HTTP Operation Type Object DTO Why-DTOs?
Mutation createCustomer CustomerCreateGLDtoInput
Mutation updateCustomer CustomerUpdateGLDtoInput
Mutation deleteCustomer CustomerDeleteGLDtoInput
Query customers filtered by id Why?  
Query customers  


Customer management.

Allows the identification of a third-party Customer within an organization.
It offers the option to add contacts within the Customer and their details, as well as define the Customer’s default payment conditions.

Every Customer must have a code, which, depending on the organization’s settings, can be manually entered or automatically generated.
In the DE (German) legislation, automatic numbering is mandatory.


Specific rules pertaining to a legislation and/or the Customer’s country.

Creating a Customer record involves multiple variables, including the legislation FR, ES or DE and the country of the Customer :

  • Legislation-Specific Fields
    Certain mandatory fields will depend on the legislation you are operating under (FR, ES or DE).

  • Country of the Customer
    Understanding the country of the Customer is crucial as it introduces additional variables that can affect the mandatory and optional fields needed for Customer creation.

    • Same as Operating Legislation: If the Customer’s country is the same as your operating legislation.
    • Member of VIES: If the Customer’s country is different from your operating legislation and is a member of the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES).
    • Different from Legislation and VIES: If the Customer’s country doesn’t fall under your operating legislation and is not a member of VIES.
Common rules
  • countryIsoCodeAlpha2 is a simple alternative to assign the country of the address by using the ISO2 code directly, rather than the country ID in the Countries resource.
  • code is optional if the automatic numbering option (Sequence number) is enabled for the Customer resource.
    However, it can be set to enforce a specific value instead of requesting the assignment of a new sequential number.
  • documentType allows you to define the type of identification document for the Customer.
    It is automatically set by default based on the legislation and country, and, with few exceptions, does not need to be filled in during creation.
Examples of Creation
  • Below, for each legislation FR, ES and DE, the specific rules and differences depending on the Customer’s country.

  • These examples assume that automatic numbering for the Customer resource is not inactive in Sequence Numbers, otherwise it is a mandatory value.
    So the Code field is not provided. However, you always have the option to assign specific values.
  • These examples focus on the differences according to legislations and countries, they do not include the addition of contacts or payment conditions.
    You can find more comprehensive examples that include adding contacts and payment conditions in the Postman collection Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman.

  • To assist you in testing creations with valid documentId, you can use the generator for random identification numbers that are consistent with the rules.

    DocumentId generator for your tests in legislation

    graphQL Mutation
    mutation ($values: CustomerCreateGLDtoInput!) {  
        createCustomer(input: $values) {
    Legislation = FR -> Country of Customer = FR
    • The documentId field corresponds to the SIRET or SIREN number. This value is not mandatory.
    • For the qualification of the Customer, it is recommended to assign the VATNumber.
      "values": {
        "socialName": "DUPONT SA",
        "tradeName": "Dupont",
        "documentId": "323456789",
        "vatNumber": "FR33323456789",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "72 rue Joffre",
            "city": "PARIS",
            "zipCode": "75001",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "FR"
    Legislation = FR -> Country of Customer = member of VIES and not FR
    • The documentId field is not mandatory.
    • For the qualification of the Customer, it is recommended to assign the VATNumber.
    • For the particular case of Northern Ireland countryIsoCodeAlpha2 should contain XI and not GB
      "values": {
        "socialName": "BelgiumCorp SA",
        "tradeName": "BelgiumCorp",
        "vatNumber": "BE1489052515",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "1 Grand Place",
            "city": "BRUXELLES",
            "zipCode": "1000",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "BE"

