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Property Name Type Description isWritable
_access [_OutputAccessBinding]   no
_customData Json   yes
_sourceId String   yes
_id Id   yes
id String   yes
isActive Boolean   yes
endPointUrl String   no
companyUrl String   yes
link String   no
token String   yes
_etag String   yes
_createStamp Datetime   no
_updateStamp Datetime   no

Custom Queries

defaultInstance : CakeHrConfiguration

getEmployees : [CakeHrConfigurationGetEmployeesReturn]

getEmployee : CakeHrConfigurationGetEmployeeReturn

Property Type Description
id String  

asyncExport : CakeHrConfiguration_Connection_asyncExport

Custom Mutations

bulkUpdate : Boolean

Mutation Type Description
filter String  
data CakeHrConfiguration_Input  

asyncExport : CakeHrConfiguration_Mutations_asyncExport

Custom Type


Query Type Description
id Int  
email String  
first_name String  
last_name String  
picture_url String  
employment_start_date String  
date_of_birth String  
position String  
position_id Int  
reports_to_employee_id Int  
work_phone String  
home_phone String  
mobile_phone String  
gender String  
street_first String  
street_second String  
city String  
post_code String  
country String  
employee_number String  
team String  
team_id Int  
employment_status String  


Query Type Description
id Int  
email String  
first_name String  
last_name String  
picture_url String  
employment_start_date String  
date_of_birth String  
position String  
position_id Int  
reports_to_employee_id Int  
work_phone String  
home_phone String  
mobile_phone String  
gender String  
street_first String  
street_second String  
city String  
post_code String  
country String  
employee_number String  
team String  
team_id Int  
employment_status String