Overview API resources
Before diving into this section, it’s crucial to begin with the Quick start guide.
This guide will walk you through the initial steps to set up and understand the Sage Active environments, your developer environment to define your applications, and the general logic of the API.
Starting with the Quick start will ensure you have a solid foundation for using the resources mentioned here effectively.
This section documents the Sage Active Public API V2 objects :
- Business description of each resource,
- resource fields,
- list of authorized enumerations for fields with enumeration,
- relationship with other resources,
- mutations and queries,
- constraints for deletion,
- additional information on the use of certain fields.
Useful Information about GraphQL
In GraphQL, a mutation is an operation that changes data on the server.
It’s similar to the concept of HTTP (for creating), (for updating), and (for removing) requests in RESTful APIs.
Mutations are used when you want to create, update, or delete data and always use the method
On the other hand, a query is an operation used to retrieve data from the server.
It’s analogous to an HTTP request in RESTful APIs but, in GraphQL Queries use always the HTTP method.
Both mutations and queries are defined in your GraphQL schema and are executed using the same mechanism.
The key difference lies in their intended purpose: mutations for data changes and queries for data retrieval.
Unlike RESTful APIs, there are no methods utilized.
In GraphQL, whether dealing with mutations or queries, the HTTP method is exclusively used.
This uniformity simplifies the request handling and aligns with the GraphQL standard practices.
Other important Points
- To see samples of queries and mutations,
download the Postman collection: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman. - Except userProfile and Organizations, it is necessary to mention in the header the X-TenantId (How to find?).
- Except for all operations Common to All Organizations, it is necessary to mention in the header the X-OrganizationId (How to find?).
- In all cases, when making requests, it’s essential to include an Access Token in the header for authentication (How to find?).
- Additionally, remember to always include a x-api-key in the header (How to find?).
- Please note that the Sage Active Public API V2 is available for these Sage Active environnements.
For more information on the environments and their URLs, please refer to Key concepts / Environments. - When you see the symbol in front of the object name in the menu, this means that the object will be processed as an action executed by Sage Active and not in the classic form of queries or mutations.
For example, Document Pdf Preview, Generate Credit Note, Trial Balance require Sage Active to perform a task similar to what a Sage Active user can request via the product interface.
Hot Chocolate
The Sage Active Public API V2 is a GraphQL API and is developed using Hot Chocolate.
Hot Chocolate is a GraphQL server for .NET that helps you create and deploy GraphQL APIs for your applications. It provides a variety of features to ease the creation of GraphQL schemas, manage requests and responses, and secure data. Hot Chocolate is an open-source library and can be used with a wide range of .NET frameworks for web development.
Hot Chocolate filter types
With Hot Chocolate filters, you can expose complex filter objects through your GraphQL API that translates to native database queries.
In the Postman collection: Quick start / 5. Test your first query in Postman, you will find examples of queries using all allowed filter operators.
Also, see in this documentation the guide dedicated to GraphQL Hot Chocolate concepts for Sage Active Public API V2 :
GraphQL Hot Chocolate concepts
Property Documentation Information
Rules Depending on the Current Legislation.
Sage Active exists in 3 legislations: FR
, ES
, or DE
Depending on the current legislation, specific business rules may apply.
The tabs below will allow you to choose a legislation and see the specific rules that apply to that legislation on all pages.
At any time when you see these tabs, you will be able to change the legislation.
Here you will see elements specific to the FR
Here you will see elements specific to the ES
Here you will see elements specific to the DE
Mandatory property values
Properties whose value is mandatory when creating the resource are marked with an asterisk.
The enumerations, identified by bullets, are also fields whose value is mandatory but they are not identified by an asterisk since it will be necessary to choose one of the values of the enumeration.
Examples: socialName is mandatory and identifiable by an asterisk, status is implicitly mandatory because its value can only be NONE, DISABLED, ENABLED, GDPR_APPLIED, and does not need to be identified by a asterisk.
Fields | Type | Description | Length |
socialName |
String | Name | 70 |
status |
Status |
Unmodifiable system fields
Some fields cannot be assigned in creation or modification. They correspond to system information automatically assigned by the application and are identifiable by the letter S in red.
Example: id is non-modifiable system property.
Fields | Type | Description |
id |
String | Id |
Read-only fields
Some fields are read-only
They are identified by the letter R in red.
Example : countryName is a read-only field.
Fields | Type | Description |
countryName |
String | country Name |
Properties cannot be modified after creation
Some fields can be assigned during creation but can no longer be modified.
They are identified by the letter N in red.
Example: code is a property that can be assigned during creation but can no longer be modified afterwards.
Fields | Type | Description |
code |
String | Account code |
Not visible in the product interface
Some fields technically exist but are not visible from the product interface.
They are identified by the abbreviation Inv in red.
Example: code is a property that can be assigned during creation but can no longer be modified afterwards.
Fields | Type | Description |
code |
String | Account code |
Default value
Some fields can be automatically assigned a default value if they are not filled in.
They are identified by the letter D in red.
Example: code is a property that can be assigned during creation but can no longer be modified afterwards.
Fields | Type | Description |
code |
String | Account code |
Field soon to be depreciated
A field may be deprecated in the near future and replaced by another, so it is recommended to anticipate when the depreciation will be active and to update the code accordingly.
These fields are identified by the abbreviation SDepr in red.
Example: allowBlankOrDuplicatedIdentificationNumbersSDepr will soon be depreciated.
Fields | Type | Description |
allowBlankOrDuplicatedIdentificationNumbersSDepr |
boolean | always true |
Depreciated field
A field can be deprecated and replaced by another, so it is imperative to update the code accordingly.
These fields are identified by the abbreviation Depr in red.
Example: allowBlankOrDuplicatedIdentificationNumbers is deprecated and replaced by allowBlankIdentificationNumbers
Fields | Type | Description |
allowBlankOrDuplicatedIdentificationNumbersSDepr |
boolean | always true |