Transaction allocation templates (definitions) provide a way to save standard allocation combinations that are used routinely. You can define an allocation transaction to distribute amounts across multiple dimensions—such as departments, locations, projects, or classes—automatically.
You can allocate a percentage, a set (absolute) value, or a fixed amount with over/under logic. Each of these methods takes the transaction line amount and allocates it across the dimensions specified in the transaction allocation template.
Transaction allocations are intended for use on single line items, allowing you to distribute amounts during entry of a transaction, usually a one-time action. Transaction allocations are only available for distribution across eight of the standard dimensions and have other restrictions as well.
If you want to automatically pull updated source balances and distribute them across dimensions according to defined basis calculations, you should use the Dynamic Allocations subscription. See Account Allocations for more info.
Returns up to 100 transaction allocation templates from the collection with a key, ID, and link for each one. This operation is mostly for use in testing; use the query service to find allocation templates that meet specific criteria and to specify the properties that you want in the response.
Subscription | Company |
User type | Business user with admin privileges |
Permissions | List transaction allocations |
Bad Request
{- "ia::result": [
- {
- "key": "1",
- "id": "Fixed Amount Allocation",
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template/1"
}, - {
- "key": "2",
- "id": "Percentage Allocation",
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template/2"
], - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 2,
- "start": 1,
- "pageSize": 100,
- "next": null,
- "previous": null
Creates a new transaction allocation template, optionally including allocation template lines.
Subscription | Company |
User type | Business user with admin privileges |
Permissions | Add transaction allocations |
Transaction allocation template to create
id required | string User defined transaction allocation template ID. Example: "FA_ALLOC" | ||||||||||
required | Array of objects non-empty Transaction allocation lines. | ||||||||||
Array (non-empty)
| |||||||||||
description | string A description of the allocation. Example: "Fixed Amount Allocation" | ||||||||||
allocateBy | string Default: "percentage" Determines how transaction allocations are split across the dimensions included in a transaction.
Example: "percentage" | ||||||||||
documentNumber | string A reference number or name to a specific document--such as a contract--used to define the transaction allocation template formula. Example: "RJEALC" | ||||||||||
status | string Default: "active" Object status. Active objects are fully functional. Inactive objects are essentially hidden and cannot be used or referenced. Example: "active" | ||||||||||
object Supporting document ID for this attachment. | |||||||||||
Bad Request
{- "id": "Fixed amount allocation",
- "description": "Fixed dollar amount allocation",
- "status": "active",
- "allocateBy": "exactAmount",
- "lines": [
- {
- "value": "100",
- "dimensions": {
- "department": {
- "id": "1"
}, - "location": {
- "id": "1"
{- "ia::result": {
- "key": "4",
- "id": "Fixed amount allocation",
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template/4"
}, - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 1,
- "totalSuccess": 1,
- "totalError": 0
Returns detailed information for a specified transaction allocation template.
Subscription | Company |
User type | Business user with admin privileges |
Permissions | List, View transaction allocations |
key required | string System-assigned key for the transaction allocation template. Example: 2 |
Bad Request
{- "ia::result": {
- "key": "3",
- "id": "Fixed amount allocation",
- "description": "Fixed dollar amount allocation",
- "allocateBy": "exactAmount",
- "documentNumber": "REJCAL",
- "status": "active",
- "audit": {
- "createdDateTime": "2023-06-23T11:32:17Z",
- "modifiedDateTime": "2023-06-23T12:25:08Z",
- "createdBy": "1",
- "modifiedBy": "1"
}, - "lines": [
- {
- "key": "8",
- "id": "Fixed Amount Allocation",
- "txnAllocationTemplate": {
- "id": "Fixed amount allocation",
- "key": "3",
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template/3"
}, - "valueType": "amount",
- "value": "100",
- "dimensions": {
- "location": {
- "id": "1",
- "name": "United States of America",
- "key": "1",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/location/1"
}, - "department": {
- "id": "11",
- "name": "Accounting",
- "key": "9",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/department/9"
}, - "project": {
- "key": "13",
- "id": "CO",
- "name": "Contract - Platinum - Modulus Industries",
- "href": "/objects/projects/project/13"
}, - "customer": {
- "key": "3",
- "id": "MI",
- "name": "Modulus Industries",
- "href": "/objects/accounts-receivable/customer/3"
}, - "vendor": {
- "key": "47",
- "id": "201",
- "name": "PG & E",
- "href": "/objects/accounts-payable/vendor/47"
}, - "employee": {
- "key": "2",
- "id": "2",
- "name": "Hatcher",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/employee/2"
}, - "item": {
- "key": "29",
- "id": "A001",
- "name": "Desktop-HP",
- "href": "/objects/inventory-control/item/29"
}, - "class": {
- "key": "6",
- "id": "4",
- "name": "Professional Services",
- "href": "/objects/company-config/class/6"
}, - "task": {
- "key": "1",
- "id": "T-001",
- "name": "Task-1",
- "href": "/objects/projects/task/1"
}, - "warehouse": {
- "key": "19",
- "id": "WareHouse10004",
- "name": "Warehouse Name 10004 (CN)",
- "href": "/objects/inventory-control/warehouse/19"
}, - "audit": {
- "createdDateTime": "2023-06-23T12:25:09Z",
- "modifiedDateTime": "2023-06-23T12:25:09Z",
- "createdBy": "1",
- "modifiedBy": "1"
}, - "lineNumber": 1,
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template-line/8"
], - "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template/3"
}, - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 1,
- "totalSuccess": 1,
- "totalError": 0
Updates an existing allocation template and template lines by setting field values. Any fields not provided remain unchanged.
