10 Essential Insights to Kickstart Click to watch the video

Sage Active Public API V2 documentation

What's new

  • 2024 July

    Generate Credit Note, Document Pdf Email  

    Directly create a credit note for an invoice, send documents in PDF format via email directly from the API.

    Read more ...

    Directly create a credit note for an invoice, send documents in PDF format via email directly from the API.

    Public API Improvements

    Documentation Improvements

    • ⚙️ Icon
      Add the ⚙️ icon in front of the API objects that correspond to business actions directly managed by Sage Active.
    • Post Sales Invoice
      This feature will be available soon, allowing you to allows for the posting of a sales invoice to generate ledger entries that are associated with the sales invoice journal.
      API resources overview / ⚙️Post Sales Invoice
    • Open Item Settlement
      This feature will be available soon, allowing you to manage the settlement of open items in financial accounts, allowing users to adjust payments against outstanding invoices partially or fully.
      API resources overview / ⚙️Open Items Settlement
    • Sales Invoices Open Items
      This feature will be available soon, allowing you to detail each open item associated with a customer sales invoice.
      API resources overview / Sales Invoice Open Items

    • New Postman collection Sage Active Public API V2 (2024 July)

      Embrace the future with our July Postman collection update!

      Download the new Postman collection for July version: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman

      Tip: To find out what’s new in the Postman collection, paste this icon in the filter field  🆕



      If you are new to the Sage Active Public API V2, it is strongly recommended to fully follow the Quick start guide before beginning to explore the collection.

  • 2024 June

    Accounting balances, MarketPlace, Access to Sage Active Production

    Directly retrieve the trial balance or third-party balance, direct access to the MarketPlace from Sage Active,
    Access to Sage Active production, documentation of soon-to-be-available features.

    Read more ...

    Directly retrieve the trial balance or third-party balance, direct access to the MarketPlace from Sage Active,
    Access to Sage Active production, documentation of soon-to-be-available features.

    Public API Improvements

    Documentation Improvements

  • 2024 May

    Data Loaders, Tax Registers, Open Items

    Data Loaders for optimized query performance, automatic tax register creation.
    Open Items for payment due dates.

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    Data Loaders for optimized query performance, automatic tax register creation.
    Open Items for payment due dates.

    May 24 Release Notes Video Highlight

    Explore May's Release: Enhanced Data Loaders & Efficient Payment Tracking!
    Watch this brief video to discover how our latest API updates can streamline your data operations and improve payment tracking. Get ready to enhance your integration experience!

    Public API Improvements

    • Data Loaders

      Data Loaders are now implemented to optimize query performance by batching and caching requests.
      This reduces the number of database hits required for complex queries that involve fetching related data, such as user profiles or transaction details.
      Data Loaders ensure that data loading is handled efficiently, preventing redundant database queries and speeding up the API’s response times.
      API resources overview / Benefits of DataLoaders

    • Automatic Creation of Tax Registers for createAccountingEntryUsingCodes & createAccountingEntryUsingIds

      The Public API now automatically creates tax registers for purchase and sales invoices, ensuring compliance without manual intervention.
      This automation only occurs if specific prerequisites are met; otherwise, the entry is processed without creating tax registers to prevent transaction rejections due to non-compliance.
      API resources overview / Create by using codes
      API resources overview / Create by using Ids

    • Open Items

      The Open Items functionality has been improved to provide detailed information about each open item associated with customer or supplier invoices.
      Open Items now include details such as the total amount, accumulated amount paid, and payment due date.
      Open Items are structured as an array to accommodate multiple payment installments per invoice, offering a comprehensive view of payment statuses and methods used for settling each item.
      API resources overview / Accounting Entries

    Documentation Improvements

    • Breaking Changes
      The latest updates involve significant changes that might affect existing implementations.
      We strongly recommend reviewing the detailed descriptions of these changes on the Breaking Changes page to understand their impact and adjust your applications accordingly.
      API resources overview / Breaking changes

    • DataLoaders
      This feature, now available, enhances GraphQL queries with DataLoaders to efficiently fetch complex data across different tenants, significantly simplifying data retrieval without direct dependency on main query IDs.
      Key concepts / Benefits of DataLoaders

    • Object Schema and Relationships
      This feature introduces an advanced schema overview, detailing API object relationships and field mappings, even as we continue to expand the resources available within the schema, offering a comprehensive preview for more informed future integrations.
      API resources overview / Object Schema and Relationships

    • Trial Balance, Third Party Balance
      These features will be available soon, allowing you to retrieve an account balance and a third-party balance. Here is a preview of their documentation.
      API resources overview / ⚙️Trial Balance
      API resources overview / ⚙️Third Party Balance

    • New Postman collection Sage Active Public API V2 (2024 May)

      Discover the new section dedicated to business query examples now possible thanks to Data Loaders. img

      Embrace the future with our May Postman collection update!

      We highly recommend transitioning to the latest May Postman collection, considering the new Data Loaders features.
      Download the new Postman collection for May version: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman


      If you are new to the Sage Active Public API V2, it is strongly recommended to fully follow the Quick start guide before beginning to explore the collection.

