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Sage Network API


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The CustomFieldSyncModel represents information coming into Sage Network from an external financial system or other enterprise resource planning system. Custom Fields represent custom data extensions that you can use with the Sage Network. If you need to store extra information about an object that does not match Sage Network’s official schema, you can store it in the Custom Field system using CustomFieldSyncModel.

To store a custom field for an object, create a CustomFieldSyncModel record containing the TableKey and ErpKey of the entity to which you will attach a custom field. Next specify the field’s CustomFieldLabel and either a StringValue or NumericValue.

Once imported, this record will be available in the Sage Network API as a CustomFieldValueModel.

For more information on writing your own connector, see Connector Data.

Required Fields



Indicates what action to take when an existing object has been found during the sync process.



This is the primary key of the record to which you will attach this custom field. You should provide the identifying number as it is stored in the originating financial system. Search for a unique, non-changing number within the originating financial system for this record.

Custom Fields are identified by the TableKey and ErpKey values together.

Example: You have an invoice whose ID number is 100047878, and you wish to store a custom field on that invoice named “ApprovalStatusCode”. For the ErpKey field, specify the value 100047878.

For more information, see Identity Columns.



Custom Fields are identified by the TableKey and ErpKey values together.

Example: You have an invoice whose ID number is 100047878, and you wish to store a custom field on that invoice named “ApprovalStatusCode”. For the TableKey field, specify the value Invoice.

Recognized types include:

  • Company - Link this custom field to a CompanySyncModel
  • Contact - Link this custom field to a ContactSyncModel
  • Invoice - Link this custom field to an InvoiceSyncModel
  • InvoiceLine - Link this custom field to an InvoiceLineSyncModel
  • Payment - Link this custom field to a PaymentSyncModel



A label that uniquely identifies this custom field within your software.

Example: You have an invoice whose ID number is 100047878, and you wish to store a custom field on that invoice named “ApprovalStatusCode”. For the CustomFieldLabel field, specify the value ApprovalStatusCode.

Optional Fields


string, nullable

The value of this custom field.


date-time, nullable

If known, the date when this record was created according to the originating financial system in which this record is maintained. If the originating financial system does not maintain a created-date, leave this field null.


date-time, nullable

If known, the date when this record was most recently modified according to the originating financial system in which this record is maintained. If the originating financial system does not maintain a most-recently-modified-date, leave this field null.

Deprecated Fields

Deprecated fields are maintained for backwards compatibility with previous versions of the API. Deprecated fields may be removed in a future release of the API.


string, nullable

The value of this custom field, if it is stored in string format.


double, nullable

The value of this custom field, if it is stored in numeric format.