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Sage Network API


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A BatchSyncModel contains a collection of records to load into the Sage Network. Data contained in this batch will be merged with your existing data. Each record will be matched with existing data inside the Sage Network using the Identity Column rules. Any record that represents a new AppEnrollmentId+ErpKey will be inserted. A record that matches an existing AppEnrollmentId+ErpKey will be updated, but only if the data has changed.

A Sync process permits either a complete data file or a partial / delta data file. Sage Network recommends using a sliding time window to avoid the risk of clock skew errors that might accidentally omit records. Best practice is to run a Sync process daily, and to export all data that has changed in the past 48 hours.

Required Fields



True if this is a full sync, false if this is a partial sync. Defaults to false.

Optional Fields


uuid, nullable

The optional existing app enrollment to associate with the data in this batch.


CompanySyncModel[], nullable

A list of Company records to merge with your Sage Network data


ContactSyncModel[], nullable

A list of Contact records to merge with your Sage Network data


CreditMemoAppliedSyncModel[], nullable

A list of CreditMemoApplied records to merge with your Sage Network data


InvoiceSyncModel[], nullable

A list of Invoice records to merge with your Sage Network data


InvoiceLineSyncModel[], nullable

A list of InvoiceLine records to merge with your Sage Network data


CustomFieldSyncModel[], nullable

A list of CustomField records to merge with your Sage Network data


PaymentSyncModel[], nullable

A list of Payment records to merge with your Sage Network data


PaymentAppliedSyncModel[], nullable

A list of PaymentApplied records to merge with your Sage Network data


FinancialYearSettingSyncModel[], nullable

A list of FinancialYearSetting records to merge with your Sage Network data


FinancialAccountSyncModel[], nullable

A list of FinancialAccount records to merge with your Sage Network data


FinancialAccountBalanceHistorySyncModel[], nullable

A list of FinancialAccountBalanceHistory records to merge with your Sage Network data


BaseCurrencySyncModel[], nullable

A list of BaseCurrency records to merge with your Sage Network data