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Property Name Type Description isWritable
_access [_OutputAccessBinding]   no
_sortValue Int   yes
_customData Json   yes
_sourceId String   yes
_id Id   yes
number String   yes
anyLines BaseFinanceLine_Collection   yes
lines IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeedLine_Collection   yes
importSession IntacctImportSession_node   yes
bankAccount BankAccount_node   yes
intacctId String   yes
entity String   yes
entityName String   yes
accountType String   yes
accountFeedKey Int   yes
transactionId Int   yes
accountReconKey Int   yes
postingDate Date   yes
reconcilitationDate Date   yes
transactionType IntacctRecordTransactionType   yes
documentType String   yes
documentNumber String   yes
payee String   yes
amount Decimal   yes
amountToMatch Decimal   yes
description String   yes
cleared IntacctMatchingStatus   yes
targetDocumentType TargetDocumentType   no
status FeedRecordStatus   no
currency Currency_node   yes
feedType String   yes
account Account_node   yes
storedAttributes Json   yes
computedAttributes Json   no
storedDimensions Json   yes
isPosted Boolean   no
arMatch Json   yes
jsonArInvoices Json   yes
journalEntryNumber String   yes
financeIntegrationApp FinanceIntegrationApp   no
financeIntegrationStatus PostingStatus   no
internalFinanceIntegrationStatus FinanceIntegrationStatus   no
financeIntegrationAppUrl String   no
financeIntegrationAppRecordId String   no
financeDocumentType FinanceDocumentType   no
financeDocumentCreatedNumber String   no
financeDocumentCreatedSysId Int   no
financeDocumentGenerationErrorMessage String   no
paymentDate Date   yes
receiptDate Date   yes
payToCustomerId String   yes
payToCustomerName String   yes
paymentMethod String   yes
_etag String   yes
_constructor String   yes
_createStamp Datetime   no
_updateStamp Datetime   no

Custom Queries

getDuplicate : IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeed

Property Type Description
_id Id  

getMatchLine : IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeedGetMatchLineReturn

Property Type Description
transactionFeed IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeedGetMatchLineTransactionFeed_Input  
matchingRules # IntacctBankAccountMatching_Input  

asyncExport : IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeed_Connection_asyncExport

Custom Mutations

bulkUpdate : Boolean

Mutation Type Description
filter String  
data IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeed_Input  

setCleared : Boolean

Mutation Type Description
recordNo IntOrString  
cleared IntacctMatchingStatus_EnumInput  

searchIntacctData : IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeedSearchIntacctDataReturn

Mutation Type Description
filters IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeedSearchIntacctDataFilters_Input  
intacctImportSession IntReference  
isNewLines Boolean  

asyncExport : IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeed_Mutations_asyncExport

Custom Type





Query Type Description
isMatched FeedLineMatchingStatus  
account Account_node  
tax Tax_node  
location Site_node  



Query Type Description
bankAccount String  
currencyId String  
transactionType String  
startFromTo DateRange  
dateFrom Date  
dateTo Date  
status String  



Query Type Description
isQueued Boolean  
counter IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeedSearchIntacctDataReturnCounter_node  
result [IntacctBankAccountTransactionFeed]_node