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Bank identifier

Published   9 February 2023     Less than to read

The bank identifier is apart of our bank accounts object. And is a value which you send the Banking Service within the PATCH /authorisations request. This value is also returned by you when we call into your GET /availableaccounts endpoint.

The bank identifier should be a unique key that you use to represent this customers authorisation across all their accounts.

When we talk about authorisation, we mean any accounts for a specific customer under a single bank or financial institution.

If you are a financial instituion which is only ever dealing with a single bank then the bank identifier could be the customer ID.

However, if you’re an aggregator dealing with multiple banks, then this should be an identifier that represents this specific customer and the specific bank they are connecting too. This could be a mix of the customer ID and Bank ID, for example. Like, Cust1234:PlatypusBank.

The bank identifier should be the same for each of the available accounts under this customer’s authorisation.

A customer must always first onboard 1 account. After that, they can use the multi-account link functionality, which allows customers to connect other accounts under the same authorisation.

When a user initiates the multi-account link flow, Banking Service will send a request to your available accounts endpoint with the idenfier of the first account connected. You’ll need to respond to this request with all their other accounts under this authorisation. If the same bank identifier is not used, Sage would not be able to associate these accounts.

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