  • 2024 March / April

    User Management / Import Demo Data

    User Management, explore the next level of secure, role-based access control for users.
    Import Demo Data with just one click.

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    User Management, explore the next level of secure, role-based access control for users.
    Import Demo Data with just one click.

    Apr 24 Release Notes Video Highlight

    Discover the Next Level of Secure, Role-Based Access Control & Effortless Data Import with our Latest Release!
    This brief video guide showcases cutting-edge security features and the simplicity of importing demo data. Watch now to elevate your experience!

    Public API Improvements

    • User Management

      • Data access restrictions Enhanced role management and access control in the Public API now mirrors Sage Active’s policies, enabling data access restrictions based on user roles and ensuring alignment with application behavior.
        API resources overview / Users & User Management

      • User Access Policy Check
        Introduced the UserAccessPolicyCheck service to validate user permissions for specific actions within the application, enhancing security and user experience by dynamically adjusting UI elements according to roles and access rights.
        API resources overview / ⚙️User Access Policy Check

      • User Multi tenants
        With the ability now to have organizations on different tenants for a same user, the list of organizations no longer requires passing an X-TenantId in the header, and now exposes the tenantId field for each organization returned.
        Instead, as in previous versions, of passing an X-TenantId in the header of other queries and mutations obtained from the ActiveTenantId value of userProfile, assign the tenantId retrieved from the record of the desired organization in X-TenantId.
        API resources overview / Organizations
        API resources overview / User profile

      • Users The User object now supports multi-tenant capabilities and enhanced user roles, necessitating the inclusion of both X-OrganizationId and X-TenantId in the request header to accurately retrieve user lists according to the current organization.
        API resources overview / Users

    User Management Unleashed: Sage Active Public API's Role-Based Innovation

    Explore the next level of secure, role-based access control with Sage Active's Public API.

    A new era of intuitive application development awaits.

    Import Demo Data

    • Now, the Sample quotes application also allows you to import a complete set of demo data into the current company if it does not yet have any data.
      Launching the Sample Quotes app and logging in allows you to select your desired organization.
      If this organization lacks data (verified by the absence of customers, accounting accounts, fiscal years), the app will automatically offer to import demo data, including accounting plans, products, clients, suppliers, employees, fiscal years, and accounting entries.
      Sample quotes / 6. Import Demo Data

    Import demo data

    Discover how then sample quotes app now seamlessly enables the importation of a comprehensive set of demo data into your current company, should it find the data vaults empty.

    A simple, streamlined process to kickstart your experience with fully populated data!

    Documentation Improvements

    • DataLoaders
      This feature, currently in development, enhances GraphQL queries with DataLoaders to efficiently fetch complex data across different tenants, significantly simplifying data retrieval without direct dependency on main query ids, and will be available soon.
      Key concepts / Benefits of DataLoaders

    • Object Schema and Relationships
      This upcoming feature introduces an advanced schema overview, detailing API object relationships and field mappings, even as we continue to expand the resources available within the schema, offering a comprehensive preview for more informed future integrations.
      API resources overview / Object Schema and Relationships

    • New Postman collection Sage Active Public API V2 (2024 March /April)

      Embrace the future with our March / April Postman collection update!

      We highly recommend transitioning to the latest March / April Postman collection, considering the new multi-tenant management features.
      Download the new Postman collection for March / April version: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman


      If you are new to the Sage Active Public API V2, it is strongly recommended to fully follow the Quick start guide before beginning to explore the collection.

  • 2024 January / February

    Sales documents

    Elevate your API experience with the latest update!
    Featuring advanced tools for Product and Sales Document Management and an intuitive Quotes Management sample.

    Read more ...

    Elevate your API experience with the latest update!
    Featuring advanced tools for Product and Sales Document Management and an intuitive Quotes Management sample.

    Jan 24 Release Notes Video Highlight

    Explore the Sage Active Public API & Sales Management Module in Action!
    This concise video guide highlights the latest Public API features for the Sales module, complemented by a front-end application example.
    Watch now to enhance your Sage Active experience!

    Sample of Quotes Management

    Explore the Must-See Sage Active Public API V2 Quoting Example!

    Dive into the invaluable resource of our front-end app example!
    This example showcases the practical use of Sage Active Public API for efficient quote management.

    It’s a perfect demonstration of how you can leverage the API’s capabilities in real-world scenarios, significantly simplifying the quoting process.

    Now, this application also allows you to import a complete set of demo data into the current company if it does not yet have any data.

    Click here to access the example : Sample quotes


    Public API Improvements

    Documentation Improvements

    • Filtered by Id Instead of ById
      The shift from specific <object>ById queries to more generalized <object> queries with a where clause for ID filtering marks an significative change in the Sage Active Public API V2.
      This new approach streamlines the querying process and aligns with the overall GraphQL philosophy.
      Key concepts / Filtered by Id instead of ById

    • New page compiling all videos
      On this page, you can find all our videos, arranged from the most recent to the oldest.
      Directly access the page where this video is included. Conversely, from pages featuring a video, you can directly reach the videos page.

