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Tips and Suggestions

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Test first

Before performing an import, it is best to first test the import using a small subset of the data.

While the TEST functionality does not perform validation against all fields (for example, to validate that a payment term code is on file), it does allow you to verify that the data is being directed to the correct field in the import.

To test the import:

  1. Launch the Imports function
    From the Usage > Imports/exports menu.
  2. Select the Template
    See Determine file location for more information about where to select files from.
  3. Click Test
  4. Choose the import file
  5. Click OK

Once you are confident that your import template is correctly defined, create an import source file for at least one record and run the import. After it is completed, verify the results. Modify the template as needed.

Data references

Be sure that values for data which reference other entities are on file. For example, an imported invoice must reference a valid payment terms code.

Misplaced indicators error

When performing the import, if an error log is generated with the message “misplaced indicators”, it means that the field separator in the import source file doesn’t match the field separator in the template.

Blank name in customer table

If after performing an import to the customers table, the name is blank in the customer table, the issue is probably due to the BPCNAM field being used in the import instead of the BPRNAM field. When importing customers (and suppliers), the business partner record is also created, and the customer name is derived from the business partner name.

Including contacts in an import

When creating an import source file with contacts, be sure to have the first and last name of the contact in separate fields. X3 will write the first name and last name values to the required fields, then build the search key value based on first name + last name.

Telephone numbers

When importing customer & contact telephone numbers, the number being imported cannot contain any formatting and should follow the same rules as data entry (e.g., if you can only enter 10 characters for a phone number in data entry, your import should also import only 10 characters, without formatting). Telephone number formatting is defined in the Countries (GESTCY) function.