    Legislation = FR -> Country of Customer is neither FR nor VIES

    • The documentId field is not mandatory.
    • The VATNumber field is not used.
      "values": {
        "socialName": "Smiths Corporation",
        "tradeName": "Smiths",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "456 Oak S",
            "city": "NEW YORK",
            "zipCode": "10001",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "US"
    Legislation = ES -> Country of Customer = ES
    • The documentId field corresponds to the NIF or DNI or NIE number. This value is mandatory.
    • For the qualification of the Customer, it is recommended to assign the VATNumber.
      "values": {
        "socialName": "Martinez SA",
        "tradeName": "Martinez",
        "documentId": "Z4660201S",
        "vatNumber": "ESZ4660201S",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "Calle Mayor 10",
            "city": "MADRID",
            "zipCode": "28001",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "ES"
    Legislation = ES -> Country of Customer = member of VIES and not ES
    • The documentId field is not mandatory.
    • The vatNumber is mandatory.
    • For the particular case of Northern Ireland countryIsoCodeAlpha2 should contain XI and not GB
      "values": {
        "socialName": "BelgiumCorp SA",
        "tradeName": "BelgiumCorp",
        "vatNumber": "BE1489052515",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "1 Grand Place",
            "city": "BRUXELLES",
            "zipCode": "1000",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "BE"

    Legislation = ES -> Country of Customer is neither ES nor VIES

    • If documentTypeId is not mentioned, the document type Otro documento probatorio will be automatically filled in. Otherwise, you can provide an Id of and authorized document type (Pasaporte, Documento oficial emitido en el país de residencia, Certificado de residencia).
    • The documentId field is not mandatory.
    • The VATNumber field is not used.
      "values": {
        "socialName": "Smiths Corporation",
        "tradeName": "Smiths",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "456 Oak S",
            "city": "NEW YORK",
            "zipCode": "10001",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "US"
    Legislation = DE -> Country of Customer = DE
    • The documentId field corresponds to an identification number. This value is not mandatory.
    • For the qualification of the Customer, it is recommended to assign the VATNumber.
      "values": {
        "socialName": "Müsller GmbH",
        "tradeName": "Müsller",
        "documentId": "80715887835",
        "vatNumber": "DE807158878",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "Friedrichstraße 501",
            "city": "BERLIN",
            "zipCode": "10117",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "DE"
    Legislation = DE -> Country of Customer = member of VIES and not DE
    • The documentId field is not mandatory.
    • The vatNumber is mandatory.
    • For the particular case of Northern Ireland countryIsoCodeAlpha2 should contain XI and not GB
      "values": {
        "socialName": "BelgiumCorp SA",
        "tradeName": "BelgiumCorp",
        "vatNumber": "BE1489052515",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "1 Grand Place",
            "city": "BRUXELLES",
            "zipCode": "1000",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "BE"

    Legislation = DE -> Country of Customer is neither DE nor VIES

    • The value of the documentId field is not necessary.
    • The VATNumber field is not used.
      "values": {
        "socialName": "Smiths Corporation",
        "tradeName": "Smiths",
        "addresses": [
            "firstLine": "456 Oak S",
            "city": "NEW YORK",
            "zipCode": "10001",
            "countryIsoCodeAlpha2": "US"
Example of Response
    "data": {
        "createCustomer": {
            "id": "e451aff7-0560-4e72-a6fb-4ea25e9d9c64",
            "code": "3"

Explore Efficient Record Updates: For comprehensive insights into making precise modifications to records, check out our dedicated page on updates : Key concepts / Updating records

Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?


Common to customers and suppliers

Fields Type Description Length
id UUID Id  
modificationDate Datetime Modification date  
creationDate Datetime Creation date  
General Infos      
code String Code customer 17
socialName String customer Name 70
tradeName String Trade Name 70
countryAcronym String Country 2
documentType DocumentType Fields of DocumentType  
documentTypeId UUID DocumentType Id  
documentId String Identification number 25
vatNumber String EU VAT Number 25
defaultAccountingAccount AccountingAccount Fields of AccountingAccount  
defaultAccountingAccountId UUID Ledger general account ID  
businessArea BusinessArea Fields of BusinessArea  
businessAreaId UUID Business areas Id  
nafApeCode String Code NAF/APE 7
comments String Comments 2000
  • NONE
gdprApplied Boolean GDPR action  
gdprAppliedDate Datetime GDPR date action  
disabled Boolean Inactive  
disabledDate Datetime Inactive date  
Addresses / Contacts / payment conditions      
addresses[] Array List of addresses  
contacts[] Array List of contacts  
paymentTermLines[] Array List of payement terms lines  

