Less than to read
Notifications are sent to providers when events occur on Banking Service (or Provider API) that require the provider’s attention. For example, when the authorisation flow completes, a notification is sent to the provider to state that a bank account has been created.
Notifications will always contain “type”. This defines what the purpose of the notification is; and a resource with nested information about the resource involved in the event.
This is triggered when a customer starts the authorisation flow to create a bank account in Banking Service. This notification prepares the provider for a UI redirect to its GET /auth endpoint.
This notification is also sent in the re-authorisation flow, but just to notify the provider of the incoming POST /authrefresh call.
- The identifier of the authorisation. When GET /auth is called, this same authorisationId will be passed; this allows the provider to ensure that the request is valid.
"type": "resourceCreated",
"resource": {
"id": "a7d66d27-e9ab-40b4-850a-447a541ca263",
"type": "authorisation",
"url": "NA"
"additionalData": {
"bankId": "10aaeee6-4691-4443-8198-df39aaa8007c"
This is triggered in the authorisation flow, in response to the POST /bankaccounts endpoint being called into Banking Service.
- The identifier of the newly created bankAccount resource. You will need to store this identifier as it will be used when posting statements.
- additionalData.externalId: The externalId that was provided to Banking Service by the provider in the PATCH /authorisations call.
"type": "resourceCreated",
"resource": {
"id": "36aed119-675f-4507-9da3-06a5914d95ee",
"type": "bankAccount",
"url": ""
"additionalData": {
"externalId": "13b437a2-e0bb-4d06-8dc1-618ea2b6a723:0b035aef-9e1e-406e-9815-06409757f05e",
"requestedStartDate": "2021-06-29T11:05:29Z",
"bankId": "10aaeee6-4691-4443-8198-df39aaa8007c"
This is triggered in the multi-account linking flow, in response to the POST /bankaccounts endpoint being called into Banking Service.
- resource.type: For linking an account with the Multi-account linking flow, the type will be bankAccountFromCandidate.
- The identifier of the newly created bankAccount resource. You will need to store this identifier as it will be used when posting statements.
- additionalData.externalId: The externalId that was provided to Banking Service by the provider in the /authorisations PATCH call.
"type": "resourceCreated",
"resource": {
"id": "36aed119-675f-4507-9da3-06a5914d95ee",
"type": "bankAccountFromCandidate",
"url": ""
"additionalData": {
"externalId": "13b437a2-e0bb-4d06-8dc1-618ea2b6a723:0b035aef-9e1e-406e-9815-06409757f05e",
"requestedStartDate": "2021-06-29T11:05:29Z",
"bankId": "10aaeee6-4691-4443-8198-df39aaa8007c"
This is triggered in the disconnect flow, in response to the DELETE /bankaccount/{bankAccountId} endpoint being called in Banking Service, or when a bank account is removed for other reasons. The identifier of the bankAccount resource being deleted additionalData.externalId: The externalId that was provided to Banking Service by the provider in the PATCH /authorisations call
"type": "resourceDeleted",
"resource": {
"id": "36aed119-675f-4507-9da3-06a5914d95ee",
"type": "bankAccount",
"url": "NA"
"additionalData": {
"externalId": "13b437a2-e0bb-4d06-8dc1-618ea2b6a723:0b035aef-9e1e-406e-9815-06409757f05e",
"bankId": "10aaeee6-4691-4443-8198-df39aaa8007c"
Your solution should respond with a 200.
Retry policy
We do a retry on the delivery of notifications using a liner back off. This occurs for a period of around 15 minutes.
Should there be downtime longer than this, the following can be used:
- Bank account IDs for missed BankAccountCreated notifications could be found via the AccountQueries endpoint.
- Deleted bank accounts could be discovered also via the AccountQueries endpoint returning a status of cancelled.
- Missed authorisation created notification - This would effectively be a failed onboard and the user would have to try again when the service is available.
Securing this endpoint
With the /notification endpoint we can add a custom headerName and headerValue to the request specifiied by you.
Within this request you will also be passed a Sage ID token under the authorisation header which can be verified using the following endpoint:
- Sandbox
- Production
The following is an example of the request headers which would be sent along with this request:
headers: {
accept: 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Bearer **Sage ID Token**',
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
YourKeyHeader: 'YourKeyValue'