HTTP Operation Type Object
Query operationalNumberPresetTexts filtered by id Why?
Query operationalNumberPresetTexts


Represents the Operational Number Preset Texts in the API context, used for defining numbering prefixes for different types of sales documents.
These presets provide flexibility in customizing document numbering.

The API resources overview / Organization Sales Setup includes two fields to define the default presets: one for invoices and another for credit notes.


Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?


Fields Type Description
id UUID Id
creationDate DateTime Creation date
modificationDate DateTime Modification date
description String Description of the preset text
isDefault Boolean Indicates if it is the default preset
Operation type related to the preset
presetText String Preset text
  • Description:
    Provides details about the operational number preset text.
  • Is Default:
    Indicates that this preset will be the default prefix proposed when creating a document of the type specified in Operation, such as Quote, Order, Delivery Note, or Invoice.
  • Operation:
    Specifies the type of operation associated with this preset, such as Quote, Order, Delivery Note or Invoice.
  • Preset Text:
    Defines the predefined text or prefix applied to operational numbers.