Register your company
Please note that the Sage Active Public API V2 is available for these Sage Active environnements.
To become a developer for Sage Active Public API V2, you must register as a developer.
With the email address that was assigned to you, identify yourself in Your Sage Active.
Don’t have a Sage ID account?
Click on Create account.
Fill in your information and create your password then confirm.
Enter the code that you will have received by email following the validation of the previous step.
That’s it, your Sage ID account is created, you can now login in Sage Active.
What to do if Organization not found error?
If this error appears, you have a Sage sandbox account but your email address is not recognized as a Sage Active user.
Check that the email address is the one assigned to you. -
From Your Sage Active, choose from the left menu : Configuration / Public API / Application keys
You will start by filling in your contact details:
The first name, last name and e-mail correspond to the privileged contact who will be put in touch with Sage for all details on the content of the applications that you are going to develop.