Languages and Frameworks:

Key Libraries and Tools:

Observations :

Detailed Initialization Process


  1. Start main.js:
    • Execution starts in main.js.
    • Initial setup tasks, like setting global variables and configurations, are likely performed.
  2. Initialize Authentication (authentication.js):
    • Establishes user authentication for Sage Active Public API.
    • Might involve retrieving tokens, setting up session states, and handling user credentials.
  3. Fetch User Profile (userprofile_organization.js):
    • Retrieves user-specific information such as language preferences, associated organization, and other personal settings.
    • This data could be used to customize the user interface and functionality.
  4. Set Up API Connections (publicapi_fetch.js, queries_mutations.js):
    • Configures connections to the backend or external APIs.
    • Prepares GraphQL queries and mutations for data fetching and updates.
    • Sets up endpoints and necessary headers for API communication.
  5. Initialize UI Components (customer.js, products.js, salesquote.js etc.):
    • Constructs the user interface elements, such as menus, forms, and display panels.
    • Initializes event listeners and binds them to UI components for user interactions.
    • Loads initial data into UI components, such as product lists, customer information, etc.
  6. Load Country and Tariff Data (countries.js, tariff_discount.js):
    • Additional data fetching for countries, tariffs, and discounts might be performed here.
    • This data could be crucial for features like pricing, tax calculations, and internationalization.
  7. Application Ready for User:
    • Final checks to ensure all components are loaded and APIs are responsive.
    • The application is now fully operational and waiting for user inputs or actions.


Main functions

Here is a concise summary of the main functions of each JavaScript file: