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Migrate Subscription and Batches

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Payments Out Service has created two new endpoints to facilitate the transaction from using Organisations/Companies to Accounts/Datasets.

Subscription Migration

A new endpojnt has been added to allow existing subscriptions created under an organisation to be added to an account.

POST /v3/subscriptions/createmapping
Authorization: Network token (required)
SFAuthorization: SF Auth Service token (required)
x-api-key: consumer api key (required)

The endpoint accepts the following body:

  • accountId
  • organisationId
  • subscriptionId

To prove that you have rights to make the mapping, you must include a Network Authorization header (Bearer token). It must also include an additional header that contains a Service Fabric Auth Service token which has right to access the Organisation and Company in the body.

Batch Migration

A new endpojnt has been added to allow existing batches in flight created under an organisation and company to be added to an account and dataset.


POST /v3/createdatasetmapping
Authorization: Network token (required)
SFAuthorization: SF Auth Service token (required)
x-api-key: consumer api key (required)

The endpoint accepts the following body

  • datasetId
  • companyId

To prove that you have rights to make the mapping, you must include a Network Authorization header (Bearer token). It must also include an additional header that contains a Service Fabric Auth Service token which has right to access the Company in the body.

For more information on both of these endpoints, please see Consumer API reference.