The information for the upcoming version is still provisional. It is provided to help you anticipate and prepare for any necessary adjustments to your applications.
Detected the following changes (77) between schemas:
⚠ Input field isDefault of type BooleanOperationFilterInput was added to input object type AccountingEntrySessionFilterInput
⚠ Input field isDefault of type SortEnumType was added to input object type AccountingEntrySessionSortInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type CustomerFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type CustomerSortInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type EmployeeFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type EmployeeSortInput
⚠ Enum value CONCEPT was added to enum ProductCategory
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UUID was added to input object type SalesDeliveryNoteCreateGLDtoInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UuidOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesDeliveryNoteFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type NullableOfSourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesDeliveryNoteFilterInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesDeliveryNoteSortInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesDeliveryNoteSortInput
⚠ Input field updateDocumentStatus of type SalesDeliveryNoteAction was added to input object type SalesDeliveryNoteUpdateGLDtoInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UUID was added to input object type SalesInvoiceCreateGLDtoInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UuidOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesInvoiceFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type NullableOfSourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesInvoiceFilterInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesInvoiceSortInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesInvoiceSortInput
⚠ Enum value PAYMENT_IN_ADVANCE was added to enum SalesInvoiceType
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UUID was added to input object type SalesOrderCreateGLDtoInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UuidOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesOrderFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type NullableOfSourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesOrderFilterInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesOrderSortInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesOrderSortInput
⚠ Input field updateDocumentStatus of type SalesOrderAction was added to input object type SalesOrderUpdateGLDtoInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UUID was added to input object type SalesQuoteCreateGLDtoInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type UuidOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesQuoteFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type NullableOfSourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesQuoteFilterInput
⚠ Input field contactJobAreaId of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesQuoteSortInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesQuoteSortInput
⚠ Input field updateDocumentStatus of type SalesQuoteAction was added to input object type SalesQuoteUpdateGLDtoInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type NullableOfSourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceSortInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SupplierFilterInput
⚠ Input field sourceType of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SupplierSortInput
⚠ Enum value CONCEPT was added to enum UnitCategory
✔ Input field AccountingAccountCreateGLDtoInput.accountLevel changed type from AccountLevel! to AccountLevel
✔ Input field AccountingAccountCreateGLDtoInput.accountType changed type from AccountType! to AccountType
✔ Input field changed type from String! to String
✔ Input field AccountingAccountCreateGLDtoInput.subAccountType changed type from SubAccountType! to SubAccountType
✔ Type AccountingEntrySessionsConnection was added
✔ Type AccountingEntrySessionsEdge was added
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type Customer
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type Employee
✔ Type OperationType was added
✔ Type OperationTypeOperationFilterInput was added
✔ Field creationDate was added to object type OperationalNumberPresetText
✔ Field description was added to object type OperationalNumberPresetText
✔ Field isDefault was added to object type OperationalNumberPresetText
✔ Field modificationDate was added to object type OperationalNumberPresetText
✔ Field operation was added to object type OperationalNumberPresetText
✔ Field presetText was added to object type OperationalNumberPresetText
✔ Type OperationalNumberPresetTextFilterInput was added
✔ Type OperationalNumberPresetTextSortInput was added
✔ Type OperationalNumberPresetTextsConnection was added
✔ Type OperationalNumberPresetTextsEdge was added
✔ Type OrganizationSalesSetupGLDto was added
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type PurchaseInvoice
✔ New Query accountingEntrySessions was added to object type Query
✔ New Query operationalNumberPresetTexts was added to object type Query
✔ New Query organizationSalesSetupByOrgId was added to object type Query
✔ Field contactJobAreaId was added to object type SalesDeliveryNote
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type SalesDeliveryNote
✔ Type SalesDeliveryNoteAction was added
✔ Field contactJobAreaId was added to object type SalesInvoice
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type SalesInvoice
✔ Field contactJobAreaId was added to object type SalesOrder
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type SalesOrder
✔ Type SalesOrderAction was added
✔ Field contactJobAreaId was added to object type SalesQuote
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type SalesQuote
✔ Type SalesQuoteAction was added
✔ Field isDefault was added to object type Session
✔ Type SourceTypeOperationFilterInput was added
✔ Field sourceType was added to object type Supplier
✔ Type TaxGroupFilterInput was added
✔ Type TaxGroupSortInput was added
No breaking changes detected
Schema 2025-01
NEWNew Feature Recently Added. (Introduced in the last version as well as in the previous version) This schema represents the version currently deployed in production.
Detected the following changes (82) between schemas:
✖ Argument temporaryPreventAccessValidation was added to directive accessControl
✖ Argument temporaryPreventFeatureValidation was added to directive feature
✖ Field id was removed from object type PostSalesInvoiceOutputGLDto
✖ Type SalesOpenItemLinkagePaidAmountInput was removed
✖ Input field SalesOpenItemSettlementGLDtoInput.salesOpenItemLinkagePaidAmounts changed type from [SalesOpenItemLinkagePaidAmountInput!]! to [SalesOpenItemLinkagePaidAmountGLDtoInput!]!
