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Property Name Type Description isWritable
_access [_OutputAccessBinding]   no
_customData Json   yes
_sourceId String   yes
_id Id   yes
name String   yes
attachmentTemplate _OutputTextStream   yes
attachmentName String   yes
attachmentMimeType String   yes
styleSheet _OutputTextStream   yes
query _OutputTextStream   yes
code _OutputTextStream   yes
report Report_node   yes
isFactory Boolean   yes
isExpertDocument Boolean   yes
reportType ReportType   no
translatableTexts ReportTranslatableText_Collection   yes
baseLocale ReportLocale   yes
defaultPaperFormat ReportPaperFormat   yes
_etag String   yes
externalHtmlTemplate _OutputTextStream   yes
externalHeaderHtmlTemplate _OutputTextStream   yes
externalFooterHtmlTemplate _OutputTextStream   yes
_createStamp Datetime   no
_updateStamp Datetime   no

Custom Queries

getDuplicate : ReportTemplate

Property Type Description
_id Id  

exportTranslations : _OutputBinaryStream

Property Type Description
sourceLocale String  
targetLocale String  
reportTemplates # IntReference  

asyncExport : ReportTemplate_Connection_asyncExport

Custom Mutations

bulkUpdate : Boolean

Mutation Type Description
filter String  
data ReportTemplate_Input  

generateReportSample : _OutputBinaryStream

Mutation Type Description
reportTemplate ReportTemplateGenerateReportSampleReportTemplate_Input  
reportSettings ReportTemplateGenerateReportSampleReportSettings_Input  

importTranslations : [Boolean]

Mutation Type Description
input ReportTemplateImportTranslationsInput_Input  

sendTestEmail : ReportTemplateSendTestEmailReturn

Mutation Type Description
reportTemplateName String  
subject String  
emailAddress String  
testData String  

asyncExport : ReportTemplate_Mutations_asyncExport

Custom Type




Query Type Description
value String  


Query Type Description
_id Id  
isExpertDocument Boolean  
baseLocale String  
styleSheet _InputStream  
externalHtmlTemplate _InputStream  
externalHeaderHtmlTemplate _InputStream  
externalFooterHtmlTemplate _InputStream  
attachmentTemplate _InputStream  
attachmentName String  
attachmentMimeType String  
query _InputStream  
code _InputStream  
translatableTexts [ReportTemplateGenerateReportSampleReportTemplateTranslatableTexts_Input]  


Query Type Description
variables String  
locale String  
paperFormat String  


Query Type Description
value String  


Query Type Description
translations _InputStream  


Query Type Description
isSent Boolean