '150' key: '150' categoryName: ship audit: modifiedDateTime: '2023-12-14T11:31:06Z' createdDateTime: '2022-06-07T12:37:37Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' customer: key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 contact: key: '106' id: Aron href: /objects/company-config/contact/106 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer-contact/150 customerEmailTemplates: - id: '8' key: '8' customer: key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 txnDefinitionName: Sales Quote emailTemplate: id: '4' key: '4' name: OETemplate href: /objects/company-config/email-template/4 templateType: soDocument href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/customer-email-template/8' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a customer description: >+ Updates an existing customer by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Customers included in posted transactions will not be updated. Only new transactions and records will refer to the updated customer information.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Customers
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customers operationId: update-accounts-receivable-customer-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated customer properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated customer: value: ia::result: key: '34' id: CUST-100 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/payment/34 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-customer' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: creditLimit: 10000 security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a customer description: >+ Deletes a customer. Customers that have already been used in a transaction cannot be deleted. Instead, you can update customers that have already been used to make them inactive.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete Customers
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Customers operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-customer-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line: get: summary: List invoice lines description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each invoice line item. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approver
PermissionsList, View Invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoice lines operationId: list-accounts-receivable-invoice-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of invoice line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List invoice lines: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/1 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/3 - key: '19' id: '19' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/19 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the invoice line item. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an invoice line description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified invoice line item.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approver
PermissionsList, View Invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoice lines operationId: get-accounts-receivable-invoice-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the invoice line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-invoice-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an invoice line: value: ia::result: id: '2702' key: '2702' invoice: id: '292' key: '292' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/292 glAccount: key: '254' id: '6103' name: Bonuses href: /objects/general-ledger/account/254 overrideOffsetGLAccount: key: '36' id: '1200' name: Accounts Receivable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/36 accountLabel: name: Bonuses key: '35' id: Bonuses href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 createdDate: '2024-09-24' baseAmount: '400.00' txnAmount: '400.00' dimensions: department: key: null id: null name: null location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null warehouse: key: null id: null name: null baseLocation: name: Australia key: '4' href: /objects/company-config/location/4 memo: line 1 currency: exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: 1 txnCurrency: AUD baseCurrency: AUD allocation: key: null id: null lineNumber: 1 paymentInformation: totalBaseAmountPaid: '0.00' totalTxnAmountPaid: '0.00' totalBaseAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' totalTxnAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' isSubtotal: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:20Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxEntries: - id: '2704' key: '2704' invoiceLine: id: '2702' key: '2702' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/2702 baseTaxAmount: '40.00' txnTaxAmount: '40.00' taxRate: 10 orderEntryTaxDetail: id: G1 Goods and Services Tax key: '20' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/20 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry/2704 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/2702 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-summary: get: summary: List invoice summaries description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each AR invoice summary. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Summaries
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoice summaries operationId: list-accounts-receivable-invoice-summary responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List invoice summaries properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List invoice summaries: value: ia::result: - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-summary/9 - key: '13' id: '13' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-summary/13 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-summary/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the invoice summary. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an invoice summary description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified AR invoice summary.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Summaries
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoice summaries operationId: get-accounts-receivable-invoice-summary-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the ar-invoice-summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-invoice-summary' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an invoice summary: value: ia::result: key: '13' id: '13' name: 'Invoices: 2019/12/01 Batch' glPostingDate: '2019-12-01' status: active recordType: invoice totalAmount: '0' state: open parent: key: '13' id: '13' preventGLPosting: false summaryCreationType: manual isQuickPaymentSummary: false href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-summary/13 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry: get: summary: List invoice tax entries description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each invoice tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoice tax entries operationId: list-accounts-receivable-invoice-tax-entry responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of invoice-tax-entry objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List invoice tax entries: value: ia::result: - key: '8' id: '8' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry/8 - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry/9 - key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the invoice tax entry. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an invoice tax entry description: Returns detailed information for a specified invoice tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoice tax entries operationId: get-accounts-receivable-invoice-tax-entry-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the invoice-tax-entry properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-invoice-tax-entry' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an invoice tax entry: value: ia::result: id: '2704' key: '2704' invoiceLine: id: '2702' key: '2702' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/2702 baseTaxAmount: '40.00' txnTaxAmount: '40.00' taxRate: 10 orderEntryTaxDetail: id: G1 Goods and Services Tax key: '20' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/20 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry/2704 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice: get: summary: List invoices description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each invoice. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approver
PermissionsList, View Invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoices operationId: list-accounts-receivable-invoice responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of invoice objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List invoices: value: ia::result: - key: '498' id: '498' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/498 - key: '501' id: '501' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/501 - key: '978' id: '978' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/978 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an invoice description: >+ Creates a new invoice. For the invoice to be posted, you must specify at least the account and an amount for each line item.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approver
PermissionsAdd Invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoices operationId: create-accounts-receivable-invoice requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-invoice' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-invoiceRequiredProperties' examples: Create an invoice: value: invoiceNumber: SI-0034 customer: id: C-00019 customerMessage: id: welcome message referenceNumber: B9R456 description: Regular invoice term: id: N15 invoiceDate: '2022-12-06' dueDate: '2022-12-31' currency: txnCurrency: USD exchangeRate: date: '2022-12-06' typeId: Intacct Daily Rate rate: 0.05112 contacts: payTo: id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) returnTo: id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) lines: - txnAmount: '100.40' glAccount: id: '5004' accountLabel: id: SWL001 dimensions: department: id: SA location: id: CA customer: id: '1652' - txnAmount: '-10' glAccount: id: '5004' accountLabel: id: SWL001 dimensions: department: id: SA location: id: CA customer: id: '1652' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New invoice properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New invoice: value: ia::result: id: '2091' key: '2091' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/2091 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the invoice. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an invoice description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified invoice.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approver
PermissionsList, View Invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoices operationId: get-accounts-receivable-invoice-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the invoice properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-invoice' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an invoice: value: ia::result: id: '292' key: '292' recordType: ri invoiceNumber: ADJDEC0002 state: posted customer: id: '1' key: '1' name: Power Aerospace Materials emailOption: false customerDue: '-17909.55' deliveryOptions: print href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 customerMessage: key: null id: null message: null referenceNumber: null description: nextGen Recurr documentId: null term: id: Due upon pay key: '15' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/15 invoiceDate: '2024-09-24' invoiceSummary: glPostingDate: '2024-09-24' id: 'Invoices: 2024/09/24 Batch' key: '199' isSummaryOpen: open isSummaryPosted: 'false' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/199 discountCutOffDate: '2024-09-24' dueDate: '2024-09-24' paymentInformation: fullyPaidDate: null totalBaseAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' totalBaseAmountPaid: '0.00' totalTxnAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' totalTxnAmountPaid: '0.00' currency: baseCurrency: AUD txnCurrency: AUD exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null totalBaseAmount: '440.00' totalBaseAmountDue: '440.00' totalTxnAmount: '440.00' totalTxnAmountDue: '440.00' contacts: payTo: id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) key: '152' returnTo: id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) key: '152' tax: group: id: null key: null taxId: null moduleKey: accountsReceivable recurringSchedule: key: '24' isSystemGeneratedDocument: false billbackTemplate: id: null key: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:20Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' dueInDays: 3 taxSolution: key: '1' id: Australia - GST href: /objects/tax/tax-solution/1 attachment: id: atch1 key: '6' href: /objects/company-config/attachment/6 dunningCount: 0 entity: key: null id: null name: null lines: - id: '2702' key: '2702' invoice: id: '292' key: '292' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/292 glAccount: key: '254' id: '6103' name: Bonuses href: /objects/general-ledger/account/254 overrideOffsetGLAccount: key: '36' id: '1200' name: Accounts Receivable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/36 accountLabel: name: Bonuses key: '35' id: Bonuses href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 createdDate: '2024-09-24' baseAmount: '400.00' txnAmount: '400.00' dimensions: department: key: null id: null name: null location: key: '4' id: '4' name: Australia href: /objects/company-config/location/4 project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null warehouse: key: null id: null name: null baseLocation: name: Australia key: '4' href: /objects/company-config/location/4 memo: line 1 currency: exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: 1 txnCurrency: AUD baseCurrency: AUD allocation: key: null id: null lineNumber: 1 paymentInformation: totalBaseAmountPaid: '0.00' totalTxnAmountPaid: '0.00' totalBaseAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' totalTxnAmountSelectedForPayment: '0.00' isSubtotal: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:20Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxEntries: - txnTaxAmount: '40.00' baseTaxAmount: '40.00' orderEntryTaxDetail: id: G1 Goods and Services Tax key: '20' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/20 id: '2704' key: '2704' taxRate: 10 invoiceLine: id: '2702' key: '2702' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/2702 href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-tax-entry/2704' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice-line/2702 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/292 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an invoice description: >+ Updates an existing invoice by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Allowed edits depend on the state an invoice is in. For more information, see [About editing invoices](
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approver
PermissionsEdit Invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoices operationId: update-accounts-receivable-invoice-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-invoice' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: description: Special off-cycle order responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated invoice properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a single value: value: ia::result: id: '2091' key: '2091' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/invoice/2091 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an invoice description: >+ Deletes an invoice. Only invoices with a `draft` or `posted` state can be deleted.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approver
PermissionsDelete Invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Invoices operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-invoice-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line: get: summary: List recurring invoice lines description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each recurring invoice line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness/Admin, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse, Approver
PermissionsList, View Recurring invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoice lines operationId: list-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of recurring invoice line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List recurring invoice lines: value: ia::result: - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/9 - key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/10 - key: '13' id: '13' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/13 - key: '14' id: '14' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/14 ia::meta: totalCount: 4 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the recurring invoice line. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a recurring invoice line description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified line item in a recurring invoice.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness/Admin, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse, Approver
PermissionsList, View Recurring invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoice lines operationId: get-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the recurring-invoice-line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a recurring invoice line: value: ia::result: id: '51' key: '51' recurringInvoice: id: '24' key: '24' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/24 offsetGLAccount: key: null description: line 1 glAccount: key: '254' id: '6103' name: Bonuses href: /objects/general-ledger/account/254 amount: '400.00' dimensions: location: id: '4' name: Australia department: id: null name: null project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null lineNumber: 0 accountLabel: id: Bonuses key: '35' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 currency: txnCurrency: AUD baseCurrency: AUD exchangeRateDate: null exchangeRateTypeId: null exchangeRate: 1 txnAmount: '400.00' allocation: key: null id: null isBillable: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:18Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:18Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' deferredRevenueGLAccount: key: null id: null name: null startDate: null endDate: null taxDetail: taxRate: null id: null key: null isTax: false isSubTotal: null taxEntries: - id: '52' key: '52' recurringInvoiceLine: id: '51' key: '51' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/51' baseTaxAmount: '40.00' txnTaxAmount: '40.00' taxRate: 10 orderEntryTaxDetail: id: G1 Goods and Services Tax key: '20' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/20 href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry/52' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/51 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry: get: summary: List recurring invoice tax entries description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each recurring invoice tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoice tax entries operationId: list-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-tax-entry responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of recurring invoice tax entry objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List recurring invoice tax entries: value: ia::result: - key: '8' id: '8' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry/8' - key: '9' id: '9' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry/9' - key: '10' id: '10' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry/10' ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the recurring invoice tax entry. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a recurring invoice tax entry description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified recurring invoice tax entry. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoice tax entries operationId: get-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-tax-entry-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the recurring invoice tax entry properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-tax-entry' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a recurring invoice tax entry: value: ia::result: id: '52' key: '52' recurringInvoiceLine: id: '51' key: '51' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/51 baseTaxAmount: '40.00' txnTaxAmount: '40.00' taxRate: 10 orderEntryTaxDetail: id: G1 Goods and Services Tax key: '20' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/20 href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry/52' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice: get: summary: List recurring invoices description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each recurring invoice. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness/Admin, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse, Approver
PermissionsList, View Recurring invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoices operationId: list-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of recurring invoice objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List recurring invoices: value: ia::result: - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/3 - key: '4' id: '4' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/4 - key: '7' id: '7' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/7 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a recurring invoice description: >+ Creates a new recurring invoice.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness/Admin, Employee, Approver
PermissionsList, View, Add Recurring invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoices operationId: create-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-recurring-invoiceRequiredProperties' examples: Create a recurring invoice: value: description: Monthly premium subscription term: key: '25' invoiceNumber: AR-INV referenceNumber: PO1223 customer: key: '10' currency: txnCurrency: USD baseCurrency: USD payment: paymentMethod: onlineChargeCard payInFull: true accountType: bank bankAccountID: BOA schedule: startDate: '2024-03-11' repeatBy: month repeatInterval: '2' lines: - description: line 1 glAccount: key: '194' txnAmount: '250.00' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New recurring invoice properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new recurring invoice: value: ia::result: id: '4' key: '4' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the recurring invoice. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a recurring invoice description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified recurring invoice.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness/Admin, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse, Approver
PermissionsList, View Recurring invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoices operationId: get-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the recurring invoice properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a recurring invoice: value: ia::result: id: '24' key: '24' description: nextGen Recurr audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:18Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' term: key: '15' id: Due upon pay href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/15 invoiceNumber: Adjustment Decrease totalEntered: '440.00' referenceNumber: null status: active customer: name: Power Aerospace Materials key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/1 contract: id: null description: null contacts: billTo: key: '128' id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) href: /objects/company-config/contact/128 shipTo: key: '128' id: Power Aerospace Materials(C1) tax: group: id: null key: null taxId: null href: /objects/company-config/contact/128 currency: txnCurrency: AUD baseCurrency: AUD exchangeRateTypeId: '' exchangeRate: 1 txnTotalEntered: '440.00' customerMessage: key: null id: null message: null payment: paymentMethod: none payInFull: true paymentAmount: null customerCreditCard: key: null id: null creditCardType: null accountType: null bankAccountID: null undepositedFundsAccountId: null schedule: startDate: '2024-09-24' endDate: null nextExecutionDate: '2024-09-25' lastExecutionDate: '2024-09-24' repeatCount: '3' repeatBy: day repeatInterval: '1' taxSolution: key: '1' id: Australia - GST href: /objects/tax/tax-solution/1 attachment: id: atch1 key: null lines: - id: '51' key: '51' recurringInvoice: id: '24' key: '24' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/24 offsetGLAccount: key: null description: line 1 glAccount: key: '254' id: '6103' name: Bonuses href: /objects/general-ledger/account/254 amount: '400.00' dimensions: location: id: '4' name: Australia department: id: null name: null project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null lineNumber: 0 accountLabel: id: Bonuses key: '35' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 currency: txnCurrency: AUD baseCurrency: AUD exchangeRateDate: null exchangeRateTypeId: null exchangeRate: 1 txnAmount: '400.00' allocation: key: null id: null isBillable: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:18Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-09-24T14:18:18Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' deferredRevenueGLAccount: key: null id: null name: null startDate: null endDate: null taxDetail: taxRate: null id: null key: null isTax: false isSubTotal: null taxEntries: - txnTaxAmount: '40.00' baseTaxAmount: '40.00' orderEntryTaxDetail: id: G1 Goods and Services Tax key: '20' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/20 id: '52' key: '52' taxRate: 10 href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-tax-entry/52' totalTxnAmount: '440.00' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice-line/51' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/24 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a recurring invoice description: >+ Updates an existing recurring invoice by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Recurring invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoices operationId: update-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a recurring invoice: value: description: Renewed subscription for 2024 status: active responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated recurring invoice properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated recurring invoice: value: ia::result: id: '4' key: '4' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/recurring-invoice/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a recurring invoice description: >+ Deletes a recurring invoice. If a recurring invoice is no longer in use, you can delete it instead of ending the recurring schedule. For example, if a contract with a customer is permanently canceled, you can delete the recurring invoice for that customer.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit, Delete Recurring invoices
