XML-to-REST object map
Refer to these object lists to find the REST objects that correspond to the XML objects that you're familiar with.
Accounts Payable
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Account labels | APACCOUNTLABEL | accounts-payable/account-label |
Adjustments | APADJUSTMENT | accounts-payable/adjustment |
Adjustment lines | APADJUSTMENTITEM | accounts-payable/adjustment-line |
Adjustment summaries | APADJUSTMENTBATCH | accounts-payable/adjustment-summary |
Bills | APBILL | accounts-payable/bill |
Bill lines | APBILLITEM | accounts-payable/bill-line |
Bill summaries | APBILLBATCH | accounts-payable/bill-summary |
Payments | APPYMT | accounts-payable/payment |
Payment lines | APPYMTENTRY | accounts-payable/payment-line |
Payment details | APPYMTDETAIL | accounts-payable/payment-detail |
Payment providers | PAYMENTPROVIDER | cash-management/payment-provider |
Payment provider bank accounts | PROVIDERBANKACCOUNT | cash-management/payment-provider-bank-account |
Provider payment methods | PROVIDERPAYMENTMETHOD | cash-management/provider-payment-method |
Recurring bills | APRECURBILL | accounts-payable/recurring-bill |
Recurring bill lines | APRECURBILLENTRY | accounts-payable/recurring-bill-line |
Summaries | APBATCH | accounts-payable/summary |
Terms | APTERM | accounts-payable/term |
Vendors | VENDOR | accounts-payable/vendor |
Vendor account groups | VENDGLGROUP | accounts-payable/vendor-account-group |
Vendor account numbers | VENDORACCTNOLOCHEAD | accounts-payable/vendor-account-number |
Vendor bank file setups | VENDORBANKFILEDETAIL | accounts-payable/vendor-bank-file-setup |
Vendor contacts | VENDORENTITYCONTACTS | accounts-payable/vendor-contact |
Vendor email templates | VENDOREMAILTEMPLATE | accounts-payable/vendor-email-templates |
Vendor types | VENDTYPE | accounts-payable/vendor-type |
Vendor payment providers | PROVIDERVENDOR | accounts-payable/vendor-payment-provider |
Accounts Receivable
Cash Management
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Bank accounts | ALLACCOUNTS | cash-management/bank-account |
Bank transaction rules | BANKTXNRULE | cash-management/bank-txn-rule |
Bank transaction rule filter attributes | BANKTXNRULEFILTERATTR | cash-management/bank-txn-rule-filter |
Bank transaction rule group attributs | BANKTXNRULEGROUPATTR | cash-management/bank-txn-rule-group |
Bank transaction rule maps | BANKTXNRULEMAP | cash-management/bank-txn-rule-map |
Bank transaction rule match attributes | BANKTXNRULEMATCHATTR | cash-management/bank-txn-rule-match |
Bank transaction rule sets | BANKTXNRULESET | cash-management/bank-txn-rule-set |
Checking accounts | CHECKINGACCOUNT | cash-management/checking-account |
Credit card transaction templates | CMRULECCTXNTMPL | cash-management/credit-card-txn-template |
Credit card transaction line templates | CMRULECCTXNENTRYTMPL | cash-management/credit-card-txn-line-template |
Deposits | DEPOSIT | cash-management/deposit |
Deposit details | DEPOSITDETAIL | cash-management/deposit-detail |
Deposit lines | DEPOSTIENTRY | cash-management/deposit-line |
Deposited funds | DEPOSITEDFUNDS | cash-management/deposited-fund |
Financial institutions | FINANCIALINSTITUTION | cash-management/financial-institution |
Journal entry templates | CMRULEGLBATCHTMPL | cash-management/journal-entry-template |
Journal entry line templates | CMRULEGLENTRYTMPL | cash-management/journal-entry-line-template |
Other receipts | OTHERRECEIPTS | cash-management/other-receipt |
Other receipt lines | OTHERRECEIPTSENTRY | cash-management/other-receipt-line |
Undeposited funds | UNDEPOSITEDFUNDS | cash-management/undeposited-fund |
Company Configuration
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Attachments | SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTS | company-config.attachment |
Classes | CLASS | company-config/class |
Contacts | CONTACT | company-config/contact |
Departments | DEPARTMENT | company-config/department |
Document sequences | SEQNUM | company-config/document-sequence |
Email templates | EMAILTEMPLATE | company-config.email-template |
Entities | LOCATIONENTITY | company-config/entity |
Folders | SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTGRPS | company-config.folder |
