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_access : [_OutputAccessBinding]

_id : Id

ledgerTypeNumber : Int

ledgerTypeNumber: ledger type number

company : Company

company: company code

site : Site

site: site code

fiscalYear : FiscalYear

fiscalYear: fiscal year code

account : Account

account: account code

businessPartner : BusinessPartner

businessPartner: business partner code

currency : Currency

currency: currency code

ledgerCurrency : Currency

ledgerCurrency: ledger currency code

ledger : Ledger

ledger: ledger code

chartOfAccounts : ChartOfAccounts

chartOfAccounts: chart of accounts code

amounts : BalanceAmount_Collection

amounts: amounts

_createStamp : Datetime

_updateStamp : Datetime

Custom Queries

queryBalance : [BalanceQueryBalanceQueryBalance]

referencePeriod : IntOrString

referencePeriod: period number

ledgerTypeNumber : IntOrString

ledgerTypeNumber: ledger type number

company : String

company: company code

fiscalYear : IntOrString

fiscalYear: fiscal year code

account : String

account: account code

currency : String

currency: currency code

site : String

site: site code

businessPartner : String

businessPartner: business partner code

Custom Types


name : String

name: description

status : String



_id : Id

referencePeriod : Int

referencePeriod: period number

referencePeriodStartDate : Date

referencePeriodStartDate: start date of reference period

referencePeriodEndDate : Date

referencePeriodEndDate: end date of reference period

ledgerTypeNumber : Int

ledgerTypeNumber: ledger type number

company : String

company: company code

companyName : String

companyName: company description

site : String

site: site code or Null

siteName : String

siteName: site description or Null

fiscalYear : Int

fiscalYear: fiscal year code

fiscalYearStartDate : Date

fiscalYearStartDate: start date of fiscal year

fiscalYearEndDate : Date

fiscalYearEndDate: end date of fiscal year

fiscalYearNumberOfPeriods : Int

fiscalYearNumberOfPeriods: number of periods in fiscal year

account : String

account: account code

accountDescription : String

accountDescription: account description

businessPartner : String

businessPartner: business partner code or Null

businessPartnerName : String

businessPartnerName: business partner description or Null

currency : String

currency: currency code

ledgerCurrency : String

ledgerCurrency: ledger currency code

carryForwardCreditAmountInCurrency : Decimal

carryForwardCreditAmountInCurrency: carry forward credit amounts in account currency

periodCreditAmountInCurrency : Decimal

periodCreditAmountInCurrency: credit amount of reference period in account currency

previousPeriodsCreditAmountInCurrency : Decimal

previousPeriodsCreditAmountInCurrency: sum of credit amounts in currency of periods prior to reference period

closingCreditAmountInCurrency : Decimal

closingCreditAmountInCurrency: closing credit amount in account currency, only if reference period is last period of the fiscal year. If not, Null

carryForwardDebitAmountInCurrency : Decimal

carryForwardDebitAmountInCurrency: carry forward debit amounts in account currency

periodDebitAmountInCurrency : Decimal

periodDebitAmountInCurrency: debit amount of reference period in account currency

previousPeriodsDebitAmountInCurrency : Decimal

previousPeriodsDebitAmountInCurrency: sum of debit amounts in currency of periods prior to reference period

closingDebitAmountInCurrency : Decimal

closingDebitAmountInCurrency: closing debit amount in account currency, only if reference period is last period of the fiscal year. If not, Null

carryForwardCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

carryForwardCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency: carry forward credit amount in ledger currency

periodCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

periodCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency: credit amount of reference period in ledger currency

previousPeriodsCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

previousPeriodsCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency: sum of credit amounts in ledger currency of periods prior to reference period

closingCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

closingCreditAmountInLedgerCurrency: closing credit amount in account ledger currency, only if reference period is last period of the fiscal year. If not, Null

carryForwardDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

carryForwardDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency: carry forward debit amount in ledger currency

periodDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

periodDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency: debit amount of reference period in ledger currency

previousPeriodsDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

previousPeriodsDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency: sum of debit amounts in ledger currency of periods prior to reference period

closingDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency : Decimal

closingDebitAmountInLedgerCurrency: closing debit amount in account ledger currency, only if reference period is last period of the fiscal year. If not, Null