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Recurring invoices operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-recurring-invoice-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/revenue-recognition-template/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true example: '1' description: System-assigned key for the revenue recognition template. get: summary: Get a revenue recognition template description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified revenue recognition template. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Revenue recognition templates responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the revenue recognition template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-revenue-recognition-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a revenue recognition template: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '1001' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/revenue-recognition-template/1' status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: get-accounts-receivable-revenue-recognition-template-key security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/revenue-recognition-template: get: summary: List revenue recognition templates description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each revenue recognition template. This operation is mostly for use in testing. Use query to fnd objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Revenue recognition templates responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of revenue-recognition-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List revenue recognition templates: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1001' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/revenue-recognition-template/1' - key: '2' id: '1001.01' href: '/objects/accounts-receivable/revenue-recognition-template/2' ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-accounts-receivable-revenue-recognition-template security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method: get: summary: List shipping methods description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each shipping method. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Shipping methods operationId: list-accounts-receivable-shipping-method responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of shipping method objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List shipping methods: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: Ground href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/1 - key: '2' id: Air href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/2 - key: '3' id: Fedex href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/3 - key: '4' id: Sea Route href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 4 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a shipping method description: Creates a new shipping method object. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Shipping methods operationId: create-accounts-receivable-shipping-method requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-shipping-method' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-shipping-methodRequiredProperties' examples: Create a new shipping method: value: id: Air daysInTransit: 10 responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New shipping method properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new shipping method: value: ia::result: key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true example: '2' description: System-assigned key for the shipping method. get: summary: Get a shipping method description: Returns detailed information for a specified shipping method. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Shipping methods operationId: get-accounts-receivable-shipping-method-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the shipping method properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-shipping-method' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a shipping method: value: ia::result: key: '2' id: Air status: active daysInTransit: null href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a shipping method description: >- Updates an existing shipping method by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Shipping methods operationId: update-accounts-receivable-shipping-method-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-shipping-method' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a shipping method: value: daysInTransit: 15 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated shipping method properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated shipping method: value: ia::result: key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/shipping-method/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a shipping method description: Deletes a shipping method. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Shipping methods operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-shipping-method-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/summary: get: summary: List summaries description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each AR summary. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Summaries operationId: list-accounts-receivable-summary responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of ar-summary objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List summaries: value: ia::result: - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/2 - key: '6' id: '6' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/6 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a summary description: Creates a new AR summary. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Summaries operationId: create-accounts-receivable-summary requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-summary' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-summaryRequiredProperties' examples: Create a summary: value: name: 'Invoices: 2019/12/01 Batch' glPostingDate: '2023-05-10' status: active recordType: invoice state: open preventGLPosting: false isQuickPaymentSummary: false responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New ar-summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New summary: value: ia::result: key: '14' id: '14' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/14 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the summary. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a summary description: Returns detailed information for a specified AR summary. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Summaries operationId: get-accounts-receivable-summary-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the ar-summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-summary' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a summary: value: ia::result: key: '14' id: '14' name: 'Invoices: 2019/12/01 Batch' glPostingDate: '2019-12-01' status: active recordType: invoice totalAmount: '100' state: open parent: id: '11' key: '11' preventGLPosting: false summaryCreationType: manual isQuickPaymentSummary: false href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/14 entity: key: null id: null name: null ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a summary description: >- Updates an existing AR summary by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Summaries operationId: update-accounts-receivable-summary-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-summary' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a summary: value: name: 'Invoices: 2019/12/01 Batch' glPostingDate: '2023-05-10' status: active recordType: invoice state: open preventGLPosting: false isQuickPaymentSummary: false responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated ar-summary properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated summary: value: ia::result: key: '14' id: '14' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/14 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a summary description: Deletes an AR summary. tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Summaries operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-summary-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/term: get: summary: List terms description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each AR term. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AR terms
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Terms operationId: list-accounts-receivable-term responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of ar-term objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List terms: value: ia::result: - key: '5' id: N15 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/5 - key: '8' id: N30 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/8 - key: '9' id: NET15 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a term description: |+ Creates a new AR term.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add AR terms
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Terms operationId: create-accounts-receivable-term requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-term' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-termRequiredProperties' examples: Create a term: value: id: 2-10 Net 30 description: N30 with discount due: days: 30 from: fromInvoiceDate discount: days: 4 amount: 2 from: fromInvoiceDate calculateOn: lineItemsTotal unit: percentage graceDays: 10 penalty: cycle: weekly amount: 1 unit: percentage graceDays: 20 responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New term properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new AR term: value: ia::result: key: '18' id: 2-10 Net 30 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/18 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/term/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the term. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a term description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified term.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View AR terms
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Terms operationId: get-accounts-receivable-term-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the term properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-term' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a term: value: ia::result: id: 2-10 Net 30 description: N30 with discount status: active key: '18' due: days: 30 from: fromInvoiceDate discount: days: 4 from: fromInvoiceDate amount: 2 unit: percentage graceDays: 10 calculateOn: lineItemsTotal penalty: cycle: weekly amount: 1 unit: percentage graceDays: 20 audit: modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-06T09:23:41Z' createdDateTime: '2024-03-06T09:23:41Z' modifiedBy: '1' createdBy: '1' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/18 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a term description: >+ Updates an existing AR term by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit AR terms
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Terms operationId: update-accounts-receivable-term-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-term' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: description: NA customer term responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated ar-term properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated term: value: ia::result: key: '18' id: N30 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/term/18 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a term description: >+ Deletes a term. Delete terms that are no longer in use to avoid cluttering the list of active terms.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAccounts Receivable
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete AR terms
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Terms operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-term-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/territory: get: summary: List territories description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each territory. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Territories
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Territories operationId: list-accounts-receivable-territory responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of territory objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List territories: value: ia::result: - key: '10' id: PNW href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/10 - key: '11' id: SW href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/11 - key: '12' id: ESB href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/12 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a territory description: >+ Creates a new territory.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add Territories
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Territories operationId: create-accounts-receivable-territory requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-territory' examples: Create a territory: value: id: T-12 name: Territory India parent: id: '12755' manager: id: Raser status: active responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New territory properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New Territory: value: ia::result: key: '19' id: T-12 href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/19 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string example: '81' name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the territory. get: summary: Get a territory description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified territory.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Territories
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Territories responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the territory properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-territory' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a territory: value: ia::result: key: '17' id: TT-SW name: Southwest parent: id: TT-US key: '14' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/14 manager: key: '5' id: dwilson href: /objects/company-config/employee/5 status: active href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/17 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: get-accounts-receivable-territory-key security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a territory description: >+ Updates an existing territory by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Territories
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Territories operationId: update-accounts-receivable-territory-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accounts-receivable-territory' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: name: Southwest United States responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated territory properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a single value: value: ia::result: key: '17' id: TT-SW href: /objects/accounts-receivable/territory/17 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a territory description: >+ Deletes a territory. A territory can be deleted if it hasn't been associated with a customer, transaction, or other record.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete Territories
tags: - Accounts_Receivable_Territories operationId: delete-accounts-receivable-territory-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-account/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the bank account. get: summary: Get a bank account description: Returns detailed information for a specified bank account. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank accounts operationId: get-cash-management-bank-account-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Detail of the bank account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-account' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get a bank account: value: ia::result: key: '29' referenceKey: '90' id: CITI name: CitiBank12 currency: USD accountType: checking connectionStatus: inProgress supportMultiAccountLinking: true financialInstitution: id: '8' key: '8' href: /objects/cash-management/financial-institution/8 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-account/29 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter: get: summary: List bank transaction rule filter attributes description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each bank transaction rule filter attribute. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule filter attributes operationId: list-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-filter responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of bank transaction rule filter objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bank transaction rule filter attributes: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: >- System-assigned unique key for the bank transaction rule filter attribute. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '8' get: summary: Get a bank transaction rule filter attribute description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified bank transaction rule filter attribute. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule filter attributes operationId: get-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-filter-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bank transaction rule filter attribute properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-filter' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bank transaction rule filter attribute: value: ia::result: key: '110' id: '110' bankTransactionRule: id: '3' key: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/3 dataSource: intacctTransaction intacctTxnAttribute: postingDate bankTxnAttribute: null operator: equals value: 10/11/2023 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter/110 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-group: get: summary: List bank transaction rule group attributes description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each bank transaction rule group attribute. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule group attributes operationId: list-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-group responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of bank transaction rule group objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bank transaction rule group attributes: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-group/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-group/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-group/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-group/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the bank transaction rule group attribute. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '9' get: summary: Get a bank transaction rule group attribute description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified bank transaction rule group attribute. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule group attributes operationId: get-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-group-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bank-txn-rule-group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-group' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bank transaction rule group attribute: value: ia::result: key: '110' id: '110' bankTransactionRule: id: '3' key: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/3 dataSource: intacctTransaction intacctTxnAttribute: postingDate bankTxnAttribute: null href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-group/110 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map: get: summary: List bank transaction rule maps description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each bank transaction rule map. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule maps operationId: list-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-map responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List bank transaction rule map objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bank transaction rule maps: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map/1 - key: '26' id: '26' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map/26 - key: '182' id: '182' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map/182 ia::meta: totalCount: 25 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the bank transaction rule map. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '6' get: summary: Get a bank transaction rule map description: Returns detailed information for a specified bank transaction rule map. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule maps operationId: get-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-map-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bank-txn-rule-map properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-map' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bank transaction rule map: value: ia::result: id: '11' key: '11' bankTxnRule: id: '11' key: '11' ruleId: gl-create-rule-2 name: gl-create-rule-2 ruleType: create href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/11 bankTxnRuleSet: id: '1' key: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/1 ruleOrder: 7 audit: createdDateTime: '2023-09-13T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-09-13T00:00:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map/11 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a bank transaction rule map description: Deletes a bank transaction rule map. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule maps operationId: delete-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-map-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match: get: summary: List bank transaction rule match attributes description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each bank transaction rule match attribute. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule match attributes operationId: list-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-match responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List bank transaction rule match objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bank transaction rule match attributes: value: ia::result: - key: '97' id: '97' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match/97 - key: '100' id: '100' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match/100 - key: '104' id: '104' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match/104 ia::meta: totalCount: 70 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: >- System-assigned unique key for the bank transaction rule match attribute. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '11' get: summary: Get a bank transaction rule match attribute description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified bank transaction rule match attribute. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule match attributes operationId: get-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-match-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bank-txn-rule-match properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-match' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bank transaction rule match attribute: value: ia::result: key: '90' id: '90' intacctTxnAttribute: description bankTxnAttribute: description operator: contains value: payee-1 order: 6 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match/90 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set: get: summary: List bank transaction rule sets description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each rules. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList Bank transaction rule sets
tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule sets responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of Rule set objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bank transaction rule sets: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a bank transaction rule set description: >+ Creates a new bank transaction rule set.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsAdd Bank transaction rule sets
tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule sets operationId: create-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-setRequiredProperties' examples: Create a bank transaction rule set: value: ruleSetId: Txn-Rule-Set-004 name: MBB Rule Set description: Primary rule set for MBB accountType: creditcard location: key: '1' status: active responses: '201': description: Created rule set content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New bank-txn-rule-set properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a bank transaction rule set: value: ia::result: key: '5' id: '5' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string example: '11' name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the bank transaction rule set. get: summary: Get a bank transaction rule set description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified bank transaction rule set.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Bank transaction rule sets
tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule sets operationId: get-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Detail of the rule set properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get a bank transaction rule set: value: ia::result: id: '2' key: '2' ruleSetId: BankRuleSetChase name: Rule set for chase bank description: Primary rule set for CB accountType: bank numberOfAccounts: 7 numberOfRules: 1 status: active location: key: '5' audit: createdDateTime: '2022-01-26T00:15:14Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-03-24T21:41:10Z' createdBy: '68' modifiedBy: '68' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 rules: - id: '26' key: '26' bankTxnRule: id: '11' key: '11' ruleId: gl-create-rule-2 name: gl-create-rule-2 ruleType: create href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/11 bankTxnRuleSet: id: '2' key: '2' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/2 ruleOrder: 1 audit: createdDateTime: '2023-03-24T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-03-24T00:00:00Z' createdBy: '68' modifiedBy: '68' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map/26 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a bank transaction rule set description: >+ Updates an existing bank transaction rule set by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Updating a rule set affects matches for incoming transactions going forward for every associated account that uses the rule set. Updating a rule set does not affect transactions that have already been matched.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Edit Bank transaction rule sets
tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule sets operationId: update-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: status: inactive description: '' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated bank-txn-rule-set properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a bank transaction rule set: value: ia::result: key: '4' id: '4' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a bank transaction rule set description: >+ Deletes a bank transaction rule set.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Delete Bank transaction rule sets
tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rule sets operationId: delete-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-set-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule: get: summary: List bank transaction rules description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each bank transaction rule. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rules operationId: list-cash-management-bank-txn-rule responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of bank-txn-rule objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List bank transaction rules: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/1 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/3 - key: '4' id: '4' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a bank transaction rule description: Creates a new bank transaction rule. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rules operationId: create-cash-management-bank-txn-rule requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-ruleRequiredProperties' examples: Create a bank transaction rule to add JE: value: ruleId: JE rule description: Rule to create journal entry name: 'Create GL rule ' ruleType: create createRuleObject: objectType: journalEntry journalEntryTemplate: id: '1' filterAttributes: - dataSource: bankTransaction bankTxnAttribute: postingDate operator: greaterThan value: 11/10/2023 - dataSource: bankTransaction bankTxnAttribute: transactionType operator: equals value: withdrawal Create a match bank transaction rule: value: ruleId: boa-document-amount-match-3 description: Match rule for boa accounts by doc number name: Match by amount and doc number ruleType: match matchRuleAttributes: - intacctTxnAttribute: amount bankTxnAttribute: amount operator: equals order: 2 - intacctTxnAttribute: documentNumber bankTxnAttribute: documentNumber operator: equals order: 1 filterAttributes: - dataSource: intacctTransaction intacctTxnAttribute: documentNumber operator: equals value: doc1002 Create a bank transaction rule to add CC txn: value: ruleId: cctxn_rule_1 name: Create CC txn from bank txn description: 'Rule to create CC txn from bank txn ' ruleType: create location: id: '1' createRuleObject: objectType: cctransaction creditCardTxnTemplate: id: '2' filterAttributes: - dataSource: bankTransaction bankTxnAttribute: postingDate operator: greaterThan value: 07/04/2022 responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New bank-txn-rule properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Create a bank transaction rule: value: ia::result: key: '15' id: '15' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/15 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the bank transaction rule. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '11' get: summary: Get a bank transaction rule description: Returns detailed information for a specified bank transaction rule.. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rules operationId: get-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the bank-txn-rule properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bank transaction create rule: value: ia::result: id: '79' key: '79' ruleId: gl-boa-create-rule-1 name: Create-GL-credit-card-rule-1 description: Create GL rule for bank account BOA ruleType: create createRuleObject: objectType: journalEntry journalEntryTemplate: id: '1' key: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/1 creditCardTxnTemplate: id: null key: null status: active location: key: null rulesetCount: 0 audit: createdDateTime: '2023-08-03T16:38:31Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-08-03T16:38:31Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 filterAttributes: - id: '81' key: '81' bankTransactionRule: id: '79' key: '79' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/79 dataSource: bankTransaction intacctTxnAttribute: null bankTxnAttribute: postingDate operator: greaterThan value: 01/10/2022 order: 0 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter/81 - id: '82' key: '82' bankTransactionRule: id: '79' key: '79' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/79 dataSource: bankTransaction intacctTxnAttribute: null bankTxnAttribute: transactionType operator: equals value: payment order: 1 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter/82 groupAttributes: [] matchRuleAttributes: [] href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/79 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 Get a match bank transaction rule: value: ia::result: id: '1' key: '1' ruleId: MatchAmountPlusDateRange name: Match amount and 2 days range description: Match amount and 2 days range ruleType: match createRuleObject: objectType: journalEntry journalEntryTemplate: id: null key: null creditCardTxnTemplate: id: null key: null status: active location: key: null rulesetCount: 3 audit: createdDateTime: '2022-01-26T00:12:34Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-01-26T00:12:34Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' filterAttributes: [] groupAttributes: [] matchRuleAttributes: - id: '1' key: '1' bankTransactionRule: id: '1' key: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/1 intacctTxnAttribute: amount bankTxnAttribute: amount operator: equals value: null order: 1 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match/1 - id: '2' key: '2' bankTransactionRule: id: '1' key: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/1 intacctTxnAttribute: postingDate bankTxnAttribute: postingDate operator: within value: '2' order: 2 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match/2 href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a bank transaction rule description: >- Updates an existing bank transaction rule by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rules operationId: update-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-bank-txn-rule' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a bank transaction rule: value: matchRuleAttributes: - key: '7' order: 5 - key: '11' intacctTxnAttribute: description bankTxnAttribute: description operator: contains value: abc1000 order: 10 description: '' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated bank-txn-rule properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a bank transaction rule: value: ia::result: key: '4' id: '4' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a bank transaction rule description: Deletes a bank transaction rule. tags: - Cash_Management_Bank transaction rules operationId: delete-cash-management-bank-txn-rule-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/checking-account/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the checking account. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a checking account description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified checking account.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager
PermissionsList, View Checking Accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Checking accounts operationId: get-cash-management-checking-account-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Checking account details properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-checking-account' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get a checking account: value: ia::result: id: BOA-000987g bankAccountDetails: accountNumber: '890000088' bankName: Bank of America routingNumber: '123456789' branchId: 00-1355 phoneNumber: '9007780000' bankAddress: addressLine1: '40714' addressLine2: Grimmer Blvd addressLine3: null city: Fremont country: United States postCode: '98765' state: CA currency: GBP accountHolderName: ACME Software accounting: glAccount: id: 9090.09.90--RestNextGenGL key: '584' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/584 apJournal: id: AR ADJ--AR Adjustment Journal key: '17' href: /objects/general-ledger/journal/17 arJournal: id: CHASE D--CHASE BANK DISB key: '12' href: /objects/general-ledger/journal/12 bankingTimeZone: GMT+05:30 Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi serviceChargeGLAccount: key: null id: null serviceChargeAccountLabel: key: '15' id: Car Payment href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/15 interestGLAccount: key: null id: null interestAccountLabel: key: null id: null disableInterEntityTransfer: false checkPrinting: addressSettings: addressToPrint: company printAddress: true printLogo: true address: addressLine1: 75688 Post st addressLine2: '456' addressLine3: null city: San Jose country: United States countryCode: US postCode: '94536' state: CA phone: '6609336532' name: Zine Inc. micrSettings: regionalSettings: positionOfOnUsSymbol: position31 printCode45: true printOnUsSymbol: true printUSFundsUnderCheckAmount: false accountNumberAlignment: right accountNumberPositioning: 1 minCheckNumberLength: '6' printSettings: additionalText: Pay to check holder paperFormat: top printLineItems: true printLocation: id printingFormat: standard nextCheckNumber: '1012' numberOfChecksInPreview: one printOn: blankCheckStock signatures: firstSignature: sigimg1_g.gif limitForFirstSignatureAmount: null limitForSecondSignatureAmount: null secondSignature: sigimg2_g.gif thresholdForSecondSignatureAmount: '99.00' disablePrinting: false reconciliation: matchSequence: key: '48' id: 48--bankseq-1 href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/48 useMatchSequenceForAutoMatch: true useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true lastReconciledBalance: null lastReconciledDate: null cutOffDate: null inProgressBalance: null inProgressDate: null department: key: '9' id: 11--Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '1' id: 1--United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2024-03-07T19:39:43Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-07T19:39:43Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 key: '291' ach: bankId: null companyName: null companyIdentification: null originatingFinancialInstitution: null companyEntryDescription: null companyDiscretionaryData: null recordTypeCode: '5' serviceClassCode: '220' originatorStatusCode: '1' batchId: null traceNumberSequence: null paymentNumberSequence: null useTraceNumber: useAsPayment enableACH: null useRecommendedSetup: null bankingCloudConnection: status: notConnected bankName: null name: null lastBankTxnDateTime: null lastRefreshedDateTime: null refreshStatus: null supportMultiAccountLinking: null bankFile: enableBankFile: null bankFileFormat: null bankCode: null apcaNumber: null sunNumber: null bsbNumber: null sortCode: null seedValue: null userReference: null clientCode: null serviceType: null originatorId: null businessIdCode: null processingDataCenterCode: null debtorBankNumber: null returnAccountNumber: null branchTransitNumber: null messageIdPrefix: null financialInstitution: key: null id: null ruleSet: id: null key: null paymentProviderBankAccounts: [] href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/291 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a checking account description: Creates a new checking account. tags: - Cash_Management_Checking accounts operationId: post-objects-checking-account requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-checking-account' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-checking-accountRequiredProperties' examples: Create checking account: value: id: BOA bankAccountDetails: accountNumber: '890000088' bankName: Bank of America routingNumber: '123456789' branchId: 00-1355 phoneNumber: '9007780000' bankAddress: addressLine1: '40714' addressLine2: Grimmer Blvd addressLine3: West Cameron city: Fremont country: United States postCode: '98765' state: CA currency: USD accountHolderName: ACME Software accounting: glAccount: id: 9090.09.90--RestNextGenGL apJournal: id: AR ADJ--AR Adjustment Journal arJournal: id: RCPT--Receipts Journal bankingTimeZone: GMT+02:00 Central Europe Summer Time serviceChargeAccountLabel: key: '15' interestAccountLabel: id: Sales disableInterEntityTransfer: false checkPrinting: addressSettings: addressToPrint: company printAddress: true printLogo: true address: addressLine1: 75688 Post st addressLine2: '456' addressLine3: West Cameron city: San Jose country: United States countryCode: US postCode: '94536' state: CA phone: '6609336532' name: Zine Inc. micrSettings: regionalSettings: positionOfOnUsSymbol: position31 printCode45: true printOnUsSymbol: true printUSFundsUnderCheckAmount: false accountNumberAlignment: right accountNumberPositioning: 1 minCheckNumberLength: '6' printSettings: additionalText: Pay to check holder paperFormat: top printLineItems: true printLocation: id printingFormat: standard nextCheckNumber: '1012' numberOfChecksInPreview: One printOn: blankCheckStock signatures: firstSignature: sigimg1_g.gif limitForFirstSignatureAmount: '20' limitForSecondSignatureAmount: '30' secondSignature: sigimg2_g.gif thresholdForSecondSignatureAmount: '99.00' disablePrinting: false reconciliation: matchSequence: key: '48' useMatchSequenceForAutoMatch: true useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true ach: bankId: ACH-1 companyName: origin companyIdentification: originid originatingFinancialInstitution: '8909' companyEntryDescription: entry desc companyDiscretionaryData: disc serviceClassCode: '220' batchId: BOA_ACH_BatchNo traceNumberSequence: BOA_ACH_TraceNo paymentNumberSequence: CONTINVOICE useTraceNumber: T enableACH: true useRecommendedSetup: true ruleSet: key: '53' id: MatchDateAmountGrpbyDateRuleSet restrictions: restrictionType: restricted locations: - 1--United States of America - 200--My New Entity location: key: '1' id: 1--United States of America responses: '201': description: Created checking account content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New checking-account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New checking account: value: id: BOA-000987g bankAccountDetails: accountNumber: '890000088' bankName: Bank of America routingNumber: '123456789' branchId: 00-1355 phoneNumber: '9007780000' bankAddress: addressLine1: '40714' addressLine2: Grimmer Blvd addressLine3: null city: Fremont country: United States postCode: '98765' state: CA currency: GBP accountHolderName: ACME Software accounting: glAccount: id: 9090.09.90--RestNextGenGL apJournal: id: AR ADJ--AR Adjustment Journal arJournal: id: CHASE D--CHASE BANK DISB bankingTimeZone: GMT+05:30 Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi serviceChargeAccountLabel: key: '15' interestAccountLabel: id: Sales disableInterEntityTransfer: false checkPrinting: addressSettings: addressToPrint: company printAddress: true printLogo: true address: addressLine1: 75688 Post st addressLine2: '456' addressLine3: null city: San Jose country: United States countryCode: US postCode: '94536' state: CA phone: '6609336532' name: Zine Inc. micrSettings: regionalSettings: positionOfOnUsSymbol: position31 printCode45: true printOnUsSymbol: true printUSFundsUnderCheckAmount: false accountNumberAlignment: right accountNumberPositioning: 1 minCheckNumberLength: '6' printSettings: additionalText: Pay to check holder paperFormat: top printLineItems: true printLocation: id printingFormat: standard nextCheckNumber: '1012' // "printPreview": One printOn: blankCheckStock signatures: firstSignature: sigimg1_g.gif limitForFirstSignatureAmount: null limitForSecondSignatureAmount: null secondSignature: sigimg2_g.gif thresholdForSecondSignatureAmount: '99.00' disablePrinting: false reconciliation: matchSequence: key: '48' useMatchSequenceForAutoMatch: true useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true department: id: 11--Accounting location: id: 1--United States of America security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a checking account description: >- Updates an existing checking account by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Cash_Management_Checking accounts operationId: patch-objects-checking-account requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-checking-account' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Modifying a few fields: value: bankAccountDetails: bankName: Bank of America New ruleSet: key: '53' id: MatchDateAmountGrpbyDateRuleSet restrictions: restrictionType: unrestricted locations: [] reconciliation: matchSequence: key: '48' useMatchSequenceForAutoMatch: true useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true responses: '201': description: Updated checking account content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New checking-account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a checking account description: Deletes a checking account. tags: - Cash_Management_Checking accounts operationId: delete-objects-checking-account responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/checking-account: get: summary: List checking accounts description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each checking account. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager
PermissionsList, View Checking Accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Checking accounts operationId: list-cash-management-checking-account responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of Checking accounts properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List checking accounts: value: ia::result: - key: '84' id: AUDCHK href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/84 - key: '85' id: BDF href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/85 - key: '60' id: BOA href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/60 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account: get: summary: List credit card accounts description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each credit card account. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Credit card accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card accounts operationId: list-cash-management-credit-card-account responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of credit card account objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List credit card accounts: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: MC001 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/1 - key: '2' id: MC002 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/2 - key: '3' id: AMEX_CARD_1 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a credit card account description: >+ Creates a new credit card account.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager
PermissionsList, View, Add Credit card accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card accounts operationId: post-objects-credit-card-account requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-account' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-accountRequiredProperties' examples: Create a credit card account: value: id: V002 accountDetails: description: Card for employee expense cardType: visa expirationMonth: '01' expirationYear: '2028' billingAddress: addressLine1: '1295' addressLine2: null addressLine3: Adobe Ave city: San Jose country: United States countryCode: US postCode: '978754' state: CA accountType: credit currency: USD status: active accounting: offsetGLAccount: id: 4564.44.44 key: '561' otherFeesGLAccount: id: '0077' key: '432' defaultAccrualBasisGLJournal: id: DISB key: '14' disableInterEntityTransfer: false vendor: id: First Security - Gold key: '263' department: id: CHS--Channel Sales key: '34' location: id: San Francisco reconciliation: matchSequence: id: 48--bankseq-1 useMatchSequenceForAutoMatch: true useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true ruleSet: key: '35' id: 35--creditcard responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New credit card account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new credit card account object: value: ia::result: key: '34' id: V002 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/34 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string example: '81' name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the credit card account. get: summary: Get a credit card account description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified credit card account.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager
PermissionsList, View Credit card accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card accounts operationId: get-cash-management-credit-card-account-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the credit card account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-account' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get a credit card account: value: ia::result: key: '106' id: V002 accountDetails: description: card for employee expense cardType: visa expirationMonth: '01' expirationYear: '2028' billingAddress: addressLine1: '1295' addressLine2: null addressLine3: Adobe Ave city: San Jose country: United States countryCode: US postCode: '978754' state: CA accountType: credit debitCardCheckingAccount: id: null key: null currency: USD status: active accounting: offsetGLAccount: id: '8907.89' key: '589' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/589 otherFeesGLAccount: id: '6700.01' key: '323' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/323 defaultAccrualBasisGLJournal: id: DISB key: '14' href: /objects/general-ledger/journal/14 defaultCashBasisGLJournal: id: null key: null bankingTimeZone: GMT+01:00 Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Bern, Brussels disableInterEntityTransfer: false otherFeesAPAccountLabel: id: Bank Service Charge key: '11' href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/11 financeChargeGLAccount: id: '6700.02' key: '324' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/324 financeChargeAPAccountLabel: id: Bank Interest Earned key: '10' href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/10 useInEmployeeExpense: true employeeExpenseGLAccount: key: '287' id: '6800.03' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/287 employeeExpenseAccountLabel: id: Gas and Electric key: '23' href: /objects/accounts-payable/account-label/23 vendor: id: First Security - Gold key: '35' href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/35 department: id: COMP--Compliance key: '16' href: /objects/company-config/department/16 location: id: San Francisco key: '24' href: /objects/company-config/location/24 reconciliation: lastReconciledDate: null lastReconciledBalance: null inProgressDate: null inProgressBalance: null matchSequence: key: '48' id: 48--bankseq-1 href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/48 useMatchSequenceForAutoMatch: true useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true cutOffDate: null entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 audit: modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-12T23:46:56Z' createdDateTime: '2024-03-04T20:33:04Z' modifiedBy: '1' createdBy: '1' bankingCloudConnection: status: null bankName: null name: null lastBankTxnDateTime: null lastRefreshedDateTime: null refreshStatus: null supportMultiAccountLinking: null financialInstitution: key: null id: null ruleSet: id: 35--creditcard key: '35' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/35 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/106 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a credit card account description: >+ Updates an existing credit card account by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Edit Credit card accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card accounts operationId: patch-objects-credit-card-account requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-account' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a credit card account: value: accountDetails: description: Card for employee expenses expirationMonth: '01' expirationYear: '2030' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated credit card account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated credit card account: value: ia::result: key: '32' id: V002 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/32 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a credit card account description: >+ Deletes a credit card account. You cannot delete a credit card account that has subledger transactions associated with it.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Project Manager