Locations | LOCATION | company-config/location |
Permissions | PERMISSION | company-config.permission |
Roles | ROLES | company-config.role |
Role permission assignments | ROLEPOLICYASSIGNMENT | company-config.role-permission-assignment |
Users | USERINFO | company-config/user |
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Accumulation types | ACCUMULATIONTYPE | construction/accumulation-type |
Change requests | CHANGEREQUEST | construction/change-request |
Change request lines | CHANGEREQUESTENTRY | construction/change-request-line |
Change request statuses | CHANGEREQUESTSTATUS | construction/change-request-status |
Change request types | CHANGEREQUESTTYPE | construction/change-request-type |
Cost types | COSTTYPE | construction/cost-type |
Employee positions | EMPLOYEEPOSITION | construction/employee-position |
Labor classes | LABORCLASS | construction/labor-class |
Labor shifts | LABORSHIFT | construction/labor-shift |
Labor unions | LABORUNION | construction/labor-union |
Project change orders | PROJECTCHANGEORDER | construction/project-change-order |
Project contracts | PROJECTCONTRACT | construction/project-contract |
Project contract lines | PROJECTCONTRACTLINE | construction/project-contract-line |
Project contract line entries | PROJECTCONTRACTLINEENTRY | construction/project-contract-line-entry |
Project contract types | PROJECTCONTRACTTYPE | construction/project-contract-type |
Project estimates | PJESTIMATE | construction/project-estimate |
Project estimate lines | PJESTIMATEENTRY | construction/project-estimate-line |
Project estimate types | PJESTIMATETYPE | construction/project-estimate-type |
Rate tables | RATETABLE | construction/rate-table |
Rate table accounts payable lines | RATETABLEAPENTRY | construction/rate-table-accounts-payable.line |
Rate table credit card lines | RATETABLECCENTRY | construction/rate-table-credit-card-line |
Rate table employee expense lines | RATETABLEEXPENSEENTRY | construction/rate-table-employee-expense-line |
Rate table journal lines | RATETABLEGLENTRY | construction/rate-table-journal-line |
Rate table purchasing lines | RATETABLEPOENTRY | construction/rate-table-purchasing-line |
Rate table timesheet lines | RATETABLETSENTRY | construction/rate-table-timesheet-line |
Standard cost types | STANDARDCOSTTYPE | construction/standard-cost-type |
Standard tasks | STANDARDTASK | construction/standard-task |
Contracts and Revenue Management
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Contracts | CONTRACT | contracts/contract |
Contract lines | CONTRACTDETAIL | contracts/contract-line |
Contract types | CONTRACTTYPE | contracts/contract-type |
Contract usage | CONTRACTUSAGE | contracts/contract-usage |
Billing price lists | CONTRACTPRICELIST | contracts/billing-price-list |
Billing price list entriess | CONTRACTITEMPRICELIST | contracts/billing-price-list-entry |
Billing price list entry lines | CONTRACTITEMPRICELISTENTRY | contracts/billing-price-list-entry-line |
Billing price list entry line tiers | CONTRACTITEMPRCLSTENTYTIER | contracts/billing-price-list-entry-line-tier |
Billing schedules | CONTRACTBILLINGSCHEDULE | contracts/billing-schedule |
Billing schedule lines | CONTRACTBILLINGSCHEDULEENTRY | contracts/billing-schedule-line |
Billing templates | CONTRACTBILLINGTETMPLATE | contracts/billing-template |
Billing template lines | CONTRACTBILLINGTETMPLATEENTRY | contracts/billing-template-line |
Contract expenses | CONTRACTEXPENSE | contracts/expense |
Contract expense templates | CONTRACTEXPENSETEMPLATE | contracts/expense-template |
Contract expense template lines | CONTRACTEXPENSETEMPLATEENTRY | contracts/expense-template-line |
Contract expense schedules | CONTRACTEXPENSESCHEDULENXG | contracts/expense-schedule |
Contract expense schedule lines | CONTRACTEXPENSESCHEDULEENTRY | contracts/expense-schedule-line |
MEA price lists | CONTRACTMEAPRICELIST | contracts/mea-price-list |
MEA price list entries | CONTRACTMEAITEMPRICELIST | contracts/mea-price-list-entry |
MEA price list entry lines | CONTRACTMEAITEMPRICELISTENTRY | contracts/mea-price-list-entry-line |
MEA categories | MEACATEGORY | contracts/mea-category |
Revenue templates | CONTRACTREVENUETEMPLATE | contracts/revenue-template |
