
  • Replace the use of currentSubcription which is now deprecated.
  • The authenticated user’s information is only accessible if that user has logged in at least once to Sage Active.
Operation Type Object
Query userProfile


Information about the authenticated user : language, name, email, default organization and default tenant.

This object is essential as it facilitates the retrieval of both X-TenantId and legislationCode associated with the authenticated user.

  • The X-TenantId is required in the header for all subsequent calls. It can be found in the activeTenantId field of the userProfile.
  • The legislationCode is useful for identifying the tenant’s legislation (e.g., FR, ES, or DE) and should be used if your application needs to work for different legislations. It’s found in the activeLegislationCode field of the userProfile.
Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app


Fields Type Description
id UUID Id
applicationlanguageCode string User’s language (e.g. en-US)
fullName string User’s name
authenticationEmail string user’s email
expirationDate datetime Date from which the user will no longer be able to use Sage Active
activeOrganizationId UUID user’s default organization
activeTenantId UUID user’s default tenant
activeLegislationCode string Tenant legislation
  • applicationlanguageCode: Allows you to know the language preference of the connected user to also localize your application.
  • activeOrganizationId: Id of the last organization the user used in the tenant.
  • activeTenantId: Currently there can be only one tenant authorized to a user, so this value allows to retrieve the tenant of the user.
    Other name of tenant is subscription or Workspace.
  • activeLegislationCode: is useful for identifying the tenant’s legislation (e.g., FR, ES, or DE) and should be used if your application needs to work for different legislations.