HTTP Operation Type Object DTO Why-DTOs?
(Mutation) closeSalesInvoice CloseSalesInvoiceGLDtoInput


The CloseSalesInvoice service allows for confirming a sales invoice, meaning its content can no longer be modified.
This step is essential to proceed with posting the invoice, which generates accounting entries and enables tracking payments associated with the invoice.

After closing, the invoice status changes from Pending (Draft) to Closed (Unposted), making it ready for posting and further financial processing.



Input Parameters

Invoice Details: Specify the details of the sales invoice to be closed.


The service does not return specific fields but confirms that the invoice has been successfully closed.

Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?
GraphQL Mutation
mutation($input: CloseSalesInvoiceGLDtoInput!) {
  closeSalesInvoice(input: $input) {
GraphQL Variables
  "input": {
    "salesInvoiceId": "96771689-53b9-4f4c-add3-40eb31e38254"
Example Response
  "id": "bb8f0f4d-5537-4e29-842d-6b0d9db8abfe"

closeSalesInvoice Input parameters

Fields Type Description Length
salesInvoiceId UUID Unique identifier of the sales invoice  

closeSalesInvoice Response

Fields Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier of the closed invoice