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Filters can be used on many index endpoints to narrow the response to only those entities you are concerned about. While some filters are applicable on a wide range of endpoints, many apply only to specific resources. Please refer to the API Reference for details on each endpoint.

General Filters

Changed Entities

To get all resources that have changed since a certain point in time, you can use the updated_or_created_since filter.

GET /sales_invoices?updated_or_created_since=2019-03-19
GET /sales_invoices?updated_or_created_since=2019-03-21T09:23:00Z

This can help you if your applications wants to keep the data in sync with the Accounting servers.

Deleted Entities

Often it’s not enough to just fetch updates on modified resources, but you also need to know which resources are no longer usable in your application.

GET /sales_invoices?deleted_since=2019-03-19
GET /sales_invoices?deleted_since=2019-03-21T09:23:00Z

Date Range Filtering

All accounting operations have a specific date assigned to it. To limit your results only to those resources which fall into a certain time range, you can use one or both of from_date and to_date.

GET /sales_invoices?from_date=2019-03-25
GET /sales_invoices?from_date=2019-02-01&to_date=2019-02-28

Endpoint Specific Filters

Many index endpoints offer filters, which are only usable in the context of the specific endpoint. An example is the visible_in filter for ledger accounts, which lets you narrow the result to only those ledger accounts, which are valid in a certain situation. Please refer to the query parameters section of each index endpoint of the API Reference to see the full list of available filters.