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Property Name Type Description isWritable
_access [_OutputAccessBinding]   no
_customData Json   yes
_sourceId String   yes
_id Id   yes
isActive Boolean   yes
businessEntity BusinessEntity_node   yes
id String   no
name String   no
country Country_node   no
currency Currency_node   no
legalEntity LegalEntity   no
taxIdNumber String   no
siret String   no
image _OutputBinaryStream   no
addresses BusinessEntityAddress_Collection   no
primaryAddress BusinessEntityAddress_node   yes
supplierType SupplierType   yes
standardIndustrialClassification StandardIndustrialClassification_node   yes
paymentTerm PaymentTerm_node   yes
paymentMethod String   yes
primaryContact BusinessEntityAddressContact_node   no
parent Supplier_node   yes
incoterm Incoterm_node   yes
minimumOrderAmount Decimal   yes
certificates SupplierCertificate_Collection   yes
items ItemSupplier_Collection   yes
prices ItemPrice_Collection   no
billBySupplier Supplier_node   yes
billByAddress BusinessEntityAddress_node   yes
payToSupplier Supplier_node   yes
payToAddress BusinessEntityAddress_node   yes
returnToSupplier Supplier_node   yes
returnToAddress BusinessEntityAddress_node   yes
deliveryMode DeliveryMode_node   yes
internalNote _OutputTextStream   yes
category CustomerSupplierCategory_node   yes
postingClass PostingClass_node   yes
purchaseOrders PurchaseOrder_Collection   no
defaultBuyer User_node   yes
intacctSupplier IntacctSupplier_node   yes
_etag String   yes
_createStamp Datetime   no
_updateStamp Datetime   no

Custom Queries

getDuplicate : Supplier

Property Type Description
_id Id  

getDefaultSupplier : Supplier

Property Type Description
item IntReference  
site IntReference  

asyncExport : Supplier_Connection_asyncExport

Custom Mutations

bulkUpdate : Boolean

Mutation Type Description
filter String  
data Supplier_Input  

createSupplierAndCreateOrUpdateBusinessEntity : Supplier

Mutation Type Description
inputBusinessEntity BusinessEntity_Input  
inputSupplier Supplier_Input  
inputSupplierItems # ItemSupplier_Input  
inputSupplierCertificates # SupplierCertificate_Input  

updateSupplierAndBusinessEntity : Supplier

Mutation Type Description
inputBusinessEntity BusinessEntity_Input  
inputSupplier Supplier_Input  
inputSupplierItems # ItemSupplier_Input  
inputSupplierCertificates # SupplierCertificate_Input  

asyncExport : Supplier_Mutations_asyncExport

Custom Type


