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Sage Network API


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A Payment represents money sent from one company to another. A single payment may contain payments for one or more invoices; it is also possible for payments to be made in advance of an invoice, for example, as a deposit. The creator of the Payment is identified by the CustomerId field, and the recipient of the Payment is identified by the CompanyId field. Most Payments are uniquely identified both by a Sage Network ID number and a customer ERP “key” that was generated by the system that originated the Payment. Payments that have not been fully applied have a nonzero UnappliedAmount value, which represents a deposit that has been paid and not yet applied to an Invoice.


The following API methods use this data model.

uuid, read-only

The GroupKey uniquely identifies a single Sage Network account. All records for this account will share the same GroupKey value. GroupKey values cannot be changed once created.

For more information, see Accounts and GroupKeys.


uuid, read-only

The unique ID of this record, automatically assigned by Sage Network when this record is added to the Sage Network.

For the ID of this record in its originating financial system, see ErpKey.


ErpWriteStatuses, read-only

Possible statuses for a record that supports ERP write.


string, nullable, read-only

The name of the ErpWriteStatus for this Payment


date-time, read-only

The date on which this record was created.


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who created this payment.


date-time, read-only

The date on which this record was last modified.


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who last modified this payment.


uuid, nullable, read-only

The AppEnrollmentId of the application that imported this record. For accounts with more than one financial system connected, this field identifies the originating financial system that produced this record. This value is null if this record was not loaded from an external ERP or financial system.


string, nullable, read-only



date-time, nullable, read-only

The date on which this record was last modified in source ERP.

Required Fields


uuid, min 1 characters

The ID of the company to which this payment belongs.


string, 1-20 characters

The type of payment, AR Payment or AP Payment.

Recognized PaymentType values are:

  • AR Payment - A payment made by a Customer to the Company
  • AP Payment - A payment made by the Company to a Vendor


string, 1-25 characters

Cash, check, credit card, wire transfer.

Recognized TenderType values are:

  • Cash - A cash payment or other direct transfer.
  • Check - A check payment.
  • Credit Card - A payment made via a credit card.
  • Wire Transfer - A payment made via wire transfer from another financial institution.
  • Other - A payment made via another method not listed above.



True if this payment includes some unassigned amount that has not yet been applied to an invoice. If this value is true, the field UnappliedAmount will be nonzero.


date, min 1 characters

The date when this payment was received. This typically is the date when an accounting employee recorded that they received notification that the payment had occurred, whether they were notified by email, postal mail, or financial transaction notification.


date, min 1 characters

The date when a payment was posted to a ledger. This date is often determined by a company’s accounting practices and may be different than the date when the payment was received. This date may be affected by issues such as temporary holds on funds transferred, bank holidays, or other actions.



Total amount of this payment in it’s received currency.



Unapplied balance of this payment in it’s received currency. If this amount is nonzero, the field IsOpen will be true.



Is the payment voided?



Is the payment in dispute?



The Currency Rate used to get from the account’s base currency to the payment amount.



Total amount of this payment in the group’s base currency.



Unapplied balance of this payment in the group’s base currency. If this amount is nonzero, the field IsOpen will be true.

Optional Fields


string, nullable, max 255 characters

The unique ID of this record as it was known in its originating financial system.

If this company record was imported from a financial system, it will have the value ErpKey set to the original primary key number of the record as it was known in the originating financial system. If this record was not imported, this value will be null.

For more information, see Identity Columns.


string, nullable, 0-50 characters

Memo or reference text (ex. memo field on a check).


string, nullable, max 3 characters

The ISO 4217 currency code for this payment.

For a list of ISO 4217 currency codes, see Query Currencies.


string, nullable, max 100 characters

Reference code for the payment for the given Erp system.

Included Collections

These fields are available when using Retrieve or Query API calls if you specify the associated Include parameter.


PaymentAppliedModel[], nullable, read-only

All applications this payment is associated with. To retrieve this collection, specify Applications in the “Include” parameter for your query.


NoteModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of notes linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify Notes in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a note, use the Create Note endpoint with the TableKey to Payment and the ObjectKey set to the PaymentId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


AttachmentModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of attachments linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify Attachments in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create an attachment, use the Upload Attachment endpoint with the TableKey to Payment and the ObjectKey set to the PaymentId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


CustomFieldDefinitionModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of custom fields linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify CustomFieldDefinitions in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a custom field, use the Create Custom Field endpoint with the TableKey to Payment and the ObjectKey set to the PaymentId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.


CustomFieldValueModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of custom fields linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify CustomFieldValues in the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create a custom field, use the Create Custom Field endpoint with the TableKey to Payment and the ObjectKey set to the PaymentId for this record. For more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.