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Sage Network API


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A Contact contains information about a person or role within a Company. You can use Contacts to track information about who is responsible for a specific project, who handles invoices, or information about which role at a particular customer or vendor you should speak with about invoices.


The following API methods use this data model.

uuid, read-only

The unique ID of this record, automatically assigned by Sage Network when this record is added to the Sage Network.

For the ID of this record in its originating financial system, see ErpKey.


uuid, read-only

The GroupKey uniquely identifies a single Sage Network account. All records for this account will share the same GroupKey value. GroupKey values cannot be changed once created.

For more information, see Accounts and GroupKeys.


boolean, read-only

Flag indicating if the contact is active.


date-time, read-only

The date on which this record was created.


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who created this contact.


date-time, read-only

The date on which this record was last modified.


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who last modified this contact.


uuid, nullable, read-only

The AppEnrollmentId of the application that imported this record. For accounts with more than one financial system connected, this field identifies the originating financial system that produced this record. This value is null if this record was not loaded from an external ERP or financial system.

Required Fields



The ID of the company to which this contact belongs.


string, 0-100 characters

The name of the contact.

Optional Fields


string, nullable, 0-100 characters

The unique ID of this record as it was known in its originating financial system.

If this contact record was imported from a financial system, it will have the value ErpKey set to the original primary key number of the record as it was known in the originating financial system. If this record was not imported, this value will be null.

For more information, see Identity Columns.


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

A friendly human-readable code that describes this Contact.


string, nullable, 0-50 characters

The title of the contact.


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

The role code for the contact.


email, nullable, 0-200 characters

The email address of the contact.


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

The phone number of the contact.


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

The fax number of the contact.


string, nullable, 0-80 characters

The first line of the address.


string, nullable, 0-80 characters

The second line of the address.


string, nullable, 0-80 characters

The third line of the address.


string, nullable, 0-100 characters

The city of the address.


string, nullable, 0-20 characters

The state/region of the address.


string, nullable, 0-10 characters

The postal/zip code of the address.


string, nullable, 2-2 characters

The two character country code of the address. This will be validated by the /api/v1/definitions/countries data set


uri, nullable, 0-512 characters

The webpage url of the contact.


uri, nullable, 0-512 characters

The picture/avatar url of the contact.

Included Collections

These fields are available when using Retrieve or Query API calls if you specify the associated Include parameter.


NoteModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of notes linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify Notes in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a note, use the Create Note endpoint with the TableKey to Contact and the ObjectKey set to the ContactId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


AttachmentModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of attachments linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify Attachments in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create an attachment, use the Upload Attachment endpoint with the TableKey to Contact and the ObjectKey set to the ContactId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


CustomFieldDefinitionModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of custom fields linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify CustomFieldDefinitions in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a custom field, use the Create Custom Field endpoint with the TableKey to Contact and the ObjectKey set to the ContactId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


CustomFieldValueModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of custom fields linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify CustomFieldValues in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a custom field, use the Create Custom Field endpoint with the TableKey to Contact and the ObjectKey set to the ContactId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.