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Sage Developer Workspace - Getting started

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Developer Workspace

  1. Log in with your Sage ID. If you do not have one, please create one.
  2. Create a Developer Workspace. Workspace name and email address are required. Address information is not required.
  3. Click your new Developer Workspace to open it.
  4. Click Create App to create a new application. Give it a name to identify it in your workspace.
  5. Click your new application to open it.
  6. Click Add API.
  7. In the Sage Product API dropdown menu, select Sage Intacct.
  8. Enter Redirect URIs and Allowed Origin Domains:
    • This information is required to connect to Postman and the interactive REST API reference.
    • Redirect URIs - Enter the following redirect URIs. Enter these URIs as a comma-separated list:
    • Allowed Origin Domains – Use the following as your allowed origin domain:
    • You can add more URIs and domains to these comma-separated lists, as needed.
  9. Enter your Intacct Web license key and Intacct Web license Password. These are your Sender credentials from Sage Intacct.
    You will not be able to proceed without valid sender credentials.
  10. Click Save to finish registering your client application.
  11. Navigate back to Workspaces to see API usage related to your workspace.


To access API metrics, you must first complete the above steps to create a workspace and register your client application

Click the API Usage button in your developer workspace list to view metrics on how your application is using the Sage Intacct API.

It can take up to 10 minutes for metrics to be available after you bind your Web license key and Intacct Web license Password to your application for the first time.


  • Application ID: This is a pre-filtered report of your sender ID.
  • Company: Filter by company ID.
  • Company Type: Filter by company Type.
  • Year: Filter your report by year.
  • MonthYear: Filter your report by month and year.
  • Date: Filter your report on a specific date.

Marketplace partners:

API metrics should not be used to determine billable API totals.
The intention is to provide insight on usage across companies to help optimize API consumption.
It could be up to 2-3 days before the API metrics reflect actual usage.

Metrics Legend

  • Transaction = A single API record, there could be several records in one request, each record equals a transaction for create, update, and delete operations.
    A query transaction can return many records; each query counts as one transaction.

  • Request = a group of transactions within one payload


Q: What is Redirect URI, Allowed Origin Domain, Client ID and client secret used for?

A: These are used for the Sage Intacct REST API which will be available at a future date.

Q: How often are the metrics refreshed?

A: Once per day

Q: How far back can we report?

A: 4 months

Q: How do I get support for issues with the Developer Workspace?

A: Open a case with support for assistance.

Q: What is a Developer Workspace?

A: A developer workspace is a container that houses client application credentials.

Q: What is an application and why do I need it?

A: An application houses API client credentials. This is where you bind your pre-existing sender ID to your application, which is required to view API metrics for the application.