PermissionsList, Delete Credit card accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card accounts operationId: delete-cash-management-credit-card-account-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template: get: summary: List credit card transaction line templates description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each credit card transaction line template. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction line templates operationId: list-cash-management-credit-card-txn-line-template responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of credit-card-txn-line-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List line templates: value: ia::result: - key: '3' id: '3' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template/3' - key: '6' id: '6' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template/6' - key: '2' id: '2' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template/2' ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: >- System-assigned unique key for the credit card transaction line template. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '5' get: summary: Get a credit card transaction line template description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified credit card transaction line template. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction line templates operationId: get-cash-management-credit-card-txn-line-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the credit-card-txn-line-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-line-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a line template: value: ia::result: key: '98' id: '98' creditCardTxnTemplate: key: '117' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/117 memo: cc txn line memo glAccount: key: '339' id: '7505' name: Other Marketing href: /objects/general-ledger/account/339 dimensions: location: id: '7' name: Canada project: key: '11' id: CON name: Contract - QuickMedia M C Services href: /objects/projects/project/11 customer: key: '5' id: MR1 name: QuickMedia M C Services href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/5 vendor: key: '50' id: '204' name: Yamaguchi Garden Supply href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/50 employee: key: '29' id: '234' name: Reyes href: /objects/company-config/employee/29 item: key: '1' id: '1' name: PC Computer href: /objects/inventory-control/item/1 class: key: '9' id: REES name: Real Estate href: /objects/company-config/class/9 lineNumber: 1 accountLabel: id: null exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null isBillable: null audit: createdDateTime: '2022-06-22T20:09:18Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-06-22T20:09:18Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template/98' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-tax-entry: get: summary: List credit card transaction tax entries description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each credit card transaction tax entry. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction tax entries operationId: list-cash-management-credit-card-txn-tax-entry responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of credit-card-txn-tax-entry objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List of credit card transaction tax entry: value: ia::result: - key: '792' id: '792' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-tax-entry/792 - key: '797' id: '797' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-tax-entry/797 - key: '831' id: '831' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-tax-entry/831 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-tax-entry/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: system-assigned unique key for the credit card transaction tax entry. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a credit card transaction tax entry description: >- Returns detailed information for a particular credit card transaction tax entry. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction tax entries operationId: get-cash-management-credit-card-txn-tax-entry-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the credit-card-txn-tax-entry properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-tax-entry' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Details of the credit-card-txn-tax-entry: value: ia::result: key: '300' id: '300' baseTaxAmount: '100' txnTaxAmount: '100' description: Standard Rate for UK Import Services taxRate: 5.5 purchasingTaxDetail: id: UK Export Reduced Rate key: '24' href: /objects/tax/purchasing-tax-detail/24 creditCardTxnLine: id: '148' key: '148' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line/148 href: '/objects/cash-management/tax/credit-card-txn-tax-entry/300' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template: get: summary: List credit card transaction templates description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each credit card txn template. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction templates operationId: list-cash-management-credit-card-txn-template responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of credit-card-txn-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List credit card transaction templates: value: ia::result: - key: '4' id: test-bugfix-top-vat-1 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/4 - key: '2' id: cc-txntmpl1 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/2 - key: '3' id: test-ui-cc-txn-vat-1 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a credit card transaction template description: Creates a new credit card transaction template. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction templates operationId: create-cash-management-credit-card-txn-template requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-template' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-templateRequiredProperties' examples: Create a credit card transaction template: value: id: cctxn-tmplate-1 name: CC txn template NA description: template to create CC txn for bank txn lines: - lineNumber: 1 isBillable: true glAccount: key: '326' dimensions: location: id: North America Create a CC transaction template with tax: value: id: CC-TXN template inbound-tax-aus name: CC txn template-inbound-tax-aus description: CC txn template-inbound-tax AUS GST taxImplication: inbound taxSolution: id: Australia - GST taxSchedule: id: '77' lines: - lineNumber: 1 isBillable: false glAccount: key: '327' dimensions: location: id: '33' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New credit-card-txn-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New credit card transaction template: value: ia::result: key: '78' id: cctxn-tmplate-1 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/78 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 Create a CC transaction template with tax: value: ia::result: key: '79' id: CC-TXN template inbound-tax-aus href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/79 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the credit card txn template. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '3' get: summary: Get a credit card transaction template description: Returns detailed information for a specified credit card txn template. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction templates operationId: get-cash-management-credit-card-txn-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the credit-card-txn-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a credit card transaction template: value: ia::result: key: '3' id: test-ui-cc-txn-vat-1 name: test-ui-cc-txn-vat-1 description: test payee: payee-1 numberOfRulesUsingTemplate: 0 status: active audit: createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' modifiedDateTime: '2022-11-29T21:45:22Z' taxImplication: inbound taxSolution: key: '1' id: Australia - GST href: /objects/tax/tax-solution/1 taxSchedule: name: G11 Other Acquisition key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/tax/purchasing-tax-schedule/10 isInclusiveTax: true lines: - key: '3' id: '3' creditCardTxnTemplate: key: '3' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/3' memo: null glAccount: key: '249' id: '6003' name: Workmans Compensation href: /objects/general-ledger/account/249 dimensions: location: id: null name: null project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null lineNumber: 0 accountLabel: id: null exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null isBillable: null audit: createdDateTime: '2022-11-29T21:45:22Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-11-29T21:45:22Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template/3' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a credit card transaction template description: >- Updates an existing credit card txn template by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction templates operationId: update-cash-management-credit-card-txn-template-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-template' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a CC transaction template: value: key: '189' lines: - key: '160' lineNumber: 1 isBillable: false responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated credit-card-txn-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated CC transaction template: value: ia::result: key: '189' id: cc-txn-tmpl-api24 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-template/189 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a credit card transaction template description: Deletes a credit card transaction template. tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transaction templates operationId: delete-cash-management-credit-card-txn-template-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn: get: summary: List credit card transactions description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each credit card transaction. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Credit card transactions
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transactions operationId: list-cash-management-credit-card-txn responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of credit-card-txn objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List credit card transactions: value: ia::result: - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/2 - key: '4' id: '4' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/4 - key: '5' id: '5' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a credit card transaction description: >+ Creates a new credit card transaction.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add Credit card transactions
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transactions operationId: create-cash-management-credit-card-txn requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txnRequiredProperties' examples: Create a credit card transaction: value: txnDate: 2024-04-5 creditCardAccount: id: A0000001 referenceNumber: CCTxn-001 payee: Vendor-AAA description: Travel expenses isInclusiveTax: true currency: baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: CAD exchangeRate: date: '2023-12-04' typeId: Intacct Daily Rate rate: 0.7306 taxSolution: key: '5' id: Canadian Sales Tax - SYS attachment: id: '111' key: '2' lines: - glAccount: key: '326' totalTxnAmount: '500.00' dimensions: department: id: PS location: id: '7' project: id: QSF - BTI customer: id: BTI vendor: id: '210' employee: id: '12' item: id: DELL class: id: WSD description: Travel expenses - Eberhardt taxEntries: - purchasingTaxDetail: key: '65' isBillable: false isBilled: false responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New credit-card-txn properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new credit card transaction: value: ia::result: id: '12' key: '12' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/12 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the credit card transaction. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a credit card transaction description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified credit card transaction.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Credit card transactions
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transactions operationId: get-cash-management-credit-card-txn-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the credit-card-txn properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a credit card transaction: value: ia::result: id: '27' key: '27' creditCardAccount: id: A0000001 key: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/1 txnDate: '2024-04-05' audit: createdDateTime: '2024-04-05T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-04-05T06:18:08Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 referenceNumber: CCTxn-001 payee: Vendor-AAA description: Travel expenses in december currency: baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: CAD exchangeRate: date: 2024-04-5 typeId: Intacct Daily Rate rate: 0.7306 totalEntered: '365.30' txnTotalEntered: '500.00' totalPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' totalSelected: '0.00' txnTotalSelected: '0.00' totalDue: '365.30' txnTotalDue: '500.00' whenPaid: null reversedBy: id: null key: null reversalDate: null reversalOf: id: null key: null txnDate: null state: posted reconciliationState: uncleared isInclusiveTax: true taxSolution: key: '5' id: Canadian Sales Tax - SYS href: /objects/tax/tax-solution/5 transactionSource: null attachment: id: '111' key: '20' href: /objects/company-config/attachment/20 lines: - id: '92' key: '92' creditCardTxn: id: '27' key: '27' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/27 glAccount: key: '326' id: '6700.04' name: CC Other Charges & Fees href: /objects/general-ledger/account/326 accountLabel: key: null id: null amount: '320.44' txnAmount: '438.60' dimensions: department: key: '28' id: PS name: Professional Services href: /objects/company-config/department/28 location: key: '7' id: '7' name: Canada href: /objects/company-config/location/7 project: key: '35' id: QSF - BTI name: Quick Start Financial - Berkeley Technology Inc href: /objects/projects/project/35 customer: key: '14' id: BTI name: Berkeley Technology Inc href: /objects/accounts-receivable/customer/14 vendor: key: '56' id: '210' name: Office Supply and Copier Co. href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/56 employee: key: '27' id: '12' name: Eberhardt href: /objects/company-config/employee/27 item: key: '117' id: DELL name: DELL Laptops href: /objects/inventory-control/item/117 class: key: '3' id: WSD name: Whole Sales Distribution href: /objects/company-config/class/3 baseLocation: name: Calgary key: '30' href: /objects/company-config/location/30 description: Travel expenses - Eberhardt currency: exchangeRate: date: '2023-12-04' rate: 0.7306 txnCurrency: CAD baseCurrency: USD lineNumber: 1 totalPaid: '0.00' txnTotalPaid: '0.00' audit: createdDateTime: '2024-04-05T06:18:08Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-04-05T06:18:08Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' isBillable: false isBilled: false totalTxnAmount: '500.00' taxEntries: - txnTaxAmount: '30.70' baseTaxAmount: '22.43' purchasingTaxDetail: id: BC PST Standard Rate Services Purchase - CA key: '67' href: /objects/tax/purchasing-tax-detail/67 id: '94' key: '94' taxRate: 7 creditCardTxnLine: id: '92' key: '92' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line/92' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-tax-entry/94' - txnTaxAmount: '30.70' baseTaxAmount: '22.43' purchasingTaxDetail: id: BC PST Standard Rate Goods Purchase - CA key: '65' href: /objects/tax/purchasing-tax-detail/65 id: '96' key: '96' taxRate: 7 creditCardTxnLine: id: '92' key: '92' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line/92' href: '/objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-tax-entry/96' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn-line/92 href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/27 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a credit card transaction description: >+ Updates an existing credit card transaction by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Credit card transactions can be updated if they are: * Not yet included in a charge payoff * Not included in an employee expense report * Not yet reconciled For more information, see [Edit a credit card transaction]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View, Edit Credit card transactions
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transactions operationId: update-cash-management-credit-card-txn-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn' examples: Update a credit card transaction: value: description: Travel expenses in december attachment: id: travel-receipt isInclusiveTax: true lines: - key: '92' creditCardTxn: key: '27' description: Travel expenses - Eberhardt totalTxnAmount: '500.00' taxEntries: - purchasingTaxDetail: key: '67' - purchasingTaxDetail: key: '65' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated credit-card-txn properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated credit card transaction: value: ia::result: id: '12' key: '12' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-txn/12 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a credit card transaction description: >+ Deletes a credit card transaction. You can delete a credit card transaction if it is: * Associated with a credit card, not a debit card * Not included in a charge payoff or an expense report * Not paid or partially paid * Not reconciled or matched for reconciliation For more information, see [Delete or reverse a credit card transaction]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View, Delete Credit card transactions
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transactions operationId: delete-cash-management-credit-card-txn-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /workflows/cash-management/credit-card-txn/reverse: post: summary: Reverse a credit card transaction description: >+ Reverses a credit card transaction. You can reverse a credit card transaction when: * You have permission to reverse. * The transaction is included in a charge payoff, but the associated bill in Accounts Payable has not yet been paid. * The transaction is not included in an expense report. * The transaction has not been reconciled or matched for reconciliation. For more information, see [Reverse a credit card transaction]( in the Sage Intacct Help Center.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee
PermissionsList, View, Reverse Credit card transactions
tags: - Cash_Management_Credit card transactions operationId: reverse-cash-management-credit-card-txn requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-actions-reverse-request' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-credit-card-txn-actions-reverse-response' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/deposit-detail: get: summary: List deposit details description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each deposit detail. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Deposit details operationId: list-cash-management-deposit-detail responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of deposit-detail objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List deposit details: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-detail/1 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-detail/3 - key: '5' id: '5' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-detail/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/deposit-detail/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the deposit detail. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a deposit detail description: Returns detailed information for a specified deposit detail. tags: - Cash_Management_Deposit details operationId: get-cash-management-deposit-detail-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the deposit-detail properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-deposit-detail' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a deposit detail: value: ia::result: id: '587' key: '587' deposit: id: '291' key: '291' depositType: cd href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/291 glAccount: id: '33' key: '33' accountNumber: '1070' name: Undeposited Funds href: /objects/general-ledger/account/33 arAccountLabel: label: null id: null key: null amount: '1002.00' txnAmount: '1002.00' department: key: null id: null name: null location: key: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 baseLocation: name: United States of America key: '1' description: Depisted from undeposited fund from GPay invoice exchangeRate: date: '2022-01-23' typeId: '-1' rate: 1 currency: USD baseCurrency: USD status: active state: deposited audit: createdDateTime: '2021-04-16T00:57:25Z' modifiedDateTime: '2021-04-16T00:57:43Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-detail/587 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/deposit-line: get: summary: List deposit lines description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each deposit line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Deposits
tags: - Cash_Management_Deposit lines operationId: list-cash-management-deposit-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of deposit line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List deposit lines: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-line/1 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-line/3 - key: '5' id: '5' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-line/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/deposit-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the deposit line. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a deposit line description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified deposit line.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Deposits
tags: - Cash_Management_Deposit lines operationId: get-cash-management-deposit-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the deposit-line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-deposit-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a deposit line: value: ia::result: id: '1253' key: '1253' deposit: id: '628' key: '628' depositType: cd href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/628 glAccount: id: '33' key: '33' accountNumber: '1070' name: Undeposited Funds href: /objects/general-ledger/account/33 arAccountLabel: label: null id: null key: null amount: '12.50' txnAmount: '12.50' dimensions: department: key: '' id: '' name: '' location: key: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 baseLocation: name: United States of America key: '1' description: Deposit from other receipt for Convivia grapes inc currency: exchangeRate: date: '2023-04-25' typeId: '-1' rate: '1.0' baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2023-11-15T20:55:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-11-15T20:55:25Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-line/1253 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/deposit: get: summary: List deposits description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each deposit. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Deposits
tags: - Cash_Management_Deposits operationId: list-cash-management-deposit responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of deposit objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List deposits: value: ia::result: - key: '1718' id: '1718' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/1718 - key: '1717' id: '1717' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/1717 - key: '3228' id: '3228' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/3228 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a deposit description: |+ Creates a new deposit.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Add Deposits
tags: - Cash_Management_Deposits operationId: create-cash-management-deposit requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-deposit' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-depositRequiredProperties' examples: Create a deposit: value: txnDate: '2024-01-22' description: Monday Deposit 0314-001 depositId: Deposit slip 01/22/2023 bankAccount: id: BOA attachment: id: '18' details: - id: '123' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New deposit properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New deposit object: value: ia::result: key: '500' id: '500' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/500 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/deposit/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the deposit. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a deposit description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified deposit.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Deposits
tags: - Cash_Management_Deposits operationId: get-cash-management-deposit-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the deposit properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-deposit' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a deposit: value: ia::result: id: '628' key: '628' bankAccount: id: BOA name: Bank of America txnDate: '2023-11-15' depositId: Deposit Slip 2023-11-15 description: Deposit for pay-go online services baseCurrency: USD txnCurrency: USD totalEntered: '120.50' txnTotalEntered: '120.50' voidPaymentKey: null reversalDate: null reversedVoidPaymentKey: null reversedDate: null state: null reconciliationState: uncleared audit: createdDateTime: '2023-11-15T20:55:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-11-15T20:55:25Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' attachment: key: '18' id: Attach-01 href: /objects/company-config/attachment/18 lines: - id: '1253' key: '1253' deposit: id: '628' key: '628' depositType: cd href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/628 glAccount: id: '33' key: '33' accountNumber: '1070' name: Undeposited Funds href: /objects/general-ledger/account/33 arAccountLabel: label: null id: null key: null amount: '120.50' txnAmount: '120.50' dimensions: department: key: null id: null name: null location: key: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 baseLocation: key: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 description: null currency: exchangeRate: date: '2022-01-23' typeId: '-1' rate: 1 txnCurrency: USD baseCurrency: USD status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2023-11-15T20:55:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-11-15T20:55:25Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-line/1253 details: - id: '624' key: '624' undepositedFund: key: '624' id: '624' href: /objects/cash-management/undeposited-fund/624 depositedFund: key: '624' id: '624' href: /objects/cash-management/deposited-fund/624 summary: 'Cash Management Transactions: 2023/12/20 Batch' customerID: null customerName: null payee: Toulouse - 03 totalEntered: '120.50' txnTotalEntered: '120.50' currency: USD paymentMethod: cash documentNumber: null deposit: id: '628' key: '628' href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/628 href: /objects/cash-management/deposit-detail/624 href: /objects/cash-management/deposit/628 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /workflows/cash-management/deposit/reverse: post: summary: Reverse a deposit description: Reverse a deposit tags: - Cash_Management_Deposits operationId: reverse-cash-management-deposit requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-deposit-actions-reverse-request' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-deposit-actions-reverse-response' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/financial-institution: get: summary: List financial institutions description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each financial institution. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Financial Institutions
tags: - Cash_Management_Financial institutions operationId: list-cash-management-financial-institution responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of Financial Institutions objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List financial institutions: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: FinInst1 href: /objects/cash-management/financial-institution/1 - key: '2' id: FinInst2 href: /objects/cash-management/financial-institution/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a financial institution description: >+ Creates a new financial institution.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsAdd Financial Institution
tags: - Cash_Management_Financial institutions operationId: create-cash-management-financial-institution requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-financial-institution' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-financial-institutionRequiredProperties' examples: Create a financial institution: summary: Create a financial institution value: id: FinInst-BOA name: FinOn4ss5e addOnServices: - name: MAL serviceContract: key: '129' accountType: checking checkingAccounts: - key: '72' externalBankAccount: id: a421d6c8-ed48-454d-a60e-7b697c67b956 name: Plaid Saving requestedStartDate: '2021-01-23' - key: '69' externalBankAccount: id: 412f0837-c236-4917-9796-84ec52cd3edb name: Plaid CD requestedStartDate: '2021-01-23' savingsAccounts: - key: '33' externalBankAccount: id: d6c05270-66f0-4d1b-8c1e-d35b4914e991 name: Plaid IRA requestedStartDate: '2021-01-23' - key: '30' externalBankAccount: id: 11dd5715-2585-43e5-8a6c-501923ca72ec name: Plaid 401k requestedStartDate: '2021-01-23' creditCards: - key: '60' externalBankAccount: id: be157d12-d181-4409-958f-1d8fb95b504f name: Plaid Credit Card requestedStartDate: '2021-01-23' - key: '7' externalBankAccount: id: 41650f07-0f3f-432d-9d57-e56a6286bdf0 name: Plaid Money Market requestedStartDate: '2021-01-23' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New financial-institution properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new financial institution: value: ia::result: key: '103' href: /objects/cash-management/financial-institution/103 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/financial-institution/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the financial institution. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a financial institution description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified financial institution.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Financial Institutions
