Less than to read
Create your sub-program (GESASU)
Create your sub-programs with the same parameters as before in X3.
Note: The script must respect the following format:
# APIOPE-TEMPLATE VERSION = 2.0 -----don't change this line
# APIOPE-TEMPLATE DATE = 2023/06/20 -----don't change this line
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# script for API operation xtrem usecase
# label ACTION is mandatory
# ACTION START and END are mandatory
# action COMPUTE_TEMPLATE is an example
# Caution the log is already opened, you don't have to call OUVRE_TRACE
#This Action is mandatory
#here we can define some local variables, open some files.....
#perhaps add some entry points in the future
#This Action is mandatory
#to kill some global variables if needed or other things
# an example
# an example of subprog
Value Char RVAR
Variable Integer RCODE
Please note:
- The header comments are mandatory.
- START and END actions are mandatory.
- Between the START and END actions, you can replace the COMPUTE_TEMPLATE action with your actions and code.
Create your operation (GESAPIOPE)
Once your sub-program is created, you can map it to your node in the API operation function (GESAPIOPE).
- For sub-programs, set the Mutation type field to Custom.
- Set the Operation method field to Script.
- Fill in the Sage X3 operation identifier. The operation identifier must be unique.
- Select the Main node name. This is the node where the operation will be generated.
- Multiple custom operations can be linked to the same node.
- Define the GraphQL operation name to be generated on the selected node.
- As a property name, the operation name must be unique in the node definition.
- The operation name must respect the naming convention (camelCase).
- Select the module of your sub-program operation.
- Select an activity code if needed.
- Mark the operation as active or not.
- Enter a Node binding (request) identifier.
- This identifier is used as a reference for the node bindings records generated for the operation.
- It is initialized by default by the Sage X3 operation identifier.
- Enter a Node name (request).
- It is initialized by default by the GraphQL operation name field, but it can be modified.
- The node name must respect the friendly names naming convention (PascalCase).
- After saving the operation, a transient node is automatically generated in the node bindings tables based on the node identifier and node name.
- This node stores the mapping between the sub-program parameters and the transient properties generated in the main node to build the mutation payload and execute the mutation.
- The transient properties will be added to the main node when the package is generated in VSCode.
- Enter the Package name where the operation will be generated.
- For partners, the package selection is restricted to their specific packages.
- For a script mutation, the node binding response is the same as the node binding request.
- For a custom operation based on a sub-program, the following fields are editable:
- Select your script in the Script field.
- Select the Sub-program field.
- Select the Action to be executed in the script for this operation.
- The following authorizations are possible to select:
- Functional authorization
- Option
Variables and sub-program parameters
- Bindings:
- Once the sub-program is selected, the variables are automatically loaded in the variables grid in the Binding column.
- In the grid, define the Property names to be mapped to the sub-program variables in the node definition.
- After saving the operation, a transient node and its properties are automatically created in the node bindings table based on the node identifier, node name, and property names.
- The transient node is visible in the Node bindings function (GESANODEB).
- The transient nodes and properties are visible in the Bindings dictionary function (GESAAPINOD) under the Script left list.
- In VSCode, the properties will be generated on the node as transient, meaning not linked to the database fields as for regular properties that are bound to table fields (GESATB).
- Parent property
- For object type properties, child properties can be linked.
Example of a mutation
The following example showcases a mutation for a Currency creation: