Please note that the Sage Active Public API V2 is available for these Sage Active environnements.

To become a developer for Sage Active Public API V2, you must register as a developer.

  1. With the email address that was assigned to you, identify yourself in Your Sage Active. img

    • Click on Create account.


    • Fill in your information and create your password then confirm. img

    • Enter the code that you will have received by email following the validation of the previous step. img

    • That’s it, your Sage ID account is created, you can now login in Sage Active. img

    If this error appears, you have a Sage sandbox account but your email address is not recognized as a Sage Active user.
    Check that the email address is the one assigned to you. img

  2. From Your Sage Active, choose from the left menu : Configuration / Public API / Application keys


  3. You will start by filling in your contact details:



    The first name, last name and e-mail correspond to the privileged contact who will be put in touch with Sage for all details on the content of the applications that you are going to develop.