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Denormalized collections (Indexed fields)

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A denormalized collection name is defined when a table field is indexed (dimensioned).

The Denormalized collection (API) field is mandatory.

  • For table fields with dimension > 1:
  • For table fields with sizing Activity code:

Multiple table fields can relate to the same denormalized collection if they are linked to the same values. However, this can only occur if:

  • They share the same dimension size or the same sizing Activity code.
  • They belong to the same package.

For a node, several properties can share the same property name in the Table definition (GESATAB) if they are defined on different denormalized collections.

In the following example, the property addressLine is defined multiple times because this property is associated with different denormalized collections (fromSupplierAddressLines, shipFromSupplierAddressLines).

The same property name can also be used on a column not linked to a denormalized collection. In the above example, this is represented in the addressLine property of line 14.

To enter a property name already used in another table field, you need to enter the denormalized collection name before you enter the property name.

Note: Make sure to not use the property names of the table’s primary key for a property linked to a denormalized collection. Otherwise, it will throw an error during the build after the generation.

It is possible to view how denormalized collections are bound to a node in the Binding dictionary function (GESAPINOD).