    • Generate a query with an AI prompt
      This assistant will assist you in defining your queries, including filters, by generating a prompt that you can submit to the AI of your choice to generate the GraphQL Hot Chocolate query syntax.
      Generate a query with an AI prompt

    • New Postman collection Sage Active Public API V2 (2024 January /February)

      Embrace the future with our January / February update!

      While the November version remains fully compatible, we highly recommend transitioning to the latest January release.
      It’s packed with all the newly added features for Product Management and Sales Document Management, ensuring you have the most advanced tools at your fingertips.
      Upgrade now to maximize your capabilities and stay ahead in the game!”
      Download the new Postman collection for January / February version: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman


      If you are new to the Sage Active Public API V2, it is strongly recommended to fully follow the Quick start guide before beginning to explore the collection.

  • 2023 november

    Documentation improvements

    Some improvements in the documentation.
    Also, don’t forget that the API has been in production since the September version.

    Read more ...

    Some improvements in the documentation.
    Also, don’t forget that the API has been in production since the September version.

    API in production

    • Since September, launching the Public API for Production Environments in France, Spain, and Germany (How to find ?)

    Documentation Improvements

    • Improvement authentication Documentation for web server app, mobile, desktop Apps and single page app (How to find?)
      • Comprehensive guides have been improved to explain how to implement authentication applications within our system.
    • New Postman collection Sage Active Public API V2 (11 November)

      The September or October version remains compatible and may continue to be used.
      However, you can opt to switch to the November version, which contains only minor updates.
      Download the new Postman collection for October version: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman


      If you are new to the Sage Active Public API V2, it is strongly recommended to fully follow the Quick start guide before beginning to explore the collection.

  • 2023 October

    Documentation improvements

    Some improvements in the documentation, minor corrections.
    Also, don’t forget that the API has been in production since the September version.

    Read more ...

    Some improvements in the documentation, minor corrections.
    Also, don’t forget that the API has been in production since the September version.

    API in production

    • Since September, launching the Public API for Production Environments in France, Spain, and Germany (How to find ?)

    Documentation Improvements


    • Fixed the display of tiles in the ‘Application Keys’ interface when the title or description were long, as they overflowed the tile.
    • In the Solutions tab of Application Keys, the on/off toggle button was ambiguous as it could suggest that the solution was not activated; it has been replaced by a chevron.
    • Clarification of the message returned by the API when an authenticated user is not a Sage Active user.
  • 2023 September

    Launching the Public API in production

    • Launching the public API for Sage Active in production for France FR, Spain ES, and Germany DE
    • Authentication Documentation for Mobile and Desktop Apps
    • New Mutations to Simplify the Addition of Accounting Entries, Customers, Suppliers.
    Read more ...
    • Launching the public API for Sage Active in production for France FR, Spain ES, and Germany DE
    • Authentication Documentation for Mobile and Desktop Apps
    • New Mutations to Simplify the Addition of Accounting Entries, Customers, Suppliers.

    API Improvements

    • Launching the Public API for Production Environments in France, Spain, and Germany (How to find ?)
      • The public API is now live for the production environments of the three legislations: France, Spain, and Germany.
      • The staging environment remains accessible and allows you to test all three legislations.
    • New Mutations to Simplify the Addition of Accounting Entries (How to find?)
      • We’ve introduced new mutations that make it easier for you to add accounting entries to your records.
      • These enhancements streamline the process and reduce complexity.
    • Simplification of the Creation of Customer and Supplier Third Parties (How to find?)
      • We have made enhancements to streamline the process of creating customer and supplier third-party records.

    Documentation Improvements

    • Addition of an Index of Important Terms:
      • A comprehensive index page has been added to help users quickly find and understand crucial terms used within the application.
        Index of Important Terms
    • Improvements in Resource Descriptions with Thumbnails
      • We’ve enhanced the descriptions for each resource and added thumbnails, providing a more intuitive way to identify resources through the application’s interface.
      • Example API resources overview / Accounting Accounts
    • Inclusion of “How to Find?” in Key Locations
      • To facilitate easy navigation and information retrieval, “How to Find?” links have been added at key locations.
      • These links guide you to the specific sections where they can obtain necessary information.
    • Authentication Documentation for Mobile and Desktop Apps (How to find?)
      • Comprehensive guides have been added to explain how to implement authentication for mobile and desktop applications within our system.
    • Dedicated Page for Updating Records Logic:
      • We are excited to introduce a dedicated page that thoroughly explains the logic and methods for updating records using the GraphQL patch-like approach. Visit the page to delve into the intricacies of efficiently modifying specific fields within records.
        Key concepts / Updating records
    • New Postman collection Sage Active Public API V2 (09 September)

      Please replace the previous one as some examples are no longer compatible.
      Download the new Postman collection for September version: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman


      If you are new to the Sage Active Public API V2, it is strongly recommended to fully follow the Quick start guide before beginning to explore the collection.