HTTP Operation Type Object
Query paymentMethods filtered by id Why?
Query paymentMethods


Represents the various Banks accounts known as PaymentMethod in the API context and Bank accounts and cash in the product interface.
Each element is associated with a Journal Type and a bank account.
The payment methods are notably used by the Open Items Settlement action.


Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?


Fields Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier for the Payment Method
creationDate DateTime Date of creation
referenceName String Reference name
  • CASH
disabled Boolean If the payment method is disabled
journalType JournalType Fields of JournalType
journalTypeId UUID JournalType Id
subAccount AccountingAccount Fields of AccountingAccount
subAccountId UUID Id of accountingAccount