Specific to customer

Fields Type Description Length
General Infos      
hasEquivalenceSurcharge Boolean Subject to the equivalence surcharge regime  
Sales conditions      
salesDiscountGroup SalesDiscount Fields of SalesDiscount  
salesDiscountGroupId UUID Sales Discount ID  
salesTariff SalesTariff Fields of SalesTariff  
salesTariffId UUID Sales Tariff ID  
discount Decimal Discount Amount  
blockDeliveryNoteEnabled Boolean Block Delivery Note Enabled  
blockInvoiceEnabled Boolean Block Invoice Enabled  
blockOrderEnabled Boolean Block Order Enabled  
  • countryAcronym : ISO2 country code. In creation, it is optional as it is automatically assigned by the country code of the address.

  • documentTypeId : allows you to define the type of identification document for the Customer.
    In creation, it is automatically set by default based on the legislation and country, and, with few exceptions, does not need to be filled in during creation. Otherwise, to assign a value, retrieve the desired ID from document type.
    Country Allowed document types (code name)
    FR 01 SIRET
    VIES not FR 02 TVA Intracommunautaire
    Other 06 Autre document justificatif
    Country Allowed document types (code name)
    ES 01 NIF/DNI
    VIES not ES 02 NIF/IVA
    Other 03 Pasaporte
    Other 04 Documento oficial emitido en el país de residencia
    Other 05 Certificado de residencia
    Other 06 Otro documento probatorio
    Country Allowed document types (code name)
    DE 01 Steur-IdN
    VIES not DE 02 USt-IdNr
    Other 06 Another supporting document

    DocumentId generator for your tests in legislation

  • documentId : Identification number, value formats may differ depending on legislationCode.
    • For a French Customer, you can fill any SIREN of 9 characters or any SIRET of 14 characters.
      The value is not mandatory.
    • For a German Customer, you may enter either a Steuer-IdNr with exactly 11 characters or another value ranging from 11 to 14 characters.
      The value is not mandatory.
    • For a Spanish Customer, you need to fill a valid NIF/DNI/NIE number.
      The value is mandatory.
  • vatNumber : An EU VAT Number is a unique identifier for tax purposes within the European Union, used primarily for cross-border transactions. It starts with a two-letter country code followed by a series of numbers and sometimes letters, varying by country.
    • If the Customer is FR, the VAT number is recommended but not mandatory.
    • If the Customer is VIES but not FR, the VAT number is recommended but not mandatory.
    • If the Customer is neither VIES nor FR, the VAT number is not used.
    • If the Customer is ES, the VAT number is recommended but not mandatory.
    • If the Customer is VIES but not ES, the VAT number is mandatory.
    • If the Customer is neither VIES nor ES, the VAT number is not used.
    • If the Customer is DE, the VAT number is recommended but not mandatory.
    • If the Customer is VIES but not DE, the VAT number is mandatory.
    • If the Customer is neither VIES nor DE, the VAT number is not used.

  • code : Code of the Customer. During creation, it is automatically calculated if the option is not inactive in Sequence Numbers, otherwise it is a mandatory value.
    In any cases, it is still possible to assign it to enforce a specific value.

    Forcing a value allows you to retrieve an alphanumeric code that can already identify the Customer, even if automatic numbering mode is active.

    Forcing a value allows you to retrieve an alphanumeric code that can already identify the Customer, even if automatic numbering mode is active.

    • For this legislation DE, automatic numbering is mandatory and cannot be disabled from Sequence Numbers.
    • If you force a value, it must be strictly numeric and adhere to the rule of a number being between 10000 and 69999 for customers, and between 70000 and 99999 for suppliers or employees.


  • tradeName : Can be used to fill in a shorter name than socialName
  • disabled : If true the third can no longer be used, but will remain in the existing information.
  • defaultAccountingAccountId : Id of the general account in accountingAccount associated with the Customer.
    The subAccountType of the account must be CUSTOMER.

    In creation, if defaultAccountingAccountId is not specified, the account defined in Accounting Configuration will be automatically assigned.

    In creation, if defaultAccountingAccountId is not specified, the account defined in Accounting Configuration will be automatically assigned.