Subscription | Company |
User type | Business user with admin privileges |
Permissions | Edit transaction allocations |
key required | string System-assigned key for the transaction allocation template. Example: 2 |
description | string A description of the allocation. Example: "Fixed Amount Allocation" | ||||||||||
allocateBy | string Default: "percentage" Determines how transaction allocations are split across the dimensions included in a transaction.
Example: "percentage" | ||||||||||
documentNumber | string A reference number or name to a specific document--such as a contract--used to define the transaction allocation template formula. Example: "RJEALC" | ||||||||||
status | string Default: "active" Object status. Active objects are fully functional. Inactive objects are essentially hidden and cannot be used or referenced. Example: "active" | ||||||||||
object Supporting document ID for this attachment. | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Array of objects non-empty Transaction allocation lines. | |||||||||||
Array (non-empty)
Bad Request
{- "description": "All Shop Allocation",
- "lines": [
- {
- "key": "3",
- "valueType": "amount",
- "value": "95"
{- "ia::result": {
- "key": "3",
- "id": "Fixed amount allocation",
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template/3"
}, - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 1,
- "totalSuccess": 1,
- "totalError": 0
Deletes a transaction allocation template.
Subscription | Company |
User type | Business user with admin privileges |
Permissions | Delete transaction allocations |
key required | string System-assigned key for the transaction allocation template. Example: 2 |
No Content
Bad Request
{- "ia::result": {
- "ia::error": {
- "code": "invalidRequest",
- "message": "A POST request requires a payload",
- "errorId": "REST-1028",
- "additionalInfo": {
- "placeholders": {
}, - "propertySet": { }
}, - "supportId": "Kxi78%7EZuyXBDEGVHD2UmO1phYXDQAAAAo"
}, - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 1,
- "totalSuccess": 0,
- "totalError": 1
Queries an object for filtered data.
object | string Object type to query, in the form Example: "general-ledger/txn-allocation-template" | ||||||||
fields | Array of strings List of fields to include in the response. Can be any combination of these:
Example: ["key","id","max:vendor.creditLimit"] | ||||||||
Array of equal (object) or not equal (object) or less than (object) or (less than or equal (object)) or greater than (object) or (greater than or equal (object)) or in (object) or not in (object) or between (object) or not between (object) or contains (object) or does not contain (object) or starts with (object) or does not start with (object) or ends with (object) or does not end with (object) Filter conditions to select the objects to return based on their field values. You use operators and conditions to build your filter, such as Example: [{"$eq":{"status":"active"}},{"$gt":{"totalDue":"1000"}},{"$contains":{"name":"Acme"}}] | |||||||||
Array Any of: Field value must be equal to this specified value. For date fields, you can use these macro values that are relative to the current date or the
These are most useful for queries that you want to save and use repeatedly, such as for views or reports. Just change the For example,
| |||||||||
filterExpression | string Default: "and" Logical operators to apply when there are multiple filter conditions. The conditions in the Shortcuts:
Example: "(1 and 2) or 3" | ||||||||
| |||||||||
Array of objects Set the order of the results by specifying field names to sort by and whether they should be in ascending or descending order. Example: [{"totalDue":"asc"},{"lastPaymentMadeDate":"desc"}] | |||||||||
| |||||||||
start | integer First record of the result set to include in the response. Example: 1 | ||||||||
size | integer Number of records to include in the result set, 4000 maximum. Example: 100 |
Bad Request
{- "object": "general-ledger/txn-allocation-template",
- "filters": [
- {
- "$eq": {
- "allocatedBy": "fixedAmount"
], - "fields": [
- "key",
- "id",
- "status",
- "href"
], - "orderBy": [
- {
- "id": "asc"
{- "ia::result": [
- {
- "key": "33",
- "id": "Fixed Amount Allocation",
- "status": "active",
- "href": "/objects/general-ledger/txn-allocation-template/33"
], - "ia::meta": {
- "totalCount": 1,
- "start": 1,
- "pageSize": 100,
- "next": null,
- "previous": null