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Getting started - Sage X3 Builder metadata introduction and general description

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This section is a step-by-step guide to help you get started on your Developer Studio journey in the world of GraphQL and Sage X3 Builder.

To get you started, follow the example presented on this guide. In this example, a custom field is inserted in an Sage X3 standard table, and the corresponding GraphQL API is tested with the newly created custom field. This field is then inserted in a standard Mobile Automation page and used in operations.

Setting up the Developer Studio

If your Developer Studio is not configured, unzip it in the directory of your choice and open the directory with VS Code.

Edit the xtrem-config.yml file with the right information to connect to the Sage X3 instance.

To finish setting up Developer Studio, you must also configure the Solution and/or Endpoint in Sage X3 with the correct settings for Sage X3 Services URL and Database connection. You can do this in the Services section in the Solution or Endpoints administration function.

You can find more information on prerequisites and how to set up Developer Studio here.

Start developing

After setting up Developer Studio, you can start using the service to test standard APIs or start customizing Sage X3 and testing API extensions.

In this example, a query API is tested with a custom field added to a table. A new field is added in the BoM details table (BOMD: Bills of Materials) and is checked to be present in the API.