Change request lines describe the specific changes in a change request. Change request lines can only be added, updated, and deleted through the owning change-request object.
Returns up to 100 object references from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each change request line. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find objects that meet certain criteria and to specify properties that are returned.
Subscription | Construction, Project Costing and Billing |
User type | Business, Project Manager |
Permissions | List, View Change requests |
Bad Request
{- "ia::result": [
- {
- "key": "1",
- "id": "1",
- "href": "/objects/construction/change-request-line/1"
}, - {
- "key": "2",
- "id": "2",
- "href": "/objects/construction/change-request-line/2"
}, - {
- "key": "3",
- "id": "3",
- "href": "/objects/construction/change-request-line/3"
], - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 3,
- "start": 1,
- "pageSize": 100,
- "next": 0,
- "previous": 0
Returns detailed information for a specified change request line.
Subscription | Construction, Project Costing and Billing |
User type | Business, Project Manager |
Permissions | List, View Change requests |
key required | string System-assigned unique key for the change request line. Example: 65 |
Bad Request
{- "ia::result": {
- "key": "7",
- "id": "7",
- "changeRequest": {
- "key": "11",
- "id": "REST-CR-02",
- "href": "/objects/construction/change-request/11"
}, - "workflowType": "none",
- "dimensions": {
- "location": {
- "key": "1",
- "id": "1",
- "name": "United States of America",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/location/1"
}, - "department": {
- "key": "3",
- "id": "3",
- "name": "Engineering",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/department/3"
}, - "project": {
- "key": "1",
- "id": "DIM - BTI",
- "name": "Dimensions - Berkeley Technology Inc",
- "href": "/objects/projects/project/1"
}, - "customer": {
- "key": "14",
- "id": "BTI",
- "name": "Berkeley Technology Inc",
- "href": "/objects/accounts-receivable/customer/14"
}, - "vendor": {
- "key": "43",
- "id": "1099 Int",
- "name": "1099 Int",
- "href": "/objects/accounts-payable/vendor/43"
}, - "employee": {
- "key": "27",
- "id": "12",
- "name": "Eberhardt",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/employee/27"
}, - "item": {
- "key": "240",
- "id": "3",
- "name": "Rebar #10",
- "href": "/objects/inventory-control/item/240"
}, - "class": {
- "key": "6",
- "id": "4",
- "name": "Professional Services",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/class/6"
}, - "task": {
- "key": "3",
- "id": "1020",
- "name": "Roofing",
- "href": "/objects/projects/task/3"
}, - "costType": {
- "key": "8",
- "id": "L",
- "name": "Labor",
- "href": "/objects/costType/8"
}, - "numberOfProductionUnits": "1200",
- "productionUnitDescription": "sqft",
- "quantity": "5.00",
- "externalUOM": "each",
- "unitCost": "32.00",
- "cost": "160.00",
- "unitPrice": "40.00",
- "price": "200.00",
- "priceMarkupPercent": "10.00",
- "priceMarkupAmount": "20.00",
- "linePrice": "220.00",
- "projectChangeOrder": {
- "key": "2",
- "id": "PCO2-DIMBTI",
- "href": "/objects/construction/project-change-order/2"
}, - "memo": "CR Line 02",
- "projectEstimate": {
- "key": "1",
- "id": "BTI-01",
- "href": "/objects/construction/project-estimate/1"
}, - "glAccount": {
- "key": "35",
- "id": "5001",
- "name": "Construction",
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/account/35"
}, - "projectContract": {
- "key": "4",
- "id": "PCN-04",
- "name": "Construction",
- "href": "/objects/construction/project-contract/4"
}, - "projectContractLine": {
- "key": "6",
- "id": "PCL-06",
- "name": "Construction",
- "href": "/objects/construction/project-contract-line/6"
}, - "audit": {
- "createdDateTime": "2023-06-14T13:56:42Z",
- "modifiedDateTime": "2023-06-14T13:56:43Z",
- "createdBy": "1",
- "modifiedBy": "1"
}, - "href": "/objects/construction/change-request-line/7"
}, - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 1,
- "totalSuccess": 1,
- "totalError": 0
Queries an object for filtered data.
object | string Object type to query, in the form Example: "construction/change-request-line" | ||||||||
fields | Array of strings List of fields to include in the response. Can be any combination of these:
Example: ["key","id","max:vendor.creditLimit"] | ||||||||
Array of equal (object) or not equal (object) or less than (object) or (less than or equal (object)) or greater than (object) or (greater than or equal (object)) or in (object) or not in (object) or between (object) or not between (object) or contains (object) or does not contain (object) or starts with (object) or does not start with (object) or ends with (object) or does not end with (object) Filter conditions to select the objects to return based on their field values. You use operators and conditions to build your filter, such as Example: [{"$eq":{"status":"active"}},{"$gt":{"totalDue":"1000"}},{"$contains":{"name":"Acme"}}] | |||||||||
Array Any of: Field value must be equal to this specified value. For date fields, you can use these macro values that are relative to the current date or the
These are most useful for queries that you want to save and use repeatedly, such as for views or reports. Just change the For example,
| |||||||||
filterExpression | string Default: "and" Logical operators to apply when there are multiple filter conditions. The conditions in the Shortcuts:
Example: "(1 and 2) or 3" | ||||||||
| |||||||||
Array of objects Set the order of the results by specifying field names to sort by and whether they should be in ascending or descending order. Example: [{"totalDue":"asc"},{"lastPaymentMadeDate":"desc"}] | |||||||||
| |||||||||
start | integer First record of the result set to include in the response. Example: 1 | ||||||||
size | integer Number of records to include in the response. Example: 100 |
Bad Request
{- "object": "construction/change-request-line",
- "filters": [
- {
- "$eq": {
- "": "NET-XML30-2"
}, - {
- "$eq": {
- "changeRequest.changeRequestState": "draft"
], - "fields": [
- "key",
- "id",
- "quantity",
- "unitCost",
- "cost",
- "unitPrice",
- "price",
- "",
- "",
- "href"
], - "orderBy": [
- {
- "id": "asc"
{- "ia::result": [
- {
- "key": "198",
- "id": "1",
- "quantity": "10.00",
- "unitCost": "50.00",
- "cost": "500.00",
- "unitPrice": "60.00",
- "price": "600.00",
- "": "Berkeley Technology Inc - Contract 01",
- "": "Line 1",
- "href": "/objects/construction/change-request-line/198"
}, - {
- "key": "199",
- "id": "2",
- "quantity": "20.00",
- "unitCost": "40.00",
- "cost": "800.00",
- "unitPrice": "50.00",
- "price": "1000.00",
- "": "Berkeley Technology Inc - Contract 01",
- "": "Line 2",
- "href": "/objects/construction/change-request-line/199"
], - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 2,
- "start": 1,
- "pageSize": 100,
- "next": null,
- "previous": null