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API Error Codes

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GraphQL API error codes

HTTP Status code Message
400 //a requested object is missing in the schema
{“errors”:[{“message”:”Cannot query field "x3XXXX" on type "sageQuery". Did you mean "x3YYYY"?”}],”extensions”:{}}
401 //Access token is missing or expired on get graphQL API call
{“message”: “Unauthorised”}
500 //unknown error

Authorize API error codes

HTTP Status code Message
400 //a required parameter is missing
{ message: “Missing required request parameters” }
400 //grant_type has another value as “authorization_code” or “refresh_token”
{ message: “Invalid grant type” }
403 //Disabled app
{ message: “The application registered on Sage Business Cloud is disabled” }
403 //the authorization request is still waiting for an approval of the customer
{ message: “The pairing request has not been accepted.” }
403 //the expired date of the authorization request has expired
{ message: “The request has expired.” }
403 //there is no authorization request related to the code provided
{ message: “Pairing request not found” }
404 //No entreprise management configuration has been found with code provided
{ message: “Could not associate the requested url with an customer application registered on Sage Business Cloud” }
404 //There is no application corresponding to the client_id provided
{ message: “Could not associate the values with an active application registered on Sage Business Cloud” }
404 //There is no application corresponding to the redirect_uri provided or the grant_type is not “refresh_token”
{ message: “Could not associate the values with an application registered on Sage Business Cloud” }
501 //unknown error
{ message: “An internal error occurred: “ + err }
501 //no existing key for the encryption used in the token lambda
{ message: “There is no existing key” }
501 //error during a pairing request deletion
{ message: “Error while deleting the pairing request” }
501 //error during a refresh token storage
{ message: “Error while storing refresh token” }

Token API error codes

HTTP Status code Message
403 //the refresh token has not been found
{ message: “Could not associate the refresh token with an existing token registered on Sage Business Cloud” }
403 //the refresh token will be deleted
{ message: “The refresh token is flagged as to be deleted” }
403 //values are missing in the verified JWT token
{ message: “Missing timing in token” }
403 //token expired
{ message: “Token has expired” }