tags: - Cash_Management_Financial institutions operationId: get-cash-management-financial-institution-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Detail of the financial institutions properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-financial-institution' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get a financial institution: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: FinInst1 name: FinOn4ddss5e totalAccounts: 7 checkingAccounts: - key: '129' href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/129 - key: '72' href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/72 - key: '69' href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/69 savingsAccounts: - key: '33' href: /objects/cash-management/savings-account/33 - key: '30' href: /objects/cash-management/savings-account/30 creditCards: - key: '7' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/7 - key: '60' href: /objects/cash-management/credit-card-account/60 addOnServices: - name: MAL serviceContract: primaryAccountKey: '129' primaryAccountType: checking href: /objects/cash-management/financial-institution/96 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a financial institution description: >+ Updates an existing financial institution by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsMap accounts, List, View, Add, Edit Financial Institution
tags: - Cash_Management_Financial institutions operationId: update-cash-management-financial-institution-key requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-financial-institution' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-financial-institutionRequiredProperties' examples: Update a financial institution: value: id: FinInst-BOA checkingAccounts: - key: '99' externalBankAccount: id: a532e7d9-ed59-565d-a71e-8b718c7c167 name: Corp Saving requestedStartDate: '2021-01-23' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated financial-institution properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated financial institution: value: ia::result: key: '96' href: /objects/cash-management/financial-institution/96 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a financial institution description: Deletes a financial institution. tags: - Cash_Management_Financial institutions operationId: delete-cash-management-financial-institution-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-line-template: get: summary: List journal entry line templates. description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each journal entry line template. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Journal entry line templates operationId: list-cash-management-journal-entry-line-template responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of journal-entry-line-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List line templates: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-line-template/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-line-template/2 - key: '7' id: '7' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-line-template/7 ia::meta: totalCount: 6 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-line-template/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the journal entry line template. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '5' get: summary: Get a journal entry line template description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified journal entry line template. tags: - Cash_Management_Journal entry line templates operationId: get-cash-management-journal-entry-line-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the journal-entry-line-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-journal-entry-line-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a line template: value: ia::result: key: '8' id: '8' journalEntryTemplate: id: '9' key: '9' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/9 dimensions: location: key: '7' id: '7' name: Canada href: /objects/company-config/location/7 department: id: '8' project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null glAccount: key: '207' id: '5001' name: Construction href: /objects/general-ledger/account/207 documentId: doc 1 txnType: null memo: null allocation: key: '2' id: alloc-create-gl-from-UI numberOfUnits: null exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null isBillable: false href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-line-template/8 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template: get: summary: List journal entry templates description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each journal entry template. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Journal entry templates operationId: list-cash-management-journal-entry-template responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of journal-entry-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List journal entry transaction templates: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: vat-je-tmpl-ui1 href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/1 - key: '3' id: test-add-je-tmpl-ui-tax href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/3 - key: '4' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/4 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a journal entry template description: Creates a new journal entry template. tags: - Cash_Management_Journal entry templates operationId: create-cash-management-journal-entry-template requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-journal-entry-template' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-journal-entry-templateRequiredProperties' examples: Create a journal entry transaction template: value: id: GL-CreateRule-5 name: GL-CreateRule-5 description: GL-CreateRule-5 postingState: draft status: active glJournal: id: APJ lines: - dimensions: location: id: '1' glAccount: key: '316' documentId: null memo: GL-CreateRule-5 responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New journal-entry-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New journal entry transaction template: value: ia::result: key: '78' id: GL-CreateRule-5 href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/78 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the journal entry template. in: path required: true schema: type: string example: '3' get: summary: Get a journal entry template description: Returns detailed information for a specified journal entry template. tags: - Cash_Management_Journal entry templates operationId: get-cash-management-journal-entry-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the journal-entry-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-journal-entry-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a journal entry transaction template: value: ia::result: key: '3' name: test-add-je-tmpl-ui-tax description: null glJournal: id: CCJ key: '9' href: /objects/general-ledger/journal/9 postingState: draft status: active id: test-add-je-tmpl-ui-tax audit: createdDateTime: '2022-11-29T21:27:09Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-11-29T21:27:09Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' taxImplication: inbound taxSolution: key: '2' id: United Kingdom - VAT href: /objects/tax/tax-solution/2 salesTaxSchedule: name: null key: null id: null purchasingTaxSchedule: name: EC Purchase Goods Exempt Rate key: '76' id: '76' href: /objects/tax/purchasing-tax-schedule/76 vendor: key: '48' id: '202' name: Pac Bell href: /objects/accounts-payable/vendor/48 customer: key: null id: null name: null lines: - key: '3' id: '3' journalEntryTemplate: id: '3' key: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/3 dimensions: location: key: null id: null name: null department: id: null project: key: null id: null name: null customer: key: null id: null name: null vendor: key: null id: null name: null employee: key: null id: null name: null item: key: null id: null name: null class: key: null id: null name: null warehouse: key: null id: null name: null glAccount: key: '334' id: '7500' name: Penalties href: /objects/general-ledger/account/334 documentId: null txnType: null memo: null allocation: key: null id: null numberOfUnits: null exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null isBillable: false href: '/objects/cash-management/journal-entry-line-template/3' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a journal entry template description: >- Updates an existing journal entry template by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Cash_Management_Journal entry templates operationId: update-cash-management-journal-entry-template-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-journal-entry-template' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a journal entry transaction template: value: postingState: posted responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated journal-entry-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated journal entry transaction template: value: ia::result: key: '6' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/journal-entry-template/6 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a journal entry template description: Deletes a journal entry template. tags: - Cash_Management_Journal entry templates operationId: delete-cash-management-journal-entry-template-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line: get: summary: List other receipts lines description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each other receipts line item. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Other receipts
tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts lines operationId: list-cash-management-other-receipt-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of other-receipt-line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List other receipts lines: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line/1 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line/3 - key: '5' id: '5' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the other receipts line item. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an other receipts line description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified other receipts line item.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Other receipts
tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts lines operationId: get-cash-management-other-receipt-line-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the other-receipt-line properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receipt-line' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an other receipts line: value: ia::result: key: '821' id: '821' otherReceipts: key: '415' id: '415' recordType: cr href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/415 glAccount: key: '194' id: '4000' title: Accounts Payable href: /objects/general-ledger/account/194 arAccountLabel: key: '35' id: '35' label: Sales href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 amount: '101.11' txnAmount: '101.11' dimensions: department: key: null id: null number: null name: null href: null location: number: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America key: '1' href: /objects/company-config/location/1 description: Refund for overpayment exchangeRate: date: '2021-01-15' typeId: null rate: 1 lineNumber: 1 currency: USD baseCurrency: USD status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2022-10-25T22:38:22Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-10-25T22:38:22Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' isTax: false orderEntryTaxDetail: key: null taxRate: null id: null href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line/821 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-tax-entry: get: summary: List other receipts tax entries description: >- Returns a collection of other receipts tax entries. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipt tax entries operationId: list-cash-management-other-receipt-tax-entry responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of other-receipt-tax-entry objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List other receipt tax entries: value: ia::result: - key: '8' id: '8' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-tax-entry/8 - key: '9' id: '9' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-tax-entry/9 - key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-tax-entry/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-tax-entry/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the other-receipt tax entry. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get other receipt tax entries description: Returns detailed information for a specified other receipt tax entry. tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipt tax entries operationId: get-cash-management-other-receipt-tax-entry-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the other-receipt-tax-entry properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receipt-tax-entry' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an other receipt tax entry: value: ia::result: key: '300' id: '300' baseTaxAmount: '100' txnTaxAmount: '100' description: Standard Rate for UK Import Services taxRate: 5.5 taxDetail: id: UK Export Reduced Rate key: '24' href: /objects/tax/order-entry-tax-detail/24 otherReceiptLine: id: '148' key: '148' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line/148 href: /objects/cash-management/tax/other-receipt-tax-entry/300 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/other-receipt: get: summary: List other receipt objects description: >+ Returns up to 100 objects from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each other receipts object. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Other receipts
tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts operationId: list-cash-management-other-receipt responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of other-receipt objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List other receipts: value: ia::result: - key: '182' id: '182' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/182 - key: '193' id: '193' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/193 - key: '501' id: '501' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/501 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an other receipts object description: |+ Creates a new other receipts object.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsAdd Other receipts
tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts operationId: create-cash-management-other-receipt requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receipt' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receiptRequiredProperties' examples: Create an other receipts object: value: payer: Benson Hugo txnDate: '2022-01-23' txnPaidDate: '2022-01-23' txnNumber: '22365' description: Refund for overpayment baseCurrency: USD currency: USD state: approved reconciliationState: uncleared isInclusiveTax: false bankAccount: id: BOA-REC-01 depositDate: '2022-01-23' exchangeRate: date: '2022-01-23' typeId: null rate: 1 paymentMethod: eft reversalDate: '2022-01-23' reversedDate: '2022-01-23' reversedVoidPaymentKey: '1400' voidPaymentKey: '1923' lines: - status: active amount: '100.00' txnAmount: '100.00' description: description lineNumber: 1 baseCurrency: USD currency: USD isTax: false arAccountLabel: key: '35' glAccount: id: '5008' dimensions: location: id: CAG department: id: OPEE responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New other-receipt properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new other receipts object: value: ia::result: key: '500' id: '500' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/500 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the other receipts object. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an other receipts object description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified other receipts object.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Other receipts
tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts operationId: get-cash-management-other-receipt-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the other-receipt properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receipt' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an other receipts object: value: ia::result: key: '557' id: '557' txnDate: '2022-01-23' recordType: cr payer: Smith Jones txnPaidDate: '2022-01-23' paymentMethod: creditCard txnNumber: '2251' description: Conference booth fee bankAccount: key: '45' id: BOA-REC-01 name: BOA-REC currency: USD href: /objects/cash-management/bank-account/45 depositDate: '2022-01-23' arSummary: key: '315' id: '315' date: '2022-01-01' href: /objects/accounts-receivable/summary/315 baseCurrency: USD currency: USD exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: null totalEntered: '150.00' txnTotalEntered: '150.00' reconciliationDate: null state: approved reconciliationState: uncleared parentDeposit: key: null id: null audit: createdDateTime: '2023-09-07T21:44:43Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-09-07T21:44:44Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' isInclusiveTax: false taxSolution: key: null id: null enableMultilineTax: null taxCalculationMethod: null voidPaymentKey: null reversalDate: null reversedVoidPaymentKey: null reversedDate: null lines: - key: '1101' id: '1101' otherReceipts: key: '557' id: '557' recordType: cr href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/557 glAccount: key: '222' id: '5008' title: Payments - Contract href: /objects/general-ledger/account/222 arAccountLabel: key: '35' id: '35' label: Sales href: /objects/accounts-receivable/account-label/35 amount: '150.00' txnAmount: '150.00' dimensions: department: number: '21' id: OPEE name: Operations key: '21' href: /objects/company-config/department/21 location: id: CAG name: Calgary key: '30' href: /objects/company-config/location/30 description: Logo display exchangeRate: date: null typeId: null rate: 1 lineNumber: 1 currency: USD baseCurrency: USD status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2023-09-07T21:44:43Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-09-07T21:44:44Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' isTax: false orderEntryTaxDetail: key: null taxRate: null id: null href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt-line/1101 href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/557 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an other receipts object description: >+ Updates an existing other receipts object by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Only transactions in an open sub-ledger period, which have not yet been deposited, can be updated.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, Edit Other receipts
tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts operationId: update-cash-management-other-receipt-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receipt' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an other receipts object: value: description: 2023 Conference booth fee description: '' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated other-receipt properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated other receipts object: value: ia::result: key: '500' id: '500' href: /objects/cash-management/other-receipt/500 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an other receipts object description: >+ Deletes an other receipts object. Only those receipts that have not yet been deposited or reconciled that are in an open period can be deleted.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete Other receipts
tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts operationId: delete-cash-management-other-receipt-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /workflows/cash-management/other-receipt/reverse: post: summary: Reverse an other receipts object description: >- Reverse an other receipts object to maintain an audit trail from the bank register. After you reverse an other receipts object, you cannot undo the reversal. However, you can create a new other receipts object to replace the original. tags: - Cash_Management_Other receipts operationId: reverse-cash-management-other-receipt requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receipt-actions-reverse-request' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-other-receipt-actions-reverse-response' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account: get: summary: List payment provider bank accounts description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each payment provider bank account. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View, Subscribe, Configure Application Subscriptions
tags: - Cash_Management_Payment provider bank accounts operationId: list-cash-management-payment-provider-bank-account responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List payment provider bank accounts properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List payment provider bank accounts: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: '/objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account/1' - key: '2' id: '2' href: '/objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account/2' - key: '3' id: '3' href: '/objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account/3' ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/404error' security: - OAuth2: [] parameters: [] post: summary: Create a payment provider bank account description: >+ Creates a new payment provider bank account.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View, Subscribe, Configure Application Subscriptions
tags: - Cash_Management_Payment provider bank accounts operationId: create-cash-management-payment-provider-bank-account requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-payment-provider-bank-account' examples: Create a payment provider bank account: value: paymentProvider: id: CSI bankAccount: id: WF status: active checkStartNumber: '111000' remittanceEmail: responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New payment provider bank account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New Payment Provider bank account: value: ia::result: key: '22' id: '22' href: '/objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account/22' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '422': $ref: '#/components/responses/422error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the payment provider bank account. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a payment provider bank account description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified payment provider bank account.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View, Subscribe, Configure Application Subscriptions
tags: - Cash_Management_Payment provider bank accounts operationId: get-cash-management-payment-provider-bank-account-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details for the payment provider bank account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-payment-provider-bank-account' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a payment provider bank account: value: ia::result: key: '19' id: '19' paymentProvider: key: '1' id: CSI href: /objects/cash-management/payment-provider/1 bankAccount: key: '72' id: BOA currency: USD href: /objects/cash-management/checking-account/72 state: subscribed isRebateAccount: false providerReferenceNumber: 44397977-72-1643357336 authenticationURL: '' audit: createdDateTime: '2022-01-28T08:08:56Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-01-28T08:23:08Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' status: active checkStartNumber: '123456' href: '/objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account/19' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/404error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a payment provider bank account description: >+ Updates an existing payment provider bank account by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionAdministration, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View, Subscribe, Configure Application Subscriptions
tags: - Cash_Management_Payment provider bank accounts operationId: update-cash-management-payment-provider-bank-account-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-payment-provider-bank-account' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a payment provider bank account: value: isRebateAccount: false checkStartNumber: '111222' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated payment-provider-bank-account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated payment provider bank account: value: ia::result: key: '19' id: '19' href: '/objects/cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account/19' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/payment-provider: get: summary: List payment providers description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each payment provider. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Application Subscriptions
tags: - Cash_Management_Payment providers operationId: list-cash-management-payment-provider responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List payment providers properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List payment providers: value: ia::result: - key: '3' id: CSI href: /objects/cash-management/payment-provider/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/payment-provider/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true example: '3' description: Payment provider key get: summary: Get a payment provider description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified payment provider, including name, ID, payment withdrawal type, and payment methods.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Application Subscriptions
tags: - Cash_Management_Payment providers operationId: get-cash-management-payment-provider-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Payment provider details properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-payment-provider' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a payment-provider: value: ia::result: key: '3' id: CSI name: CSI paymentWithdrawalType: perTransaction state: subscribed audit: createdDateTime: '2021-07-28T11:07:33Z' modifiedDateTime: '2021-09-06T05:17:26Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' paymentMethods: - key: '453' id: '453' paymentProvider: id: CSI name: CSI key: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/payment-provider/3 paymentType: VCARD audit: createdDateTime: '2021-07-30T03:29:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2021-09-06T05:17:26Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/453 href: /objects/cash-management/payment-provider/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method: get: summary: List provider payment methods description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each provider payment method. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and specify the properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Application Subscriptions
