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Sage Network API

Applications and Enrollments

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The Sage Network provides users with a suite of applications they can add to provide powerful financial software automation features. Users can sign up for any of these applications and manage their preferences within the Sage Network. The model for this system is called Applications and Enrollments.

Sage Network Applications

Within the Sage Network, an Application represents a product that a user can add. For example, one Application might connect to their financial system; another application might offer credit scores for customers, and another application might provide dashboards showing financial health.

A user can browse, view, add, and remove these applications from their account using the Sage Network. For a list of applications available within the Sage Network, call the Query Applications API.

Application Enrollments

When a user adds an Application to their account, Sage Network creates an Application Enrollment record. This record contains all the information about this application, its configuration, and its metadata.

At any time, a user can remove this application from their account by calling Delete App Enrollment.