Revenue schedules | CONTRACTREVENUESCHEDULENXG | contracts/revenue-schedule |
Revenue schedule lines | CONTRACTREVENUESCHEDULEENTRY | contracts/revenue-schedule-line |
General Ledger
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Accounts | GLACCOUNT | general-ledger/account |
Account groups | GLACCTGRP | general-ledger/account-group |
Account group purposes | GLACCTGRPPURPOSE | general-ledger/account-group-purpose |
Budgets | GLBUDGETHEADER | general-ledger/budget |
Budget details | GLBUDGETITEM | general-ledger/budget-detail |
Journals | GLJOURNAL | general-ledger/journal |
Journal entries | GLBATCH | general-ledger/journal-entry |
Journal entry lines | GLENTRY | general-ledger/journal-entry-line |
Reporting periods | REPORTINGPERIOD | general-ledger/reporting-period |
Statistical accounts | STATACCOUNT | general-ledger/statistical-account |
Statistical journals | STATJOURNAL | general-ledger/statistical-journal |
Transaction allocation templates | ALLOCATION | general-ledger/txn-allocation-template |
Transaction allocation template lines | ALLOCATIONENTRY | general-ledger/txn-allocation-template-line |
Inventory Control
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Aisles | AISLE | inventory-control/aisle |
Bins | BIN | inventory-control/bin |
Bin faces | BINFACE | inventory-control/bin-face |
Bin sizes | BINSIZE | inventory-control/bin-size |
Cycles | INVENTORYCYCLE | inventory-control/cycle |
Documents | INVDOCUMENT | inventory-control/document |
Document lines | INVDOCUMENTENTRY | inventory-control/document-line |
Document subtotals | INVDOCUMENTSUBTOTALS | inventory-control/document-subtotal |
Items | ITEM/openapi/pa/projects.unit-rate/tag/Unit-rates/ | inventory-control/item |
Item cross-reference | ITEMCROSSREF | inventory-control/item-cross-reference |
Item GL groups | ITEMGLGROUP | inventory-control/item-gl-group |
Item groups | ITEMGROUP | inventory-control/item-group |
Item landed costs | ITEMLANDEDCOST | inventory-control/item-landed-cost |
Item vendors | ITEMVENDOR | inventory-control/item-vendor |
Item warehouse inventory | ITEMWAREHOUSEINFO | inventory-control/item-warehouse-inventory |
Item warehouse standard costs | ITEMWAREHOUSESTDCOST | inventory-control/item-warehouse-standard-cost |
Item warehouse vendors | ITEMWAREHOUSEVENDOR | inventory-control/item-warehouse-vendor |
Kit components | ITEMCOMPONENT | inventory-control/kit-component |
Lot categories | LOTCATEGORY | inventory-control/lot-category |
Price lists | INVPRICELIST | inventory-control/price-list |
Price schedules | PRICESCHEDULE | inventory-control/price-schedule |
Product lines | PRODUCTLINE | inventory-control/product-line |
Rows | ICROW | inventory-control/row |
Totals | INVTOTAL | inventory-control/total |
Transaction definitions | INVDOCUMENTPARAMS | inventory-control/txn-definition |
Transaction definition COGS GL details | INVDOCUMENTPARINVGL | inventory-control/txn-definition-cogs-gl-detail |
Transaction definition entity details | INVDOCUMENTPARENTITYPROPS | inventory-control/txn-definition-entity-detail |
Transaction definition sources | INVDOCRECALLS | inventory-control/txn-definition-source |
Transaction definition subtotal details | INVDOCUMENTPARSUBTOTAL | inventory-control/inventory-txn-definition-subtotal-detail |
Transaction definition total details | INVDOCUMENTPARTOTALS | inventory-control/inventory-txn-definition-total-detail |
Units of measure | UOMDETAIL | inventory-control/unit-of-measure |
Unit of measure groups | UOM | inventory-control/unit-of-measure-group |
Warehouses | WAREHOUSE | inventory-control/warehouse |
Warehouse groups | WAREHOUSEGROUP | inventory-control/warehouse-group |
Zones | ZONE | inventory-control/zone |
Order Entry
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Billing schedules | BILLINGSCHEDULE | order-entry/billing-schedule |
Documents | SODOCUMENT | order-entry/document |
Document histories | DOCHISTORY | order-entry/document-history |
Document lines | SODOCUMENTENTRY | order-entry/document-line |
Document line details | DOCUMENTENTRYTRACKDETAIL | order-entry/document-line-detail |
Document subtotals | SODOCUMENTSUBTOTALS | order-entry/document-subtotal |
Price lists | SOPRICELIST | order-entry/price-list |
Price schedules | SOPRICESCHEDULE | order-entry/price-schedule |