operationId: list-cash-management-provider-payment-method tags: - Cash_Management_Provider payment methods responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List provider payment methods properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List provider payment methods: value: ia::result: - key: '453' id: '453' href: /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/453 - key: '454' id: '454' href: /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/454 - key: '455' id: '455' href: /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/455 - key: '456' id: '456' href: /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/456 ia::meta: totalCount: 4 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true example: '454' description: Payment method key get: summary: Get a provider payment method description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified provider payment method.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management, Sage Cloud Services, Outbound Payment Services
User typeBusiness user with admin permissions
PermissionsList, View Application Subscriptions
tags: - Cash_Management_Provider payment methods operationId: get-cash-management-provider-payment-method-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Provider payment method details properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-provider-payment-method' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a provider payment method: value: ia::result: key: '454' id: '454' paymentProvider: id: CSI name: CSI key: '3' href: /objects/cash-management/payment-provider/3 paymentType: CHECK audit: createdDateTime: '2021-07-30T03:29:20Z' modifiedDateTime: '2021-09-06T05:17:26Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' status: active href: /objects/cash-management/provider-payment-method/454 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/savings-account: get: summary: List savings accounts description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each savings account. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and specify the properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager
PermissionsList, View Savings Accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Savings accounts operationId: list-cash-management-savings-account responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of savings account objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List savings accounts: value: ia::result: - key: '84' id: AUDCHK href: /objects/cash-management/savings-account/84 - key: '85' id: BDF href: /objects/cash-management/savings-account/85 - key: '60' id: BOA href: /objects/cash-management/savings-account/60 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a savings account description: Create a new savings account. tags: - Cash_Management_Savings accounts operationId: post-objects-savings-account requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-savings-account' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-savings-accountRequiredProperties' examples: Create a savings account: value: id: SAVINGS455_6780 bankAccountDetails: accountNumber: '' bankName: Savings Bank of America New routingNumber: '565676545' branchId: '123456791' phoneNumber: '6509876545' bankAddress: addressLine1: 73466 Linkln St addressLine2: null addressLine3: null city: Montaine View country: United States postCode: '67898' state: CA currency: USD accounting: glAccount: id: 2458.90.33--SAVINGS455 GL apJournal: key: '18' arJournal: id: ARJ--Accounts Receivable Journal bankingTimeZone: GMT+05:30 Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi serviceChargeGLAccount: key: '417' interestGLAccount: key: '572' disableInterEntityTransfer: true reconciliation: matchingSequenceNumber: key: '48' useSequenceNumberForAutoMatch: false useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true department: id: 11--Accounting location: id: 1--United States of America status: active ruleSet: key: '53' responses: '201': description: Created savings account content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New savings-account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/cash-management/savings-account/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the savings account. get: summary: Get a savings account description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified savings account.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager
PermissionsList, View Savings Accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Savings accounts operationId: get-cash-management-savings-account-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Detail of the savings account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-savings-account' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: Get a savings account: value: ia::result: id: SAVINGS455_6780 bankAccountDetails: accountNumber: '789678988' bankName: Savings Bank of America New routingNumber: '565676545' branchId: '123456791' phoneNumber: '6509876545' bankAddress: addressLine1: 73466 Linkln St addressLine2: null addressLine3: null city: Montaine View country: United States postCode: '67898' state: CA currency: USD accounting: glAccount: id: 2458.90.33--SAVINGS455 GL key: '543' href: /objects/general-ledger/account/543 apJournal: id: AP ADJ--AP Adjustment Journal key: '18' href: /objects/general-ledger/journal/18 arJournal: id: ARJ--Accounts Receivable Journal key: '6' href: /objects/general-ledger/journal/6 bankingTimeZone: GMT+05:30 Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi serviceChargeGLAccount: key: '417' id: 0009--My Ledger Account 39 href: /objects/general-ledger/account/417 serviceChargeAccountLabel: id: null key: null interestGLAccount: key: '572' id: 0032--My Ledger Account 32 href: /objects/general-ledger/account/572 interestAccountLabel: key: null id: null disableInterEntityTransfer: true reconciliation: matchingSequenceNumber: key: '48' id: 48--bankseq-1 href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/48 useSequenceNumberForAutoMatch: false useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true lastReconciledBalance: null lastReconciledDate: null cutOffDate: null inProgressBalance: null inProgressDate: null department: key: '9' id: 11--Accounting href: /objects/company-config/department/9 location: key: '1' id: 1--United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 status: active entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 audit: createdDateTime: '2024-03-07T18:35:38Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-03-07T18:40:25Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' key: '288' bankingCloudConnection: status: notConnected bankName: null name: null lastBankTxnDateTime: null lastRefreshedDateTime: null supportMultiAccountLinking: null financialInstitution: key: null id: null ruleSet: id: 53--MatchDateAmountGrpbyDateRuleSet key: '53' href: /objects/cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set/53 href: /objects/cash-management/savings-account/288 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a savings account description: >- Updates an existing savings account by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Cash_Management_Savings accounts operationId: patch-objects-savings-account requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cash-management-savings-account' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a savings account: value: bankAccountDetails: bankName: Bank of America New ruleSet: key: '53' id: MatchDateAmountGrpbyDateRuleSet restrictions: restrictionType: unrestricted locations: [] reconciliation: matchingSequenceNumber: key: '48' useSequenceNumberForAutoMatch: true useMatchSequenceForManualMatch: true responses: '201': description: Updated savings-account content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated savings account properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a savings account description: >+ Deletes a savings account. You can only delete accounts that are not tied to any transactions or payments.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCash Management
User typeBusiness, Project Manager
PermissionsList, Delete Savings Accounts
tags: - Cash_Management_Savings accounts operationId: delete-cash-management-savings-account-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error-response' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group: get: summary: List affiliate entity groups description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each affiliate entity group. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Affiliate Entity Groups
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entity groups operationId: list-company-config-affiliate-entity-group responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of affiliate entity group objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List affiliate entity groups: value: ia::result: - key: '3' id: u href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group/3 - key: '1' id: Aff_Grp_USA href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group/1 - key: '2' id: Aff_Group_Other href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an affiliate entity group description: >+ Creates a new affiliate entity group.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add Affiliate Entity Groups
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entity groups operationId: create-company-config-affiliate-entity-group requestBody: description: Creates a new affiliate entity group. required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-affiliate-entity-group' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-affiliate-entity-groupRequiredProperties' examples: Create an affiliate entity group: value: id: Aff_3M name: Aff_Grp_specific description: affiliate group with 3 members groupType: specific groupMembers: - id: '2' - id: '1' - id: GM responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New affiliate-entity-group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new affiliate entity group: value: ia::result: key: '9' id: Aff_3M href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the affiliate entity group. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an affiliate entity group description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified affiliate entity group.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Affiliate Entity Groups
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entity groups operationId: get-company-config-affiliate-entity-group-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the affiliate entity group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-affiliate-entity-group' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an affiliate entity group: value: ia::result: key: '9' id: Aff_3M name: Aff_Grp_specific description: affiliate group with 3 members groupType: specific memberFilter: [] audit: createdDateTime: '2024-08-07T11:44:26Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-08-07T11:44:26Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' groupMembers: - key: '2' id: '2' name: India href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/2 - key: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/1 - key: '11' id: GM name: Gulf of Mexico href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/11 maxMatches: 0 sortField: AFFILIATEENTITYID conditionType: and expression: '' sortOrder: ascending href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an affiliate entity group description: >+ Updates an existing affiliate entity group by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Affiliate Entity Group
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entity groups operationId: update-company-config-affiliate-entity-group-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-affiliate-entity-group' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an affiliate entity group: value: name: Aff_Grp_specific description: Affiliate entity group udpated to member 1 only groupType: specific groupMembers: - key: '1' id: '1' description: Updates an affiliate entity group responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated affiliate entity group properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated affiliate entity group: value: ia::result: key: '9' id: Aff_3M href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity-group/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an affiliate entity group description: >+ Deletes an affiliate entity group.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete Affiliate Entity Group
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entity groups operationId: delete-company-config-affiliate-entity-group-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity: get: summary: List affiliate entities description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each affiliate entity. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Affiliate Entities
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entities operationId: list-company-config-affiliate-entity responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of affiliate entity objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List affiliate entities: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/2 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the affiliate entity. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an affiliate entity description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified affiliate entity.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Affiliate Entities
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Affiliate entities operationId: get-company-config-affiliate-entity-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the affiliate entity properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-affiliate-entity' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an affiliate entity: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: '1' name: United States of America status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2016-06-27T00:00:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-06-14T00:00:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' href: /objects/company-config/affiliate-entity/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/attachment: get: summary: List attachments description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each attachment. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find attachments that meet certain criteria and specify the properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Platform, and Warehouse
PermissionsList Attachments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Attachments responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of attachment objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List attachments: value: ia::result: - key: '8' id: PROJ-159 href: /objects/company-config/attachment/8 - key: '1' id: INVOICES href: /objects/company-config/attachment/1 - key: '2' id: 2022 Taxes href: /objects/company-config/attachment/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-company-config-attachment security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an attachment description: >+ Creates a new attachment in a specified folder. You can add files when you create an attachment, or use a PATCH request to add files later.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsAdd Attachments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Attachments operationId: create-company-config-attachment requestBody: description: Attachment to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-attachment' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-attachmentRequiredProperties' examples: Create an empty attachment: value: id: 2022 Tax name: 2022 Tax Forms folder: key: '27' Create an attachment that contains a file: value: id: attach-02 name: Short text file folder: key: '1' files: - name: short file.txt data: aGVsbG8gd29ybGQhIHRoaXMgaXMgYmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgZGF0YQ== responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Reference to new attachment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new attachment: value: ia::result: key: '17' id: 2022 Tax href: /objects/company-config/attachment/17 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/attachment/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the attachment. in: path required: true example: '43' schema: type: string get: summary: Get an attachment description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified attachment, including Base64-encoded versions of all files in the attachment.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Platform, and Warehouse
PermissionsList Attachments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Attachments operationId: get-company-config-attachment-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the attachment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-attachment' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an attachment: value: ia::result: key: '17' id: INV-V1 name: Vendor 1 Invoices folder: id: Invoices key: '1' href: /objects/company-config/folder/1 description: null audit: createdBy: matthew.mikawber modifiedBy: matthew.mikawber modifiedDate: '2023-05-25' createdDate: '2023-05-25' files: - id: '29' key: '29' attachment: key: '17' data: >- aGVsbG8gd29ybGQhIHRoaXMgaXMgYmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgZGF0YQ== name: short file.txt size: 40 href: /objects/company-config/attachment/17 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an attachment description: >+ Updates an existing attachment by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. Use this operation to add, update, and delete files in attachments.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsEdit Attachments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Attachments operationId: update-company-config-attachment-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-attachment' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Add a file to an attachment: value: files: - name: short file 2.txt data: aGVsbG8gd29ybGQhIHRoaXMgaXMgYmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgZGF0YQ== Delete a file from an attachment: value: files: - key: '29' ia::operation: delete responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Reference to updated attachment properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated attachment: value: ia::result: key: '17' id: attach-02 href: /objects/company-config/attachment/17 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an attachment description: >+ Deletes a attachment and all files that it contains. You must first remove the attachment from any records or transactions.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Platform, and Warehouse
PermissionsList Attachments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Attachments operationId: delete-company-config-attachment-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/class: get: summary: List classes description: >+ Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each object. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find objects that meet certain criteria and specify the properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Payment Approver
PermissionsList, View Classes
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Classes operationId: list-company-config-class responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of class objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: list classes: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: Class_1 href: /objects/company-config/class/1 - key: '2' id: Class_2 href: /objects/company-config/class/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a class description: >+ Creates a new class. You can think of this as adding a new value to the dimension that you can use to tag transactions for reporting.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsAdd Classes
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Classes operationId: create-company-config-class requestBody: description: Class object to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-class' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-classRequiredProperties' examples: Create a single class: value: id: SW name: Software description: All software titles status: active Create a child class: value: id: SW-Office name: Office Software description: Office productivity software status: active parent: key: '1' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New class properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New class created: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: SW href: /objects/company-config/class/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/class/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the class. in: path required: true example: '43' schema: type: string get: summary: Get a class description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified class.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Payment Approver
PermissionsList, View Classes
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Classes operationId: get-company-config-class-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the class properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-class' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a class: value: ia::result: key: '9' id: SW-Office name: Office Software description: Office productivity software status: active parent: key: '8' id: SW name: Software audit: createdDateTime: '2022-06-28T23:41:44Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-06-29T15:52:18Z' createdBy: '68' modifiedBy: '68' href: /objects/company-config/class/9 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a class description: >+ Updates an existing class by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsEdit Classes
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Classes operationId: update-company-config-class-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-class' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update a single value: value: name: Root one responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated class properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a single value: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: Class1 href: /objects/company-config/class/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a class description: >+ Deletes a class. You can delete a class if it is not being used or referenced. Deleted classes cannot be recovered.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsDelete Classes
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Classes operationId: delete-company-config-class-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/contact: get: summary: List contacts description: >+ Returns up to 100 contacts from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each contact. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find contacts that meet certain criteria and specify the properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Payment Approver
PermissionsList, View Contacts
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Contacts operationId: list-company-config-contact responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of contact objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List contacts: value: ia::result: - key: '265' id: Mary Cooper href: /objects/company-config/contact/265 - key: '263' id: John Doe href: /objects/company-config/contact/263 - key: '264' id: Alfred Mike href: /objects/company-config/contact/264 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a contact description: >+ Creates a new contact.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsAdd Contacts
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Contacts operationId: create-company-config-contact requestBody: description: Contact object to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-contact' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-contactRequiredProperties' examples: Create a contact: value: id: AMoore prefix: Mr firstName: Andy lastName: Moore middleName: Robert printAs: Andy Moore companyName: Sage phone1: '9134598676' mobile: '9133132299' fax: '9134598677' email1: URL1: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 744 Edgewater Blvd city: Kansas City state: KS postCode: '66104' country: United States tax: isTaxable: true taxId: 123-12-1234 group: id: New York status: active responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New contact properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New contact created: value: ia::result: key: '312' id: AMoore href: /objects/company-config/contact/312 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/contact/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the contact. in: path required: true example: '65' schema: type: string get: summary: Get a contact description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified contact.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Payment Approver
PermissionsList, View Contacts
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Contacts responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the contact properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-contact' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a contact: value: ia::result: key: '1257' id: AMoore companyName: Sage prefix: Mr firstName: Andy lastName: Moore middleName: Robert printAs: Andy Moore tax: isTaxable: true group: id: New York key: '6' href: /objects/company-config/contact-tax-group/6 taxId: 123-12-1234 phone1: '9134598676' phone2: null mobile: '9133132299' pager: null fax: '9134598677' email1: email2: null URL1: URL2: null showInContactList: true mailingAddress: addressLine1: 744 Edgewater Blvd addressLine2: null addressLine3: null city: Kansas City country: United States isoCountryCode: US postCode: '66104' state: KS status: active entity: key: '54' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/54 priceSchedule: id: null key: null discount: null priceList: id: null key: null href: /objects/company-config/contact/1257 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: get-company-config-contact-key security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a contact description: >+ Updates an existing contact by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsEdit Contacts
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Contacts operationId: update-company-config-contact-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-contact' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Change contact's company name: value: companyName: Google Set a contact as non-taxable: value: tax: isTaxable: false responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated contact properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Contact updated: value: ia::result: key: '312' id: John href: /objects/company-config/contact/312 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a contact description: >+ Deletes a contact. You can delete a contact if it is not being used or referenced. Deleted contacts cannot be recovered.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsDelete Contacts