    In creation, if defaultAccountingAccountId is not specified, the account defined in Accounting Configuration will be automatically assigned.

    Caution, as per DE legislation, assigning a defaultAccountingAccountId is mandatory, if a default value is not provided, it will then be necessary to specify in defaultAccountingAccountId the Customer collective account ID.

    Specific to customers

  • blockDeliveryNoteEnabled: Indicates whether the delivery note is blocked for this particular sales order. When set to true, delivery notes cannot be generated.
  • blockInvoiceEnabled: Indicates whether invoices can be generated for this particular sales order. When set to true, invoices cannot be generated.
  • blockOrderEnabled: Indicates whether new orders can be added to this particular sales instance. When set to true, new orders cannot be added.
  • hasEquivalenceSurcharge :

    unused for the French market

    Indicates whether a customer is subject to the equivalence surcharge regime.

    The equivalence surcharge, as applied in Spain, is a form of simplified VAT for retail traders who cannot recover VAT.
    The rates of the equivalence surcharge vary according to the VAT rate applicable to the products, with surcharge rates of 5.2% for products with a general VAT of 21%, 1.4% for products with a reduced VAT of 10%, and other rates for different products or categories.

    unused for the German market


Common to customers, suppliers

Fields Type Description Length
id UUID Id  
creationDate DateTime Creation Date  
modificationDate DateTime Modification Date  
countryId UUID Country Id  
country String Fields of Country  
countryIsoCodeAlpha2 String Country Code 2
countryName String CountryName  
name String Code 50
firstLine String First Line 35
secondLine String Second Line 35
city String Town 35
zipCode String Postal Code 9
province String Province 25
isDefaultDeliveryAddress Boolean Is the default delivery/shipping Address  
isMainAddress Boolean Is the main address  
isDeliveryAddress Boolean Is a delivery/shipping Address  
  • countryIsoCodeAlpha2 : ISO2 country code.
    This field can be used for creation and serves as a simple alternative to assign the country of the address by using the ISO2 code directly, rather than the country ID in the Countries resource.

Specific to customers

  • Delivery / Main Address:

    1. isDefaultDeliveryAddress: Indicates whether the address is the default delivery/shipment address, which is automatically suggested as the shipping address when entering a sales quote.

    2. isMainAddress: Designates the primary address, which is the default choice for the “Document Address” when creating a sales quote.

    3. isDeliveryAddress: In the current version, all addresses are potentially delivery addresses. It is possible to change the delivery address during the sales quote entry process.



Common to customers, suppliers, employees

Fields Type Description Length
id UUID Id  
creationDate DateTime Creation Date  
modificationDate DateTime Modification Date  
  • NONE
  • MR
  • MISS
name String First name (John) 35
surname String Family name (Smith) 35
jobName String Job name 35
jobArea JobArea Fields of JobArea  
jobAreaId UUID Job areas Id  
isDefault Boolean Main contact  
emails[] Array List of emails  
phones[] Array List of phones  
socialMedias[] Array List Social Networking  


Fields Type Description Length
id UUID Id  
creationDate DateTime Creation Date  
modificationDate DateTime Modification Date  
emailAddress String Email address 70
isDefault Boolean Main mail  


Fields Type Description Length
id UUID Id  
creationDate DateTime Creation Date  
modificationDate DateTime Modification Date  
number String Phone 20
  • FAX
isDefault Boolean Main phone  


Fields Type Description Length
creationDate DateTime Creation Date  
modificationDate DateTime Modification Date  
name String Name 30
link String Link 100


Common to customers, suppliers

Payment terms, used to define the list of payment terms for Customer
Example :

Fields Type Description
id UUID Id
creationDate DateTime Creation Date
modificationDate DateTime Modification Date
order Int classification of lines from 0 to n.
paymentMean PaymentMean Fields of PaymentMean
paymentMeanId UUID Id of the payment mean
  • NONE
Type of calculation
value Decimal Value
  • NONE
To calculate due date
day Int Number of days
payDays[] Array optional due days
  • order : If REMAINING_AMOUNT, must always be last with the code 9999.
  • payDays : Array of optional due days. The day contained in the array closest to the number of days defined in day will be used to calculate the Due Date.