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Country code

When making a new transaction import request, each bank account in a transaction import file, must contain a country code, and it must be a supported country code of Banking Service. If the country code is missing for any bank account in the import, then the transaction import will fail.

Supported country codes

Region Supported Country Codes

API type

You’ll see within the supported file formats response an ‘accountsSupported’ field. This shows if the file format supports multi or single bank account importing. This assists Provider API (PAPI) in choosing the correct locking mechanism for the principalId, either at organisation level (multi account) or bank account level (single account). For example, CAMT053 is currently the only file format which supports multi account. This means that the lock will be placed at the organisation level during an import as potentially multiple bank accounts will be imported. This means that should a second import come in for the same organisation, then the import will be queued until the first one has cleared.

apiType: 'single'

Date format

We have a dateStyle field on the import request. You can see which date styles we accept in the below table and which of the 3 values they correspond to.

dateStyle: 'littleEndian'
Date Ordering Format to pick from Seperators Reject Valid Examples Invalid Examples
Little-endian DD-MM-YY - / . Space None Dates which have single digit Day / Month but no sperator; Day or Month in words DDMMYY; DD-MM-YY; DD.MM.YY; DD/MM/YY; DD MM YY; DDMMYYY; DD-MM-YYYY; DD.MM.YYYY; DD/MM/YYYY; DD MM YYYY; D-M-YY; D.M.YY; D/M/YY; D M YY;D-M-YYYY; D.M.YYYY; D/M/YYYY; D M YYYY; DMYY, DMMYY, DDMYY, DMYYYY, DMMYYYY, DDMYYYY anything with Day, or Month in words
Middle-endian MM-DD-YY - / . Space None Dates which have single digit Day / Month but no sperator; Day or Month in words MMDDYY; MM-DD-YY; MM.DD.YY; MM/DD/YY; MM DD YY; MMDDYYYY; MM-DD-YYYY; MM.DD.YYYY; MM/DD/YYYY; MM DD YYYY; M-D-YY; M.D.YY; M/D/YY; M D YY; M-D-YYYY; M.D.YYYY; M/D/YYYY; M D YYYY; MDYY, MDDYY, MMDYY, MDYYYY, MDDYYYY, MMDYYYY, anything with Day, or Month in words
Big-endian YY-MM-DD - / . Space None Dates which have single digit Day / Month but no sperator; Day or Month in words YYMMDD; YY-MM-DD; YY.MM.DD; YY/MM/DD; YY MM DD; YYYYMMDD; YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY.MM.DD; YYYY/MM/DD; YYYY MM DD; YY-M-D; YY.M.D; YY/M/D; YY M D;YYYY-M-D; YYYY.M.D; YYYY/M/D; YYYY M D; YYMD, YYMMD, YYMDD, YYYYMD, YYYYMMD, YYYYMDD, anything with Day, or Month in words