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Contacts operationId: delete-company-config-contact-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/department: get: summary: List departments description: >+ Returns up to 100 department references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each department. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find departments that meet certain criteria and to specify the properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Payment Approver
PermissionsList, View Departments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Departments operationId: list-company-config-department responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of departments properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List of departments: value: ia::result: - key: '11' id: Eng href: /objects/company-config/department/1 - key: '2' id: Fin href: /objects/company-config/department/2 - key: '3' id: HR href: /objects/company-config/department/3 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '201': description: Created '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a department description: >+ Creates a new department.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsAdd Department
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Departments operationId: create-company-config-department requestBody: description: Department to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-department' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-departmentRequiredProperties' examples: Create a department: value: id: ENG name: Engineering reportTitle: Engineering status: active supervisor: key: '16' Create a child department: value: id: SW name: Software reportTitle: Software Development status: active parent: key: '28' supervisor: key: '5' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New department properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New department created: value: ia::result: key: '12' id: ENG href: /objects/company-config/department/12 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/department/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the department. in: path required: true example: '28' schema: type: string get: summary: Get a department description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified department.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Payment Approver
PermissionsList, View Departments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Departments operationId: get-company-config-department-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the department properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-department' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Department details: value: ia::result: id: PS key: '28' name: Professional Services parent: key: '7' id: CS--Client Services name: Client Services href: /objects/company-config/department/7 supervisor: key: '5' id: MGR1--PS Dept - Manager name: PS Dept - Manager href: /objects/company-config/employee/5 audit: createdDateTime: '2023-01-08T11:28:12Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-01-08T11:28:12Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' status: active reportTitle: Professional Services href: /objects/company-config/department/28 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a department description: >+ Updates an existing department by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsEdit Departments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Departments operationId: update-company-config-department-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-department' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Change department supervisor: value: supervisor: key: '99' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated department properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Department updated: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: SW href: /objects/company-config/department/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a department description: >+ Deletes a department. You can delete a department if it is not being used or referenced. Deleted departments cannot be recovered.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness user with admin privileges
PermissionsDelete Departments
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Departments operationId: delete-company-config-department-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/document-sequence-rollover: get: summary: List document sequence rollovers description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each document sequence rollover object. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Document sequence rollovers operationId: list-company-config-document-sequence-rollover responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of fiscal year configuration objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List document sequence rollover objects: value: ia::result: - key: '651' id: '651' href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence-rollover/651 - key: '652' id: '652' href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence-rollover/652 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/document-sequence-rollover/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the document sequence rollover object. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a document sequence rollover description: >- Returns detailed information for a specified document sequence rollover object. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Document sequence rollovers operationId: get-company-config-document-sequence-rollover-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the fiscal year configuration properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-document-sequence-rollover' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a document sequence rollover: value: ia::result: id: '651' key: '651' documentSequence: key: '107' id: BOA_ACH_BatchNo href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/107 fiscalYear: 2026 nextNumber: 2026 nextSequence: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-02-14T12:55:25Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-02-14T12:55:25Z' createdBy: '109' modifiedBy: '109' href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence-rollover/651 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/document-sequence: get: summary: List document sequences description: > Returns up to 100 document sequences from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each sequence. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find document sequences that meet certain criteria and to specify the properties that are returned. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Document sequences operationId: list-company-config-document-sequence responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of document-sequence objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List of document sequences: value: ia::result: - key: '37' id: BOA_ACH_BatchNo href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/37 - key: '27' id: Purchase Order href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/27 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create a document sequence description: Creates a new document sequence. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Document sequences operationId: create-company-config-document-sequence requestBody: description: Document sequence to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-document-sequence' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-document-sequenceRequiredProperties' examples: Creates a numeric document sequence: value: id: Vendor Invoice printTitle: Vendor Invoice type: numeric fixedPrefix: P fixedSuffix: S prefixSeparator: '-' suffixSeparator: '-' startingNumber: 1 endingNumber: null nextNumber: 1 fixedLength: '4' rollover: isEnabled: true fiscalYearAffixPosition: prefix separator: '-' fiscalYears: - fiscalYear: 2025 nextNumber: 2025 - fiscalYear: 2026 nextNumber: 2026 Creates an alphabetic document sequence: value: id: Vendor Invoice printTitle: Vendor Invoice type: alpha fixedPrefix: P fixedSuffix: S prefixSeparator: '-' suffixSeparator: '-' startingSequence: a endingSequence: c nextSequence: a rollover: isEnabled: true fiscalYears: - fiscalYear: 2023 nextSequence: a - fiscalYear: 2024 nextSequence: a responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New document-sequence properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New document sequence: value: ia::result: key: '107' id: Vendor Invoice href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/107 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/document-sequence/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the document sequence. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get a document sequence description: Returns detailed information for a particular document sequence. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Document sequences operationId: get-company-config-document-sequence-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the document-sequence properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-document-sequence' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Details of the document sequence: value: ia::result: key: '107' id: BOA_ACH_BatchNo printTitle: BOA_ACH_BatchNo fixedPrefix: P fixedSuffix: S prefixSeparator: '-' suffixSeparator: '-' startingNumber: 1 endingNumber: null nextNumber: 1 whenModified: '2014-01-08T11:28:12Z' fixedLength: null status: active type: numeric startingSequence: null endingSequence: null nextSequence: null entity: key: '54' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/54 rollover: isEnabled: true enabledDate: '2024-02-14' fiscalYearAffixPosition: prefix separator: '-' audit: createdDateTime: '2014-01-08T11:28:12Z' modifiedDateTime: '2014-01-08T11:28:12Z' createdBy: '109' modifiedBy: '109' fiscalYears: - id: '646' key: '646' documentSequence: key: '405' fiscalYear: 2026 nextNumber: 2026 nextSequence: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-02-14T12:34:02Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-02-14T12:34:02Z' createdBy: '109' modifiedBy: '109' - id: '645' key: '645' documentSequence: key: '405' fiscalYear: 2025 nextNumber: 2025 nextSequence: null audit: createdDateTime: '2024-02-14T12:34:02Z' modifiedDateTime: '2024-02-14T12:34:02Z' createdBy: '109' modifiedBy: '109' href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/107 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update a document sequence description: >- Updates an existing document sequence by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Document sequences operationId: update-company-config-document-sequence-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-document-sequence' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Change the prefix separator: value: prefixSeparator: '-' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated document-sequence properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Updated document sequence: value: ia::result: key: '107' id: BOA_ACH_BatchNo href: /objects/company-config/document-sequence/107 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete a document sequence description: Deletes a document sequence. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Document sequences operationId: delete-company-config-document-sequence-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/earning-type: get: summary: List earning types description: Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each earning type. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Earning types operationId: get-objects-company-config-earning-type responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of Earning types properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List earning types: value: ia::result: - key: '46' id: Overtime name: Overtime href: /objects/time/earning-type/46 - key: '44' id: Part time name: Part time href: /objects/time/earning-type/44 - key: '40' id: Full time name: Full time href: /objects/time/earning-type/40 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 5 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an earning type description: Creates a new earning type. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Earning types operationId: create-objects-company-config-earning-type-key requestBody: description: '' required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-earning-type' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-earning-typeRequiredProperties' examples: Create an earning type: value: id: Over time billableGLAccount: key: '158' nonBillableGLAccount: key: '159' rateMultiplier: '2' calculationMethod: hourly responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New earning-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new earning type: value: ia::result: key: '10' id: '10' href: /objects/time/earning-type/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/earning-type/{key}: parameters: - schema: type: string name: key in: path required: true description: System-assigned key for the earning type. get: summary: Get an earning type description: Returns detailed information for a specified earning type. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Earning types responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-earning-type' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an earning type: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: Over time billableGLAccount: key: '158' id: '6775.30' name: Travel href: /objects/general-ledger/account/23 nonBillableGLAccount: key: '158' id: '6774.30' name: Expense href: /objects/general-ledger/account/23 rateMultiplier: '2' calculationMethod: hourly audit: createdDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': description: Bad Request operationId: get-company-config-earning-type-key security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an earning type description: >- Updates an existing earning type by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Earning types operationId: patch-objects-company-config-earning-type-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-earning-type' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an earning type: value: rateMultiplier: '20' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated earning-type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated earning type: value: ia::result: key: '10' id: Overtime href: /objects/time/earning-type/10 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an earning type operationId: delete-objects-company-config-earning-type-key description: Deletes an earning type. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Earning types responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/email-template: get: summary: List email templates description: Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each email template. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Email templates responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of email-template objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List email templates: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/company-config/email-template/1 - key: '2' id: '2' href: /objects/company-config/email-template/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 2 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-company-config-email-template security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an email template description: Creates a new email template. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Email templates operationId: create-company-config-email-template requestBody: description: Email template to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-email-template' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-email-templateRequiredProperties' examples: Create an email template: value: name: New Customer Email Template description: Email template for new customers templateType: purchasingTxn email: replyTo: to: subject: Welcome! body: >- New customers receive a 10% discount on their first subscription order. responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Reference to new email template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new email template: value: ia::result: id: '12' key: '12' href: /objects/company-config/email-template/12 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/email-template/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the email-template. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an email template description: Returns detailed information for a specified email template. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Email templates operationId: get-company-config-email-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the email template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-email-template' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an email template: value: id: 12 key: 12 audit: createdDateTime: '2023-10-20T11:31:45Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-10-20T11:31:45Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '1' status: active name: New Customer Email Template description: Test for New Email Template templateType: purchasingTxn email: replyTo: to: cc: bcc: subject: Welcome! body: >- New customers receive a 10% discount on their first subscription order. logo: isLogoIncluded: true verticalPosition: bottom horizontalPosition: left includeTxnAttachments: false includeProjectInvoiceTxnAttachments: false useSendersPreferredDateFormat: true href: /objects/company-config/email-template/12 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an email template description: >- Updates an existing email template by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Email templates operationId: update-company-config-email-template-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated email-template properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated email template: value: ia::result: id: '6' key: '6' href: /objects/company-config/email-template/6 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-email-template' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update an email template: value: name: New Customer Email SW email: to: includeTxnAttachments: true security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an email template description: Deletes an email template. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Email templates operationId: delete-company-config-email-template-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup: get: summary: List employee bank file setups description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each employee bank file setup. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee bank file setups operationId: list-company-config-employee-bank-file-setup responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of employee-bank-file-setup objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List employee bank file setups: value: ia::result: - key: '25' id: '25' href: /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/25 - key: '85' id: '85' href: /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/85 - key: '60' id: '60' href: /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/60 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the employee bank file setup. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an employee bank file setup description: Returns detailed information for a specified employee bank file setup. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee bank file setups operationId: get-company-config-employee-bank-file-setup-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the employee-bank-file-setup properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee-bank-file-setup' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get a bank file setup for South Africa (ZA): value: ia::result: key: '25' id: '25' employee: key: '202' id: SAEmployee href: /objects/company-config/employee/202 paymentReference: Supplier Inc branchCode: '123433' bankAccountType: '1' bankAccountCode: '345678' proofOfPayment: true bankAccountNumber: '87402896' bankAccountName: Jane Blogs Corp href: /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/25 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 Get a bank file setup for Australia (AU): value: ia::result: key: '2' id: '2' employee: key: '162' id: AUEmployee href: /objects/company-config/employee/162 bsbNumber: 163-821 paymentReference: Supplier Inc bankAccountNumber: '87402896' bankAccountName: Au Bank Corp href: /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/2 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 Get a bank file setup for United Kingdom (GB): value: ia::result: key: '26' id: '26' employee: key: '203' id: UKEmployee href: /objects/company-config/employee/203 bsbNumber: null paymentReference: BACS HSBC corp sortCode: '849571' bankAccountNumber: '87402896' bankAccountName: UK Bank Corp. href: /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/26 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee-rate: get: summary: List employee rates description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each employee rate. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Employees
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee rates operationId: list-projects-employee-rate responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of employee rate objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List employee rates: value: ia::result: - key: '1' id: '1' href: /objects/company-config/employee-rate/1 - key: '3' id: '3' href: /objects/company-config/employee-rate/3 - key: '5' id: '5' href: /objects/company-config/employee-rate/5 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee-rate/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the employee rate. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an employee rate description: >+ Returns detailed information for a specified employee rate.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Employees
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee rates operationId: get-projects-employee-rate-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the employee rate properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee-rate' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an employee rate: value: ia::result: id: '111' key: '111' employee: key: '1' id: '1' name: 1099 Int href: /objects/company-config/employee/1 hourlyRate: '50001' annualSalary: null startDate: '2023-01-01' endDate: '2023-12-31' href: /objects/company-config/employee-rate/111 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an employee rate description: >+ Deletes an employee rate.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Delete Employees
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee rates operationId: delete-company-config-employee-rate-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee-type: get: summary: List employee types description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each employee type. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionTime and Expenses
User typeBusiness, Employee, Project Manager, and Warehouse
PermissionsList, View Employee Type
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee types operationId: list-company-config-employee-type responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of employee type objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List employee types: value: ia::result: - key: '100' id: Part-time href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/100 - key: '101' id: Full-time href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/101 - key: '102' id: Contractor href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/102 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 5 next: 0 previous: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an employee type description: >+ Creates a new employee type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCompany, Projects, Time and Expenses
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Add Employee Type
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee types operationId: create-company-config-employee-type requestBody: description: Employee type to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee-type' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee-typeRequiredProperties' examples: Create an employee type: value: id: Internal parent: key: '12' status: active responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New employee type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new employee type: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: Internal href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee-type/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned unique key for the employee type. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an employee type description: |+ Returns detailed information for a specified employee type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionTime and Expenses
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Employee type
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee types operationId: get-company-config-employee-type-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the employee type properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee-type' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Details of the employee type: value: ia::result: key: '23' id: Part-time Overseas contractor href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/23 parent: href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/7 id: Contractor key: '7' form1099: type: MISC box: '3' status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-04-20T16:20:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an employee type description: >+ Updates an existing employee type by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionTime and Expenses
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View, Edit Employee Type
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee types operationId: update-company-config-employee-type-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee-type' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Set status to inactive: value: status: inactive responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Employee type updated properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated employee type: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: Internal href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an employee type description: >+ Deletes an employee type.