✖ Field id was removed from object type SalesOpenItemSettlementOutputGLDto
⚠ Input field salesInvoice of type SalesInvoiceHeaderQueryResponseFilterInput was added to input object type AccountingEntryFilterInput
⚠ Input field salesInvoice of type SalesInvoiceHeaderQueryResponseSortInput was added to input object type AccountingEntrySortInput
⚠ Directive cost was added to field
⚠ Directive cost was added to field Organization.tenantId
⚠ Input field onboardingCompleted of type BooleanOperationFilterInput was added to input object type OrganizationFilterInput
⚠ Input field onboardingCompleted of type SortEnumType was added to input object type OrganizationSortInput
⚠ Directive cost was removed from field SalesInvoice.status
⚠ Input field firstDueDate of type DateOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesInvoiceFilterInput
⚠ Input field openItems of type ListOpenItemsFilterFilterInput was added to input object type SalesInvoiceFilterInput
⚠ Input field operationDate of type DateOperationFilterInput was added to input object type SalesInvoiceFilterInput
⚠ Input field firstDueDate of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesInvoiceSortInput
⚠ Input field operationDate of type SortEnumType was added to input object type SalesInvoiceSortInput
⚠ Enum value YEAR_END_PROCESS_PREVIEW was added to enum SourceType
✔ Field salesInvoice was added to object type AccountingEntry
✔ Field number was added to object type AccountingEntryOutputCreateGLDto
✔ Field number was added to object type AccountingEntryOutputCreateUsingCodesGLDto
✔ Field number was added to object type AccountingEntryOutputCreateUsingIdsGLDto
✔ Type CloseSalesInvoiceGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type CloseSalesInvoiceOutputGLDto was added
✔ Field code was added to object type CustomerOutputCreateGLDto
✔ Field code was added to object type EmployeeOutputCreateGLDto
✔ Type ListPurchaseInvoiceLineFilterFilterInput was added
✔ New Mutation closeSalesInvoice was added to object type Mutation
✔ New Mutation createPurchaseInvoice was added to object type Mutation
✔ New Mutation deletePurchaseInvoice was added to object type Mutation
✔ New Mutation postPurchaseInvoice was added to object type Mutation
✔ New Mutation purchaseOpenItemSettlement was added to object type Mutation
✔ New Mutation updatePurchaseInvoice was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field onboardingCompleted was added to object type Organization
✔ Type PostPurchaseInvoiceGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PostPurchaseInvoiceOutputGLDto was added
✔ Field accountingEntryId was added to object type PostSalesInvoiceOutputGLDto
✔ Field accountingEntryNumber was added to object type PostSalesInvoiceOutputGLDto
✔ Type PurchaseInvoice was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceCreateGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceDeleteGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceLine was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceLineCreateGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceLineUpdateGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceLinesConnection was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceLinesEdge was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceOpenItem was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceOpenItemsConnection was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceOpenItemsEdge was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceOutputCreateGLDto was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceOutputDeleteGLDto was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceOutputUpdateGLDto was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoiceUpdateGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoicesConnection was added
✔ Type PurchaseInvoicesEdge was added
✔ Type PurchaseOpenItemLinkagePaidAmountGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PurchaseOpenItemSettlementGLDtoInput was added
✔ Type PurchaseOpenItemSettlementOutputGLDto was added
✔ New Query purchaseInvoiceLines was added to object type Query
✔ New Query purchaseInvoiceOpenItems was added to object type Query
✔ New Query purchaseInvoices was added to object type Query
✔ Field operationalNumber was added to object type SalesDeliveryNoteOutputCreateGLDto
✔ Field openItems was added to object type SalesInvoice
✔ Field operationDate was added to object type SalesInvoice
✔ Type SalesInvoiceHeader was added
✔ Type SalesInvoiceHeaderQueryResponseFilterInput was added
✔ Type SalesInvoiceHeaderQueryResponseSortInput was added
✔ Type SalesInvoiceHeaderType was added
✔ Type SalesInvoiceHeaderTypeOperationFilterInput was added
✔ Type SalesOpenItemLinkagePaidAmountGLDtoInput was added
✔ Field accountingEntryId was added to object type SalesOpenItemSettlementOutputGLDto
✔ Field accountingEntryNumber was added to object type SalesOpenItemSettlementOutputGLDto
✔ Field operationalNumber was added to object type SalesOrderOutputCreateGLDto
✔ Field operationalNumber was added to object type SalesQuoteOutputCreateGLDto
✔ Type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceFilterInput was added
✔ Type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceLineFilterInput was added
✔ Type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceLineSortInput was added
✔ Type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceOpenItemsQueryResponseFilterInput was added
✔ Type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceOpenItemsQueryResponseSortInput was added
✔ Type SimplifiedPurchaseInvoiceSortInput was added
✔ Field code was added to object type SupplierOutputCreateGLDto
Detected 6 breaking changes. See also the Breaking Changes page for business-related impacts.
Schema 2024-09
Caution: This schema is provided for comparison purposes only. It is no longer in production.