Sage Active Sample Quote Management in Action

Discover how to swiftly add sample data to your Sage Active and understand the sample's functionality through this informative video.

Witness a live demonstration of an application that harnesses the power of the Public API.

Import demo data

Discover how then sample quotes app now seamlessly enables the importation of a comprehensive set of demo data into your current company, should it find the data vaults empty.

A simple, streamlined process to kickstart your experience with fully populated data!

Jumpstart your journey with Sage Active Public API V1!

Our custom-designed sample application is a boon for developers looking to harness Sage Active Public API.

It enables swift quote generation through user-friendly templates – just input quantities and you’re set.
It allows the import of a demonstration dataset specific to each legislation (FR, ES, or DE).
This application isn’t just about ease; it’s a practical starting point, guiding you through implementing the API efficiently in real-world scenarios.

Test the app and then customize it to your liking!

This app is provided as an example and is connected to Sage Active Stage solely for testing purposes.
It is intended to illustrate a use case of Sage Active Public API V1.

You are free to adapt it, draw inspiration from it, and use the source code to develop your own app that you can then deploy on Sage Active environnements.

But first, you can test it online with just a click.

Discover a summary of its features below, optionally configure your Sage Active to take full advantage of the app, and then try it out without delay.

Sample quotes / 1. Sage Active Configuration (Optional)
Sample quotes / 2. Test the app Online



This application is a frontend application that communicates with Sage Active Public API via a backend proxy responsible for redirecting API calls.
It manages user authentication processes and user roles, securing access to the public API.

It facilitates easy creation of quotes using templates, applicable to both clients registered in Sage Active and leads, enabling users to view, modify, or delete these quotes. Additionally, the app permits importing a demonstration dataset tailored to each specific legislation, such as FR, ES, or DE.


Here are the functional and technical advantages of this application: