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Sage Network API


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A Company represents a customer, a vendor, or a company within the organization of the account holder. Companies can have parents and children, representing an organizational hierarchy of corporate entities. You can use Companies to track projects and financial data under this Company label.

See Vendors, Customers, and Companies for more information.


The following API methods use this data model.

uuid, read-only

The unique ID of this record, automatically assigned by Sage Network when this record is added to the Sage Network API.

For the ID of this record in its originating financial system, see ErpKey.


uuid, read-only

The GroupKey uniquely identifies a single Sage Network account. All records for this account will share the same GroupKey value. GroupKey values cannot be changed once created.

For more information, see Accounts and GroupKeys.


string, nullable, read-only, 0-512 characters

The URL of this company’s logo, if known.


date-time, read-only

The date this company was created


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who created this company


date-time, read-only

The date this company was last modified


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who last modified this company


uuid, nullable, read-only

The AppEnrollmentId of the application that imported this record. For accounts with more than one financial system connected, this field identifies the originating financial system that produced this record. This value is null if this record was not loaded from an external ERP or financial system.


boolean, read-only

This flag indicates whether the company is verified.


date-time, nullable, read-only

The date this company was last verified.


ViewBoxSettingsModel, nullable, read-only

View box settings for the company logo.


uuid, nullable, read-only

The unique ID of the Service Fabric organisation to which this record belongs.


uuid, nullable, read-only

The unique ID of this record within Service Fabric.

Required Fields


string, 1-100 characters

The short name of the company.



For convenience, this field indicates the top-level parent company. This can be used to jump directly to the top parent in complex organizational hierarchies.



This flag indicates whether the company is currently active. An inactive company should be hidden from the user interface but will still be available for querying.

Optional Fields


string, nullable, 0-100 characters

The unique ID of this record as it was known in its originating financial system.

If this company record was imported from a financial system, it will have the value ErpKey set to the original primary key number of the record as it was known in the originating financial system. If this record was not imported, this value will be null.

For more information, see Identity Columns.


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

This field indicates the type of company. It can be one of a limited number of values: Company, Customer, Group, Vendor, or Third Party. A company that represents both a customer and a vendor is identified as a CustomerVendor.

  • Company - This record represents a company that is part of the organization of the account holder.
  • Customer - This record represents a business entity that purchases things from the account holder.
  • Group - Only one record of type GROUP exists in each account. Contains your account profile.
  • Vendor - This record represents a business entity that sells things to the account holder.
  • Third Party - This record represents a business entity that is neither a customer nor vendor.
  • CustomerVendor - Both a customer and a vendor.


uuid, nullable

If this business entity is part of an organization, this value is non-null and it is set to the CompanyId value of the parent company of this business entity.

If this value is null, this business entity is a standalone.


string, nullable, 0-3 characters

The default currency code used by this business entity. This value can be overridden for invoices in a different currency code.

For a list of defined currency codes, see Query Currencies


uuid, nullable

The Sage Network ContactId of the primary contact for this company.


string, nullable, 0-80 characters

Address info


string, nullable, 0-80 characters

Address info


string, nullable, 0-80 characters

Address info


string, nullable, 0-100 characters

Address info


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

Address info


string, nullable, 0-10 characters

Address info


string, nullable, max 100 characters

Address info


string, nullable, 0-40 characters

Time zone


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

Phone number


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

Fax number


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

Federal Tax ID


string, nullable, 0-10 characters

Dun & Bradstreet Number


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

Indicates the preferred invoice delivery method. Examples include Print, Email, Fax


string, nullable, 0-254 characters

For companies that use a custom domain name for their email system, this is the domain name used by this company. If this value is known, new emails that come in from this domain will be connected to this company.


uuid, nullable

Identifier for classification of this company.


string, nullable, 0-254 characters

Description of the company.


string, nullable, 0-512 characters

Website URL for this company.


email, nullable, 0-254 characters

Company Email Address


string, nullable, 0-100 characters

The public url slug for the Company.


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

State Tax ID


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

The state where the company was registered.


string, nullable, 0-100 characters

Linkedin Url


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

A unique identification number assigned to the company by the national registration office.

Included Collections

These fields are available when using Retrieve or Query API calls if you specify the associated Include parameter.


NoteModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of notes linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify Notes in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a note, use the Create Note endpoint with the TableKey to Company and the ObjectKey set to the CompanyId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


AttachmentModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of attachments linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify Attachments in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create an attachment, use the Upload Attachment endpoint with the TableKey to Company and the ObjectKey set to the CompanyId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


ContactModel[], nullable, read-only

All contacts attached to this company.

To retrieve this collection, specify Contacts in the “Include” parameter for your query.


object[], nullable, read-only

All invoices attached to this company.

To retrieve this collection, specify Invoices in the “Include” parameter for your query. For more information on Invoices, see InvoiceModel.


CustomFieldDefinitionModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of custom fields linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify CustomFieldDefinitions in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a custom field, use the Create Custom Field endpoint with the TableKey to Company and the ObjectKey set to the CompanyId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


CustomFieldValueModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of custom fields linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify CustomFieldValues in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a custom field, use the Create Custom Field endpoint with the TableKey to Company and the ObjectKey set to the CompanyId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


CodeDefinitionModel, nullable, read-only

Classification code definition for this company.

To retrieve this collection, specify Classification in the “Include” parameter for your query.

Deprecated Fields

Deprecated fields are maintained for backwards compatibility with previous versions of the API. Deprecated fields may be removed in a future release of the API.


string, nullable, read-only

The name of the user who last modified this company


email, nullable, 0-254 characters

AP (Accounts Payable) Email Address


email, nullable, 0-254 characters

AR (Accounts Receivable) Email Address