Permissions and other requirements
SubscriptionCompany or Projects
User typeBusiness, Employee, Approval, CRM
PermissionsList, View, Add, Edit Employees
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employee types operationId: delete-company-config-employee-type-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee: get: summary: List employees description: >- Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each employee. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find employees that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employees responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of employee objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List employees: value: ia::result: - key: '32' id: '100' href: /objects/company-config/employee/32 - key: '52' id: Emp2 href: /objects/company-config/employee/52 - key: '17' id: '16' href: /objects/company-config/employee/17 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: list-company-config-employee security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an employee description: >- Creates a new employee. If the employee is also a user in Sage Intacct (which is required if they will be entering Time & Expenses), the employee and user must be associated with the same Sage Intacct contact. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employees operationId: create-company-config-employee requestBody: description: Employee to create required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employeeRequiredProperties' examples: Create a new employee: value: id: jSmith SSN: '650125930' jobTitle: Accountants status: active startDate: '2021-04-30' birthDate: '1984-04-13' endDate: '2026-04-30' gender: female name: John Smith terminationType: voluntary defaultCurrency: USD manager: id: '11' location: id: '1' department: id: '3' class: id: '1' earningType: id: Salaries isPostActualCostWithVariance: false employeeType: id: 2nd Level Employee primaryContact: id: Imam attachmentFolder: id: Attachment_hh key: '1' preferredPaymentMethod: Cash filePaymentService: ACH ach: enabled: 'true' bankRoutingNumber: '121000358' accountNumber: '54545454545454' accountType: Checking Account remittanceType: personal(PPD) responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New employee properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to new employee: value: ia::result: key: '52' id: Emp3 href: /objects/company-config/employee/52 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/employee/{key}: parameters: - name: key description: System-assigned key for the employee. in: path required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an employee description: Returns detailed information for a specified employee. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employees responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the employee properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an employee: value: ia::result: key: '63' id: jSmith SSN: '650125930' jobTitle: Accountant location: id: '1' key: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 department: id: '3' key: '3' name: Engineering href: /objects/company-config/department/3 manager: key: '24' id: '11' name: jsmith href: /objects/company-config/employee/24 birthDate: '1984-04-13' startDate: '2021-04-30' endDate: '2026-04-30' status: active employeeType: id: 2nd Level Employee name: 2nd Level Employee key: '6' href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/6 gender: female terminationType: voluntary name: Smith primaryContact: id: AMoore companyName: Sage prefix: Mr firstName: Andy lastName: Moore middleName: Robert printAs: Andy Moore phone1: '9134598676' phone2: 'null' mobile: '9133132299' pager: 'null' fax: '9134598677' email1: email2: 'null' URL1: URL2: 'null' mailingAddress: addressLine1: 744 Edgewater Blvd addressLine2: 'null' city: Kansas City country: United States isoCountryCode: US postCode: '66104' state: KS key: '68' href: /objects/company-config/contact/68 attachmentFolder: id: Admin Default Folder key: '6' href: /objects/company-config/folder/6 defaultCurrency: USD form1099: isForm1099: 'true' type: A box: D earningType: key: '1' id: Salaries name: Salaries href: /objects/company-config/earning-type/1 isPostActualCostWithVariance: false class: id: '1' name: class key: '1' preferredPaymentMethod: Cash filePaymentService: ACH ach: enabled: 'true' bankRoutingNumber: '121000358' accountNumber: '54545454545454' accountType: Checking Account remittanceType: personal(PPD) canSendPaymentNotification: true placeholderResource: false mergePaymentRequests: true employeePosition: key: '1' id: position audit: createdDateTime: '2022-04-01T16:20:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-04-01T16:20:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 href: /objects/company-config/employee/63 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 Get a former employee: value: ia::result: key: '121' id: Ksmith SSN: '650125930' jobTitle: Accountant location: id: '1' key: '1' name: United States of America href: /objects/company-config/location/1 department: id: '3' key: '3' name: Engineering href: /objects/company-config/department/3 manager: key: '24' id: '11' href: /objects/company-config/employee/24 birthDate: '1984-04-13' startDate: '2021-04-30' endDate: '2026-04-30' status: active employeeType': id: 2nd Level Employee name: 2nd Level Employee key: '6' href: /objects/company-config/employee-type/6 gender: female terminationType: voluntary name: Smith primaryContact: firstName: Anderson id: Anderson name: Anderson lastName: Lee key: '68' href: /objects/company-config/contact/68 attachmentFolder: id: null key: null defaultCurrency: USD form1099: isForm1099: 'true' type: A box: D earningType: key: '1' id: Salaries name: Salaries href: /objects/company-config/earning-type/1 isPostActualCostWithVariance: false class: id: '1' name: class key: '1' preferredPaymentMethod': ach filePaymentService: bankFile bankFiles: paymentCountryCode: gb paymentCurrency: GBP ach: achenabled: 'false' achBankRoutingNumber: null achAccountNumber: null achAccountType: Checking Account achRemittanceType: personal(PPD) employeeBankFileSetup: - id: '6' key: '6' employee: key: '121' id: Ksmith href: /objects/company-config/employee/121 paymentReference: Payment reference 001 sortCode: '786543' bankAccountNumber: '45890765' bankAccountName: HSBCAccount href: /objects/company-config/employee-bank-file-setup/6 canSendPaymentNotification: true placeholderResource: false mergePaymentRequests: true employeePosition': key: '1' id: position audit: createdDateTime: '2022-04-01T16:20:00Z' modifiedDateTime: '2022-04-01T16:20:00Z' createdBy: '1' modifiedBy: '95' entity: key: '46' id: Western Region name: Western Region href: /objects/company-config/entity/46 href: /objects/company-config/employee/63 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' operationId: get-company-config-employee-key security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an employee description: >- Updates an existing employee by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employees operationId: update-company-config-employee-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-employee' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Update when an employee resigns: value: status: inactive endDate: '2023-04-01' terminationType: voluntary responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated employee properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Reference to updated employee: value: ia::result: key: '52' id: Emp2 href: /objects/company-config/employee/52 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an employee description: Deletes an employee. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Employees operationId: delete-company-config-employee-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/entity: get: summary: List entities description: >- Returns up to 100 entities from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each entity. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find entities that meet specific criteria and to specify the properties that you want in the response. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Entities operationId: list-company-config-entity responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of entity objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List of entities: value: ia::result: - key: '195' id: entity1692705208 href: /objects/company-config/entity/195 - key: '196' id: entity21692704288 href: /objects/company-config/entity/196 - key: '197' id: entity11692704288 href: /objects/company-config/entity/196 ia::meta: totalCount: 3 start: 1 pageSize: 100 next: null previous: null '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] post: summary: Create an entity description: Creates a new entity. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Entities operationId: create-company-config-entity requestBody: description: Create entity object required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-entity' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-entityRequiredProperties' examples: Creates an entity: value: id: Hungary name: Hungary defaultCountryForAddresses: hungary operatingCountry: hungary reportPrintAs: Hungary weekStart: monday contacts: primary: id: '-1-13S(V1-13S)' shipTo: id: 0000-1S(V0000-1S) manager: key: '14' texts: message: >- Superior financial Applications. Real-time business visibility. Open, on-demand platform. marketing: Intacct. A Better Way to Run Your Business footnote: Hungary customTitle: Hungary isRoot: true businessDays: - MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY weekends: - SATURDAY - SUNDAY taxId: '192354308' startDate: '2023-01-12' openBooksStartDate: '2023-10-01' responses: '201': description: Created content: application/json: schema: type: object title: New entity properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: New entity created: value: ia::result: key: '184' id: Hungary href: /objects/company-config/entity/184 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/entity/{key}: parameters: - name: key in: path description: System-assigned unique key for the entity. required: true schema: type: string get: summary: Get an entity description: Returns detailed information for a specified entity. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Entities operationId: get-company-config-entity-key responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Details of the entity properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-entity' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Get an entity: value: ia::result: id: entity1693567215 key: '601' name: entity1693567215 manager: name: Supervisor id: b.ruth key: '81' href: /objects/company-config/employee/81 contacts: primary: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 744 Edgewater Blvd addressLine2: Suite 10 addressLine3: Industrial area city: Kansas City state: KS postCode: '66104' country: United States id: AMoore lastName: Moore firstName: Andy middleName: Robert prefix: Mr. printAs: Andy Moore email1: email2: phone1: '9134598676' phone2: '9133459867' mobile: '9133132299' pager: '9133132299' fax: '9134598677' URL1: URL2: companyName: Ecology Corp key: '237' href: /objects/company-config/contact/237 shipTo: mailingAddress: addressLine1: 300 Park Avenue addressLine2: Suite 1400 addressLine3: Western industrial area city: San Jose state: California postCode: '95110' country: United States id: Vendor_A0000001 lastName: Smith firstName: Sara middleName: Sue prefix: Ms. printAs: Sara Smith email1: email2: phone1: '14085551212' phone2: '14123321255' mobile: '14085554420' pager: '14085559987' fax: '14085555309' URL1: URL2: companyName: null key: '198' href: /objects/company-config/contact/198 startDate: '2020-01-01' endDate: null status: active audit: createdDateTime: '2023-09-01T11:20:19Z' modifiedDateTime: '2023-09-01T11:20:19Z' createdBy: '99' modifiedBy: '99' federalId: '123456789' firstFiscalMonth: april weekStart: monday interEntityPayableGLAccount: id: null accountNumber: null key: null interEntityReceivableGLAccount: id: '1' accountNumber: 123436 key: '1' texts: message: >- Superior financial Applications. Real-time business visibility. Open, on-demand platform. marketing: Intacct. A Better Way to Run Your Business footnote: Net 30 days reportPrintAs: California isRoot: false vendor: name: Pac bell id: V-00014 customer: id: '15' name: Logic Solutions enableInterEntityRelationships: false customTitle: California businessDays: - SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY weekends: - FRIDAY - SATURDAY firstTaxMonth: january taxId: '192354308' siret: '01234567890123456789' defaultCountryForAddresses: westernSahara openBooksStartDate: '1990-01-01' legalContact: enableOnTaxForms: false name: Expert Sage Intacct LTD address: address1: 300 Park Avenue address2: Suite 1400 address3: Western industrial area city: San Jose state: California zipCode: '95110' country: United States countryCode: us tpar: contact: name: John Doe phone: '1022223333' fax: '1009288888' email: branchNumber: '001' enableOnTPAR: false operatingCountry: unitedState taxSolution: key: '23' id: '23' taxMethod: Advanced tax href: /objects/tax/tax-solution/23 isPartialExempt: false isDefaultPartialExempt: false unrecoverableTaxAccount: id: null accountingType: entity statutoryReportingPeriodDate: '2021-01-01' href: /objects/company-config/entity/601 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] patch: summary: Update an entity description: >- Updates an existing entity by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Entities operationId: update-company-config-entity-key requestBody: content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/company-config-entity' - type: object properties: id: readOnly: true examples: Mark an entity as out of operation: value: endDate: '2023-12-31' status: inactive responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Updated entity properties: ia::result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' examples: Update a single value: value: ia::result: key: '1' id: entity1693567215 href: /objects/company-config/entity/1 ia::meta: totalCount: 1 totalSuccess: 1 totalError: 0 '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] delete: summary: Delete an entity description: Deletes an entity. tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Entities operationId: delete-company-config-entity-key responses: '204': description: No Content '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400error' security: - OAuth2: [] /objects/company-config/exchange-rate-line: get: summary: List exchange rate lines description: >+ Returns a collection with a key, ID, and link for each exchange rate line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use query to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Permissions and other requirements
User typeBusiness
PermissionsList, View Exchange Rates
tags: - Company_and_Configuration_Exchange rate lines operationId: list-company-config-exchange-rate-line responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: List of exchange rate line objects properties: ia::result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object-reference' ia::meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata-pages' examples: List exchange rate lines: value: ia::result: - key: '85' id: '85' href: /objects/company-config/exchange-rate-line/85 - key: '86' id: '86' href: /objects/