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Property Name Type Description isWritable
_access [_OutputAccessBinding]   no
_sortValue Int   yes
_customData Json   yes
_sourceId String   yes
_id Id   yes
workOrder WorkOrder_node   yes
operationNumber Int   yes
name String   yes
setupTimeUnit UnitOfMeasure_node   yes
runTimeUnit UnitOfMeasure_node   yes
expectedSetupTime Decimal   no
expectedRunTime Decimal   no
expectedBatchCost Decimal   no
expectedBatchRunCost Decimal   no
expectedMachineCost Decimal   no
expectedLaborCost Decimal   no
expectedToolCost Decimal   no
expectedBatchSetupCost Decimal   no
expectedMachineSetupCost Decimal   no
expectedLaborSetupCost Decimal   no
expectedToolSetupCost Decimal   no
actualSetupTime Decimal   no
actualRunTime Decimal   no
actualBatchCost Decimal   no
actualBatchRunCost Decimal   no
actualMachineCost Decimal   no
actualLaborCost Decimal   no
actualToolCost Decimal   no
actualBatchSetupCost Decimal   no
actualMachineSetupCost Decimal   no
actualLaborSetupCost Decimal   no
actualToolSetupCost Decimal   no
resourceGroupNumber Int   no
minCapabilityLevel CapabilityLevel_node   yes
resources WorkOrderOperationResource_Collection   yes
isProductionStep Boolean   yes
status OperationStatus_enum   yes
uStatus WorkOrderLineStatusFiltered   no
isAdded Boolean   yes
startDate Date   yes
endDate Date   yes
plannedQuantity Decimal   yes
completedQuantity Decimal   yes
completedQuantityPercentage Decimal   no
completedTimePercentage Decimal   no
remainingQuantity Decimal   no
operation Operation_node   no
instruction _OutputTextStream   yes
_etag String   yes
_createStamp Datetime   no
_updateStamp Datetime   no

Custom Queries

getDuplicate : WorkOrderOperation

Property Type Description
_id Id  

asyncExport : WorkOrderOperation_Connection_asyncExport

Custom Mutations

bulkUpdate : Boolean

Mutation Type Description
filter String  
data WorkOrderOperation_Input  

updateOperation : WorkOrderOperation

Mutation Type Description
data WorkOrderOperationUpdateOperationData_Input  

asyncExport : WorkOrderOperation_Mutations_asyncExport

Custom Type



Query Type Description
workOrderNumber String  
operationNumber IntOrString  
quantity Decimal  
setupTime Decimal  
runTime Decimal  
actualResource IntReference  
completed Boolean  
workOrderNumber String  
operationNumber IntOrString  
quantity Decimal  
setupTime Decimal  
runTime Decimal  
actualResource IntReference  
completed Boolean