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Bank feeds UI

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This guide will walk you through the development requirements for a web-based product integrating with bank feeds UI, for desktop application there is a common component which wraps the web UI making it easier to consume.


Onboarding via the UI is the preferred inetgration method, this is becuase we have handled the complexity of the onboarding flow for different types of connections. This also reduces the need to future maintenace for changes to Brand, logos etc as these are managed centrally by the Sage Network Platform team

API flow diagram

Flow diagram displaying the onboarding flow

Step 1. Obtain an access token

Before integrating with the Banking Service UI, integrate with the Authentication Service.

To work with Banking Service, you need an access token (JWT) from Authentication Service. The JWT is generated using the unique IDs of the organisation (organisationId) and company (companyId). This JWT can be provided as a bearer token for Banking Service requests through the authorisation header: ‘Bearer ‘.

Step 2. Create the common UI URL

Create a bank feeds UI launch URL. This will launch the common UI in an iFrame inside a full dialogue modal window.


QA Environment Sample URL:{JWT}/en-uk/default&defaultCountry=GBR&bankAccountId=984b74e7-d7fd-4753-afbc-dcaadbb55b77&xFrameDomain=

Required parameters

  1. {Environment}
    DEV →
    QA →
    PRE-PROD →
    PROD →

  2. {route} = the value to launch bank feeds onboarding is banking-cloud_choose-a-bank.
  3. {JWT} = the JWT from Sage Network Platform Authentication Service.
  4. {lang} = the language used for display of content translations [for example, en-us, en-uk, fr-fr, fr-ca, es-es].
  5. {UXSettings} = UI experience settings. Preset options are: default, wpb-preview, web-iframe, web-popup, sage-desktop, intacct-banking. This field only changes the UI styling and does not affect any core functionality.
  6. {bcApiRegion} = region for Banking API call, defaults to US. Available options are EU and US.
  7. {countryCode} = the default country code for bank listings. For example USA, GBR.
  8. {productname} = the product the import is initiated from. <!– 9. {bankAccountId} = Bank account ID, for example, 59d4ca99-9da6-476f-ab11-8989e459239b
  9. {bankAccountName} = Bank’s name, for example, Bank of America –>
  10. {currencyCode} = possible value for currency code are: “USD”, “CAD”,”GBP”,”AUD”,”ZAR”,”MYR”,”EUR”,”BRL”.
  11. {xFrameDomain} = the product domain URL. This needs to match the domain which is on the allowlist with your product identifier.
  12. {multipleAccounts} = allow the setup of multiple accounts. Set to true or false. The default is true.
  13. {allowCountrySelection} = display country selection options. Set to y or n. The default is y.
  14. {UiRedirectUrlOnCompletion} = the URL you would like the user to be redirected when onboarding is finished.
  15. {phbankaccountid} = provide a placeholder bank account ID created for the transaction import.

Step 3. Load the URL

Create a full screen dialogue modal and open it when the user selects the transaction import button.

Full screen modal dialog code snippet

<!-- The Modal -->
    <div id="dvFileImportV1" class="modal">
        <!-- Modal content -->
        <div class="modal-content">
            <span class="close">×</span>
                <iframe id="iframeWPBUIFileImportV1" height="850px" style="width: 100%;" src="" allow="fullscreen"></iframe>

Prepare onboarding v1 UI URL and load into an iFrame

    const launchURL = 
    const modal = document.getElementById("dvFileImportV1"); = "block";
    document.getElementById('iframeWPBUIFileImportV1').src = launchURL;

Note: You can test loading the common UI URL in an iFrame on the test page


Step 4. User follows the bank feeds UI

4.1 Find your bank

When loaded in an iFrame the common UI will handle a lot of the onboarding of the user. The 1st step is for the user find their bank in the search. Top banks for the provided default region are shown with a search bar for the user to find their bank.

If the option was enabled with the query parameters a country selection dropdown will also be displayed.

Image displaying a list of banks and a search bar.

4.2 Accept any terms and conditions

Then do this

Image displaying the terms and conditions for users connecting a bank feed.

4.3 Enter your credentials

Then do this

Image showing a screen for user to enter their login credentials.

4.4 Select a single account

The user will be directed to the bank account selection screen. They will be presented with all the accounts in the authorisation they have created. They can then select an account to connect.

2 bank accounts displayed for a user to select.

4.5 Choose transaction start date

The user can select a start date to recieve transactions.

An image showing the UI where a user can select a transaction start date.

4.6 Bank account connected

The user can select Finish on successful connection screen to finish the bank feed connection.

Image showing the bank account connected screen.

Step 5. Handle messages returned from the iFrame

The Banking UI loading in the iFrame will post a message back to the parent window by calling the postMessage() method. To get messages back from the Banking UI, implement the recieveMessage() method as demonstrated:

    function receiveMessage(event) {
        // Add security to ensure you trust the sender of this message
        console.log("MY Data:", event);
    window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);

The following postback results should be handled:

Account added
This message is sent when the bank account has been added to the Banking Service. This occurs when the user selects the finish button on the choose transaction start date screen.

{"message":"AccountAdded","data":{"acccountId":"d308aa18-4dfe-4426-9054-9f3d7c6a78d1", "startDate":"2022-10-11T00:00:00.000Z"}}

Account active
This message is sent when the bank account has been connected to the Banking Service. This occurs when the user selects the finish button on the bank account connected screen.


Onboard cancelled
This is sent when the user cancels during the onboarding journey and does not connect an account.

{ error: "The user cancelled", errorCode: "Abandoned"};

Step 6. Closing the common UI

When you recieve the account active message you can close the UI and return the user to their in-product bank account.

Step 7. Save account details

Store the accountId (bankAccountId) from the post message response. This is needed to make requests for resources belonging to the bank account. Such as getting transactions or for rules management. You need to associate this bank account ID with the in-product bank account the user selected at the start of the onboarding flow.

The bank account ID should be made available for customer support agents to support in troubleshooting and escalation of live issues.


In this walkthrough we covered how to load the bank feeds UI in an iFrame. We have also covered the steps a user would take using the common UI to connect an in-product bank account to bank feeds.

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