• You must have a username/password that allows you to access Your Sage Active.
  • If you do not yet have access to Sage Active, you can subscribe to or try Sage Active here: Subscribe to Sage Active.
  • Boost your app’s visibility by showcasing it on the MarketPlace.


This image outlines two key areas:

  1. Defining your app in your production environment: This part details the initial registration and configuration of your application within your subscribed production environment (FR or ES or DE).
    Here, you will register your app and choose which specific markets (FR, ES, DE, or any combination of these) your app will target and operate in, allowing for flexible application deployment across different regional markets.

  2. Use of your app by customers in various production environments: This section focuses on how your app, tailored to specific markets, is utilized by customers within those chosen environments.
    It shows how customers access your application through the respective public APIs for FR, ES, and DE, ensuring that your app’s functionalities are available to businesses in these specific regions as per your configuration in the first section.

