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Root API

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In our solution architecture, each region has its root API, for example In the production mode, the regions are, for example, eu-prod, us-prod… A simple curl command or navigation with a browser shows all available endpoints for making API calls:

        HTTPS 1.1 GET
                "customerAccess": {
                        "authorise": "",
                        "token": ""
                "customerUsage": {
                        "folder": "",
                        "graphQL": "{endPoint}/api",
                        "dataIngestion": "{folderName}",
                        "dataDelivery": "{folderName}"
                "apiDoc": "",
                "businessDomains": [

This list contains all available endpoints of the X3. In this guide, these endpoints are divided into different topics to make it easier for you to navigate through:

  1. Authorization and Token Management Endpoints: This reference section explains how to work with our secured endpoints.
  2. Folders Endpoint: This reference section shows how to get all available navigable links of each folder inside X3 storage. Want to know what is a folder? click on this link.
  3. Data Delivery Endpoint: This reference section shows all available operations of Data Delivery Endpoint.
  4. Data Ingestion Endpoint: This reference section shows all available operations of Data Ingestion Endpoint.