Provider requirements
For a successful integration with the Banking Service API, you need to review the following requirements, and commit to them.
Banking Service capabilities
You must integrate with the minimum Banking Service capabilties. This includes onboarding, post statements, multi-account link and disconnection.
Integration testing
You're responsible for completing comprehensive testing on the integration into Banking Service.
Secure data
Your integration should ensure app credentials and customer data, such as transactions, are stored securely.
Integration maintenance
You're responsible for maintaining the integration and deploying fixes or updates.
Customer support
You need to provide a support process and issue-logging portal to escalate issues from the Sage team.
Get set up
What you need to provide us
Before the development phase, we need your connector API endpoints to add to our database. These endpoints let the Banking Service send and recieve information from your solution. Learn more about the Connector API.
The endpoints we need are:
- /auth – for generating UI to authenticate a customer account.
- /authrefresh – for generating UI to reauthenticate a customer.
- /notification – for receiving calls when events occur on Banking Service (or Provider API) that need the provider’s attention.
- /availableaccounts – multi-account linking is an optional feature that uses this endpoint. It’s adopted by some Sage products to let users onboard multiple accounts at 1 time.
We explain how to implement these endpoints in Stage 3: Integrate.
At this stage, we only need the URLs added to our sandbox database, so you can begin development and testing. You can change the URLs at any time.
Resources we will provide to you
After applying your interest using the form below, you’ll receive these resources:
- Your sandbox credentials (Client ID, Client Secret and API Key).
- A provider-specific Postman environment. This contains your client credentials and keys to allow you run the Postman collections. You can find out more about this in Stage 3: Integrate.
- Communication channels established for support.