
HTTP Operation Type Object
Query salesInvoiceOpenItems filtered by id Why?
Query salesInvoiceOpenItems

An Open Item is a financial transaction that allows you to know if it has been fully settled or paid.
Each open item includes detailed information such as the total amount, accumulated amount paid, and the payment due date.

For a single invoice, there can be as many open items as there are different payment installments, which is why openItems is structured as an array to accommodate multiple entries per invoice.

The payment status provides insight into the progress of settling each item.
Additionally, the identifier of the payment method used is provided to track the settlement method.


Fields Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier of the item
amount Decimal Total amount of the item
creationDate DateTime Creation date of the item
modificationDate DateTime Last modification date of the item, null if not modified
paidAmountAccumulated Decimal Accumulated amount that has been paid
dueDate DateTime Due date for the payment
Status of the payment
paymentMean PaymentMean Fields of PaymentMean
paymentMeanId UUID Identifier of the payment method used
salesInvoice SalesInvoice Fields of SalesInvoice
salesInvoiceId UUID Identifier of the associated sales invoice
  • amount : Total amount due for the open item.
  • creationDate : Indicates when the item was initially created.
  • modificationDate : Timestamp of the last update to the item, null if no updates have been made.
  • paidAmountAccumulated : Total amount that has been paid towards the item up to the current date.
  • dueDate : Date by which the payment for the item is due.
  • status: Represents the current status of the payment, indicating the extent to which the item has been settled. The possible values are:
    • NOT_SPECIFIED: No specific payment status has been detailed.
    • COLLECTED: Payment has been fully collected from customers.

    • PARTIAL: Payment for the item has been made partially.