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Update a company (legacy)

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What you can update

You can update the following parameters of a company:

  • name
  • externalId
  • address
  • taxNumber
  • standardIndustrialCode
  • contactTelNo
  • contactEmail

For detailed information about these parameter go to the Onboarding and authentication API reference.

Each of these parameters supports the following operations:

  • add – This adds a new value to the specified parameter.
  • remove – This removes the current value of the specified parameter.
  • replace – This replaces the current value of the specified parameter with the new one. Using this operation is the same as running a remove followed by an add.


To update a company, you need to know its companyId parameter value and have a valid access token for the company. After you have completed onboarding, you should have the companyId value and a valid access token.

For more information, go to the onboard a Sage application guide.

Configure and send a PATCH request

Send a PATCH request with the following headers and body.


PATCH /auth-v1/companies/{companyId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
  • {companyId} – This is the unique ID of the company.

  • Bearer {access token} – This is the authorisation string for your request, where {access token} is a valid token for the company.


        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "{parameter 1}",
        "value" : "{new value}"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "{parameter 2}",
        "value" : "{new value}"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "{parameter 3}",
        "value" : "{new value}"


  • op specifies the operation you want to perform on the parameter. To simplify the task, we use the replace operation.

  • path specifies the name of the parameter whose value you want to update. You can update as many parameters as you need to at a time.

  • value specifies the new parameter value you want to set.

Example requests

Update a single parameter

PATCH /auth-v1/companies/72fb2b54-8687-417e-a2b4-e59e2c7507d9 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ.eyJjY1ZlcnNpb24iOiIyLjIuMC4wIiwib3JnYW5pc2F0aW9uSWQiOiI2M2FiZTdiYi1hYjJiLTRlMTktYmFlZC0xNmM5Y2JmZjBmMmEiLCJzb3VyY2VQcm9kdWN0Ijoic2FnZS5icmF6aWwub25lIiwia2lkIj25lIioiNa2la2lkI

        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/name",
        "value" : "My company"

This request sets the value of the name parameter to My company. It updates the company whose unique ID is 72fb2b54-8687-417e-a2b4-e59e2c7507d9.

Update company address

PATCH /auth-v1/companies/72fb2b54-8687-417e-a2b4-e59e2c7507d9 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ.eyJjY1ZlcnNpb24iOiIyLjIuMC4wIiwib3JnYW5pc2F0aW9uSWQiOiI2M2FiZTdiYi1hYjJiLTRlMTktYmFlZC0xNmM5Y2JmZjBmMmEiLCJzb3VyY2VQcm9kdWN0Ijoic2FnZS5icmF6aWwub25lIiwia2lkIj25lIioiNa2la2lkI

        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/address/addressLine1",
        "value" : "Address line 1"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/address/addressLine2",
        "value" : "Address line 2"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/address/addressLine3",
        "value" : "Address line 3"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/address/addressLine4",
        "value" : "Address line 4"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/address/countrySubdivision",
        "value" : "Country subdivision"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/address/postalCode",
        "value" : "Postal code"
        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/address/country",
        "value" : "UK"

This request updates the address of the company whose unique ID is 72fb2b54-8687-417e-a2b4-e59e2c7507d9 as follows:

  • Sets the value of the addressLine1 parameter to Address line 1.

  • Sets the value of the addressLine2 parameter to Address line 2.

  • Sets the value of the addressLine3 parameter to Address line 3.

  • Sets the value of the addressLine4 parameter to Address line 4.

  • Sets the value of the countrySubdivision parameter to Country subdivision.

  • Sets the value of the postalCode parameter to Postal code.

  • Sets the value of the country parameter to UK.