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Download a generated bank payment file

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To download a bank payment file generated by Payments Out Service, send the GET request:

GET {download URL}

Where {download URL} is the URL provided in the paymentFile element of the JSON response you received when checking the batch status.

The download URL is valid for only 5 minutes.

Example responses

You will get these responses if you submit payments using the example payloads provided in the submit a batch of payments guide.

ABA - Australia and New Zealand Banking Group

0                 01ANZ       Jane Doe (ANZ)            123456xxx         300719                                        
1321-321987654321 530000142154Fred Ant Corp.                  Internal 5120101  123-123123456789Toy Store - AU  00001000
7999-999            000014215400000000000000142154                        000001                                        

ABA - Commonwealth Bank of Australia

0                 01CBA       Jane Doe (CBA)            123456xxx         120220                                        
1321-321987654321 500000142154Fred Ant Corp.                  Internal 5120101  123-123123456789Toy Store - AU  00001000
1123-123123456789 130000142154Jane Doe (CBA)                  Balancing Entry   123-123123456789Jane Doe (CBA)  00000000
7999-999            000014215400001421540000000000                        000002                                                

ABA - National Australia Bank

0                 01NAB       Jane Doe (NAB)            123456xxx         300719                                        
1321-321987654321 530000142154Fred Ant Corp.                  Internal 5120101  123-123123456789Toy Store - AU  00001000
7999-999            000014215400000000000000142154                        000001    

ABA - Westpac Banking Corporation

0                 01WBC       Jane Doe (WBC)            123456xxx         300719                                        
1321-321987654321 530000142154Fred Ant Corp.                  Internal 5120101  123-123123456789Toy Store - AU  00001000
7999-999            000014215400000000000000142154                        000001              


VOL1000001                               678678                                1
HDR1A678678S   67867800000100010001       19259 19036 000000                    
HDR2F0200000100                                   00                            
UHL1 19031999999    000000001 DAILY  001                                        
3213218765432109912345612345678    00000104017Jane Doe HSBC     FRESCO-101        Fred Ant Corp.    
1234561234567801712345612345678    00000104017                  CONTRA            Jane Doe HSBC     
EOF1A678678S   67867800000100010001       19259 19264                           
EOF2F0200000100                                   00                            

BACS - Lloyds

C,1040.17,Fred Ant,87654321,321321,

BACS - Santander

PAYMENT,BACS,12345678901234,Fred Ant,321321,87654321,1000.17,31012019,FRESCO-101,

BACS - NatWest/The Royal Bank of Scotland

FRESCO-101,Fred Ant,87654321,321321,19031,99,1000.17

BACS - Barclays

32132187654321 99                  00000100017                  FRESCO-101        Fred Ant Corp.