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Create a new activity code

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The first step to start custom development within Sage X3 is to create your custom activity code if you do not have one.

In this example, an add-on called EImpact is created. The add-on will help customers track the environmental impact of their inbound logistics workflow. Part of the add-on will involve introducing new fields in some of the master data and purchasing tables, objects, and screens.

Note: Custom activity codes must start with a X, Y or Z.

For this example, let’s create the activity code XEIMP. The activity code is created in Development > Data and parameters > Development setup:

Note: Developer partners may register activity codes and abbreviations with Sage to avoid conflicts with other partner add-ons. This is highly recommended to avoid conflicts at customer sites, as it may result in lengthy reengineering of your add-ons. Refer to your Partner Account Manager for more details.