HTTP Operation Type Object DTO Why-DTOs?
(Mutation) postSalesInvoice PostSalesInvoiceGLDtoInput


The PostSalesInvoice service allows for the posting of a sales invoice to generate ledger entries that are associated with the sales invoice journal.
This service also creates ledger entries based on the provided sales invoice details, facilitating financial tracking and management within the system.

This functionality can be related to Sales Open Items Settlement as it is necessary for an invoice to be posted before settlements can be applied to it.



Input Parameters

Invoice Details: Specify the details of the sales invoice that is being posted.


The service returns a PostSalesInvoiceOutputGLDto object containing the following field:

Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?
graphQL Query
mutation($input: PostSalesInvoiceGLDtoInput!) {
  postSalesInvoice(input: $input) {
graphQL Variables
  "input": {
    "salesInvoiceId": "96771689-53b9-4f4c-add3-40eb31e38254",
    "accountingEntryDescription": "Sales Invoice No. 0007 27/06/2024",
    "journalTypeId": "6fdf8926-cfdd-4ef8-8f89-39d6bfa622da"
Example Response
  "id": "bb8f0f4d-5537-4e29-842d-6b0d9db8abfe"

postSalesInvoice Input parameters

Fields Type Description Length
salesInvoiceId UUID Unique identifier of the sales invoice  
accountingEntryDescription String Description of the accounting entry being created 200
journalTypeId UUID Identifier for the SALES_INVOICE journal  

postSalesInvoice Response

Fields Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier of the ledger entry created