This feature is currently under development and, although not available in the current version, its preliminary documentation is provided to give you a preview of the enhancements that will be included in an upcoming update.

Only for German Legislation

This feature is only used for Sage Active DE and is not available for Sage Active FR or Sage Active ES.

HTTP Operation Type Object
Query accountingEntrySessions filtered by id Why?
Query accountingEntrySessions


The AccountingEntrySession represents the sessions management used to add identifiable information to your journal entries.
It provides key information such as default status, name, stamp, and whether it has been deactivated.
For example, you can add a session to identify that an entry is part of the year-end closing process or to identify that it is created by a specific user

Key Value
Authorization Bearer Current access Token How to find?
X-TenantId Current tenant id How to find?
X-OrganizationId Current organization Id How to find?
x-api-key Primary or secondary subscription key of your app How to find?


Fields Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier for the session
creationDate DateTime The date and time when the session was created
modificationDate DateTime The date and time of the last modification
isDefault Boolean Indicates if the session is the default session
name String Name of the session
stamp String A unique identifier or marker for the session
deactivated Boolean Indicates if the session is deactivated
  • Is Default:
    Determines whether this session is the default session for accounting entries.
  • Name:
    Provides the session’s name, which may be used as a reference or identifier ((e.g., Automatisch erstellt))
  • Stamp:
    The session name and timestamp (e.g., Automatisch erstellt 12.06.2024 10:20:04)
  • Deactivated:
    Indicates if the session is deactivated and no longer active or usable. When true, the session cannot be used for a new accounting entry.