Renewal templates | RENEWALMACRO | order-entry/renewal-template |
Subtotal templates | SOSUBTOTALTEMPLATE | order-entry/subtotal-template |
Transaction definitions | SODOCUMENTPARAMS | order-entry/txn-definition |
Transaction definition additional GL posting account details | SODOCUMENTPARADGL | order-entry/txn-definition-additional-gl-detail |
Transaction definition account details | SODOCUMENTPARPRGL | order-entry/txn-definition-ar-direct-gl-detail |
Transaction definition COGS account details | SODOCUMENTPARINVGL | order-entry/txn-definition-cogs-gl-detail |
Transaction definition entity details | SODOCUMENTPARENTITYPROP | order-entry/txn-definition-entity-setting-detail |
Transaction definition inventory total details | SODOCUMENTPARTOTALS | order-entry/txn-definition-inv-total-detail |
Transaction definition document conversion details | SODOCRECALLS | order-entry/txn-definition-source-document-detail |
Transaction definition subtotal details | SODOCUMENTPARSUBTOTAL | order-entry/txn-definition-subtotal-detail |
Project and Resource Management
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Projects | PROJECT | projects/project |
Project billing templates | BILLINGTEMPLATE | projects/project-billing-template |
Project groups | PROJECTGROUP | projects/project-group |
Project resources | PROJECTRESOURCES | projects/project-resource |
Project statuses | PROJECTSTATUS | projects/project-status |
Project types | PROJECTTYPE | projects/project-type |
Tasks | TASK | projets/task |
Task resources | TASKRESOURCES | projects/task-resource |
Employee rates | EMPLOYEERATE | company-config/employee-rate |
Positions Skills | POSITIONSKILL | projects/position-skill |
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Documents | PODOCUMENT | purchasing/document |
Document lines | PODOCUMENTENTRY | purchasing/document-line |
Document subtotals | PODOCUMENTSUBTOTALS | purchasing/document-subtotal |
Price lists | POPRICELIST | purchasing/price-list |
Price schedules | POPRICESCHEDULE | purchasing/price-schedule |
Subtotal templates | POSUBTOTALTEMPLATE | purchasing/subtotal-template |
Transaction Definitions | PODOCUMENTPARAMS | purchasing/txn-definition |
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Contact tax groups | TAXGROUP | tax/contact-tax-group |
Item tax groups | ITEMTAXGROUP | tax/item-tax-group |
Order entry tax details | SOTAXDETAIL | tax/order-entry.tax-detail |
Order entry tax schedules | SOTAXSCHEDULE | tax/order-entry.tax-schedule |
Order entry tax schedule details | SOTAXSCHEDDETAILS | tax/order-entry.tax-schedule-detail |
Order entry tax schedule maps | SOTAXSCHEDMAP | tax/order-entry.tax-schedule-map |
Purchasing tax details | POTAXDETAIL | tax/purchasing.tax-detail |
Purchasing tax schedules | POTAXSCHEDULE | tax/purchasing.tax-schedule |
Purchasing tax schedule details | POTAXSCHEDDETAILS | tax/purchasing.tax-schedule-detail |
Purchasing tax schedule maps | POTAXSCHEDMAP | tax/purchasing.tax-schedule-map |
Tax authorities | TAXAUTHORITY | tax/tax.authority |
Tax returns | TAXRETURN | tax/tax.return |
Tax solutions | TAXSOLUTION | tax/tax.solution |
Time and Expense
Object name | XML object | REST object |
Earning types | EARNINGTYPE | company-config/earning-type |
Employee expenses | EEXPENSE | expenses/employee-expense |
Employee expense lines | EEXPENSEITEM | expenses/employee-expense-line |
Employee expense payment types | EXPENSEPAYMENTTYPE | expenses/employee-expense-payment-type |
Employee expense summaries | EEBATCH | expenses/employee-expense-summary |
Employee expense types | EEACCOUNTLABEL | expenses/employee-expense-type |
Employees | EMPLOYEE | company-config/employee |
Employee Groups | EMPLOYEEGROUP | company-config/employee-group |
Employee types | EMPLOYEETYPE | company-config/employee-type |
Time types | TIMETYPE | time/time-type |
Timesheets | TIMESHEET | time/timesheet |
Timesheet lines | TIMESHEETENTRY | time/timesheet-line |
Timesheets approval histories | TIMESHEETAPPROVAL | time/timesheet-approval-history |
Unit rates | UNITRATE | projects/unit-rate |
Common Services
Service name | XML service | REST service |
Get object definition | lookup | /services/core/model |
Query | query | /services/core/query |